“Okay, hyung! Ready? Say kimchi. 3. 2. 1. All done!”

Jinki immediately straightened and rolled down his sleeves as he heard the click of Kibum’s camera. His fingers paused uncertainly while fixing his shirt and attempting to button it up correctly on hearing Kibum’s annoyed cursing, “What the , hyung! Can’t you stop being prissy for a while? I need to take the shot again from a different angle. I can see that idiot’s mark above your Adam’s apple.”

Jinki sighed and closed his eyes while silently praying, to any deity in a mood to listen, for patience for himself and deafness for his boyfriend. He really wanted Kibum to survive the moment so he could put Jinki’s hard work to good use in his fashion feature presentation.

“You are a bigger idiot than I, plus you need to upgrade your glasses,” Minho’s clucking tongue that did not hide his irritation at all made Jinki open his eyes. The eldest concluded that all gods must be busy eating lunch, unlike him, because Minho was hovering over him fastening up the top button of his shirt. He put his chilled fingers in Minho’s coat pockets, letting the younger man take over the effort of warming him up. Minho continued to deride their best friend, “Key, zoom up the pic. It’s not a love bite. I do not need to mark Jinki like some short dinosaur, we know, who marks you. So immature and well suited to you he is.”

Kibum snorted inelegantly, squinting his eyes to check his camera hoping to prove Minho wrong. He glanced at Jinki who was attempting to make himself invisible inside Minho’s long coat while Minho was still wearing it. “Hyung, let’s get you fed.”

Of course, there was no way Kibum would ever admit that the tallest amongst them could ever be correct, while he ‘the almighty Key’ made a faulty judgment.



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Chapter 1: I love it thank you for the story