Chapter 9: Love Rivalry?

Turn Back The Time

Arrow HQ Training Ground

Youi stand in the middle of the training ground with her bow and arrows. She pulls the string and try to aim for the target but her hand can’t stop shaking and she missed the target. She cursed under her breath. She goes to pick up her missed arrow and try again. This time she managed to shoot the target but it wasn’t a bull eyes.

“You have to fix your stance…”

Youi turned and sees Wendy standing by the entrance with her arms crossed and she was smiling at her. Youi tries to fix her stance but she received a disapproval look from Wendy. Wendy steps toward Youi and help her with her stance.

“You gotta lower your Centre of gravity and don’t stress the string too much when you pull on your bow.” Said Wendy as she guided Youi, she touches Youi on her shoulder and feels that Youi was tense so she gently massages Youi’s shoulder “Relax your shoulder Youi…take a deep breath, feels the arrow in between your fingers.”

Youi follows every instruction that Wendy gave and she managed to relax herself, she opens her eyes and let go of the arrow and managed to hit a bullseye.

Wendy smiles and praises Youi “See you can do it, it’s not that hard.”

“Not everyone is born with archery skill…” said Youi.

“Not everyone but you are my daughter so I know you can.” Said Wendy with a proud smile on her face.

Youi couldn’t hide her awkward face, she stood there with her bow and arrow awkwardly and then she noticed Wendy’s bandage arm.

“You know what the T-ARA leader said is true…I fought with emotion and causes the people around me to get hurt, Yeri is injured, your arm…”

Wendy approaches Youi and hugs her “When I saw they holding you in captive, I don’t know what to do, that was the first time that I don’t know what to do. I was afraid, I don’t know what to do, I was afraid that I might hurt you. Look at the irony, I told you to trust your arrow and I couldn’t trust mine. I’m sorry Youi, I should have done better. You did great earlier, don’t have to feel bad.”

“Yves told you everything right? You didn’t just take my watch to analysis the component but to interrogate Yves about the future right? You are here creator and I believe she will tell you everything even if you didn’t ask her.” Youi said.

“…Yes...” Wendy confessed “And I feel bad that I couldn’t be there for you and Yeri…I want to fix everything Youi, so you and Yeri can have a better future.”

“You do realize that messing with your timeline might create an alternative timeline in the future.” Youi warned.

“I know, but trust me on this Youi…”

“You know how much it hurts? To know that your parents abandoned you?” Youi questioned Wendy, and there were tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry Youi…”

“All I ever wanted is love from a parent…”


“When I see how Yeri can get comfortable with you, I envy her, at least she had 5 years of memories with you and Irene, while me? I was still a baby when you gave me up, I don’t even remember your face, or Irene’s face. When I met you for the first time a few days ago, I was happy. I get to meet my mom, but at the same time, I’m sad, because I don’t know what should I do? I wanted to know more about you, about Irene…”

Wendy was quiet, she never knows that it will impact Youi this much. The guilt she felt got even heavier, she wanted to apologize to Youi but she knows it won’t be sufficient.

“But it’s okay…I got to spend time with you now. That is enough for me.” Youi said as she wipes away her tears.

“Youi, I promised you I will fix the future.”

“Why don’t you start it with helping me in my fighting skill.” Said Youi with a laugh.

Wendy picks up a sword and point it at Youi “Pick up your sword Youi, we’ll focus on your archery skills later on, now I want to see how you fight.”


Irene was fuming, she couldn’t believe that Robin will break into her facility and injured the people from the government. Ryujin busy interrogating the security guards even though she knew what happened. She didn’t expect that T-ARA group will be there as well. Ryujin saw the bloody scene and she got worried about Youi and Yeri.

“Robin and her gang are getting out of hand, we need to do something about them.” Said one of the officer to Irene.

“Do whatever you have to do officer, I want her to be punish for what she had done!”

“We will try out best Ms Irene.”


“Eunjung! What are you going here?” Irene questioned the woman.

“I heard about the case, are you okay? Is everything okay on your side?”

“We did some inventory check and a few samples were missing.” Irene sighs.

“Are you okay?” Eunjung asked in concern.

Irene nods weakly “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m going to go home, sleep awhile and comeback tomorrow morning to check on what else gone missing. I am sorry for what happened Eunjung, we promised that the research will be confidential but now, this case happen…I wonder what Robin wants from all this!”

“Irene you know if we succeed in this experiment and research, we can change the future for better! No one will be defeated by mere sickness, and Robin probably hates the idea that we are creating a better future, then she can’t show off her vigilant works anymore. She’s a selfish jerk, only cares for fame by framing the government, accusing the government for something that we never do.”

Irene agree with what Eunjung said but Ryujin who heard their conversation is boiling. She disagrees with whatever that they just said. Ryujin knew how corrupted the government is, but her sister being born and raised into the higher social status never know how the people suffered. If only Irene can go through what she had to go through when she grows up. Even though they are sister, they grow up in different environment, Irene surrounded by lavish lifestyle and surrounded by socialites, while Ryujin grow up in a normal household, her mother work as a tailor after her divorce from Irene’s father and she loses everything, she even loses Irene to her ex-husband. She was lucky to find Ryujin’s father, who was then just a normal high school teacher, they got married and had Ryujin. Irene didn’t even know she had a half-sister, until Ryujin came to the company to apply for internship.

Irene was impresses by Ryujin’s IQ and decided to permanently hire her. Mr. Bae knew about Ryujin, he was about to protest but when Ryujin managed to show him her capabilities, Mr. Bae thought Ryujin can be a great asset to the company and let Ryujin in and even stay with them for a few months. Ryujin wanted to walk up to her sister to defend Robin but Lia managed to stop Ryujin.

“Ryujin no.”

“I don’t like her.” said Ryujin as she pointed at Eunjung.

“Me too…but this is not the time and place to argue with your sister.”

Lia clenched her teeth tightly and closes her eyes to calm herself down. She nods at her girlfriends and Lia gently tap her on the shoulder before she goes to her boss.

“Irene, I think you should go home, I will take care of this mess.” Said Lia to her boss.

“Do you need a ride home? I can drive you back.” Eunjung offers but before Irene could said yes Lia cuts her off.

“Her sister will drive her home. Right Ryujinie?” Lia turns to Ryujin and Ryujin nods.

“Ouh too bad, I thought I can get to know you better on your ride home, but never mind. How about lunch tomorrow? Is that okay with you?”

“Lunch sounds good.” Irene nods and agreed to go out with Eunjung.

“Great, I’ll pick you up at your office tomorrow. See you princess.” Said Eunjung as she blows a kiss to Irene.

Lia was busy glaring at Eunjung while her boss was busy hiding her blush and giggles. Ryujin approaches her sister and poke her on the shoulder “Don’t forget that you have a fiancée!”

Irene rolls her eyes at the mention of the word’s fiancée. Wendy never did something romantic for her, she never even plans any date for them too. It was Irene that usually initiate something to do. She knows Eunjung is flirting with her but she is not complaining because she likes it.

“I’m counting on you Lia! Let’s go home Ryujin.”

“Bye babe, I’ll see you in the morning.” Said Lia to her lover. Ryujin kisses Lia on the cheek before she left with her sister.


Wendy’s House

Wendy just done with her shower and she puts on her robe while roaming around the house. She spotted Youi sitting at the patio and it looks like she was meditating. Wendy remembers their training earlier and she acknowledge that Youi is really strong and she had precise control of her strength and movement but just like what Eunjung had said, Youi fight with her emotion and it’s easy for her opponent to manipulate her. Wendy felt sorry for punching Youi on her face, and she bleed through her nose and lips.

Wendy goes to her fridge and takes a bottle of cold water. She approaches Youi and gently put the bottle on her bruised face. Youi flinched when the coldness touches her skin.

“It’s for your bruises…”


“Sorry that I punched you on the face.”

“It’s nothing.” Youi replied with a smile “I’m used to it.” She said.

“Used to it? So…did you received a special training from someone? Your fighting skill is very impressive.”

Youi smiles for a moment before she opens to speak “I was bullied when I was in the orphanage, I was small and becomes the easy target for people to bully. There was one caretaker kind caretaker that took pity on me, she trained me and yeah, that’s how I got my fighting skills. But she left me alone, no goodbyes…she was the only one that makes me feels like I have a family. Even though was rough with me but I know that’s just the way she shows her love.”

“I see.”

“So don’t worry about my bruises, it’ll heal fast. It’ll be gone in the morning.”



“When you learn the truth about your identity, were you angry?”

Wendy is anticipating Youi’s answers, but Youi was silent. Wendy was about to give up waiting for Youi’s answer when Youi starts to speak “I was mad…I don’t know what were you and Irene thinking when you decided to create me. It makes me feels like I’m not something that supposed to exist.”

“No, Youi don’t think like that, you exist right? You are my precious daughter, I know that creating you was against the law of nature, but there’s must be a good reason why we created you. Your existence means a lot to me, to Irene…so please don’t think that you are not important.”

Youi is in the verge of crying after listening to Wendy’s word. Wendy pats Youi on the head and the girl cries her heart out. Youi pulls on Wendy’s shirt hem and asked if she can hug her. Wendy smiles and opens her arms to welcome Youi into her embrace.

“I will make sure nothing happened to you or Yeri…now let’s go to sleep, it’s getting cold.”

Youi nods, then she saw the bandage arm that Wendy had hide with her long sleeve shirt.

“Does it still hurt?”

“Yeah.” Wendy answered.

“I’m sorry…”

“Stop saying sorry, Youi! It’s my own fault that I let they distract me. It’ll be okay. Go to bed Youi.”

“Can…can I call you mom?”

Wendy was surprised at the sudden request but she doesn’t dislike it, she smiles and nods “Yeah you can call me that, though it might be weird if others heard you call me that. So keep it between us, okay?”

Youi nods happily and she hugs Wendy before she runs to her room. Wendy scolded her for running but she can’t hide how happy she is when Youi call her mom. She always wanted to have a child and seeing how Youi resembles her and Irene at the same time makes she happy. Her thought went to Irene for a while. She knows that whatever happened between the two earlier, she did go overboard. She was angry but she shouldn’t have acted that way.

“I need to apologize to her.” said Wendy to herself and she sighs. She takes out her wallet and pull out Irene’s photo. She smiles at the photo as she remembered their first kiss.


Son Consolidated

“Morning boss!”

“Good morning…Jiwoo ah, I need you to cancel all my meeting for today.”

“Eh? But…why?”

“I’m going to meet my fiancée~ but before that, I need to go and meet with Joy and Seulgi.”

“You go boss!” Wendy’s secretary cheers for her.

Wendy winks and clicks her tongue before she left her office and headed to the secret lab to meet with Joy and Seulgi.


Secret Lab

“You can’t do that Seulgi, I know you are specialized in combat fighting but if you wanted me to put that things to work, you need to understand how the machine work.” Joy scolded Seulgi.

“Well you’re just a spy, how can you know how this machinery work?” Seulgi chided.

“Kang Seulgi, are you try to challenge me?” Joy said and she glares at her girlfriend.

Seulgi grins and hugs Joy “Nope, I know you’re the pro here. So do whatever you can babe. I trust your skill.”

Joy turns and wraps her arms around Seulgi’s neck “Hmm…what if we…” Joy pauses as she brings her face closer to her lover.

“What if what?” Seulgi whispers back and her breathe brushes Joy’s lips which caused Joy to shivers.

“We skip the whole machine testing and…test…other thing?”

The couple break away when they heard someone clears their throat and Seulgi blushed when she sees her best friend standing by the entrance with a sly smile on her face.

“Kang Seulgi, Park Sooyoung, I paid you two to work for me and not flirting in my facility.” Said Wendy with her arms crossed.

“Sorry boss, we’ll get right back to work.” Said Joy and she hurriedly goes back to her station but Wendy stops her “A moment Joy.”

“What is it?”

“I know we are inadequate in terms of our knowledge about genetics but I need you two to work on these.” Wendy pulls out the sample that she took from the lab last night.

“I took a few photos of the experiment and research reports, and copied some file from the main computer. Gather as many as people that you need but make sure they are not related to the BAE & Co.”

“Ryujin…we need Ryujin, she’s the only girl that we know can decode all of these information.”

Wendy shakes her head to deny Joy’s statement “No, I believed my father had invested in a medical school, I want you two to go to that school and recruits a few people to help us up. I’ll pay them.”

“You want students to help you?”

“Yeah~ offer them the internship opportunity too. I know our company focus on weaponry, but we can branch out, especially now that we are going to be in close contact with the BAE & Co.”

“Whatever you say boss.” Said Seulgi.

“Oh anyway Wendy! This machine that you asked me to check, it’s 96% completed, do you want to test it out later?” Joy asked the heiress.

“I’ll test it tomorrow, today I’ll be out from the office. Oh Seulgi can you pick up Yeri and Youi later on? Bring them to wherever they wanted to, or bring them go somewhere to eat, you may use my card.”

“Where are you going?”

“Irene.” Wendy replied and the duo understood immediately. They wished them lucks and continue with their work.


BAE & Co.

Wendy reached her fiancée’s office and she gets nervous all of sudden. She steps out of her car and saw a stall selling flowers outside of the building. Wendy goes there and bought a bouquet of flower and asked the florist to write an apologize card for her. She paid for the flower and goes to the nearby café to buy some snack and drink for Irene. She bought some macarons and a strawberry drink for Irene.

Wendy makes way to Irene’s office and all of the building staff greeted her. Wendy greets them back, once she reached Irene’s floor, she takes a deep breath and make her way to her office.

“Hi Lia!”

“Ms. Wendy!” Lia was surprised to see Wendy with flower and drink in her hand.

“Is Irene in yet?”

“She’s is inside.” Lia replied “Are those for Irene?”

Wendy nods shyly “Yeah…I don’t know what flower she likes so, I bought this…Oh! Can I put these thing here? I need to check on her mood, I don’t want her to throw this flower away.”

Lia smiles at Wendy’s thoughtfulness “Sure. You can just put it here.”

Wendy thanked Lia before proceed to knock on the door.

“Come in.”

Wendy poke her head in and grins at Irene but Irene was scowling, and Wendy gulps down her fear upon seeing Irene’s angry expression.

“Hey babe…” Wendy greeted Irene.

“What do you want from me?” said Irene coldly.

“Look, yesterday was , I know I shouldn’t be so hard on you. I know that you just wanted to investigate the things your way, I forgive you, so can you forgive me too?” Wendy begged Irene with her puppy eyes.

Irene’s weakness is Wendy’s cuteness, she sighs as she had to deal with a lot of things today and she doesn’t want Wendy to bother her even more so she nodded. Wendy smiles and she pulls Irene into a tight hug, which made Irene surprised because Wendy never acted this way.

“I sorry to interrupt you again Irene.”

Irene pushes Wendy away and it made the latter sad. Wendy looks at their intruder and her eyes grow big.

“Eunjung! What are you doing here?” Irene asked as she exchanges hug with Eunjung.

“Checking on you, it must be stressful for you.” Said Eunjung.

“A little…anyway Eunjung, let me introduce to you, my…”

“Wife.” Wendy cuts Irene off and offers her handshakes to Eunjung.

“Oh, I didn’t know you are married.” Said Eunjung to Irene and she exchange the handshake with Wendy and then she noticed the bandage wrapped around Wendy’s arm. Wendy notices Eunjung’s look and she quickly retreat her hand.

“She’s my fiancée, we’re not married yet.” Irene explained.

“Oh…I bought you iced coffee.” Said Eunjung and she offers the iced coffee to Irene but Wendy takes it from her.

“Thank you for your concern, but my wife doesn’t drink coffee.”

Eunjung laughs at Wendy who are being over protective towards Irene. Irene elbows Wendy and takes the drink from her “Sorry Eunjung, I don’t like coffee, but thanks anyway. I thought we’re going to meet for lunch.”

“You are welcome, princess.” Eunjung replied and she kisses Irene’s hand in front of Wendy.

“You are going to have lunch with her? And you let her kiss your hand?!” Wendy turns to Irene in disbelieve and she scoffs.

“Eunjung is my investor Wendy-ah, she’s the T-ARA director! Kissing hand is just a form of greeting Wendy!” Irene defends Eunjung’s action in front of Wendy.

“Shouldn’t you be telling me who you are going out with? What if I don’t like her and I don’t want you to go out with her?” said Wendy.

“Well that is your problem Son Seungwan, not mine. She is my investor and don’t you dare to humiliate her in front of me! If you don’t have anything nice to say, just leave.”

Wendy looks hurt at what Irene had told her, and Irene feels guilty when she saw the glassy reflection in Wendy’s eyes. Wendy came to apologize to her but she made it worse. Wendy tries to hold on to her tears and leave. Irene and Eunjung just watch the latter left the office but when Eunjung turn to Irene she saw the concern look on Irene’s face.

“You know…she was just being protective over you. It’s a good sign no? That means she loves you, go after her.”

Irene apologizes to Eunjung and she dashes out hoping she can catch up to Wendy and apologize but there was no sight of Wendy. Irene gives up in chasing Wendy all the way to the first floor. She decides to drop by at Wendy’s house later on an apologize properly and explain that Eunjung is only just an investor and nothing more than that.

Irene walks back to her office but she stops midway when she saw the baby breath flower, macarons and strawberry drink on Lia’s desk. Lia returns from her toilet break and she feels weird seeing her boss standing in front of her desk.


“Oh, Lia…is today yours and Ryujin’s anniversary?”

Lia frowns for a moment until she remembers about the flower that Wendy left on her table “Ah! You mean those flower and gift? There are not for me boss! Is Wendy unnie still inside? She bought it, for you! But she said she was gonna check on your mood before give you these.”

“Wendy bought this for me?”

“Yep…there’s even a card.” Lia said and she takes the card and give it to Irene to read.

“Dear Irene, I am sorry for what I said, I know I should be more honest with you. Youi is special, and yes we are related, I will explain to you someday, but please don’t be mad at me anymore. I know I’m wrong for yelling at you. I really really want us to happen. I will be the wife that you want. Be the wife that understand you and always be there by your side. So please forgive me?”

Irene covers with her hand after she read the card. She goes back to her office and see that Eunjung is still there.

“Did you manage to find her?” Eunjung asked.

Irene shakes her head, she bows to Eunjung and apologize to Eunjung “I’m sorry but can we cancel our lunch?”

Eunjung smiles and she nods “I understand.”

“I need to go after her…I’ll call you when I want to discuss more about the research.”

“Okay. Good luck Irene.”

“I gotta go Eunjung, I’m sorry, I’ll ask Lia to guide you later on.”

“It’s okay, I know my way out.”

Once Irene is out from the office, Eunjung expressions change and she takes out her phone, when the people on the other side of the line picks up her call, she said “I want you to investigate about Wendy Son Seungwan.”


Wendy storms into her office and demanded everyone to go out. All of her employees scrambled when they see their boss banging all of her stuff in the office.

“Jiwoo…don’t let anyone comes into the test ground.”

“Yes boss.”

Wendy gears herself up and goes to the test ground for the military to test out their weapon.

“Yves, block all my calls.”

“Sure Wendy. It seems like your heart rate is high, are you sick?”

“No…I’m mad.”

“You’re mad? You never mad.” Said Yves.

Wendy was silence, she didn’t reply Yves, her clench her teeth whenever she remembers Eunjung face and how the woman gets close to her fiancée, her only love. she closes her eyes and starts punching on the punching bags and the wooden dummy. She punches the bag until her wound’s stitches reopen and it start to bleed again. her blood seep through the bandage and dye the whole bandage red. Wendy takes off her shirt and ignoring the stingy pain on her arm as she continues to kick and punch on the bag.


Wendy ignores Yves and continues to punch wooden dummy.

“Wendy. Wendy…Wendy!!”

“What?!!” Wendy turns around in anger, she realized that she shouted at Yves who did nothing to her so she takes a deep breath and apologize “Sorry…I was a…what is it?”

“Irene is coming.”


“She’s approaching as we are speaking.”

Wendy turns to the noises coming from outside of the test ground.

“Miss Irene you cannot go inside, Miss Wendy prohibited anyone to go near that place!” Wendy secretary told Irene as she tries to stops the latter from going in.

“I need to speak to your boss!”

Irene ignores Wendy’s secretary warning and enters the test ground without the authorization card and it causes the weapon to activate and pointed at her, as the system recognize her as intruder.


Irene got scare, and she looks at Wendy for help “Wendy…”

Wendy tries to calm Irene and ask her to remaining standing where she is “Just stay there, I’ll go deactivate the system.

but when she noticed Wendy’s bleeding arm, she rushes to her side and it causes the weapon to start shooting at her.

“Irene no!!” Wendy screams and she runs toward Irene to shield her from the bullets. One of the bullet graze through her cheek. She catches Irene in her arms and shouted the command to make the weapon from firing more bullets at Irene.


Wendy cups Irene’s face and checks on her “Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?” Wendy sees that Irene is crying. She wipes Irene’s tears away “It’s okay, it’s okay.” She said and she holds Irene tight.

“Let’s get out of her.” Wendy goes to get her shirt and wraps it around Irene.

Jiwoo apologizes to her boss but Wendy pats her secretary on the shoulder “It’s okay, I got her now.”

Wendy leads Irene to her office and gives her a cup of water to calm herself down. “You know that test ground is equip with auto detection weapon and yet you rush in? You could have waited outside.”

“I wanted to apologize.”


“This morning…you came all over because you wanted to apologize for something that you didn’t do. I…I’m sorry that I’m being a spoiled brat. I got angry when you’re get jealous, but I should be happy because that means that you…you actually do care for me. I’m sorry. I swear that Eunjung means nothing, she is just our investor and nothing more.” Irene cried.

Wendy feels relieve, all of her anger were gone upon seeing Irene’s state. Wendy hugs Irene and rested her chin on top of Irene’s head. “It’s okay now…”

Irene buried her face in Wendy’s chest. She stops crying when she smells that rusty iron smells and she pushes Wendy a way to look at Wendy’s state. Wendy is soaked with blood.

“Wendy, your arm, your shoulder! You need to go to the hospital!” Irene gasps.

“Ah…the bullet must have grazed my shoulder earlier. My arm, ugh, I hurt myself yesterday.” Wendy lies. “It’s not a deep wound, I’ll be okay.” She tries to assure Irene.

“You can’t leave it like that, you’re going to get infection, you have a lab here right? Let’s get the wound treated.”

“It’s okay, really.” Wendy tried to protest.

“Wendy…I’m not going to get into a fight with you again. Let me treat your wound, for your information I’m a doctor too!”

“Yeah, I know you’re a doctor, I’m just not good with needle.” Wendy tried to reject Irene’s offer again.

Irene sees how much the blood flows out gets even worrier she glares at Wendy and it makes Wendy shivers in fear.

“Fine…the lab is that way.” Wendy sighs and she leads the way.


They reached the lab and Irene begins to look for first aid kit. Wendy seated herself on the stool and watches Irene inspects the first aid kit that she found. Irene put down all stuff and she looks around.

“What are you looking for?”

“Rubbing alcohol, I need to sterilize this thing before using it.”

Wendy uses her arms to support her chin as she rested it on her palm and continues to watch Irene. Wendy forgot about the sting and pain when she focuses on Irene. It was the first that she ever sees Irene gets so worried for her.

“Can you take off your shirt and your bra?” Irene requested.

“Take off everything?”

Irene suddenly gets flustered, it’s going to be the first time that she sees Wendy going topless and she is already flustered when she saw Wendy only in her sport bra earlier. She can’t keep her eyes away from Wendy’s abs but she’s lucky that Wendy didn’t notice. She had seen countless of topless woman when she was in her residency period as a medical doctor.

“Yes, takes it all off…”

Wendy complies without any fuss and the moment she takes off everything and turns for a second to put her clothes on the table, Irene caught a glimpse of all the scars on Wendy’s body.



“All these scars…” Irene reaches out and gently touches Wendy’s scars “Where did you get all of this from? Were…were you abused?”

“No…ugh, I mean you know our company supplies weapon for the government and, most of the time we would test the weapon before we actually supply it to our clients, so…I like to personally test the weapon so, I got a lot of this scar from all of those test.” Wendy lied.

Irene looks at Wendy with sympathy in her eyes, she cups Wendy’s face and kisses her gently.

“What was that for?” Wendy asked when Irene breaks the kiss.

“I just feels like I wanted to kiss you.” Said Irene.

“Hmm…did topless me turns you on?” Wendy jokes and Irene blushes even harder.

“I need to fix that wound of yours.” Said Irene as she tries to avoid Wendy’s teasing.

“Alright, do what you have to do doc.”


Arrow HQ

“Slowly now Yeri, slowly.”

“Stop treating me like a baby Youi!”

“You said you had low pain tolerance! I’m just trying to help you to ease the pain!”

“She should be okay. I gave her the strongest pain killer. Beside the bullet didn’t penetrated that deep, she should be fine.” Rosé yelled from the other side of the room.

“See, she said I’m going to be okay.”

The siblings continue to argue and Rosé ignores them and continue to monitor the monitors in case of any emergency happened. She was hoping that nothing happened while Wendy taking a day off because she wouldn’t know what to do. Wendy is their mastermind and whatever they do, they only follow what Wendy instructed. Rosé phones ring and she sees that it is Ryujin she picks it up.

“Sup Ryu~”

“Is Wendy there?”

“Nope…she’s not coming in today, Seul said she takes a day off because she wanted to amend her relationship with your sister.”

“Ah shoot, there is something that I wanted to show her.”

“What is it?”

“It’s regarding our mission last night, how and why T-ARA were there, and the funny thing is, they clean up so well. When the police arrived, they’ve change all of their agents’ uniform to the government uniform, which makes the police thought Robin ambushed the guards and those government agents.”

“Wait Ryujin, aren’t T-ARA a part of the government units too?”

“It’s complicated! Set a meeting with everyone and I’ll tell you the rest!”



“There, done. You should be thankful to me that I brought this skin glue prototype with me.” Said Irene as she finished off her stitches on Wendy’s arm.

“Oh wow, look at that, the skin is gluing together! You need to give me a lot of those, we need it here.” Said Wendy.

“It’s still in testing stage Wendy.”

“Oh so, did I just becomes your white lab rat then?”

“You don’t have to worry because I tested it on Ryujin before and it worked so it should be fine on you.”

“Oh geez, you use your sister as lab rat too?”

Irene glares at Wendy and Wendy put up her hand to apologizes. Wendy gets up from the stool and gets her sport bra to put it on.

“I’ll help!” Irene offered her helps and Wendy blinks at her.

“You shouldn’t move your arm so much, so I’ll help.” Said Irene with a tint of blush on her face.

Wendy hands Irene the bra and Irene carefully put it on for Wendy. Their faces were inches away and Irene can feel Wendy’s breathe brushing her skin. Irene stops and stares right into Wendy’s eyes and she sees that Wendy had her eyes on her too. Irene startled when Wendy wraps her arms around her waist.

“What…what are you doing?” Irene stammers as she speaks.

“I want to make up for what happened yesterday and this morning.” Said Wendy and her face got closer to Irene.

Irene closes her eyes and waiting for Wendy’s lips to touch hers but they were interrupted by Seulgi and Joy.

“I mean all those 7 students look pretty…oh lord! We’re sorry!!” Seulgi stops on her tracks and drag Joy out with her when she saw a half- Wendy and Irene getting intimate.

“She told us no flirting in the work place but she’s having with her fiancée in our lab!!” Joy aggressively whispered to her girlfriend.

“She’s the boss!!” Seulgi whispers back.

Wendy hisses and she turns away from Irene. She puts on her shirt and apologize to Irene.

“I guess this isn’t a good place to have intimacy anyway.” Irene tries to brush it off with a joke.

Wendy pulls Irene into her arms and kisses her.

“Sorry, this may not a good place to have a kiss but I can’t resist you.” Said Wendy and she winks at the flustered Irene. “I actually taken a day off today, so let’s go on a date.”

“What?” Irene replied with a raised eyebrow.

“You don’t want?”

“I…I want, but you can’t go looking all like that!” Irene pointed out at the bloody stain on Wendy’s clothes.

“Okay, I’ll go home and get change…Do you want to come with me?”

“Back to your home?”


Even though they are engaged, Irene had never gone to Wendy’s house even once and since she is given the opportunity to, she gladly takes the offer. Wendy held out her hand to Irene and Irene looks puzzled.

“Mind if we hold hand?” Wendy asked.

Irene smiles and she intertwined their fingers together. Wendy happily leads her out from the lab and they cross path with Joy and Seulgi who were still waiting for them to finish their stuff.

“Sorry for barging in earlier, we didn’t know that you two were there.” Joy apologizes.

“It’s okay, I’m going out on a date with my fiancée, if anything comes up just give me a call.”

Seulgi and Joy watch their boss walked away, and soon as they are gone from their sight, Seulgi immediately dials Jisoo’s number.

“Kim Jisoo speaking.”

“OH MY GOD JISOO, you wouldn’t believe what just happened!”


Joy snatched the phone from Seulgi and yelled at the phone “WENDY AND IRENE HAPPENED!!”



“Finally Wendy has balls!!”

Seulgi snatches the phone back and tells Jisoo “I need you to send some back up, follows Wendy on her date, now she’s heading home to get change.”

“Wait you’re asking me to stalk those two?”

“You know how Wendy always messes up right? So we need to help her!”

“Who do you want me to send?!”

“…Er…” Seulgi stops as her brain buffers then a light bulb lighted “Send Yeri and Youi!”


“They can learn how to do spy job too, just quickly equip them and we’ll guide them through their first spy mission!”

“Okay okay. I’ll let them know.”

Seulgi hangs up and turn to Joy “I don’t why I suddenly feels so proud of Wendy.” Said Seulgi.

“Me too~~”

To be continue…



Next chapter preview:

“This is not just genetics research, Youi was telling the truth, they are conducting genetic modification…” Ryujin gasps in horror.


“Lia why didn’t you tell me what the research is about?! How many people they have experimenting on?!”

“It’s confidential Jinnie, I can’t let you know!”


“Eunjung no!!”

“If you want her to live, reveal yourself Robin!”

Wendy frozen, she doesn’t want to reveal herself and let her identity away, especially with such crowds.

“I know who you are Robin, there’s no point in hiding your identity from me, so I want you to reveal yourself to these people!”

“I can’t.”

“Well then say good bye to your beloved….” Eunjung pauses and she pulls the trigger.


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Chapter 17: why don't you post the next chapter authornim 😭😭😭
Chapter 16: This is getting interesting, even though I know this story is still not finished 😞
Chapter 15: I didn't expect Yeri's parents to be the ones causing problems 😭
Chapter 13: I once watched a drama about humans who were frozen and they managed to survive for decades, but when they came back to life they couldn't stand being at normal room temperature
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD FINALLY 😭🙏🏻
Chapter 11: The conflict is increasing and I hate the way Eunjung is doing it
Chapter 9: From the preview, it can be seen that a lot will happen in the next chapter
Chapter 6: I like this storyline. I've never read anything like this before 😍
Chapter 3: wow 😮
Chapter 2: This makes me even more curious