Chapter 2: The Sister

Turn Back The Time

“Ms. Kang is the CEO of Kang Tech Corporation.”

“And what she got to do with my parents?” Youi questioned.

“I am not sure about that Ms Youi, perhaps you could ask her yourself.” Replied the driver.

“This Kang lady, is she a nice person?”

“Are you scared Ms Youi?”

“A little…” Said Youi.

“You’ll be okay Ms Youi, Ms Kang is the nicest person you’ll ever meet.” The driver replied and he made an eye contact with Youi through the rear mirror.

Youi stares at the photo in her hand, her mothers, they looked so beautiful in the photo. She couldn’t help but smile at the photo. Now that she knows her parents left her for a reason, she is more curious about the reason. Her fingers slowly trace her parents face on the photo. Though she is shocked to find out that her parents were both women. She wonders which one of the women was her biological mother.

“Heads up Ms, we’re here…” said the driver.

Youi looked out and she was amused by the big estate, it was like those mansion in the movie that she always watches with the kids at the orphanage whenever they had a chance.


“OMG she’s here!!”

“Calm down Joy.” 

“I mean we finally get to see her after 18 years Seulgi ah!”

“I know, me too. I wonder what she looks like, do you think she will look more like Wendy or more like Irene?” 

“How would I know?” Joy scoffed upon her wife’s question.

“Why are you two so excited about that girl?” someone asked the two adults.

“Yeri, aren’t you excited to see your sister?” Joy asked back to the 22 years old girl.

Yeri scoffs and she crosses her arms while looking uninterested “She’s not my sister.”

Seulgi and Joy exchange look with each other and then back to the girl “I know you’re mad that she is going to be the one who will replace your place in your parents company, but that’s what Wendy and Irene wrote in their will, there’s nothing that we can do.” Said Joy to the girl.

“Yeri, please don’t be like this, you were loved by your parents, and though they are gone, we raised you like our own child and we love you too. Youi spent 17 years of her life without any parents' love.”

“I know I know, please stop nagging.” Yeri rolls her eyes at the two.

After Wendy and Irene presume dead by the authorities, Yeri had been taken in by Seulgi and Joy. The two of them had become her caretaker and when Yeri reached the eyes of 12 years old, Seulgi decided to adopt her. Yeri loves the two, but she is bitter of the fact that Wendy and Irene left her without saying anything and when she learned that she had a sister, she got even angrier. She tried to accept the fact that her parents left everything to her sister, but her heart just didn't want to.

“Oh she’s here!” Joy and Seulgi clap upon the arrival of Youi.

Seulgi grooms Joy and Yeri to tidy them up. Seulgi couldn’t stop herself from grinning at the fact that she is going to see her friends’ daughter for the first time.


“Which one is Ms.Kang?” Youi asked before she steps out from the car.

“The black haired one.”

“They are all black haired.” Youi rolled her eyes at the driver’s reply.

“Oh, the one wearing the black dress is Ms. Kang, the one in the middle wearing red is Ms. Kang’s wife, Ms. Joy Park Sooyoung, and the one to Ms Joy’s left side is their adopted daughter, which is also your sister.”

“My…sister?” Youi frowned.

“She;s the daughter of Irene and Wendy.”

“I have a sister?”

“Why don’t you go down and get to know them?” the driver replied with a smile.

“I…I’m scared.” Youi replied, she has never had interaction with outsider aside from the people that lived inside the orphanage.

“You will be okay…trust me.”

Youi gathered all of her courage and took a deep breath. She slowly opens the door and steps out. The direct sunlight blinded her for a moment, she used her hand to cover herself from the light. She squinted her eyes as she tried to focus on the trio’s faces in front of her.

Once her eyes get accustomed to the bright sunlight, she’s able to see the trio in front of her. 

“Youi!” Joy exclaims and she hugs the teenager tightly, Youi doesn’t know what to do, she doesn’t know if she should return the hug or just stand there, so she ended up in an awkward stance.

Joy let go of Youi to take a better look at the girl, she cups Youi’s face and said “Oh my god, you look exactly like your mothers. Seulgi, just look at her.”

Seulgi approaches the two of them and she hugs Youi “Glad to see you again after 17 years…you’ve grown so much. Oh! I’m sorry for our rudeness! I’m Kang Seulgi, and this is my wife, Joy. We were your parents’ friend” Said Seulgi.

“Ugh…nice to meet you.” Youi replied with confused expression.

“I know you’re confused, but please come in first, and we will explain everything, and oh anyway, Yeri come over here!” 

Yeri slowly walks down the stair and she forced a smile at Youi “Youi, meet Yeri, she’s your sister.”

“Nice to…”

“I’m not here to be friend or sister with you, I’m just here because Seulgi and Joy asked me to.” Said Yeri as she cut Youi off before the poor girl can even finish her sentence.

“Yeri, don’t be rude.” Joy scolded her adopted daughter.

“I was forced to be here, what do you expect?” Yeri answered back.

“Enough Yeri, go to your room now.” Seulgi instructed the girl.

Yeri couldn’t believe that Seulgi just scolded her, and she’s a grown woman now but still needs to be instructed by her adoptive parents. Yeri scoffs and storms off back to the house.

“We’re sorry, maybe she’s having a mood swing.” Seulgi sheepishly apologized.

“She’s just overwhelmed by the fact that she had a little sister.” Joy added.

“Come on Youi, let’s get you inside.”

Youi carried her bags with her but Joy stopped her and called for the butler to help with the bags “Those must be heavy, let the butler help you carry.” 

“It’s okay, I can carry it myself.” Youi replied with a smile.

Seulgi suddenly reminisces about her best friend when she sees Youi’s attitude, she looks and act so much like Wendy, but with Irene’s charm. She has both of her parents’ features, no mistake, Youi is Wendy and Irene’s daughter.

“I’ll help you carry too, it’s too heavy.” Seulgi offers to help and Youi accepted her help.


“So Youi, this is your room, it used to be Wendy and Irene’s room, but since this manor is all yours now, so it’s your room.”

“Wait…this big house is my parents’ house?”

“Yes.” Replied Seulgi with a smile.

“Who are they?” Youi questions.

Seulgi and Joy exchange looks then they look back at Youi “We will tell you later, now please rest and get yourself freshen up, dinner will be served shortly. Is there any fruits that you like? We can ask the chef to cook it for you.”

“Anything is fine, as long as it’s edible, I’m not fussy with food.” 

“Oh good, who knows if you can't eat chicken like your mother.” Said Joy.

“I just want to know, you kept mentioning that these two women were my parents. Which one of them is my biological mom?” Youi asked as she show Seulgi and Joy the photo that she received earlier.

“Well they both are…mphm?!” Joy couldn’t finish her sentence as Seulgi covered .

“You will know soon. Go on and take a rest, we will call you once the dinner is ready.” Seulgi said with a fake smile. Seulgi bid Youi goodbye and she pulls Joy with her.

“Ouch!” Joy yelps as Seulgi pulls her too hard “What was that for?!”

“You almost spilled their secrets!”

“She deserves to know about her parents!” Joy fires back.

“She deserves to know but not now! She just came back to us and you’re going to spoil it all for her?”

Joy went silent, she didn’t think through when Youi asked her that question. Seulgi and Joy made a promise to Wendy and Irene that they won’t tell Youi about what her parents had done, until it is the right time for her to know the truth.

“Then what should we do Seulgi?”

“We just need to complete the project, and do as Wendy and Irene had instructed us to do.”

“Poor Youi…” Joy sighs.

“I know Sooyoung-ah…but we need to focus on our main goal right now.”

Joy hugs her wife and cries on her shoulder, they lost their best friends 17 years ago, and now today, when she saw their daughter, their daughter reminded her of them. The resemblance and attitude, it feels like Wendy and Irene merged into one body and soul.


Youi felt uneasy after she witnessed how the two adults reacted when she asked about her parents. Did she fall into a trap? Is she going to die soon? She doesn’t have anyone in this world, so dying isn’t really a bad option for her, but she made a promise that she will return back to the orphanage to take her friends with her.

She puts down her bags and scan around the room. It is a big room, bigger than the dining hall at the orphanage. She walks around and touches everything, everything in the room feels expensive, something that she had never touched or seen in her whole life. She stopped at the desk when she saw the photo frame. It was a photo of her parents with a toddler, and one of her mothers seems like she’s pregnant. Youi makes the conclusion that that person is her biological mother. The toddler must be Yeri, she thought to herself.

She put the photo frame down and continue to examine the room. She saw an album, so she takes it and flip through it. The first photo is her parents wedding photo. The two of them looked so radiant and happy in their wedding dress. In that photo both of them were staring at each other and Youi can see how much in love her parents were with each other. Their eyes tell no lies. 

She flips to the second page and it was the photo with Seulgi and Joy. Both of the adults seem like they just finished crying with their puffy and red eyes. Youi chuckled at the next photo of her parents’ ugly face with Joy and Seulgi. 

“Excuse me miss…” someone interrupted her.


“Ms Kang asked you to come to the dining room for dinner.”

Youi nodded and she put the album back to the original place and followed the maid. Youi walks through the long hallway to reach the dining hall. She was greeted by Seulgi and Joy but there is no sign of Yeri anywhere.

“Come Youi! Sit here!” Joy gestures to the empty seat beside her. Youi walks over and awkwardly seated herself next to Joy. Youi looks at the cutlery on the table and she is confused. There are different sizes and types of forks, knives and spoons on the table. Seulgi saw that Youi is struggling to choose which cutlery to use. She claps her hands and one of the maid attend to her “Can you remove our cutlery and give us the normal one?” Seulgi whispers to the maid. The maid nods and she proceed to collect back the cutlery and replace it with the normal one, a fork, a spoon and a knife.

“Oh, thank you.” Youi thanked the maid and her face relax a bit. Joy and Seulgi chuckle at Youi’s reaction. The maids start to serve their diner, they started off with an appetizer. Youi was surprised to see how little the food portion is.

Seulgi and Joy were enjoying themselves but Youi didn’t she doesn’t know what is the thing that they just serve her. She pokes her food with her fork and she stops when Joy asked her if the food isn’t to her liking.

“Ah, no…I…I never eat things like this…”

Seulgi and Joy exchange looks again, it was like they are telepathy with their mind.

“Is there anything that you like to eat?” Joy asked.

“Korean beef?” Youi said with a shrug.

“Okay, we’re going to eat Korean beef…” said Seulgi.

“Ah no! It’s okay, I’ll eat whatever is served! You don’t have to prepare the beef.”

“But you said you can’t eat this?” said Seulgi.

Youi looks at the food and then she sighs, she scoops it and puts it in . Her eyes widened at the taste, it was delicious, something that she had never tested before.

“What is this?!”

Seulgi and Joy giggles at Youi’s reaction and Seulgi replied the girl “Its cod fish cook with salted egg sauce.” 

“This is so good~” said Youi as she takes another spoon.

“Glad you like it…eat more.” Said Joy.

Youi was hungry, so she finished her appetizer fast. Then she looks around and see that the others are still eating. Joy saw that Youi had finish so she asked the maid to serve her the main dish. Youi was astonished by the size of the steak that was served.

“Oh my lord…” she exclaims.

“It’s the best Grade ‘A’ Wagyu beef from Japan.”

“Can…can I really eat this?” Youi asked innocently.

“Of course you can! You don’t have to ask, one day all these are going to be yours too.” Said Joy.

Youi smiles and she starts to eat her steak. The meat melts in and she couldn’t help but to moan at the heavenly taste in . As she keeps on eating, she tries to ask a few questions, she starts off with “Where is Yeri?”

“Oh, she went out to party with her friends.” Replied Seulgi.

“Oh…” Youi replied “She must have a good life then I guess…” Youi said bitterly.


“I mean, clearly, moms gave her to the two of you, while me? Why didn’t they just let the two of you take care of me? Why did they sent me to the orphanage?” Youi’s voice is getting more distress “The letter they wrote, I don’t understand it at all…”

The sound of Seulgi smashes her cutlery on the table stops Youi from continued asking question. Youi lowered her head and stared down on her thigh, she was scared to look at Seulgi face to face “Sorry…” she murmured softly.

“Come with me once you’ve done with your diner.” Said Seulgi. She sympathizes with the girl, she knows that it was unfair that Wendy decided to leave Youi at the orphanage, but at that time, they really didn’t have a choice. Seulgi wipes and leaves the dining room. Youi was baffled at Seulgi’s action and she turned to Joy.

“Did I say something inappropriate? Is Seulgi angry at me?” she asked.

Joy smiles and she pats Youi on the head “No child, Seulgi is not mad at you, she just needs to get things ready first.”


“The truth about your parents…”


“Finish your dinner dear, then after that I will bring you to Seulgi.”

“Oh…okay.” Said Youi and she silently ate her steak.


Seulgi went to her best friend's study. She searched around for her friend’s journal and she put it in her bag, she was about to step out from the study room, she stops and stares at the photo on the desk. It was the same photo that Wendy left for Youi in the letter.

“I’m sorry Wendy…I know Youi is not ready yet, I know I promised you to tell her the truth about you when the time is right, but she needs to know the truth because there is no such thing as right timing…I hope you will forgive me. I promised you I will make her better stronger and better than you are.” said Seulgi.


To be continued…

A/N: Hmmm...Who is Wendy? Who is Irene? Why is Yeri being so cold toward Youi? How are the sisters going to work together in the next chapter?


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Chapter 17: why don't you post the next chapter authornim 😭😭😭
Chapter 16: This is getting interesting, even though I know this story is still not finished 😞
Chapter 15: I didn't expect Yeri's parents to be the ones causing problems 😭
Chapter 13: I once watched a drama about humans who were frozen and they managed to survive for decades, but when they came back to life they couldn't stand being at normal room temperature
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD FINALLY 😭🙏🏻
Chapter 11: The conflict is increasing and I hate the way Eunjung is doing it
Chapter 9: From the preview, it can be seen that a lot will happen in the next chapter
Chapter 6: I like this storyline. I've never read anything like this before 😍
Chapter 3: wow 😮
Chapter 2: This makes me even more curious