We are Ready ♥

Ready : Lunar New Year 2020 Special


“We will be over there around noon mom—Yes, he told me about it so I have already put it in the car last night. Hmm hmm~ Ok see you soon mom” 




Minho slots his phone back into his back pocket when he saw his husband moving a box of fruits out from the kitchen. He walks over to lift the box out from his husband’s hand, getting a soft smile from the younger.



“The things are in the car already?”


Taemin takes one last look around the house before switching off the lights as he leaves the house.


“Our bags are in the car bonnet and the gifts for our parents are in there too.”



Taemin was trying to buckle in his seat belt in the passenger seat when the same pair of hands that helped him just a while before took the seat belt and secured it in for him. 



“Did you use the new shampoo I got yesterday?” Taemin sniffs in again, “Do you like it? It smells nice though?” 

“You always know what I like so of course I love it” the answer came, followed by a quick peck on Taemin’s lips, “Let’s go then” 







“Honey, we are here” 



Taemin felt the car pulled over in a dimmed place, he wakes up to recognize it being his in-laws’ place they have arrived. 

Minho had a day earlier of leave before the Lunar New Year so he was able to rest at home. Unlike Taemin who had to do a last-minute recording for their upcoming release in the later part of the year, he barely was able to sleep before he had to wake up again to prepare to visit their in-laws. 


He unbuckles his seat belt, taking his husband’s belongings and his before stepping out of their BMW. The latter was already at their car bonnet, taking out the things meant for his parents. 


Taemin walks over, wanting to help with a basket of fruits they prepared only to have his husband playfully dashed ahead, not wanting for him to carry anything. Minho insisted on heading over to fetch his husband at their company last night after his recording but Taemin managed to persuade him to stay at home to pack the things they were going to bring their parents. 


The one being left behind just sneer at his husband’s thoughtfulness. He heads forward to join his husband by the elevator. 







“Taemin-ah! Can you help me get my purse from the kitchen while you are there~” 

“I got it mom~!” 



Taemin looks around the table to see a red wallet lying on the kitchen table, he grabs it and heads out to the living room where the rest of the family are gathered for a little catchup after a reunion New Year lunch. 


Dinner was loud and noisy but warm at the same time as his husband’s big family. Taemin loves the Chois, they have always been welcoming ever since he and Minho started dating, they were supportive too despite the fact they are both idols. 

This is the second year Taemin officially joins the Chois as a part of them, meaning the second year ever since they said their ‘death do us part’ vow down the aisle. 



Everything about the Chois are perfect and welcoming to Taemin... Everything but just...one thing. 



“So when are you going to give your mother-in-law a grandchild~” 



This. This very question is what isn’t that much of a perfect. 


In fact, this is just the first round of the day. 

He knows that he’s going to get the same set of questions from his own family side too. 


Sometimes he wonders if Minho and his family actually have some kind of secret group chat the couple doesn’t know of for them to share information like what questions to ask at New Year visits. 



Taemin still remembers the questions they get every time Minho and himself visit their families just two years before, before their marriage. 

If ‘the’ question now is about adding new blood to the family, back then it was...




“Have you guys decided on a date?” 



Not a date about their concert or album release. A date for their wedding that both sides of the family have been asking of them ever since Taemin and Minho told them about their relationship. 

Like how they always handle questions like this, in this place, Minho does the talking. 



“Mom... You know that we have just gotten married and very much still want to enjoy our alone time still... Plus, Taemin and I still have our career to focus on for now.” 



Taemin stays silent while his husband talks, chewing on the honey rice cake slowly so as to not attract any unnecessary attention to himself. 

He looks around to see Minho’s aunt smiling at him where he smiles back too. He then sets his eyes on Minho’s little niece who has just come to this world a few months ago. 




Babies... Taemin letting that word linger in his mind, his heart pounding a tad faster. 



“... You know that your dad and I aren’t young anymore...”

“Yes we do mom, we will—We will give you one when the time comes” 

“And when is that...?” 



It was Taemin’s father-in-law, Minho’s father talking. 



The Chois are never demanding so Taemin always feels at ease when it comes to talking to them about anything. Taemin is glad that he married into a family like this and knowing that his husband grew up in a family of so much warmth. 






Taemin nudged his husband when Minho was about to talk and responded instead. 



“Dad, it won’t be long now” 




“What do you mean?” 




...came the response in order of his mother-in-law, his father-in-law then his husband. 



Without knowing what is actually happening, Minho just instinctively scooped his smaller husband in his arms, embracing him like his life depends on it. 

The questioning look in his husband’s eyes shows that he has a burning question he wants to ask but wouldn’t until Taemin decides to say something. 


Taemin knows how much Minho has always wanted to have a child of his own but knowing their work nature, Minho never asked anything of that sort from Taemin, neither his parents. 



In a family like this, Taemin couldn’t be happier to give them new blood.



He can feel the heat from his husband’s warm pair of hands against his skin from the, reminding him that he is still leaving the Chois hanging...

Taemin is trying so hard to not burst out in a house so tense right now, everyone obviously wants the follow up statement Taemin is supposed to add but no one dares to ask. 


Minho bends down slightly, “Honey...” he whispers. 


Taemin looks up at his husband who is about to take up another identity in just a minute's time. 


“Honey, can you go over and take the black file in my bag?” 





Minho detaches himself from his husband before standing up to do what he is asked to.

He came back with the said pouch and joins his husband once again. 


All attention immediately shifts to the suspicious said file when Taemin pulls out a piece of paper from it. 

He hands it to his husband who freed one of his hands on his husband to receive it. 



Minho let his eyes run across the paper as he tries to take in every single word on the paper. 


‘Adoption’... ‘congratulations’... ‘fit to be parents’... ‘next week appointment’. 



It isn’t hard to make out what it is all about with just these few words. 


“Really?” Minho is finally done with the papers, he looks at Taemin with the biggest pair of eyes he has, “Are we really going to?” 


The Chois are looking at each other, dying to know what the couple is fazing about. 


“Mom... Dad...” Minho is already on the verge of tears when he finally turns to his parents after cuddling his small husband. He hands them the paper that the two elders caught instantly. 


“Oh my... Honey... Oh my...” Mrs. Choi can’t be happier with Mr. Choi mirroring her expression. 


“You are going to be grandparents soon” 



The Chois simply just can’t wipe that smile off their faces anymore. 



“Is this why—our next week schedule—“

“Hmm hmm, we are going to see the children” 



Minho was told that he had a day off on the same day as Taemin when they were going through their schedule after the days off they get for the Lunar New Year. 


It was rare for their schedules to be done this way, not impossible but rare, plus there was no additional explanation by the manager, the latter was as confused as Minho was saying that it was a request Taemin asked since a few months back. 




Minho now knows why. 


Leaving the family to sink in this joy, Minho showered Taemin with much love, leaving kisses on his smaller husband. 



“When did you prepare all this? I thought you were busy with your solo stuff?”

“There’s always time for us honey” 

“Thank you so much baby, for doing this” 



The reason why Minho has never asked Taemin for anything more until the latter says so is that he always puts Taemin’s well-being first, always. 


Their wedding wouldn’t have happened too if it wasn’t Taemin who dropped a couldn’t-be-more-obvious hint that he was ready to tie the knot with him by digging through Minho’s bag where he knew a ring was kept there before putting his hand out asking Minho 



“Are you going to put a ring on this hand or should I go down on one knee instead?” 



One should see how fast Minho fished the ring out of the box and dropped so hard on one knee that Taemin swear that drop had hurt a little. 



So it was the same for their own child.



Taemin could see the lingering look every time Minho saw little ones down their apartment where a newly built kindergarten is located. 

Also, the many times Minho’s actor hyungs send him news about them having their 3rd or 4th child. 


Minho would be the happiest uncle ever, ever ready to shower them with love, of course, in a form of toys. 

More than his love for kids, Minho loves Taemin more to consider how much more work and energy Taemin will need to balance a kid, their family and his career. 




That’s why for their adoption, there was no other way other than Taemin taking the initiative in this rather long process. 

He managed to find an adoption center that would help him keep his identity hidden until the adoption process is finally done. 



“Thank you baby thank—hff— you—hff hff!”



Taemin turned around to see his husband... tearing up...

...in front of their family...!!



“Baby... you are going to be a father...” 

“Hm hmm” Minho sniffles with short nods. 

“...And you are crying in front of your family?!”


Taemin said through gritted teeth, sending warning glares towards his crying husband. 





Minho sniffles even louder to stop his tears and was about to wipe his nose with his sleeves when a smaller hand pulls his lifted arm down.



“I think I am going to be a father of two babies now—“

“We are having two—“

“No, you this big baby, you” 


Taemin crunched his nose and brushed it against his husband’s red nose, making the older chuckled like a big baby his husband just referred him as.





—♥ end ♥—

hope you guys like it  \ 6v6 /  \ ㅍvㅍ /


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Chapter 1: aww that is so cute :) ♥
Chapter 1: THE BEST! ❤️🤩
Chapter 1: AaaaaAAAAA S O S W EE T T^T❤
sh5ojkmt #4
Chapter 1: It's cute.. Loved it.. Will love to see more chapters.. Continuation.. After adopting..