The Company

The Company

"This is your next assignment."

I blinked dubiously at the manilla envelope being pushed at me across the desk by my boss, Kim Heechul. Refusing to touch it, I glared at him. "You said that I could have a vacation after  I finished the last one sir." I said slowly. "So excuse me when I say what the . What the !"

Heechul leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up on the desk. "Change of plan, this is an important assignment."

"So what?" I snapped, leaning forward threateningly. "Give it to someone else, Ryeowook just finished his last assignment why can't he do it?"

He put his feet back down on the floor and laced his fingers together on the desk. I could tell he was getting irritated, but I didn't care. "Ryeowook  just got SHOT on his last assignment Cho Kyuhyun, and you are my second best guy. So stop arguing with me and take the envelope."

"It was just a graze!"

Heechul stared at me. "He got shot in the stomach you idiot."

I slammed my fists on the desk. "You promised me vacation time!"

He slammed his fists down as well. "Take the ing envelope or you're fired!"

I slumped back in my chair, said envelope in my hands. "I'm tired of babysitting whiny little girls that don't know the difference between a Glock and a squirt gun!" I complained, reaching in for the contents. "If I have to explain why it's dangerous to not have the safety on one more time, I'm going to shoot someone as a demonstration." I pulled out the picture and froze, confused.

"You don't have to 'babysit' on this one." Heechul laughed, obviously pleased by my reaction.

I turned the picture around so Heechul could see it. "This is a man." I said.

"Very good Kyuhyun, gold star for today!"

I frowned and looked back at the picture. It was a man, unlike all my previous assignments. A feminine looking man, but a man none the less. His hair was dyed blonde and laid slightly to the right, hanging a bit in his dark eyes. He looked as if he was worried someone was going to attack him out of the blue on the street. I narrowed my eyes at the picture before raising them to look at Heechul. "What's the catch?"

Heechul tossed his hair back and relaxed in his chair again. "He's the ex-lover of a certain gang-leader." I groaned, but he ignored me. "When he got dumped, Mr. Choi Siwon got a little upset and put a reward out for his return. Problem is, is that this guy was an undercover cop trying to nail Siwon for possession. He's from a small precinct, and they don't have enough man-power to protect him all the time, so they called me." He leaned forward and looked me in the eye. "This is a big deal Kyuhyun, if we can help nail Siwon for possession AND keep the agent safe, then we get paid for the job, and we'll get paid for putting him away. Not the full amount, but half is good enough for me. Do you understand the situation?"

"You do realize that the feds have been trying to bust Choi Siwon for years and haven't been able to because he keeps killing their agents right?" I asked him seriously.

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Are you saying you can't do it?"

I shot to my feet, envelope in hand. "Hell no, I'll take it. But I want my vacation time after this."

He smirked as I walked out the door. "Good luck."

~ ~ ~

Three hours later I walked into the precinct where my assignment, Park Eeteuk, worked. I looked around, pleased to see that my appearance had frightened some people. I was wearing my intimidation clothes exactly for that reason, since in my line of work intimidation was important. Black jeans, black tank top, and my black leather jacket, and underneath I was armed with six guns and a knife in each boot, totally prepared just in case something happened. A smallish man with a woman face walked up to me, a curious expression on his face.

"Um, can I help you sir?" He asked tentatively, eying the bulk at my hips. "You have a license to carry concealed?"

I nodded. "I'm from The Company, I work for Kim Heechul. My orders say that I'm to protect a Mr. Park Eeteuk." I watched him, expecting to be led to my charge.

He was silent for a few seconds before nodding slowly. "Right, you must be Cho Kyuhyun. Right this way." Not saying a word, I followed him through the building, drawing the eyes of most of the the officers at their desks. He led me to a desk that held the man in the photo, deeply focused on some papers he was studying. "Hyung, that man is here for you." The man jumped and looked up, fear evident in his eyes.

"Oh, Sungmin!" He gasped, placing a hand delicately to his chest. "I thought you meant Siwon!"

The woman-faced man, Sungmin, looked offended. "You really think I would let that guy in here after everything that's happened? I'm hurt!" Eeteuk laughed and waved him off. Sungmin smiled and walked off, leaving the two of us alone. Eeteuk turned his attention to me, his smile dissolving immediately. "So, who are you again?"

I frowned and crossed my arms. "Cho Kyuhyun."

He nodded and went back to his pages. "Have a seat then Cho Kyuhyun, I'm still working." I frowned again and sat down with a sigh, annoyed. While I was watching him work, I wondered about him. He was very strange. His hair and his clothing and even his fingernails were immaculate, but his workspace was a disaster. There were pages everywhere, his pens and pencils were scattered all over the place, and there were balled up notes stuffed in empty styrofoam cups. The two things didn't go together. I didn't understand.

"You just gonna stare at me the whole time?" He asked, not lifting his gaze to look at me.

I chuckled and brushed some imaginary dirt off my knee. "Of course, I'm getting paid to watch you Park Eeteuk." I looked him up and down, causing him to look up.

"What?" He asked, a bit nervous.

I shook my head and leaned forward on his desk. "Oh nothing, just noticing that you are a very attractive man."

He scoffed, but a faint blush colored his cheeks, and it didn't escape my notice. "You're gay?"

"After doing what I do for so long, you realize that women are just a bunch of cranky es." I told him, leaning back in my chair and watching him.

He swiveled his chair towards me, seemingly taking a break from his work. "What exactly do you do?" He asked, his voice soft and friendly.

"Usually I play bodyguard for girls who piss off powerful people who put a price on their head. When on the job one can expect to be seduced and kissed at least once." I ruffled my hair out off my eyes and sighed. "It's really ing annoying. They think they're so attractive, and they try to force themselves on you, and they whine to their hearts content when you reject them. Yes, men are the way to go." I smirked at Eeteuk and stared at him, my eyes smoldering. "What about you?"

He blushed and looked away, drawing my attention to the elegant curve of his neck. "I like women." He was lying. We both knew it. I stared at him for a moment longer and watched as he got more and more flustered. "Okay fine!" He finally admitted. "Yes, I am gay, whatever, I'm allowed to like men if I want to!" He snapped, still flushed as he started stacking his papers violently.

I smirked. "I lied about it at first too." He still didn't look at me as he stuffed his stack of pages in a folder and then into a messenger bag and standing up.

"I'm done for today." He announced to a man at the desk across from him who was entertaining himself by balancing a pencil between his upper lip and his nose. "Tell the chief for me would you Donghae?"

Donghae let the pencil drop from his face onto the surface of his desk and nodded. "Sure thing hyung." He said, brushing orangish-blonde fringe out of his eyes.

I stood up to follow Eeteuk out of the building, so busy scanning the street outside the windows that I nearly collided with him as he stopped in front of another man's desk. "Zhou Mi!" He scolded, startling the man who was busy typing a text into his phone. "Stop texting, you're supposed to be working!"

Zhou Mi pouted and looked back down at his phone. "But I haven't talked to Henry all day!" He whined, going back to typing.

"That's because he's in class!" Eeteuk replied. "If you want a boyfriend you can text all day long then don't date a college student! Besides, you'll see him later, now get back to work." He stared meaningfully at the man until he reluctantly put his phone back in his pocket. Eeteuk nodded in approval and continued on his way out of the building, me following close behind. He started off down the street but I quickly grabbed the collar of his jacket.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked him, amused.

"Uh, home?" He snapped, slapping my hand away.

I shook my head and led him over to my car. "I don't think so, we're taking my car. Get in." I ordered, holding open the passenger side door for him. He glared at me angrily as he sat in the car, gaze not faltering as I moved around the car and got in myself.

"This time is fine because it's already here, but in the future we're walking to and from my work." He said lowly, obviously peeved.

I ignored him for a moment as I pulled out onto the street. "No." I said simply.

He gaped at me. "What do you mean 'no?!'"

"I mean NO. Walking on the street with a rather large figure on your head is a bad idea." I droned the usual speech. "You could get snatched by someone and , tortured, and eventually murdered. And that leads to all sorts of problems for me from your family, usually the cops, and my boss. So you die, I don't get paid, and nobody's happy." I glanced at his face and swallowed a bellow of laughter at his horrified facial expression.

"Is money all you care about?!" He exclaimed.

"Of course it is. I'm just a hired gun, paid to watch stupid people who seem hell-bent on getting themselves killed and who gets tricked out of his vacation time." I growled the last part out. I looked over at him again only to see him looking stunned. "I don't want to be here, and you don't want me here, so just do as I say and don't sneak around and we'll get along swimmingly."

The rest of the drive was silent.

When we arrived at Eeteuk's apartment, he slammed my poor car door hard enough to shake the whole thing, and stalked upstairs without waiting for me. I frowned at his back as he disappeared into his apartment, surprised at his childish behavior as I walked around to the trunk and pulled out my huge duffel bag full of clothes and other essentials. After slinging the strap over my shoulder, I grabbed my other identical bag and slung it over my other shoulder, leaving my hands free to grab my two smaller computer bags. I closed the trunk with my elbow and started making my way up the stairs towards the door I saw Eeteuk disappear into. Only to find it locked.

I sighed and set my bags down carefully before knocking. "Open the door Eeteuk." I snapped.

"No!" Came the reply. "Stay somewhere else!"

"You do know that I will get in there whether you're the one to let me in or not." I yelled, starting to loose my cool. There was no reply and I cursed loudly, Eeteuk probably getting a load of satisfaction from it. Muttering to myself about idiot police officers, I knelt down and opened a compartment on my second duffel bag, drawing out my lock-picking kit. Thirty seconds later I kicked the door open and pushed past an angry Eeteuk to drop my bags on his sofa, turning to pin him against the wall and glare at him.

He looked up at me defiantly, a furious look in his eyes that only just failed to mask the fear. "Listen you." I growled, our faces close together. "Pull another stunt like that and I'll forget about courtesy and just lock you in your room until we catch Siwon, understand?" We glared at each other for bit longer until I released him to go open one of my computer bags, pulling out a small zip-lock bag with tiny cameras inside. As I was walking back out the front door, I stopped and looked at him. "Lock this door, but you better open it when I get back."

Irritated, I exited the apartment and went about to place the cameras around the building, making sure to get a view of the parking lot and surrounding alleys. I placed one outside the elevators, and the top of both the staircases, and outside Eeteuk's door. I returned to my car after that, opening the trunk to pull out the small folding table for my computer. When I was back up the stairs, I knocked forcefully on the door, frowning when it didn't open. I was about to just kick it down when Eeteuk finally opened it, pouting as I walked past him into the living room.

"So, what do we do now?" Eeteuk asked me quietly, curling up on the couch beside my bags.

I grabbed the computer case that had the cameras in it and carried it over to the table I brought in, gingerly setting the expensive laptop in the center. "Just do what you usually do when you're at home. don't change your everyday routine just because I'm here." He watched me silently as I plugged my computer into the wall and set up the small satellite dish by the window.

"Well okay then." He murmured, standing up. "Is ramen okay for dinner?" He asked softly, making me look up from my work in surprise. He was standing by the entrance to the kitchen, his hands clasped in front of him shyly as he looked down at his feet, nibbling his lower lip. I swallowed, caught off guard by his cuteness.

"Yes, that's fine." I replied, tearing my gaze away and checking the camera feeds on my screen. He cooked in silence, and I worked in silence, both of us refusing to look at the other. Once I was sure the feeds were okay, I walked into the kitchen and sat at the small table, watching Eeteuk cook. I swept my eyes over him, noting his trim waist, the smooth curve of his spine, the elegance of his neck, and finally his face. I narrowed my eyes in thought as I stared at him. He was an attractive man, of that I was certain. I had the feeling that the difficult thing about this assignment would be to keep my lust under control, for just thinking about him, flushed and save for the sheet covering his hips in my bed, had me shifting uncomfortably in my chair.

I forced my head clear when Eeteuk sat down across from me, pushing a bowl in my direction. "Here." He said in his small voice, taking up his chopsticks and looking over at me. "There's more if you're still hungry."

I bowed my head to him politely and started slurping up the noodles at a fast pace. In no time my bowl was empty and I was getting up for seconds. As I sat back down, I saw that Eeteuk was watching me in fascination. "What?" I mumbled, already starting in on my full bowl.

"How did you eat that so fast?" Looking down at his own bowl that was still full with his first serving.

I shrugged. "I usually eat at work, and if you eat slowly there your food gets stolen. You learn to eat fast." I proceeded to demonstrate once again by shoveling the rest of the noodles into my mouth at an amazingly fast pace.

We talked while he finished his meal, me sipping a beer and telling him about some people I had protected. He was fascinated by my work, he wanted to know everything about it. He asked me about my boss, and my coworkers, and how I got into the business. The answer was complicated.

When I was a kid, my parents died in a car accident, leaving me and my older brother alone to fend for ourselves. My brother was an adult so he took care of me and we were happy. Until one day when I accidentally pissed off an important person by, ahem, punching his son in the jaw and breaking it. I was only thirteen, and my brother was scared for me, so he went in to apologize for me. And he never came out.

I was alone for a few weeks after that. Confused, scared, and completely at a loss of what to do. Then Heechul found me.

Since I was too young to get a job, I ran out of money fast and resorted to stealing to stay alive. I got kicked out of my apartment, and was living on the streets. A terrible life for a young boy. So when I tried to steal Heechul's wallet one day, he gave me a solid one on the cheek and took me to The Company. By sheer coincidence Heechul's company was what it was, and I learned to protect people so what happened to me wouldn't happen to anyone else.

Once I was done with my story I expected him to pity me and give me the usual "I'm sorry you had to have such a tough time," but instead he smiled at me. He didn't say one word, but that smile was worth a thousand. I think that was when I fell in love with him.

~ ~ ~

The next two weeks went by much like that first day. I took Eeteuk to work in the mornings, bringing along my personal laptop to play StarCraft between my naps, and then took him home, occasionally going to the store to buy food. We had dinner and talked while I waited for him to finish, and then we did dishes together, me washing, him drying. Once all that was done, he went to his room, and I monitored the cameras for most of the night. It was a very easy assignment compared to what I had done before since we got along so well after the initial irritation of having to deal with each other.

At least that's what it looked like.

The reality of the situation was that this was probably the most difficult time of my life. I had never been as attracted to anyone in my entire life as I was to Eeteuk. Everything he did . Even just sitting at his desk at the precinct while he typed and wrote things down and other things just drove me absolutely crazy with desire. Every move of his long, graceful fingers made me wonder what they would feel like pulling my hair and clutching my shoulders as I pleasured him long into the night. Every time he his lips, or pursed them in thought, I couldn't help but think of  kissing and biting them until they were red and swollen. When he tossed his head to get the hair out of his eyes, I imagined the silky strands splayed out on a pillow, his cheeks red, his eyes full of lust...

He was too appealing. He drove me nuts. I even dreamed about him, almost every single night. Whenever I was near him, which was all the time due to my job description, the air was thick with . From my point of view that is. I had no way of knowing if he had any idea that I was fantasizing about him, about ing him so hard that he wouldn't be able to walk, every night. The problem was that I wanted him to know. I wanted him to know how much I was attracted to him, and how badly I wanted him. I wanted him to feel the same way.

And another problem was that Heechul was very close to nabbing Choi Siwon for possession. Which meant that my time with Eeteuk was drawing to a close, much to my displeasure. But because I was an emotional cripple, I was never going to make a move. I had no desire to seduce someone who didn't care for me, and while I still wanted him with a vengeance, I wasn't going to force him.

So when HE made a move, I was shocked.

It was after dinner, and we were almost done with the dishes. I had the sleeves of my dark blue button-up rolled to my elbows, and I was scrubbing the pot Eeteuk used that night while he dried the chopsticks in his t-shirt, which hugged his body nicely might I add. As usual, I was fantasizing about him, and like usual, he was oblivious.

Once we finished, I dried my hands and bowed my head to him as I exited the kitchen and moved to sit at the computer, watching the camera feeds and sipping my beer still. Expecting to hear the sound of his bedroom door closing, I was startled when I heard the sound of him sitting on the couch where I usually 'slept.' I spun my chair around immediately to see him curled up against the tall armrest, watching me shyly.

"Uh..." I mumbled stupidly, awkwardly scratching the back of my head. "Is something wrong Eeteuk?"

He shook his head and pulled his knees tighter to his chest. "No, I just...I'm not tired yet." We sat there in silence for a few moments, probably the first awkward silence we'd had the entire time I'd been there. "Wanna watch a movie?" He suggested suddenly, his cheeks flushing a bit.

I smiled slightly and nodded, standing and moving to sit on the other side of the couch, not sure what to do. A bright smile breaking out on his face, Eeteuk climbed to his feet and shuffled over to the TV, opening the drawer beneath it and firing off movie titles.

"Just pick whatever you want." I told him, leaning back further into the couch and taking a swig of beer. He looked over at me and bit his lip, sending my thoughts out the window and pulling out a random movie without looking. His face fell when he saw the case.

"D-Deathbell?" He stuttered, his eyes wide. He glanced at me, noting the approval in my face, and put the disk into the DVD player, his own face a little pale.

I watched with concern as he returned to the couch, folding himself back up. "We don't have to watch this if you're too scared." I told him, craning my neck to see his face.

He shook his head. "No, you want to watch it Kyuhyun, so it's okay." He said, but his face told me that he didn't want to. But, ignoring my protests, he played the movie anyway and hugged a pillow to his chest, holding it so he could easily duck his head behind it if he got too scared. I watched this with amusement before turning to watch the movie.

He yelped every time something happened, whether it was just the people screaming over nothing, or something that was actually scary, and buried his face in the pillow. Genuinely worried, I moved next to him and placed a cautious hand on his shoulder, trying not to think dirty thoughts. "Eeteuk, do you want to watch a comedy?" I asked him gently.

He raised his head to object, but at that moment something scary happened on the screen and he wailed a bit before latching onto my torso and pressing his face into where my neck became my shoulder. I uttered a rather unmanly squeak as our bodies came into contact and stared blankly forward as he trembled against me. Very awkwardly, I placed my arms around him and timidly patted his back.

"U-Um, Eeteuk?" I choked out, trying to focus on the fact that he was terrified instead of the fact that his lips were touching my skin, and that his eyelashes were tickling my neck. "Are you alright?"

All of a sudden he froze in my arms, as if he had just realized that he was clinging onto me for dear life, and slowly lifted his head to look at me. His cheeks were bright red and his eyes were probably just as wide as mine. His mouth opened in a silent apology and my gaze flew to his lips, watching as his pink tongue darted out to moisten them. Instantly I felt all the blood in my body rush to my crotch, which was bad because he was currently leaning over it and he felt my arousal instantly, causing his face to redden even more, if that was even possible.

I swallowed thickly and tried to calm the mood. "W-What kind of police officer is afraid of a movie?" I forced a laugh, but it was so strained and laced with desire that I was almost embarrassed. I saw his eyes start to get hazy, and I watched as he caught his lower lip between his teeth, staring down at my lips as well.

"I...I should probably go to bed..." Eeteuk whispered, not sounding convincing at all as he clenched my shirt in his left hand, the fingers of the other twirling the ends of my hair at the nape of my neck.

I breathed heavily as my hands went to his waist, curling my fingers around his hips and pulling him onto my lap. "Yeah, you probably should..." I murmured, my breath ghosting over his lips. His eyelids fluttered closed as I kissed him softly. The second our lips came into contact, he melted in my arms. He leaned against me and his hands went around to play with the little hairs at the nape of my neck, making me shiver as his fingertips tickled me slightly. I angled my head and cradled the back of his head in my palm as I slowly laid him down on the couch across my lap, leaning him against the armrest. Our mouths stayed glued together until we absolutely had to take a breath, and when we parted, we stared at each other, gasping for breath.

"Kyuhyun..." Eeteuk breathed, still touching my hair as his eyes searched mine. "I...I want you..." He blushed when he said it, biting the inside of his lips as he waited for me to say something.

In response I leaned down to randomly bite his neck just below his ear, eliciting a startled squeak from Eeteuk, and kissed up to his ear, his earlobe slowly. "Well then prepare yourself." I whispered lowly, sliding my hand under his shirt to caress his abs. "Because this is going to be a long- night."

~ ~ ~

I watched Eeteuk sleep peacefully, the sunlight streaming in through his bedroom window and making his hair look like a halo laid out on my chest. Smiling, I trailed my fingertips over his back, so lightly that the tickling sensation woke him slowly. His eyelashes fluttered as he squinted up at me, unused to the light. I marveled at the beauty presented before me. The sleepy smile, the tousled hair, the soft skin, the kiss-marks that adorned his neck and shoulders, everything about him was beautiful.

"Hi." He whispered, dragging himself up a few inches to nuzzle his face in the right side of my neck, laying his arm across my chest.

"Morning." I chuckled, raising my right hand up to lightly the skin on his shoulder, the other lacing its fingers with his. "Sleep well?"

He smiled and shifted slightly, wincing. "Mmmm, someone kept me up most of the night." He murmured, pressing a kiss to the side of my neck.

I smiled and turned my head to kiss him on the lips, breaking away seconds later and standing up from the bed and stretching. "Time to get up, wouldn't want you to be late for work." He pouted and got up as well, lacing his arms around my waist from behind and resting his head between my shoulder blades as I led him into the bathroom, starting the water. I turned around and kissed him on the forehead. "You shower first and I'll make some coffee." However, as I was exiting the bathroom, he caught my hand, and I turned around to see Eeteuk pouting up at me with those beautiful eyes of his.

"Come in with me?" He asked me sheepishly. I sighed, but nodded and allowed him to pull me into the shower with him, knowing that he would be late for work.

~ ~ ~

"Someone's following us." I whispered to the steering wheel, looking in my rear-view mirror at the black SUV that had been tailing us for a few blocks. Eeteuk stopped mid-sentence and used the visor mirror to see the SUV as well.

He looked over at me, fear coloring his gaze. "What do we do?" He asked, his voice shaking.

I cursed as I realized they already knew where we were headed as they parked at the precinct before we did. "Head down." I ordered as I pulled into my usual space. Pulling out one of my guns, I unlocked the door and looked over at Eeteuk. "Stay here. Call someone inside and tell them to help." He opened his mouth to argue, probably to say that he could help, but I shushed him. "Not only is it my job to protect you Eeteuk, but I love you, and I have to keep you safe, I need you to be safe." His eyes were watery. "Please, stay here." I said gently, reaching over to ruffle his hair affectionately.

I stepped out of the car, swiftly shutting it after me and sweeping the area with my eyes as I walked around to the other side of the car. I cursed again inwardly as four men emerged from the SUV and walked towards me slowly.

"We just want him." One of them said, pointing to the car. "Give him to us and we wont kill you."

"No, you'll just kill him." I growled, narrowing my eyes as they pulled out their guns. "Be on your way gentlemen, and I wont kill you."

"Wrong answer boy." The man said.

They opened fire at the same time as me, but I was outnumbered. Bullets struck the car behind me as I dove for the sidewalk, firing off my own shots and I rolled to my feet. One of them went down, shot in the head, and another fell from a hit in the leg, but he was still shooting. I gasped as one of them got me in the leg, knocking me off my feet as I shot another one of them. By now some agents from the precinct had joined in the shootout and they all hit the ground. But one of them, who was apparently still kicking, fired off one more shot that, unfortunately, got me in the chest. I coughed, the wind knocked out of me, and blood spewed out on the pavement from my mouth. On my hands and knees, I clutched my chest with one hand, squeezing my eyes closed at the pain. I heard someone scream to call an ambulance, but I knew it wouldn't make it in time.

"KYUHYUN!" I heard Eeteuk scream, but it sounded detached, like I was hearing it while I was asleep. "Kyuhyun, hang in there!" He wailed, appearing at my side and pulling me into his arms. He pushed feebly against the hole in my chest, trying to stop the bleeding, but it was like trying to stop a river from flowing with a brick. Hopeless.

"E...Eeteuk..." I coughed, clutching his hand in mine and looking up at him through hazy eyes. "You...are safe..."

Tears dripped onto my cheeks as he held me. "Yes, yes I'm safe thanks to you." He whispered. "But you are going to be okay, help is coming, and you're going to be okay." I felt my eyes drifting closed as numbness engulfed me. "NO, Kyuhyun do NOT fall asleep!" He screamed.

I forced my eyes to open again, but it was so hard, my eyelids were so heavy. "Eeteuk...I'm sorry...I didn't kiss you...right when...when we met..." I forced out, closing my eyes. "I l-love you..."

"And I love you!" He wailed, holding me tighter. "That's why you have to stay awake, because I love you and I need you! Stay awake Kyuhyun, help is almost here!" But I couldn't stay awake. I was too tired, I couldn't keep my eyes open. Soon Eeteuk's warmth faded for good, and I finally fell asleep.

~ ~ ~

Heechul's face was not the thing I wanted to see when I died, but it was. His face was there, looking down at me from a white background, his brow severely creased.

"CHO KYUHYUN!" He yelled inches from my face, making me flinch away. Which caused a horrible pain to explode in my chest.

"Augh!" I moaned, letting my head fall to the side. "I though you weren't supposed to hurt once you're dead!"

"Who said you're dead?" Heechul scoffed, falling back into a chair and tossing his hair over his shoulder. "You're in the hospital dip."

I glared at him and looked down at myself. My left leg had a huge bandage wrapped around my thigh, blood was starting to seep through, and my entire torso was wrapped up tight with thick, white gauze, probably holding me together. "What happened?" I asked him. "Did you get Siwon?"

Heechul nodded triumphantly. "Yep, the guy who shot you in the chest told us everything we needed to get him for possession. He was also convicted for Eeteuk and the murder of several people over the years."

I stared at him, horrified. "He did WHAT to Eeteuk?!"

"It turned out I was wrong when I said Eeteuk was his ex-lover. He forced him one time, which is what made Eeteuk blow his cover because he refused to go back after that. Was the part all you heard? He murdered like, 120 people!"

I ignored him, staring up at the ceiling in shock. Eeteuk hadn't said anything to me about being . No wonder he tried to lock me out of his apartment. I looked back over at Heechul. "Where is Eeteuk?" I demanded. "I want to see him."

"Calm your you he-man." Heechul snapped, shocking me. "He should be here any minute."

Almost on cue, the door flew open and Eeteuk burst through it, carrying a humongous bouquet of white roses, so big that I almost couldn't see his face. "Kyuhyun!" He cried, carelessly tossing the flowers at my boss and running around to the other side of my bed, grabbing my face and kissing me, hard. I kissed back, a little surprised at his enthusiasm, and smiled against his lips. When he finally pulled away, I chuckled.

"Nice to see you too." I said softly, lacing my fingers with his. He just smiled at me and placed my hand against his face, nuzzling my palm and  biting his lip. My gaze softened at the sight, my heart nearly bursting with emotion. "Love you." I murmured, his cheek with my thumb and deciding not to bring up that I knew he had been .

Eeteuk smiled shyly at me. "Love you." He whispered back, reaching over to brush the hair out of my eyes.

Heechul made gagging noises. "GOD you two are so freaking mushy." He groaned, leaving the flowers in the chair as he got up and made his way to the door. "I'm going to go bully Han Geng, I'll visit you some other time."

"Yah! Kim Heechul!" I yelled, flinching as the pain flared up again. "Do I get my vacation time yet? Ryeowook got his vacation time after he got shot."

He turned and smirked. "We'll see about that once you're out of here. But I don't know, I have a lot of other assignments waiting..."

He disappeared as I flung a pillow at him, coughing as the wind was knocked out of me again which caused Eeteuk to freak out. "Dammit Heechul, I WANT MY VACATION TIME!!"

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Chapter 1: This is nice
eunhaekaisooftw #2
Chapter 1: definitely a nice story :) love the plot too eventho they're not exactly my OTP but I'm always up for the leader-magnae love :D
Chapter 1: very very nicely written!! ^_^ its just so beautifully presented!! :) author-nim, hats off to u!! ^_^
Chapter 1: <3 <3 <3 its amaaazing ... really i love it so much kyuteuk <3
sharmidev #5
Chapter 1: kyuteukie! i love how u presented the whole story and love kyuhyun still fighting with heechul about vacation!!! thanks for writing an amazing story
;AAAAAA; this story is so.... so good.

i hope kyu get his vacation time. with eeteuk. XDDDD
Loved it <3
I've never read KyuTeuk before but I liked it xD
The plot was awesome and I really liked the ending
Why so little comments huh? ppl don't appreacite good work or what? tzk tzk this was so great~
fifisukidesu #8
I love this story!!!! u r a great writer!! Can i request something? a yeteuk fanfic?