Chapter 8: The Ambush

Turn Back The Time


The room was filled with grunting and panting sound, Yeri and Youi were sprawling on the floor in pain.

“That’s all you got kids?” Seulgi taunt them.

Youi roll over to her stomach and tries to get up by supporting herself with her elbow, she looked over to her sister and she saw the excruciating pain on her face.

“Yeri you okay?”

“Ugh!” Yeri yelled in pain when she tries to get up. She holds on to her left shoulder and she cannot move her shoulder and she knows that something is wrong. Yeri dislocated her shoulder when Seulgi throw her on the floor.

“Did you hurt your shoulder?” Seulgi asked as she rushes to the girl’s side.

“No don’t touch me!” Yeri flinched when Seulgi come near.

Youi goes to her sister sister side and examine Yeri’s shoulder posture and she knows that Yeri had dislocated her shoulder “Yeri, allow me to touch you.” Said Youi.


Yeri’s pain tolerance is very low, Youi was just trying to help Yeri to pop her shoulder back to its places. Youi gives Seulgi a knowing look and Seulgi nods. The two of them catch Yeri and the poor girl scream in pain, Youi quickly pop Yeri’s shoulder back to its place to lessen the pain. Seulgi and Youi let go of Yeri and She tried to move her arm, and indeed the pain is gone.

“You still need to get it check.” Said Youi.


“I’m sorry for throwing you so hard.” Seulgi apologized.

“No worries, it just that I’m not good with pain, you used to throw me around whenever you train me…so I’m used to it.” Yeri replied Seulgi with a smile.

“So…I was the one who taught you how to fight?”


Seulgi offer her hand to Yeri, and Yeri grab it. Seulgi slowly pulls Yeri up and pats her on the shoulder. Yeri didn’t want to let Seulgi’s hand go, and Seulgi looked at her confusedly. Yeri pulls Seulgi into a hug and she rested her head on Seulgi’s shoulder “Please let me stay like this for a while.” Said Yeri.

Seulgi turns to Youi for answer but Youi only smiles at her. Seulgi didn’t how to react so she just let Yeri hugs her tightly. Yeri never hugged Seulgi ever in her life, she had hugged Joy but never Seulgi. She loves the woman but she never had the chance to show her. It hit her hard when she watched Seulgi died in her arms, but now here Seulgi stands in front of her once again. Though it’s the younger Seulgi who is clueless about Yeri’s identity and their connection.


Upon hearing the voice, Seulgi quickly pushed Yeri away, and turned to the voice owner “Joy…” she greeted as she laughed nervously.

“What are you going?” Joy asked, but Seulgi can sense the jealously in her tone.

“I was training these kids. Ugh, this uh, is Yeri and that’s is Youi.”

“Hi.” Both sister said in unison.

“Hmm, I see you’re busy, I’ll come back again later.” Said Joy and she stormed off.

“You wanna go after her?” Yeri asked.

“Ugh, but I can’t leave you and Youi here, alone.” Said Seulgi.

“Don’t worry about us, I know this place well. You can go, you better explain things properly to your wife.” Said Yeri and she winked at Seulgi.


“Yeah, you married her in the future.” Said Yeri and she received a jab from Youi.

“You mean she agreed to marry me? I mean I’ve been trying to court her for ages, but…ugh…explain to me how I did it when I come back!”

The sisters waved goodbye at Seulgi and then Youi turned to Yeri “I thought we agreed no more spoiling the future stuff to the people here?!”

“I can’t help it, you will know why I do it if you had live with them for 18 years.” Said Yeri.

“Fine, you win, now let’s go find Wendy and fix your shoulder.”


Ryujin busy stuffing her face with food when Irene storm in the office. Ryujin quickly get her leg down from the table and clean up her mess “Unnie!” she greeted her sister.

“Did, did you managed to talk to Wendy unnie?” Ryujin asked but she received a glare from her girlfriend asking her to keep quiet.

“Don’t mentioned that girl’s name ever again! You two leave me alone!”

Lia hurriedly drag Ryujin out, she knows her boss well, so in order to avoid any injury, she better get the hell out of that office.

“What happened?” Ryujin asked.

“She had a fight with Wendy.”


“Wendy was angry at her for conducting DNA test without her consent. And they had a fight, then her father called.”

“Uncle called?”

“Yeah, he wanted to meet her over a meeting with the T-ARA organization.” Replied Lia.

Ryujin remembered what Yeri had told her, the war that happened in the future is because of an experiment that the government did. “Lia, I need to go somewhere, I’ll see back at our home okay. Bye.” Ryujin gives Lia and peck on the lips and hurriedly leave.


“Your shoulder should be okay, don’t worry about it too much, it’s just a minor injury, but you need to wear this for at least a week to restrain your movement.”

“Thanks Wendy.”

“You are welcome. Now, how was your training with Seulgi?”

“It’s , I think I’m going to have sore all over my body this morning. I thought Youi can hold up to her because I’ve never seen anyone as skilled as Youi but she still can’t win over Seulgi.”

Wendy just laughed at Yeri’s rant, she then looked at Youi who had been silence the whole time, she nudges her and Youi gives her response.

“What are you thinking?”

“Nothing.” Yeri lied.

Wendy knows something is bothering Youi but she refrains herself from prying too much into the girl’s thoughts, though she knows she should at least get to know her daughter more because she abandoned her, and Wendy is still feels guilty over that fact.

“Here, your watch.” Wendy hands the Yves watch back to Youi.

“I was looking for it…” said Youi and she thanked Wendy before she puts in on.

“I’m sorry that I took it without your permission, I just wanted to analyse the future technology to complete my own Yves. Thanks to that watch I managed to fix the flaws in mine.” Said Wendy, she feels bad for lying but she needs to keep the secret to herself, that she knows what happened to the future, and it seems like future her is making the right decision to send Youi and Yeri back to the past before the two of them started the final war.

“So you’ve perfected Yves?” Youi asked innocently.

“Well not 100% yet, but I can say 99% is perfected.”


The trio turned to the panting tired looking girl who just burst into Wendy’s office.

“Wendy did you had a fight with Irene unnie? Why did you fight with her?!” Ryujin said as she charged toward Wendy and grab Wendy by the collar.

“Chill Ryujin, I didn’t mean to fight with her but she did something behind my back without my consent. What is she finds out about Youi? And I know you’ve already know Youi and Yeri’s identity because Yeri told me that she already told you about them.”

“Yes I know about Yeri and Youi.” Said Ryujin “But you don’t have to fight with unnie, you know how scary she is when she’s mad?”

Ryujin sighs and she turns to Youi “You…really do resemble both of them.” She said.

“You’re not here because your sister is mad at me right, there must be something else.” Wendy asked.

Ryujin sighs again and she seated herself at the couch, she put her hand together and tilt her head up to look at Wendy.

“I want to come back to the team.”


“I want to be part of the Arrow squad again.” said Ryujin. “Irene unnie is going to meet with T-ARA later.”

Yeri gasps at the mentioned of T-ARA name and she turned to Wendy “You had to stop her. T-ARA is the cause of all the war that’s going to sacrifice all of you! You have to stop Irene from helping them!” Yeri warned Wendy.

Wendy ignores Yeri’s plead and goes to Ryujin “Are you sure about your decision to join the team?”

“I know I quit because I don’t want my sister to get suspicious on me, and working with her give me so much advantages with all of the technologies available in that company, but Wendy unnie…”

“You need to stay with your sister Ryujin.” Wendy cuts Ryujin before she able to finish his sentence.

“I can be a great help if I join the team Wendy!”

“I have Yeri and Youi now in my team.” Wendy replied.

“Hey, who said we agreed to be…ouch!” Yeri yelps when Youi nudge her again with her elbow.

“Ryujin, I need you to stay beside your sister and try to find out as much as information you can on whatever research that the government and your sister planning to do. I can’t have you back in the team, when you’re already in the team.” said Wendy.


“Consider that I sent you to keep an eye on the Bae, you’re the only person I can count on. So stay at where you are and keep me updated on what the government is doing.”

“I can’t! My sister won’t allow me to get my hands on that confidential info.”

“Then tried to infiltrate the system! You are a genius you will know what to do right?” Wendy silence Ryujin.

“I will see what I can do. The meeting is tonight, 8pm, at the Harbour Hotel.”

“Ryujin-ah.” Wendy calls for Ryujin before she goes “I love your sister, and I promise you I will keep her safe.”

“You better keep your promise Wendy.”

Wendy nods but Yeri and Youi were concerned over the conversation that Wendy and Ryujin had. Wendy turns to Yeri and Youi, she puts her hands on their shoulder and said “Suit up.”

Yeri and Youi looked at each other and then back to Wendy who is already making her way to exit the office. They followed her, and they saw Wendy speak through her watch to summon the other of the Arrow Squad to gather at their secret lair.


“Lia, can you prepare me the file on the research progression?”

“Yes boss. I’ll get to you, umm boss, would you like to go home and take a rest first? You haven’t sleep since last night.” Lia suggested to her boss.

“It’s okay Lia, I’ll get a rest after the meeting.”

“Do you me to go buy anything for you to eat? You haven’t had your lunch too…”

“Yeah I was a little hungry, where’s Ryujin? We can go get lunch together.”

“Ryujin she went out earlier, I don’t think she is coming back…”

The exact moment Lia finishes her sentence, Ryujin comes in through the door with some take away in her hands “I brought food!”

“I thought you were going home?” Lia questioned her girlfriend.

“Ah, I change my mind. Anyhow, I bought food, unnie you haven’t eaten right?” Ryujin shows them the food that she bought.

“Ooh!! Tteobokki!”


“You’re telling me you’re going to ambush your own fiancée?” Lisa asked.

“Yes Lisa.”


“They’re going to have a meeting tonight at 8, but we aren’t going to ambush them there…we’re going to gather enough evidence to confront T-ARA.”

“And how are we going to do that?”

“We break into the Bae Co Lab…” Wendy said.

Seulgi laughed at Wendy but no one is laughing with her, and her laugh slowly fade away then she clears “You’re crazy Wendy, you know the Bae got the best security in the whole country, even your company can’t compete with them in that area. How are we going to break in?”

“Ryujin is back on the team… she will help us to access the building. And girls we have new members with us, Youi and Yeri.”

“Why are you letting two inexperience kids to join us? Wendy this is a Robin Hood kind of mission anymore, the moment you wanted to infiltrate the government, that’s the moment we all expose to danger. Every night I couldn’t sleeping thinking about what if we made mistake and got prosecuted? I agreed because you said we’re going to punish those capitalist and give back to those needy, but not it has become something else!” Seulgi disagreed with Wendy.

“If you don’t want to be part of the mission then leave. The door is over there. I know I’ve escalated mission, but if we don’t want our future to be doomed, we have to finish this mission. I started it and I’m going to finish it, with or without you guys.”

Lisa, Jisoo, Rosé, Jennie, and Joy shake their heads, it is pointless for them to stop Wendy. Jisoo steps forward first and puts her hand up “I’m in, well since now we’re already stuck in this mess, might as well as we finished it.”

“If Jisoo unnie is dumb enough to die for you then I will too.” Lisa said as she holds up her hands too.

“If PooPoo is joining then I’m joining.” Jennie offered.

“Me too!” Rosé put up her hand enthusiastically.

Everyone then turned to JoyGi, Joy avert her gaze to Seulgi, because she volunteered to be part of the Arrow Squad because of Seulgi.

“I’m not gonna let you die alone, because I don’t want your ghost to come and haunt me.” Seulgi said.

Wendy smiles because she knows Seulgi is stuck with her forever, she is her best friend, so she knows Seulgi won’t turn her back on her.

“Arrow squad suits up.”


Ryujin wave her hand in front of Irene’s face to check if her sister is already in a deep sleep. Then she checks on her girlfriend and when she is sure that both had fallen into a deep sleep, she carefully takes her sister’s access card.

“Do or die.” She whispered to herself.

When she was on her way back home Wendy called her and asked for her help to get the access to the lab where the they conducted the confidential research. Ryujin takes a deep breath and slowly removed the card from her sister’s neck. Ryujin stops when Irene exchange her position. Ryujin slowly lifted Irene’s hand that was blocking the card and lifted the card away from Irene’s neck. She quickly ran to Irene’s desk and open up her laptop. She quickly makes a copy of the card with Irene’s scanner and pray hard that the effect of the sleeping pills that she put into her sisters and girlfriend’s food doesn’t wear off too quickly.

She pumps up her fist when the copy completed and she carefully put the access card back on Irene. She clears away any evidence, and quickly close her laptop and put it back in her back then she looks at the time it’s almost 6, and she knows that her sister cares about image a lot so she will want to go back to take a bath and wear nicely before meeting with potential clients. She clears and check the room for one last time to avoid any suspicion. She bent down and gently shakes Irene to wake her up.

“Unnie. Unnie wake up or you will be late to the meeting later. Unnie. Irene unnie…Unnie wake up.”

Irene stirs up and slowly open her eyes, she sees Ryujin’s face and she immediately sit up straight “How long did I fall asleep?” she asked and she look at her watch “Oh shoot! It’s almost 6! I need to go home and take a bath. Ryujin ah, can you ugh, wake Lia up and asked her to meet me at the hotel later?”

“No problem.”

Irene hurriedly stuffing all of the available documents into her bag and left in hurry. Ryujin sighs and turns to her girlfriend, she touches Lia’s shoulder and gently shakes her up. Lia stirs up and she looks at Ryujin and smiles.

“Hey beauty, wake up.”

“Where am I?” Lia asked.

“Still in unnie’s office, you must be too tired that you fall asleep after lunch.” Ryujin lied.

“Fall asleep? That’s impossible…I wasn’t tired…” Lia begins to doubt she look at the leftover food and then she turns to Ryujin “Jinie-ah, you didn’t put anything inside our food right?”

Ryujin started to sweat and stutter when she answers Lia “No, why would I want to do that? I’m your girlfriend Lia! I wouldn’t do such thing to you!”

Lia smiles and she pats Ryujin on the and tell her “I believe you, what time is it? Where is Irene?”

“She gone home to take a bath, do you want to go back and take a bath? She told you to meet her at the hotel later.”

Lia looked at the time and she sighs “Still go time, alright, I’ll go back and take a shower before go there. Jinie-ah~ can you pick me up~” Lia whined cutely toward her girlfriend as she held out her arms. Ryujin chuckles and she helps Lia to put all of her stuff into her bag and then proceed to approached Lia and carry her on her back. Lia always enjoy a piggy back from Ryujin, because she feels secure on Ryujin’s back.


The arrow squad are getting ready with the suits and their equipment. Wendy seeing that Yeri and Youi are already suited up, she called them. The duo goes to her without any question. Wendy tell Seulgi that she needs the girl to come with her and she told Seulgi to take over on the preparation for the mission. Seulgi nodded and she take over the control from Wendy.

“Where are we going?” Youi asked.

“To my favourite place.”

Wendy led them to her weapon vault, she opens the vault to reveal her collection of arrows and bows.

Youi and Yeri were amused at Wendy’s collection. Wendy takes the purple bows and gives it to Yeri “For you.”


“You are my daughter right? Consider this as a gift from me to you.”

Youi was a little upset that Wendy gave Yeri the weapon, but she was surprised when Wendy pats her on the shoulder “Youi, come with me.” said Wendy and Youi follows her.

Wendy open up a box that was situated in the middle of the room, and she revealed the golden colour arrow and bow. She picks it up and give it to Youi and with a proud face she said to Youi “I was gonna give it to my successor anyway, so it’s all yours.”

Youi holds the bow and she was surprise by how light the bow is and then Wendy hands Youi one of the arrow and asked her to try to shoot it.

“I can’t.” Youi said.

“Yes you can Youi, you are my daughter and I believe you can.”

“I’m not good in archery, I’m bad at it, so I can’t.” said Youi.

Wendy only smiles at Youi’s statement and she takes the bow and arrow from her and proceed to aim it at Youi.

“Wendy!” Yeri tried to stop Wendy but Wendy didn’t stop from aiming the arrow at Youi. Youi managed to remain calm and silence at the sudden threat.

“There is no fear in your eyes.” Said Wendy.

“Because I believe you won’t shoot me.” Said Youi calmly.

Wendy put down the arrow and hand it back to Youi and said “Youi-ah, the skill or an archer can be trained and polished but the trust you put in your bow and arrow is what’s important, if you don’t believe in it, it will lose its direction…This is yours, I named it the hornet, I will personally train you tomorrow, you can keep the weapon because it’s all yours.”

Youi holds the bow closer to her chest, it’s the first ever gift that she ever received. Unknowingly he tears falls down and she quickly wipes it away. She looks up to Yeri and Wendy’s direction and seeing how Yeri can openly express herself to Wendy makes Youi think that there’s a lot of thing that she doesn’t know about her own feelings. She never felt loved before, the only person that she ever felt loved from was from caretaker of the orphanage, Park Chorong but then Chorong left her. She still holds a grudge over Chorong for leaving her, hence she wishes that she can express her feelings to Wendy. She wanted to feel that motherly touch from Wendy and Irene but she doesn’t know how to do it without them feel weird about it.



“You okay?”


“Let’s go.”

“Okay…” said Youi and she puts on her mask, following her mother food steps.


Ryujin dropped her girlfriend in front of the hotel and gives her a flying kiss before she drives away. Lia waited until Ryujin’s car is gone from her sight before she enters the hotel lobby. Lia spotted her boss sitting at the waiting area, reading through some paper work.


“Oh Lia! You’re just in time, did you bring all the files that I asked to?”

“Yes, it’s all in here.” Said Lia as she hands her boss the envelope.

“Great…how do I look?”

“You look great boss. Are you nervous?” Lia chuckled at her boss.

“Yeah…this is the first time that I’m going to meet with this T-ARA leader, and dad is finally going to allow me to lead the research, of course I am nervous! If this work, it’s going to be a ground breaking news!!” Irene said excitedly.

Lia only smiles at her boss as she has nothing to say about the research. Lia herself is a biologist but she is not convinced of the experiment that the company is doing.

“Dad!” Irene waves at her father when she noticed him.


Irene exchange hugs with her father and her father gives her a little kiss on her crown “Haven’t seen you since the last dinner, how are you? You should invite Seungwan over once in a while Joohyun ah…”

“Don’t mention her name dad…”

Mr. Bae looked at Lia for answer and Lia just laugh awkwardly at her boss’s father, she clears when she sees the middle aged man frown at her “She had a fight with Miss Wendy.” Said Lia forcefully.


“What? It was her fault!” Irene huffed as she sulked.

“Joohyun-ah, did you fight with her? I know Seungwan isn’t the type to argue with someone without any reason.” Said Mr. Bae.

“Look dad, I will resolve my problem with her, just please stay away from my life matters, I’m not a little girl anymore.”

Mr. Bae smiled and he pulls his daughter into his embrace “Nonsense, you will forever be my little princess!”

“Dad!!” Irene whined.

“Did I interrupt something?” said someone and they turned to the voice owner.

A short haired girl accompanied by 5 men in black standing behind them. Irene was smitten by the woman’s beauty and she snapped out of it when the woman winked at her. She returns the wink with a smile and she look up to her father to see her father reaction.

“Miss Eunjung, glad you could make it, I thought you’re gonna send your representative, I was surprised to you came down yourself.” Mr. Bae said and he offered a hand shake to the woman.

“This is an important task Mr. Bae. It is better if I myself come down to monitor the progress. May I know who is the lovely lady behind you?”

Mr. Bae turned behind and he remembered that he hadn’t introduce her daughter to their client yet, so he puts his arm on Irene’s shoulder and introduce her to their client.

“Joohyun ah, meet Eunjung, she is the head of the T-ARA project. You know we are currently working with government in genetic research, and I was hoping you will be involving in the project as well and guide Miss Eunjung here.”

Irene and Eunjung exchanges a hand shake, and Irene couldn’t help but to find how charming Eunjung is. Irene snaps back to reality when she heard Lia clears and she let go of Eunjung hand and proceed to introduce her assistant to Eunjung.

“This is Lia, she’s my assistant.”

“Hi nice to meet you.” Said Lia.

“Nice to meet you too, shall we go inside for the meeting?”



Opposite of Bae Lab

“I don’t understand why would they want to have the meeting outside, at a hotel?” Yeri questioned.

“Maybe to avoid any spies? I mean their project is big and confidential.” Seulgi answered.

Youi was looking around the whole building and she jumped when Yeri tap her on the shoulder. “You okay? You’ve been quiet since this morning.” Yeri asked.

“Yeah. I’m okay.” Youi answered.

“Joy, did you by pass the signal?” Wendy asked through he in ear pieces.

“Done, you guys only got 20 minutes to get out of there.”

“Roger that…where the hell is Ryujin?” Wendy wonders.

“Here!” Ryujin appears and she gasped for airs “The lift broken, so I had…to run up…here’s the access card.” Ryujin gives Wendy the card before she collapses on the ground.

“You okay Ryujin?”

“Yeah, I just need some rest.” Said Ryujin.

Wendy gives her a thumb up and then turned to Seulgi and Lisa “Mission start now.”

Seulgi and Lisa nodded and they shoot their arrows to the opposite building to create a zip line for them to enter the building via the rooftop.

“Wait are we going to zip lining to that building?!” Yeri asked in surprise.


Yeri head a click and before she could response, Wendy pushes her and glide through the two building. Youi watches as her sister landed on the other side of the building safely.

“Wendy-ah, Yeri injured her shoulder earlier! You shouldn’t have done that! What if her shoulder gets dislocated again?”

Wendy laugh sheepishly, she totally forgot about Yeri’s shoulder “I forgot about it. Well it’s your turn now Youi.”


Harbour Hotel

“Everything looks good.” Said Eunjung as she read through the report, then she pauses when one of her men whispered something to her.

“Excuses me Irene, There’s some issue at our HQ I need to go.”

“Oh…okay…maybe we should continue our discussion some other time?”

“I’ll meet you at the research facility tomorrow morning, is that okay?”

“Sure.” Irene replied with a smiles.

Eunjung smiles and she send Irene a flying kiss and the latter flattered at the gesture. Lia was silently judging her boss on the side. Once Eunjung left, Lia nudge her boss “Are you being serious right now?” Lia scoffed and roll her eyes.


“You have Wendy remember.”

“So what? She never did what Eunjung did to me, all that she ever knows is her work work and work.”

“I can’t believe you right now.”

“I’m not cheating behind Wendy okay, I just think that Eunjung is charming, that’s all.” Said Irene as she tried to defend herself.

“Whatever you say boss, do you want me to call Ryujin to pick us up?”

Irene looks at her watch and it shows that it’s almost 10, she sighs and nods. Lia picks up the phone and contacted Ryujin.


Ryujin was surprised by the phone call and when she saw her girlfriend name appear, she panicked. She alerted Joy who is monitoring the whole mission from The Arrow HQ.

“Joy, seems like my sister and the T-ARA meeting went short, whatever happen you gotta get them out of the lab now!”


Wendy was busy taking a few samples of the research on the table, she saw the test tube labelled with R-17. She had instructed Youi and Yeri to guard the entrance and alert her if they saw anyone in the premises. Wendy saw the test report on the table left unattended, she takes out her camera and take a picture of those reports.


“Yes joy?”

“Wendy, you gotta get out of bzzz…bzzzz…she’s…bzzzz”

“Joy? I can’t hear you.”

“Bzzzz….out…. bzzzz”

Wendy take out her ear piece and keep alert of her surroundings. She was in the middle of copying files to her thumb drive too, and it’s only 80% completed.


Youi and Yeri decided both of them should keep watch one side each, so Youi watched the left side while Yeri keep guard on the right side. Youi’s ear suddenly twitched and she quickly turn back and yelled at Yeri “Yeri duck!!”

Yeri couldn’t respond fast enough, so Youi aim her arrow at Yeri to make Yeri duck low. A gunshot was fired and Youi managed to dodge it before she shoots her arrow toward the intruder.

“You okay?” she askd Yeri.

“Yeah…who was that?”

“I don’t know…” Youi said and she goes closer to the lifeless body that she just shot with her arrow, she noticed that the person isn’t wearing the Bae company uniform, she searched for identification on the body and found that person’s card.

“.” Youi cursed and she turned to Yeri “They are from T-ARA!”

“What are they doing here? This isn’t their HQ!”

“I see that Robin recruited new sidekicks huh?”

Yeri and Youi turn to the voice direction and they saw Eunjung, both girls get their bow and arrow ready and aim it at Eunjung.

“I don’t understand what Robin wants and why she always try to ruin my project.” Said Eunjung as she takes a step closer to the girls. Youi was scared, she hardly feels scare, but something about Eunjung scare her and she take a step back. Yeri noticed it but she remains on her spots, not taking any step back.

“Drop your arrow and bow if you want to survive this.”

“You drop yours.” Yeri warned.

Eunjung smile and she snapped her finger, instructing her men to at the girls. The men pull the trigger way faster than Yeri and Youi pulling the string. Yeri had to kick Youi down to protect her from the bullets and she managed to shoots a few arrows to disarmed the men, but one of the men managed to shoot Yeri on the leg. Youi is mad at herself for unable to react fast and causes Yeri to get shot. Youi gets up from the floor and rampantly attack the men and Eunjung. Eunjung was surprise by Youi’s forces as she struggles to block the girl’s attack.


Arrow HQ

“Seulgi! Lisa! You two get in there before the girls are killed!” Joy instructed.


Rosé and Jennie watched in horror when they watch the fight scene through the camera that was installed on Yeri’s and Youi’s suit armor.

“Try to contact Wendy!!” Rosé yelled.

“I can’t!! If I can, they would have gone out from there!!” Joy retaliated.

“Keep calm Chaeoung ah!” Jennie tried to calm the brunette.


Wendy heard the gunshots and she prayed that Youi and Yeri are holding on because she can’t leave the lab without the data that she copied. Wendy heard the rapid gunshots and she got even worried for her daughters’ safety. She heard Yeri and Youi’s scream and she decided that her daughters’ life is far more important than the incomplete data. So she pulled out the thumb drives and put it in her pockets. She makes sure that she gets all the evidence that she wanted and she left the lab.

When she exited the lab. She saw that Yeri was lying painfully on the ground and Youi was fighting alone. She rushes to Yeri to check on Yeri and she saw that Yeri was shot on the leg “Can you stand?” she asked calmly.

“I was shot in the leg! What do you think?!” Yeri yelled at Wendy.

“If you got such energy to scream at me, means you got the energy to stand up and walk, I want you to go up the staircase to meet with Seulgi and Lisa.” Said Wendy and she ignore all the grunting and panting from Yeri as she pulled her up. Wendy saw a few men coming toward them and she pulls out her bow and arrows and start shooting on them. Yeri was amazed by Wendy’s archery skill when she managed to shoot the men without injuring them on their vital organ.

“Go no go, I’ll help your sister!” Wendy instructed.

Yeri takes a deep breath and start limping toward the staircase. Wendy watches over her and keeps shooting at the men that coming toward her. Wendy also uses some of signature ‘Robin’ Shuriken to immobilize the enemies. Once she saw that the line is clear for Yeri, she rushes to help Youi.

“You’re strong.” Eunjung praises Youi “But too bad you fight with you emotion, which you shouldn’t have.” Said Eunjung before she uses her foot to trip Youi and makes her fall. The men caught Youi and they hold her down.


Eunjung looks up and she saw the original Robin aiming the arrow at her, she smirks at her and she put down her weapon.

“Our city favourite vigilante.” Eunjung greeted.

“Let her go.” Wendy demanded.

“Let her go? Why don’t you let me go?” Eunjung asks Wendy sarcastically.

“What you are doing, will have the consequences Eunjung. This experiment…is unethical, I need to stop you before you ruin the whole world.”

“The government give me the authorities to create the super soldiers, in whatever way that I want…and you’re threatening me? Shouldn’t you go and threaten the government? I only did what they asked me to.” Said Eunjung calmly.

Wendy was silent, she didn’t have any answer to be given to Eunjung.

“What Robin? Cat caught your tongue? Defying me means Defying the government.” Said Eunjung and she takes out pocket knife from her pocket and flip it open. She traces the knife on Youi’s neck but her eyes never gaze away from Wendy’s eyes.

“Eunjung! Let that girl go!” Wendy demands again.

“I guess she’s important to you that you are afraid to shoot your arrow because you’re afraid that you might hit her, am I right? Robin I thought you were way more skilful~” Eunjung continues to taunt Wendy.

Indeed, Wendy was afraid that she might hit Youi with her arrow, she had never been so hesitate to shoot an arrow until today. After learning the truth from Yves, she felt sorry for Youi and she wanted to bond with her daughter, so she certainly doesn’t want Youi to get killed tonight.

“The trust you put in your bow and arrow is what’s important…” Youi said out loud even though she struggled as one of the men had his hand on .

Wendy was surprised that Youi had to reminded her of her own words, she takes a deep breath and shoot the arrow toward Eunjung. Eunjung managed to dodge the arrow but it grazes through her cheek, leaving a long scratch on her cheek. Eunjung was furious and she throw her pocket knife at Wendy’s direction. Wendy who was busy to keepy those men away from Youi, didn’t notice the knife flying toward her. Fortunately, Youi called out for her and Wendy uses her arm to block the knife. It cuts Wendy arm deeply and blood gushing out from her wound. Wendy asked Youi to run but Youi refuses to leave Wendy alone to fend all of the T-ARA guys.

“Heads up!”

The mother daughter duo turned to the voice direction and they saw Seulgi standing there and she pull the pint of the smoke bomb and throw it toward their direction. Wendy and Youi hurriedly dash toward Seulgi and escape the scene.

“What took you so long?” Wendy questioned her best friend.

“I told you this isn’t a good mission!” Seulgi fired back.

“I got all the evidence.” Said Wendy.

“I don’t care about the evidence now Wendy! It’s a miracle you and Youi are still alive!”

“Stop your nagging please!”

Youi turns back to see if the T-ARA guys are following them but they aren’t.

“Don’t worry Youi, the bomb I use isn’t the normal smoke bomb, it’s sleeping smoke bomb.” Said Seulgi when she noticed that Youi keeps looking back.


Ryujin was driving her sister back home when her sister received a called from the company building manager.

“Robin what?!!” she shouted.

Ryujin almost hit the emergency brake as she was shocked to hear her sister’s sudden shout.

“Ryujin! Heads to the office now!” said Irene.

“But unnie…”

“Robin just intrude our company! That damned woman!!”

Ryujin reluctantly turns the car to their office direction. Irene was fuming and she keeps making call while Ryujin was silent and Lia starts to get suspicious over Ryujin’s calm reaction. Lia didn’t want to create a scene so she decided to ask Ryujin when they are alone.


Arrow HQ

Lisa helps the limping Yeri to the infirmary while Joy attend to Wendy. Wendy pushes Joy aside telling her that she’s okay and she wanted to be by Yeri side at the moment to check on that girl. Youi follows behind, Youi felt guilty that she couldn’t protect her sister.

“The bullet didn’t penetrated deep into her muscle so it’s going to be okay.” Said Seulgi after she finished examine Yeri.

“If I was alert, she wouldn’t be here.” Said Youi softly.

“Hey, Youi, it isn’t your fault at all…” Wendy tried to make Youi feel better.

“Hey Youi! You saved my life before, so now we’re even, there’s nothing that you should feel bad at!” said Yeri from the operation table.”

“You sure do have a lot of energy don’t you Yeri?” Wendy laughed at Yeri’s energetic remarks.

Youi noticed the wound on Wendy’s arm and she gasped “Oh no, you need to stitch that up!”

“Oh, I should.” Said Wendy calmly but before she goes, she hugs Youi and said “I’m proud of you today Youi…really proud. I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you and Yeri.”

Wendy kisses Youi on the forehead before she goes to Joy to check on her injury. Youi touches her forehead and smile sheepishly.

To be continued…

Next Chapter Preview

“Hey babe…” Wendy greeted Irene.

“What do you want from me?” said Irene coldly.

“Look, yesterday was , I know I shouldn’t be so hard on you. I know that you just wanted to investigate the things your way, I forgive you, so can you forgive me too?” Wendy begged Irene with her puppy eyes.

Irene’s weakness is Wendy’s cuteness, she sighs as she had to deal with a lot of things today and she doesn’t want Wendy to bother her even more so she nodded. Wendy smiles and she pulls Irene into a tight hug, which made Irene surprised because Wendy never acted this way.

“I sorry to interrupt you again Irene.”

Irene pushes Wendy away and it made the latter sad. Wendy looks at their intruder and her eyes grow big.

“Eunjung! What are you doing here?” Irene asked as she exchanges hug with Eunjung.

“Checking on you, it must be stressful for you.” Said Eunjung.

“A little…anyway Eunjung, let me introduce to you, my…”

“Wife.” Wendy cuts Irene off and offers her handshakes to Eunjung. Irene was a little offended when Wendy cuts her off, but deep inside she was happy that Wendy shows a little interest toward her.

“Oh, I didn’t know you are married.” Said Eunjung to Irene and she exchange the handshake with Wendy and then she noticed the bandage wrapped around Wendy’s arm, a sly smiles appear on Eunjung face as she said "Pleasure to meet you...Wendy." and she tighten her grips on Wendy's hand.

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Chapter 17: why don't you post the next chapter authornim 😭😭😭
Chapter 16: This is getting interesting, even though I know this story is still not finished 😞
Chapter 15: I didn't expect Yeri's parents to be the ones causing problems 😭
Chapter 13: I once watched a drama about humans who were frozen and they managed to survive for decades, but when they came back to life they couldn't stand being at normal room temperature
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD FINALLY 😭🙏🏻
Chapter 11: The conflict is increasing and I hate the way Eunjung is doing it
Chapter 9: From the preview, it can be seen that a lot will happen in the next chapter
Chapter 6: I like this storyline. I've never read anything like this before 😍
Chapter 3: wow 😮
Chapter 2: This makes me even more curious