Chapter 3: The Parents

Turn Back The Time

Youi follows behind Joy as they walked to the study room, once they got in they were greeted by Seulgi who was already wearing her fighting gear.

“Are...are we gonna fight?” Youi asked with fear in her voice.

Seulgi laughs “No silly, I think you should change to this…” said Seulgi and she hand Youi a garment bag.

“What’s in this?”

“Or perhaps she just should just rest and you can give her all the details tomorrow morning honey?” Joy told Seulgi because she thinks that it’s a bad idea.

“It’s now or never…” said Seulgi, ignoring her wife's suggestion.

Joy turns to Youi after Seulgi ignored her and she grab Youi by the shoulder “Youi, I know you wanted to know more about your parents, but I think you should get some rest first, and Seulgi will show you where your parents work so you can understand your parents better.” said Joy as she tried to persuade the teenager.

“Joy, stop baby-ing…”

“It’s too dangerous for you and Youi to go at night Seul! Just go tomorrow morning!” Joy raises her voice.

Seulgi and Youi flinched and both of them nodded. 

“We’ll go tomorrow Youi, early morning, you take that clothes and wear them tomorrow morning.” Seulgi dismisses Youi.

Youi bows and she excuses herself, but before Youi walks out, Joy grabs her by the wrist.

“Youi, before you go, here...this is your mother’s journal, you can read it if you want.” Joy snatched the journal from Seulgi and gave it to Youi.

Youi takes the book from Joy, she stares at it, it is black color and ‘Wendy’s Journal’ was imprinted on the leather cover.

“See you tomorrow.” said both Seulgi and Joy in unison.

When Youi is gone from the room, Joy turns to her wife furiously “I know you were irritate when Youi asked us why her parents abandon her and Yeri lived happily with us, but this is not the way! Bringing a child to a deserted place that hasn’t been used for 17 years! What are you thinking?!”

“Wendy and I didn’t have it easier too when we just started, do you know how many bones have been broken and bruises we received?”

“But this is different Seulgi...Youi knows nothing about defending herself…”

“If Wendy can, I believe Youi can too.”

“I don’t want her to end up like her parents honey, please don’t push her too much.”

Seulgi sighs and nodded to agree to her wife. 


Youi reached her room and she was startled by Yeri when she saw the girl sitting on her bed. 


“Don’t call me that.” Yeri hissed.

Youi was scared but she tried to keep a straight face “I’m sorry Yeri-ssi...when did you get back?”

“It’s none of your business…” said Yeri coldly.

“Why are you in my room?” Youi asked.

“Your room?” Yeri scoffed, she gets up from the bed and approaches Youi, the two siblings are now face to face with each other, despite being the older sister, Yeri is shorter, so she had to look up to glare at Youi “This was their room, it’s not yours.” Yeri said before she walks past Youi to exit the room.

Youi turns to her sister's direction “Why do you hate me so much?” 

Yeri stops at her track and turns back to face her younger sister “If it wasn’t for you, they would still be alive today.” said Yeri and her tears were visible in her eyes, it makes Youi felt guilty. Yeri walks out when Youi didn’t reply her.

Youi felt like she wasn’t welcome in the house, she sits on the bed and thinks thoroughly about her decision. She wanted to know what happened to her parents but at the same time she didn’t want to stay around Yeri. She stares at the photo by the desk and sighs “What should I do moms?”


“Yeri, you shouldn’t said those think to Youi.” Joy scolded her adopted daughter, she had been eavesdropping outside of Youi’s room when she walked by to check on Youi and saw Yeri in her room.

“I don’t care if she was hurt by that, but it’s the truth.”

“Yeri you should know your boundary, Wendy and Irene didn’t raise you to be rude like this.” Seulgi chipped in.

“Seulgi, I heard that your conversation with Youi, you said you’ll bring her to mom’s old work place, I want to tag along too.” said Yeri to Seulgi.

“Yeri, that place…”

“I know, I was there too when it happened, but I want to be there...this time I will not have anxiety attacks again.” said Yeri.

“Honey, if Yeri is going, I’m going too…” Joy interrupts the duo.

Seulgi was too tired to deal with the drama so she just agreed to tag the two of them along.


Youi had just done taking her bath and she lies down on the bed staring at the ceiling. She takes her mother’s journal and starts flipping through. Most of what is written inside, Youi doesn’t understand anything because most of it involves numbers. She stops at the page with the title ‘Project Robin Hood’.

“Robin Hood?” 

Youi continues to read the page.

‘January 18

This city is too corrupted, the system, someone needs to do something. Project Robin Hood will give justice to those who are oppressed by the government. If the government can’t do anything to help the people, then I will. Stage one of the the project, get in shape. Stage two, gather the team. These people whom I trust and with their skills we can achieve the outcome that we want.

Team members that need to be assemble:

Kang Seulgi - Specialty: Martial art and weaponry tech
Joy Park - Specialty: I need to do more research on this girl
Lalisa Manoban - A criminal but not just any criminal, a good one
Kim Jisoo - Daughter of the South Korean Army General - easy access to the military information
Kim Jennie - Lawyer - we need a lawyer in our team in case we run into trouble with the authorities.
Rosé Park Chaeyoung - A designer.

Youi gets up from the bed and she directly goes to the desk and turns on the computer. She types in ‘Project Robin Hood’ into the search engine but nothing pops up, then she changes the keyword to ‘K-City Robin Hood’ and several results pops out.

‘Is the K-City vigilante Robin dead?’

‘Where is Robin when we needed her?’

‘Who is Robin?’

‘2001 Robin disappeared, linked to government conspiracy?’

‘2001 the year K-City mourned for Robin.’

‘K-City government confirmed Robin died in a fight with T-ara syndicate.’

‘T-ara wins, Robin died in vain?’

Youi gasped, does this mean her mother is the famous vigilante ‘Robin’, she was intrigued by the news that stated Robin went missing in 2001, it was exactly a year after she was born and also the same year she was sent to the orphanage.

Youi clicked on the link and she read the news.

‘On the attempt by the Robin to stop the criminal syndicate T-ara on 10 August last week, many of the citizens of K-City were fatally injured by the explosion of the bomb that T-ARA planted in many places of the city. The authorities managed to capture T-ARA ring leader Eunjung. Eunjung told the authorities that she had killed our vigilante Robin but they couldn’t find the body only her cape was found in the scene. Authorities rule out the allegation of Robin’s death. We still believe that she is still alive, we believe she is somewhere out there hiding and resting. One day she will return to us.’

Youi clicked another link to get more info about what happened.

“Robin is gone forever, authorities confirmed her death. K-City mourned for her death. Many were grateful for Robin's help. After a year of missing in action, authorities found more evidence to prove that Robin indeed died in the battle with T-ara. The Project Robin that was established by Robin herself is going to be dismissed and there will no longer be any vigilante act as the government deems these people as pests that keep interrupting the authorities to conduct their job efficiently.”

Youi was in disbelief after she finished reading all of the news about Robin. She rested on the chairs and crossed her arms. She remembered the cloth bag that Seulgi gave her earlier. She gets it and s the bag to reveal the same outfit that Robin wears. 

Youi falls on her knees upon the revelation. When she grows up, she looks up to Robin even though Robin no longer exists during her time but from the stories that she read, she idolizes Robin. 

Robin is the definition of justice and every kid wants to be like her, including Youi. Youi was overwhelmed by the fact that her mother was Robin. She takes out the suit and put them on, the suit fits but the leg is a little too short for her. She pulls up the hood and goes to the mirror to check out herself.

“Robin…” she said to herself when she looked into the mirror “I can’t believe my mother was Robin…”

After admiring herself in the mirror, Youi continued to search for more articles about Robin on the internet. She stumbles upon a news headline titled ‘Robin is the bad guy, and the Bae Lab & Research Co is the good guy?’ She clicks the link and continues to read the article.

‘The heiress of the Bae Lab & Research Co condemned Robin’s act in trying to act as the vigilante of K-City. The heiress, Irene Bae Joohyun (23) stated that Robin’s was trying to act like heroes but many people were hurt by her selfish act. Just a month ago Robin was under fire for kidnapping the heiress of the Bae and accused the company of running illegal genetic modification research to create super soldiers which was debunked after not much evidence to prosecute the company. Robin also accused Bae being part of the T-ARA project. The Bae family demanded apologies from Robin and her gang but nothing is being heard after the kidnapping incident. Is Robin really a hero or someone who is trying to play a hero? The accusations were so severe that Bae Lab & Research facilities had to be closed for a short period for investigation purposes.’

“Irene…isn’t that my other mother’s name?’ Youi questioned and she continues to search for Irene Bae in the search engine and a lot of photos of the heiress pop out and it is her mother. Youi was captivated by Irene’s beauty in the photo, she looked so elegant.

“Wait what, Robin is my other mom and Irene is my mom too, but, they hate each other? What does this mean?” Youi asked herself. Then she proceed to check for the date of the news. ‘January 27, 1994’ and it was way before she was born. 

Youi wanted to continue to search for her mother’s background but her eyes lid is getting heavier, and she is getting tired. She decided to just continue her research tomorrow and for now she needs to get some sleep. There were so many questions that she wanted to ask Seulgi and Joy but she had to wait for the morning to come. Youi took off the suit and hung it nicely in the wardrobe. 

“Good night…Mom.” Youi said softly and she closed the lights to get some sleep.


“Good morning!” Joy greeted her family happily.

“Morning hun…” Seulgi greeted her and she gave her wife a quick peck, and it always made Yeri wanna puke at their PDA.

“Morning Yeri~” Joy greeted her daughter.

“You look happy today.” Said Yeri.

“I had a good night's sleep~” replied Joy with a grin.

“Ugh, don’t tell me what you did last night with Seulgi, I don’t want to know.” Said Yeri as she sips on her coffee. The two older women laugh at Yeri’s remark.

“Yeri do you mind to go get Youi?” Seulgi requested

“I’m not her servant.” Yeri protested.

“Yeri, she is your sister.” Joy answered.

“I will not accept her as my sister until she proves her worth.” Said Yeri.

“Good morning…” Youi walks into the dining room and greeted everyone.

Everyone’s attention turns to Youi and the two adults gasp upon seeing Youi in her mother’s Robin suit. They dropped their cutlery and both runs toward Youi. Seulgi couldn’t stop touching the suit, it’s been awhile since she had seen someone put on the navy color suit.

“You look just like Wendy…” said Joy while covering .

“I did a little research on Robin last night…did she really die?” Youi questioned.

“We never found their body.”

“Their body?” Youi asked with an raised eyebrow.

“Eat your breakfast first, then I will tell you once we arrive at the lab.” Seulgi brushes Youi’s question off.

“What lab?” Youi asked more.

“Would you stop asking so many questions?!” Yeri raised her voice at her younger sister. Youi flinched a little, but she kept her calm.

Youi seated herself next to Yeri and silently ate her breakfast. She tried to talk to Yeri but the older girl just ignored her. Youi silently ate her breakfast, it was a simple breakfast, English style, with scrambled egg and sausage with some toast.

Joy saw the tense atmosphere between the two siblings, so she tried to start a conversation between them “So, Youi, can you tell us how your life is in the orphanage?”

Joy knew she had perks Yeri’s attention when she noticed the girl’s ear twitched. Youi however didn’t show any reaction, she only sighs and looks up to Joy.

“My life in the orphanage was tough. I was bullied a lot by the senior’s residents, I was so small back then, when I was 4, I would always cry myself to sleep at night and my body was full of bruises.” Youi stopped and she lifted up her shirt to reveal a gruesome scar on her abdomen “This scar I received when they accidentally pushed me and I fell down on a iron bar that pierce through me.”

Yeri was disturbed by the scar, an anger feeling surge up, how dare those bullies dare to lay a hand on her sister. She then realized how fortunate she is being adopted into the Kang family. One mention of her adoptive mother’s name will send all of her bullies fears. Kang Seulgi is very influential, no one dares to touch her, her company is one of the biggest suppliers for military technologies to the South Korea Army. Yeri couldn’t imagine how a 4 years old kid can endure what Youi had endure in that orphanage. Yeri felt guilty suddenly, she had lived her best life, both Seulgi and Joy love her, but Youi, she had no one to love.

Seulgi was furious so she cut Youi off “Did you tell the management about it?”

“I did, but they did nothing to help me, they sent me to the hospital and they didn’t even bother to even send me for check up.” Said Youi with a weak smile “But lucky for me, there was one caretaker that helped me, she trained me and she made me strong. She was like a mother to me, a mother that I never had. When I was 15, she left without saying anything…” 

“We are so sorry dear, we didn’t know the orphanage would be so bad, they had the best donators and a lot of people funding for it, but if that is how they treated the children in there, they don’t deserve the funding!” said Joy with anger.

“It’s all in the past now, they chairman change though, so it’s a lot better than how it used to be.” Said Youi as she tried to defend the orphanage. She hated the management but she loves the people there.

The four of them eat in silence after Youi’s revelation. Yeri was the one that affected the most, she was horrified at Youi’s story. She keeps glancing over to Youi, who seems to be enjoying her breakfast. Youi caught Yeri staring, and Yeri gets frustrated, and she quickly looks away.


Joy was the designated driver for that day, she drives to the abandoned lab that’s located at the outskirts of K-City. She somehow agreed to stay behind and call emergency if anything happend to the trio.

“Where are we?” Youi asked.

“It’s the Red Lab, it used to be your mother’s operational HQ, this is where it all begins.” said Seulgi and she then turns to the kids who are sitting at the back of the car “Are you two ready to fight?” Seulgi asked them.

“Fight?” Yeri and Youi asked in unison as they stared up to Seulgi with a confused face.

“Yeah...this place is full of…”

“Mutants…” Joy completes her wife’s words and they exchange knowledgeable looks at each other.

“A what?!” Youi asked confusedly.

“It’s a joke, there’s no such thing as mutant, but this place has been abandoned for so long, so we don’t know if there’s any drug addicts or criminals that’s taking shelter in there. We better take precautions, I am not worried about Yeri, I’ve trained her well, I’m worried about you, Youi. So stay close to us okay?” 

“Honey, no killing alright?” Joy warned her wife.

“I know that.” Seulgi reassured her.

Yeri sighs in relief when Seulgi was joking about the mutants thing, she hadn’t been to training for a year and now she’s getting rusty on her self defense skill, she prayed hard that she doesn’t need to fight.

The trio get out of the car, and Joy bid them farewell “I’ll come back in 2 hours honey...please be safe.”

Seulgi nods at her wife and once Joy had drives away, Seulgi turns to the girl “Okay girls, stay close.”

Seulgi opens the rusty gate to the lab, a gust of wind blows at her face, she coughs when she inhales the dusty air. Youi and Yeri quietly follow from behind, Yeri makes sure that she stands behind Youi, so that if anything comes out to attack them, she will be able to protect Youi. 

They reached the front door of the lab, Seulgi tried to push the big metal door open but it didn’t move an inch. Youi and Yeri just watch her from behind, she turns to them  and asks for their help. The two siblings hurriedly helped Seulgi to push the door open and they managed to open it. Seulgi hands the two girl torch light to light up their way.

It was dusty and full of foul smell in the lab, Yeri couldn’t help but to gag on the smell. Suddenly her vision gets blurry and the event of 17 years ago came back to her. She starts to sweat uncontrollably, her anxiety attacks her again and this time she didn’t bring her medicine with her. She tried to keep her calm because she didn’t want to cause trouble for Seulgi and Youi, but she can feel her heartbeat beating louder and louder. 

Youi who noticed that Yeri is getting pale, she stops and grabs Yeri on the shoulder “Hey, you okay?” 

“Yeah…” Yeri lied.

Seulgi who heard Youi and Yeri’s conversation turn to them “Yeri are you having anxiety attack?”

“No!” Yeri denied.

“Yeri, take your medication.” Seulgi ordered.

“I didn’t bring it.”

Seulgi opens her backpack and takes out Yeri’s medication “Eat this, I know you will have your episode so I brought your medication with me.”

Yeri takes the medicine from Seulgi and pops one in , then she swallows it. 

“Feeling better now?” Seulgi asked.


They continued to walk deeper into the lab until they reached the research facility, Seulgi searched for the power box to turn on the electricity. Once Seulgi manages to turn on the electricity, the whole lab lights up. All of the computers lights up, and a voice greeted them.

“Identify yourself” said the voice.

“Yves, It’s me Kang Seulgi with Wendy’s daughters.”

“It’s been a long time Kang Seulgi. Welcome back to the Red Lab.”

“Glad to hear your voice again Yves.” Yeri interrupted.

“Miss Yeri, you’ve grown.”

“Who are we talking to?” Youi asked.

“It’s Yves, an Artificial Intelligent that Wendy built.”

“Son Youi, age 18, born on April 24th, 2000.” the AI instantly recognize Youi.

“You know me?” Youi was surprised that the AI knew about her.

“Yes Youi, I’ve seen your creation, so I know who you are.”

“My creation?”

“Yes Youi your…”

“Yves!!” Seulgi managed to cut the AI off before she revealed too much information “I believe Wendy and Irene left a message before they died, can you play those messages?”

“Yes Seulgi.

Before Yves can play the message, a group of people ambush the facility “Put your hands up in the air!!” said one of the men.

“Who are you people?” Seulgi asked.

“We are the government's special unit that was tasked to secure this place and you have trespassed this place.”

“So far as I’ve known this place is still under Bae & Co’s property.” Seulgi answered back.

“After the CEO's disappearance, this place was sold to the government and you have no rights to infiltrate this facility.”

Seulgi scoffs at the officer’s answer, she glances over to Yeri, and Yeri was glancing over at her too. Seulgi gave Yeri a nod, Yeri nodded in understanding.

“Search them.”

3 army personnel come down and search the trio. Seulgi grabs the man’s hand and twisted the hand behind his back and she shouted to Youi to run. When one of the men touched Yeri’s hand, Yeri twisted the man’s arm and she elbowed the man on the face, she snatched the gun from his arms and then pointed it at the man, but her attention soon turned to the other person that’s coming toward her away. She managed to kick the man and before he could get up, Yeri shot the man on the leg to immobilize him.

Seulgi kneed one of the men on the abdomen and she was too able to snatch the gun from the guy. Seulgi merciless shot the other men, she was a sharp shooter, she purposely avoided to shoot them on the vital organ. Once she finished all of the men, she quickly rushed to Youi’s side but she was stunned when she saw Youi had taken down all of the other men down without even using any gun.

“ defeat them yourself?” Seulgi asked while panting and she was in disbelief when she saw 6 guys lying on the floor groaning in pain.

“Yeah...took you two so long to defeat…” Youi paused and glance over behind Seulgi’s back “5 person? Not bad…” said Youi, she wasn’t trying to mock Seulgi or Yeri but it would have been an easy peasy for her.

“You told me she can’t fight.” Yeri caught up to them and she was panting too.

“I just assume.” Seulgi shrug.

“I lived in hell for 17 years, I had to learn how to defend myself.” Youi answered back with her eyes rolled.

“Yeah...I...totally forgot that...well then...Yves!!” Seulgi called for the AI.

“What a great fight Seulgi.” Yves replied and suddenly all of the men that were lying in pain on the ground disappear “Fighting simulation ended, computer lose and human won.” said Yves.

“All that was simulation?!” Yeri shouted in disbelief.

“I’m sorry Yeri, but I need to see if Seulgi is still worth it or not to be here in this lab. You fought well too Yeri, it seems like Seulgi taught you well. Youi however show exceptional fighting skill. Even better than Wendy.” Yves said sarcastically.

“Enough with playing around Yves, if those people were real, we could have been dead.” Seulgi scolded the AI, she then went to the main computer and she keyed in the password then searched for the file named You+I. The file was empty, Seulgi panicked, she tried to search for the content everywhere but she couldn't find it “Yves, where’s the video file that Wendy saved before she died?!”

“In my brain. Irene transferred all of the file to my brain because she’s afraid that if all the research files fell to the wrong hand, people will use it for their own personal agenda. Therefore, as instructed by Irene, only her offspring can open the files that she kept inside my brain.”

Yeri and Seulgi look at each other, then they nudge toward Youi “Youi, you should try to open the file.”

“How should I open the files Yves?” Youi asked.

“When Irene locked the file in, she used retinal scan to lock the files, please let me scan your iris to unlock all the files.” said Yves and Youi nodded. Youi steps up to the platform that Yves raises from the floor.

“Retinal scan activate.” and a beam of lights scans Youi’s eyes and suddenly the alarm goes off “Access Denied.” Said Yves.

“How can access be denied?! She’s Wendy and Irene’s daughter! There must be some mistake!” Seulgi asked Yes furiously.

“Or she’s faking it.” Yeri added her sarcasm.

“She is their daughter and her iris matches with one of the scans that was registered in my system, the other one isn’t hers.” Yves explained.

“What if the other one is Irene’s own?!” Seulgi gasped “Do we have to dig up her grave? Wait no, even if we dig her dead body up, her eyes would be gone by now...eaten by the maggots! Irene ah! Wae pabo yah!!” Seulgi was having the dilemma crisis on her own and Yeri was on the side judging her hard. Youi was quiet because she was thinking, then she remembered the meaning behind her name ‘You+I’ she then abruptly turned to Yeri.

“You said you came here before, right?”

“Yeah, but that was 17 years ago…” said Yeri.

“17 years ago, I was probably 1 year old, that could be the day our mother registered my retinal scan, maybe the other scan is yours. Do you remember anything about mother scanning your eyes?”

“I was 5 that time, how can I remember…” 

“Unnie..come and try it with me.” Youi invited Yeri, and Yeri feels electricity running down her spine when Youi called her unnie.

“Go Yeri…” Seulgi encouraged Yeri to step up on the platform with Youi.

“You know mother name me Youi, because it’s means You and I, so it has to be the two of us. Do you want to know what happened to our parents? Let’s do this together.” Youi said as she held out her hand to her sister.

Yeri takes Youi’s hand and gets up on the platform with her “Yves, do the retinal scan again.” Yeri commanded the AI.

“Retinal scan initiate. Retinal scan activate.”

Youi holds Yeri’s hand as she can feel that her older sibling is nervous, both of them hold their breath when the beam hits their eyes, both are scared if their prediction is wrong. What if the second retinal is not Yeri?

“Access Granted.”

Youi and Yeri jump in happiness when their prediction is true.

“Opening You+I files. Playing Irene and Wendy’s video.”

A holographic screen appears and it starts to play a video that Wendy and Irene had left for their children. The start of the video is all static, but someone’s voice can be heard.

“Can you get a connection?”

A face started to appear even though it’s blurry, it was a close up of Irene’s face. 

“Wendy! I can get a signal I can get a signal!” Irene called for her wife. Irene’s face was painted with blood, her lips were cracked and there was a huge bruise on her cheek.

Yeri couldn’t hold back her tears when she was able to see her mother again on screen “Mom…” she called out to the women with her cracked voice.

Irene was hiding behind a huge rock, machine gun and bombs sound can be heard behind them, there were people screaming and yelling. A limping figure was seen walking toward Irene.

“Youi, Yeri…” Wendy said to the camera “Me...and your mother made a big mistake...a very big mistake, I don’t want you to make the same mistake as we did. When you see this video, I beg the two of you to burn all of our research files...burn it, or do whatever you can to erase all of it. If all the information falls to the wrong hand, the world will be doomed.” 

Wendy paused for awhile, Youi can see the sadness in her eyes, Wendy’s eyes looks so tired, her face is full with cuts and bruises. Youi sees Wendy’s smiles and she sees Wendy turns to look at Irene.

“Hey, babe, this night could be our last night, let’s leave our babies our last words okay?”

Irene was wiping her tears away, she tried to smile for the camera “Yeri-ah...mommy is sorry that mommy couldn’t keep mommy’s promise to go to the park with you and go shopping with you, and also play house with you. Mommy was so sorry that mommy made you feel sad because mommy keeps spending time with your sister...but mommy want you to know that mommy loves you just as much mommy love Youi...and my baby Youi...I’m sorry that I had to give you away, it was for your safety. I was the worst mother. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be there for you, shower you with love and see you grow up...I...” Irene’s pauses and she couldn’t stop her tears, she was crying hard, Wendy held her and Irene hid her face in Wendy’s shoulder.

“Yeri-ah, please don’t cause any trouble to your aunt Joy, listen to your aunt, I love you kiddo, I love you more than my own life. I wish we could spend more time, but this city needs us. Youi ah, you are our pride...we put our life in line for you. You are our precious baby, we know you will probably grow up hating us for giving you up, but that was our only choice. We had to hide you away from the government. Our project was a success and now the government wants to use it to create their own...we can’t allow it. It was our greed that we decided to create you Youi...but you were our proudest creation and we love you...grow up well are our…” before Wendy could finish her words the recording was cut off and there was a loud bang and the screen was splattered with blood. They can hear someone screaming for Wendy’s name from afar.

“Video end…”

Yeri cries and she leans her head on Youi’s shoulder. Youi was clenching her teeth and her knuckles. She gets to know what happened to her parents but she was mad that she was left with more questions.

“Yves, tell me who I am.”

Seulgi tried to stop Yves from telling Youi the truth but she was too late as the files are all projected into the holographic screen.

“Son Youi, you were genetically created by your mother Irene by combining her cells with Wendy’s cells, that were then injected into her womb. The experiment was considered illegal and unethical, Irene Bae was imprisoned until you were born. The government were interested in her research of combine two female chromosomes and created a new life and the government wanted to steal her genetic research to create a genetic modified super soldier and they name the project as ‘Project T-ARA’ in other words, choosing the best gene from their soldier and combined it with animal’s gene.”

Yeri gasped at the revelation of Youi’s origins, Seulgi was devastated that she couldn’t protect the secret that she promised her friends that she would protect until her death bed. Youi wasn’t supposed to know about her origin. Her creation was against the law of nature. Two women can’t have a child together without and Irene managed to bypass that law. It still hurt Seulgi to hear people’s blaming her friend’s death because she went against God’s nature.

“I wasn’t conceived normally…” Youi almost lost her strength when she learned about her truth.


“Yves what about me? Am I genetically created too?!” Yeri questioned.

“Bae Yeri, you were adopted by Irene and Wendy when they got married.” Yves replied.

“I...I was adopted?” Yeri couldn’t believe her own fact, she always thought she was Irene’s biological daughter.

“Youi..Yeri...I’m sorry that the two of you had to learn about your truth this way.”

“I need some time alone. Leave me alone.” Youi requested.

Seulgi asks Yeri to come with her, and Yeri did with a heavy heart. Yeri, who always denied Youi’s rights to her parents was actually adopted and not even blood related to Irene or Wendy. She felt even more guilty now that she had shun her little sister since the beginning. 

Youi sat on the floor alone, she tried to absorb all the information in but she just couldn’t find the logic.

“Youi, are you okay?” Yves asked.

“I was birth was against you think I will be okay with that fact?”

“Irene almost lost her life when she gave birth to you…”

“I…” Youi didn’t finish her sentence, she just sigh.

“I see you are wearing your mother’s look good. I think you should continue her legacy.” Yves said.

“Continue her legacy huh?”

“Your mother sacrificed their life to save this city...but from my statistical report the city is still corrupted and the percentage is even higher than when Wendy is still alive. This city needs it Robin.”

“The research files that Wendy instructed me to destroy...may I take a look at it?”


To Be Continued….

A/N: Fuuh, that was a lot! I regret writing this, the plot is too much for me, so I keep cursing at myself for making the storyline too complicated!  It’s gonna be messy…but please bear wtih me.


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Chapter 17: why don't you post the next chapter authornim 😭😭😭
Chapter 16: This is getting interesting, even though I know this story is still not finished 😞
Chapter 15: I didn't expect Yeri's parents to be the ones causing problems 😭
Chapter 13: I once watched a drama about humans who were frozen and they managed to survive for decades, but when they came back to life they couldn't stand being at normal room temperature
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD FINALLY 😭🙏🏻
Chapter 11: The conflict is increasing and I hate the way Eunjung is doing it
Chapter 9: From the preview, it can be seen that a lot will happen in the next chapter
Chapter 6: I like this storyline. I've never read anything like this before 😍
Chapter 3: wow 😮
Chapter 2: This makes me even more curious