Love Acquired


Rose has always been sheltered and loved by her father and her four older brothers Chen , Kris , Jackson , and Mark. Mark and Rose are fraternal twins . Mark is only 5 mins older than Rose . Rose's parents had gotten a divorce since she and Mark were only 5 years old . It has been 15 years now and Mark and Rose are now in college . There she meets Xiao Zhan the most popular boy on campus along with his best friend Wang Yibo . Xiao Zhan and Rose did not start off on a good foot , but the more they agrued , the more they spent time together , they fell for each other . But there is only one problem , Hyorin . She is the childhood friend of Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo . She has loved Xiao Zhan since they were just kids , but to Zhan , she is nothing more but a younger sister . Hyorin tries every way possible to destroy their love for one another and if that means getting rid of Rose , so she shall . 


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