
Love, Dating and the Confident Gays: Fluffy College Gays series

Part 3




Minjoo and Chaewon were lounging around at Minjoo’s work. She had been given the slow shift again. Actually, Minjoo volunteered. She started to like them since Chaewon would sometimes visit to keep her company. 




‘Eunbi unnie told me something the other day and I just wanted to ask you about it.’ 




‘She said that you are uncomfortable with physical contact and touch. But, I hold your arm all the time, why didn’t you tell me? I’d stop.’ 


Chaewon shrugged. ‘You’re pretty clumsy. I gotta make sure you don’t die.’


‘Oh? But what about you? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.’ 


Chaewon shook her head. ‘It’s fine.’ 


‘It’s not though.’ 


‘I’m serious.’ 


‘And I’m serious, too.’ Minjoo said. ‘You shouldn’t sacrifice your own needs for mine. If you don’t like people touching you then I won’t do it.’ 


‘But, I don’t mind if it’s you.’ 


Chaewon had said it so quickly and Minjoo almost didn’t hear it. Minjoo couldn’t see Chaewon’s face since the girl had turned around but she could just make out the tips of her ears growing red. 


Minjoo blushed slightly. ‘Oh.’ 


Chaewon scratched something on the table. 


‘Anyways, I should probably go home, now.’ Chaewon said. 


‘Okay.’ Minjoo said. 


‘Tell me when you get back to your room or else I’ll come to your dorm to make sure you haven’t been kidnapped.’ 


‘But would that be a bad thing?’ 


‘What, being kidnapped? Of course, it is.’ 


Minjoo shook her head, an amused smile on her face. ‘I meant you coming to visit me in my dorm.’ 


‘Oh.’ Chaewon said. ‘I mean, I guess no. It depends on you.’ 


‘I don’t see it as a bad thing.’ Minjoo said.


‘Good to know.’ Chaewon said.


Minjoo smiled and waved her hand. ‘Good night, Chaewon.’ 


As Chaewon made her way out the exit, she stopped and turned tentatively back to Minjoo. 


‘If you’re free on Christmas next week, I can come visit your dorm, then?’ 


Minjoo’s heart leapt. She’s never had a date for Christmas before. 


‘I’m definitely free.’ 




(‘Hi, is this Kim Chaewon’s room?’ 


‘You’re at the right place. I’m Choi Yena, 2nd year engineering student and her wonderful roommate. She’s out at the moment but may I take a message?’ 


‘Actually, I was hoping I could ask you for a favor instead.’ 


‘I would be honored. How may I be of service, Miss Thang?’ 


‘I need her class schedule.’)




Kriesha wandered around the music department, looking through the practice rooms for Chaewon. She thought talking to her during her practice times would be the best option. 


The problem was, the music department was confusing as hell. 


Kriesha tapped on the door of a practice room to ask for help from one of the students. She only chose this one because she heard her practicing one of her favourite Jessie J songs. 


‘Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could help me?’ Kriesha said when the girl in the practice stopped the music and opened the door for her. 


‘Sure! What’s up?’ The girl said. For someone so small she sure had a deep and raspy voice. And was that a Busan accent Kriesha heard? 


‘Would you happen to know where Kim Chaewon is, right now?’ 


‘Chaewon!’ The girl brightened up. ‘She’s my partner for the songwriting project! Follow me, I know where she is.’ 


‘Thank you, uh…’ 


‘Jo Yuri.’ 


‘Thank you, Jo Yuri. I’m Kriesha.’ 


As they walked down the hallways of the music faculty, Kriesha decided to make use of the fact that Yuri seemed to be close to Chaewon. 


‘So, is it good working with Chaewon? I feel like she’d be hard to work with.’ 


‘It was at first.’ Yuri said. ‘Mostly because our styles of approach clashed a lot. I like to go with the flow while she was always systematic about everything.’


‘Did she argue with you a lot?’


‘No.’ Yuri shook her head. ‘You’d think she would, right? But she just let it happen and I never really could figure out why. Usually musicians are known for being really particular and touchy about their own style. They’re barely open to criticism unless it’s from freaking Beyoncé or something.’


‘Maybe she just didn’t give a .’ Kriesha chuckled. 


She jumped a little when Yuri snapped her fingers. 


‘That’s correct!’ Yuri said.


Kriesha rolled her eyes. Not only was she a rude hot head, but she was also lazy. ‘Why pay for this tuition if she can’t be bothered, then?’


‘No no, that’s not what I meant! She’s a really had worker, don’t get me wrong.’ Yuri said.


Yuri looked so distressed and Kriesha thought she 100% looked like a hamster.


‘I’ve learnt about Chaewon is that she’s actually quite peaceful unless she really felt strongly about a subject.’ Yuri continued. ‘She said she never argued with me because she valued my input.’


Kriesha missed the lovesick look on Yuri’s face. 


‘Has she ever argued with you about anything?’ 


‘Once.’ Yuri shivered. ‘I told her cats are evil and damn did I hit a nerve. Turns out that cats are pretty much her most favourite things in the world. I felt like she was defending them with her life. Man, she was scary, let me tell you.’


Kriesha went silent. 


She flashed back to the time when Chaewon’s eyes were fiery over Kriesha doubting her. She could imagine her defending cats the same way she defended her feelings for Minjoo. 


Open your eyes, Chaewon had said. Back then, Kriesha didn’t understand what she meant by that. Now she knew. 


‘Like, I was a full on dog stan before I met Chaewon but now I think I kinda agree with her.’ Yuri said. ‘Well obviously I still like dogs but cats are literally a gift from God himself and— oh, we’re here!’ 


Kriesha turned to face the girl, not realising she’s been rambling the entire time as Kriesha was lost in her own thoughts.


‘Thank you. Really. You helped me in more ways than one.’ 


‘No problem.’ Yuri smiled. ‘Why were you looking for her anyways?’ 


‘I owe her an apology.’ Kriesha said. ‘And I need to help her with something.’ 




Eunbi clapped her hands in front of the dance team. 


‘Listen up, girlies, I got something important to say.’ 


The whole dance team gathered around their captain. Chaeyeon stood next to her as her co-captain, even though she had no idea what important thing Eunbi was going to announce. It was a Chaeyeon thing. She was good at catching onto things quickly anyways. 


Eunbi waited until everyone was standing in front of her, or at least paying attention to her. 


‘What’s one of the most important rules for this dance team?’ 


Hyewon put up her hand. ‘You have to like taro bread.’ 


‘I—‘ Eunbi began then she shrugged. ‘Well you’re technically right but I was talking about the other rule.’ 


Hitomi’s hand shot up. ‘Don’t go to the bakery after practice without inviting the rest of the team. More importantly, me and Hyewon unnie.’ 


‘No. Well, I mean, yes. But, I’m talking about the golden rule.’ Eunbi said. 


‘Ooh!’ Sakura said. She put up her hand after beginning to speak. ‘Never disrespect any of the other members ult biases or favourite groups or hobbies. Aka Irene.’ 


She shot a warning glare at Nako. 


‘I think it’s to stop making fun of my height.’ Nako said, shooting a warning glare back to Sakura. 


Eunbi sighed. ‘Those are all correct. But that’s not the answer I’m going for. Either than Hyewon’s answer, they all had an underlying factor, what is it?’ 


Eunbi was meant with blank stares. She shot a look at Chaeyeon who looked equally as clueless. 


‘The Golden Rule in the dance team is that we are a family.’ Eunbi said. ‘A family who respects their teammates and wants to make them comfortable with each other.’ 


There was a chorus of ‘ohhhhhs!’ from the rest of the team. 


‘Now, I don’t know if some of you have noticed but Chaewon’s always seemed a little bit reserved.’ Eunbi said. ‘I’ve been slowly trying to get her to open up more and she finally did to me a few weeks ago.’ 


Chaeyeon clapped a bit and Eunbi shot her a nod of thanks.


‘I have news, that I want to share with you guys.’ Eunbi said. She took a deep breath. 


Everyone waited in anticipation. Sakura thought Chaewon was dying. Hitomi predicted something was going on with her family. 


‘Chaewon is sort of a thing with someone, right now. And it looks like it’ll get serious soon. I won’t doubt that they will be dating by the time the new year starts.’ 


The whole dance room erupted chaos. 




‘With who?’ 


‘How long?’ 


‘Please tell me it’s a girl!’ 


‘Oh no! What if Chaewon is dating a m— a ma— a m-ma— ah I can’t say it.’ 


Eunbi silenced them with her hands. 


‘She’s not dating a man, thank God.’ Eunbi said. ‘It’s Kim Minjoo.


Everyone’s mouth fell straight open. 


‘Surprising, right?’ Eunbi laughed. ‘I’m just glad Kim Minjoo likes girls because she deserves more than crusty men.’


‘This is great, and all,’ Chaeyeon said, ‘but why are you telling us this now?’


‘Because,’ Eunbi gazed at the door, ‘Chaewon is coming soon with Kim Minjoo and her friend, and I’m begging you guys to please don’t do anything that will embarrass her or upset her. I’m not the only one who wants her to open up, right?’


Everyone nodded. 


‘Okay.’ Eunbi clapped her hand as she heard Kriesha’s voice echoing through the hallways. ‘I want you guys on your best behaviour, because here they come.’


As the door opened, everyone could feel Eunbi’s eyes on them. They were all about to explode. 


‘Kriesha! Minjoo!’ Eunbi waved to them as they entered the room. Chaewon followed closely behind them. ‘Welcome to our dance practice.’ 


She turned to the rest of the team. 


‘Girls, I want you to meet our new costume designers.’ 


(Technically, it was only Kriesha, Minjoo was only there for moral support. And Chaewon, of course.)




The whole practice, everyone was excited. They were constantly trying to subtly watch Chaewon to see what she would do with Minjoo. Unfortunately, for them, she was too focused on practice to even spare a glance at Minjoo. 


They noticed that Minjoo, however, could not take her eyes off of Chaewon. 


And when Chaewon went over to give a struggling Hitomi extra help during their 15 minute-break , somebody got a little upset. 


Surprisingly, it wasn’t Minjoo.


Actually, it wasn’t just somebody. It was everybody on the dance team. Including Hitomi. 


They were hoping Chaewon would go over to Minjoo and talk to her. Minjoo, bless her heart, didn’t seem to mind. In fact, they could practically see her melting while watching Chaewon coach Hitomi. 


And just like that, practice was starting again.


Chaewon walked to the side of the room to grab a drink of water.


‘You’re working hard.’ Minjoo said. 


Chaewon almost spit out her water because she didn’t hear or see her approaching. 


‘You never told me how good you were at dancing.’ Minjoo pouted. ‘How come I never noticed you before? I’ve watched a couple dance team routines.’ 


‘I guess I’m not working hard enough, then.’ Chaewon said. 


Minjoo’s eyes widened. ‘No, no, that’s not what I meant! I might have just been distracted by Chaeyeon unnie. I mean like how can you not? It’s Lee Chaeyeon.’ 


‘I’m kidding.’ Chaewon said.


Minjoo hit her shoulder. ‘Meanie.’ 


Then she noticed some sweat dripping down Chaewon’s forehead near her hairline. She picked up a towel near her. 


‘You have a little something…’ Minjoo said, dabbing the towel onto Chaewon’s forehead. 


She couldn’t help but freeze a little while she was dabbing the towel as Chaewon was looking at her so softly and endearingly that Minjoo grew shy. She almost dropped the towel. 


Minjoo coughed slightly as soon as she finished. 


‘Thank you.’ Chaewon said. 


‘Yeah.’ Minjoo chuckled nervously. ‘You should probably go back to practice.’ 


‘Sure.’ Chaewon said. 


She looked around the room quickly. Sure enough, all the prying eyes were quickly looking away as if they were just watching the whole exchange. 


Then she leaned in and quickly pecked Minjoo’s cheek. 


Minjoo could only blush, one hand holding the cheek Chaewon kissed as she watched the red head wander back into her position. 


This wasn’t the first time Chaewon’s kissed her cheek. In fact, she did it quite often. It was always at random times like that, when Chaewon couldn’t deal with how cute Minjoo was. Minjoo hasn’t kissed Chaewon’s cheek yet though, she was way too shy. 


Minjoo shook her head. Kim Chaewon was going to be the death of her.




It was Christmas Day and Minjoo had just finished having brunch with her family. And by family that meant her extended family too, her cousins, the random uncles and aunts she didn’t know, the uncles and aunts she did know, and her parents and grandparents were all there. 


It was nice, being able to spend time with family. Though, Minjoo just stuck by Heejin’s side the entire time. 


Now she was back at her dorm, getting ready to meet with Chaewon. 


Chaewon had texted her a picture of her family gathering, which consisted of her mom and her grandparents. Her family gathering was definitely smaller than Minjoo’s but she could still see the huge amount of love they had for each other.


In Chaewon’s mom’s arms was a familiar looking kitten. 


Turned out, Chaewon had all along planned to buy Kuniko for her mom. Her mom lived on her own since Chaewon stayed on campus, and Chaewon couldn’t help but feel bad that her mom was lonely because of her. Her grandparents lived overseas in America and only visited during the holidays. Chaewon also had an uncle and aunt that lived in America and Japan respectively. 


The bengal cat, Chaewon had told Minjoo, was her mom’s first cat and first pet while growing up. She had gotten it when she was 10 and had basically grown up with it. They lived many good years together, it never leaving her mom’s side and listening to all of her struggles, but sadly had passed away when Chaewon’s mom moved away to university and became an adult. Safe to say, Chaewon’s mom felt like that cat was an essential part of her growing up. 


It was cute, seeing how much Chaewon adored her mom. She barely talked about her, but when she did, Minjoo could see she was overflowing with love for her single parent.


(And that made Minjoo fall in love Chaewon even more.)


Just then, Minjoo got a text.


Chaewon: I’m here


Minjoo smiled and opened the door to reveal Chaewon looking cozy in her beanie and large puffer jacket that seemed to be swallowing up Chaewon’s small body. Minjoo thought Chaewon looked like a burrito. 


‘Merry Christmas, Minjoo.’ 


Seeing Chaewon standing there with her bright eyes that always seemed to be smiling at Minjoo, made Minjoo feel like she was the luckiest girl in the world. 


‘Merry Christmas, Chae.’ Minjoo smiled back. ‘Come in. I can make you hot chocolate.’


As Chaewon walked into her dorm room, that’s when Minjoo noticed the guitar on her back. 


‘I didn’t know you play guitar.’ Minjoo said. 


‘I don’t.’ Chaewon’s ears went red. ‘Only one song.’


‘Oh?’ Minjoo poured the boiling water into the mugs. She hissed a little when the water splashed a bit and hit her wrist. ‘What’s the song?’ 


Chaewon had absentmindedly made her way over to Minjoo’s side, cradling her hand and pressing a soft kiss onto the spot that was splashed with hot water. 


‘I’ll show you later.’ Chaewon said. ‘Let me finish this, you go run your hand under cold water.’ 


Minjoo giggled at her clumsiness. She was so used to it by now and it was obvious that Chaewon was used to it too.


When Minjoo came back, she couldn’t help but smile when she saw Chaewon staring out the window and sipping on her hot chocolate. She made her way over to her, wrapping her arms around her waist and leaning her chin on her shoulder. 


‘Cuddly, much?’ 


Minjoo just leaned into Chaewon some more. ‘Leave me alone. I’m just excited to have a date on Christmas for once in my life.’ 


Chaewon was silent for a moment. Then she wiggled out of Minjoo’s arms. 


‘Oh. This is a date?’ Chaewon said. 


Minjoo froze. Had she been reading all of the signs wrong? 


‘I-is it not? Crap crap crap.’ Minjoo started to ramble at 40 miles per second. ‘I’m sorry for assuming things and i realise that I just probably made this super awkward can we just forget this ever happened and—‘ 


Minjoo stopped when she saw Chaewon doing her cute little eye smile. 


‘—and you’re just joking, around you?’ Minjoo sighed. 


When Chaewon let out a tiny giggle when Minjoo started to hit her shoulder. 


‘I’m sorry, you’re just really cute when you’re flustered.’ Chaewon said. She stepped closer to Minjoo and wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her closer. ‘This is a date. I promise.’ 


Minjoo let out a sigh of relief. 


‘Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.’ Chaewon said. She sat on the bed, one hand still on Minjoo’s waist. She pulled her towards her and pat the spot next to her. 


‘What’s up?’ Minjoo said. 


‘Well, um… I’m not really good at this.’ Chaewon played with the fabric of her pants.


‘At what?’ 


Inside the room was still. Everything seemed to just freeze in time and it was just those two sitting with their legs close to each other. 


‘This.’ Chaewon said. ‘Us. The concept of it. What to do.’ 


Minjoo studied Chaewon’s face. She chose not to say anything, knowing it will prompt Chaewon to keep talking. 


‘I’ve never really done this before.’ Chaewon said. ‘I’d reject people because I don’t feel anything for them but with you…’ 


‘With me?’ Minjoo prompted Chaewon with a soft smile. 


Chaewon looked at Minjoo. Really, looked at her. One of Chaewon’s favourite things about Minjoo was how expressive her eyes were. To Chaewon, Minjoo was like an open book. Everything she felt, every thought she thought, Chaewon could see it. 


And she knew that it was the same the other way around.


‘Kim Minjoo, you’re the best thing to ever happen to me.’


Minjoo smiled wider at that. Chaewon was being too much for her heart.


‘You may not remember this but that night at the party? When you asked me if I wanted to buy Kuniko for myself? How did you know?’ 


Minjoo shrugged, ‘I just noticed you really liked him. You did your cute eye smile whenever he was around.’


Chaewon leaned back, smiling satisfactorily. 


‘Most people assume things, wrong things, about me because they don’t know me.’ Chaewon said.


She reached out both hands to tenderly grab Minjoo’s hand, absentmindedly playing with her fingers. Chaewon looked down at their hands shyly.


‘But you were always right about me, even if you didn’t know me. You know what I’m thinking even when I don’t say anything. I never believed in soulmates but after meeting you, the evidence is all there.’ 


Chaewon chuckled slightly to herself making Minjoo smile endearingly at her. 


‘Tell me,’ Chaewon looked back up at her, shifting closer, ‘can you guess what I’m thinking right now?’ 


Minjoo studied the way Chaewon’s eyes were on hers. They were sparkling. 


Chaewon wasn’t smiling with , but her eyes were shining as they stared at Minjoo with so much passion and Minjoo has never felt this much emotion just by someone looking at her. 


Minjoo placed one hand on Chaewon’s cheek. 


‘Yes.’ Minjoo said, pressing her forehead against Chaewon’s with another soft smile. 


I love you. 


I love you, too. 


‘Good.’ Chaewon said. ‘Which brings me to my first present.’


Minjoo watched curiously as Chaewon pulled away to take something out of the zipper of her guitar case. 


‘Do you remember the night of the Christmas party?’ Chaewon said. 


Minjoo nodded. ‘How can I forget?’ 


Chaewon turned around, a mischievous smile on her face. 


‘Close your eyes.’ Chaewon said. 


Minjoo did as she was told and Chaewon couldn’t help but stop and endearingly savour how cute Minjoo looked. She had her eyes closed and smiling in anticipation. 


Minjoo waited. 


‘Okay, you can open them now.’ 


When Minjoo opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Chaewon’s face in front of hers. Then she noticed Chaewon’s arm was in the air. 


Minjoo followed up Chaewon’s arm, to her hand and to the object dangling between Chaewon’s fingers. 


It was mistletoe. 


Minjoo gasped. ‘Is that the same one from the Christmas party?’ 


‘Maybe.’ Chaewon chuckled. ‘You told me to save it for myself. So, do you accept this mistletoe?’


Minjoo didn’t say anything. She just cupped Chaewon’s cheeks and pulled her in closer into a deep kiss. A kiss that’s been building up for a long time. 


It was deep and intense and Chaewon had dropped the mistletoe to hold onto Minjoo’s waist. Somewhere along the way, Minjoo had leaned back to lay onto the bed, pulling Chaewon to follow her. 


Minjoo felt so at home, trapped between Chaewon’s arms while the girl kissed her with so much desperation. 


Both girls were in heaven and their minds were moving so fast that they couldn’t even form coherent thoughts. But it didn’t matter because all that mattered was them. All that mattered in that moment was Minjoo and Chaewon. 


And then Chaewon felt Minjoo’s hand tugging at her shirt. 


Chaewon pushed herself off of Minjoo, one hand on Minjoo’s shoulder. 


‘Wait.’ Chaewon said. 


Minjoo sat up quickly, her eyes widening. 


‘I’m sorry! I got a bit carried away was that too soon? I didn’t know what I was thinking— actually I wasn’t really thinking and I’m sorry if you didn’t like it—‘


Chaewon cut her off by pressing her lips onto hers. 


‘I liked it.’ Chaewon said. Then she lowered her voice a little, ‘trust me.’ 


Minjoo smiled and bit her lip. 


‘I just have one more present to give you.’ 


Minjoo positioned herself so she was sitting cross legged on the bed and her eyes followed Chaewon as she ped her guitar case and pulled out the guitar. 


Chaewon sat on the chair and situated the guitar on her lap. Once she was in position, she scratched her head nervously. 


‘Kriesha said this was your favourite song.’ Chaewon said. ‘I’ve been practicing it. Can I sing it for you?’ 


Minjoo nodded. Honestly, who would even say no?


As soon as Chaewon started plucking the first notes Minjoo couldn’t help but bring her hand to her chest, feeling like it was about to explode. 


But that didn’t compare to the feeling Minjoo got as soon as Chaewon opened to sing. 


All those days watching from the windows
All those years outside looking in
All that time never even knowing

Just how blind I've been

Now I'm here blinking in the starlight
Now I'm here suddenly I see
Standing here it's all so clear
I'm where I'm meant to be

And at last I see the light
And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright

And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you



When the song ended, Minjoo couldn’t help but throw her arms around Chaewon and press her lips against hers. 


‘That’s my favourite song.’ Minjoo said when she pulled away. ‘How did you know that?’ 


Chaewon laughed to herself. ‘Kriesha told me you’ve always wanted someone to confess to you with that song.’ 


‘Kriesha?’ Minjoo couldn’t help but tilt her head in confusion. Since when did they talk?


‘She bombarded my music practice to give me her blessing.’ 


Minjoo nodded. That sounded like Kriesha. ‘Ah, of course.’ 


Chaewon put her guitar down to sit closer to Minjoo and wrap her arms around her waist. She planted soft kisses along Minjoo’s jaw. 


‘I just wanted to give you the fairytale confession you deserve.’ Chaewon said in between the kisses. 


She brought her face up to Minjoo’s, her nose brushing up against hers before she leaned in for another soft kiss. 


‘Anything would be perfect with you,’ Minjoo adjusted Chaewon’s beanie,’ you’re kind of like my own Prince Eugene.’ 


‘Nah, I’m the Imperial Horse who beats his .’ 


Minjoo couldn’t help the huge belly laugh that escaped . It caused Chaewon to smile, a full smile starting from her lips lifting upwards to her eyes crinkling slightly. 


Chaewon kissed her cheek endearingly. 


Then she sat on Minjoo’s lap, a cheeky smile on her face as she gazed at Minjoo.’ 


‘Now,’ Chaewon said, ‘where were we?’ 


Minjoo grabbed the fabric of Chaewon’s shirt, pulling her closer. She ed the top few buttons of Chaewon’s shirt, returning the cheeky smile.


‘It’s my Christmas present for you.’ 






A/N: Got a little spicy there huh SJSJSJS 2kim is the only ship I can write like this because if their dynamic. Annyeongz have that shy baby dynamic and Yenyul are… Yenyul. 


I hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you for supporting me and my stories! Stay tuned for more drabbles from this world, I might write cute things about the three couples as actual couples now sjsjsj not just mutual pining.


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Chapter 3: I need the continuation ARGGHH
HexDee #2
Chapter 3: kriesha should've said "ay putang-" when she reverted to her native language ;) still a good read tho !! 10/10 authornim !!!
Chapter 3: can we have the continuation of that? from what happening rn lolz HAHHAHAHAHAHSHAHAHHA
jenniehearteu #4
Chapter 3: IM SO SOFT
Chapter 3: this is so good, now im crying
Chapter 3: why i want more?!!! and cats! kittens!!! my weakness T.T
i’ve read the whole series, but the yulyen one first so it was a little heartbreaking for me but this 2kim one was so cute lol, never knew they had such a cute backstory in this series
1756 streak #8
Chapter 3: so fluffy!!!!
yrthings #9
Chapter 3: omg i need more this was so fluffy and so good i loved this a lot