28- One of Amber’s biggest Fan

Endless Journey

A/N: sorry it took me a while to update this story. But, here's a fluff chapter for you guys. :) 


“Amber, you have someone visiting you.”, one of the crew told Amber who were still get ready for her concert in Minneapolis. Amber furrowed her eyebrows, thinking who would come and visit her in Minneapolis. She tried to think whether she had good friends who would be lovely enough to pay her for a visit.

“Who? Is it a fan?”, Amber asked.

The crew just giggled. “Yeah. She is your big fan.”

Amber squinted her eyes and looked at the crew with suspicions. They would never let any fan to go to the backstage, won’t they? Amber thought that it might be her family, or maybe her sister. But Jackie already informed her when she will come to see her concert.

“But we almost start the concert.”, Amber frowned and checked her watch. Can the crew asked that someone to wait until the concert finish? This is too sudden and Amber was still in hectic just before the concert begin.

“This fan is really persistence. Just go.”, the crew told Amber again and pushed her.

When Amber looked for the ‘fan’ on the backstage, she finally saw a familiar figure. She blinked many times, making sure that her eyes didn’t fool her. Her princess was there. Sitting on the couch while playing with her phone.

“Kry--- Krystal?”, Amber squeaked.

Krystal turned her gaze from her phone. When she saw Amber, her eyes turned bright and she stood up immediately and threw herself to Amber.

“Stupid!!!! Hiii!!”, Krystal hugged Amber, to which Amber just stunned there, still didn’t believe that Krystal was here.

“Hey! Why don’t you hug me back??”, Krystal protested when she broke the hug.

“I--- I just ---“, Amber stuttered. “I just can’t believe it. What are you doing here?”

“Yah! I want to surprise you!! You don’t like it that I am here??”, Krystal pouted, then she crossed her arms and turned her body to back-faced Amber.

Seeing this, finally Amber believed her eyes that her princess was really here. She chuckled and gave Krystal a back-hugged.

“It’s not that, princess. Of course I am super very happy that you’re here. Really!! I just can’t believe my eyes that you really here.”

What Amber said was true. She missed Krystal like crazy and she knew Krystal missed her too as Krystal always called her and asked her the same questions: when are you coming back?? But she would not ever thought that Krystal would flew to Minneapolis to see her, surprising her by coming to her concert without informed her first. Her feeling right now was actually, well, Amber could not even described it. She felt immediately that Krystal presence already gained her 100% energy and having Krystal here at her concert was just overwhelming.

Amber kissed Krystal’s crowned and her shoulder. “Come on, princess. Don’t sulk. You have no idea how happy I am, seeing my beautiful princess here with me, attending my concert. You are very welcome as my VIP Guest.”

Krystal finally gave in and turned her body to face Amber. She wrapped her hands on Amber’s neck and smiled.  “I will watch you from backstage okay. Good luck! I know you can do it!”

“You are my star. With you here, nothing is impossible for me.”, Amber replied. But when Amber was ready to let her go to prepare the concert, Krystal tugged her shirt.

“Oh one thing. I have one request. I want you to introduce yourself like when you were in San Francisco.”

“Huh? You saw that?”, Amber widened her eyes, also could not believe that Krystal was actually monitoring her.

“Of course, stupid! Do you really think I never check what you doin’ on your concert?”

“But why would I do that again?”

“Well, so the fans know that you belong to me and only me!”, Krystal said sternly. “Especially your fan who are girls. They will know their limit so they will not try to get too close to you.”, now Krystal gave Amber her icy glare.

A laugh escaped from Amber’s mouth. “Really? That’s the reason? Don’t be jealous of my fans, Krystal. You know my heart only belong to my only biggest fan, you!”, Amber poked Krystal’s nose.  

“Just do what I said!”, Krystal’s whined.

“Alright, your majesty. As your wish.”, Amber gave up and granted Krystal’s request, which earned her a peck on her cheek from Krystal.

“Alright. Go ahead, start your concert. I love you, stupid.”

“Love you too, princess.”, Amber winked and ran to the stage.

Krystal could not help but to smile all the time when she saw Amber on stage. She felt so proud and how she wish she could scream out loud to the world that the person that on the stage right now is her girlfriend. Amber was so attractive when she was on stage. How she sang passionately, how she dance, how she playfully interacted with her fans, how she owned the stage, making Krystal deeply sure that she chose the right person.

Thank you guys for having me. My name is Amber. I am Jack-jack’s mom. And for those of you who have been following me for a long time, I am also known as a servant to someone.”

The fans cheered so loud at Amber’s introduction speech. As for Krystal, she grinned happily from ear to ear when she heard that. ‘Yes, Amber. You’re my servant, a stupid but a lovely one of course. And no-one can have you, except me me me me and only me!’, Krystal thought that in her mind and soon chuckled in her own possessiveness towards Amber.   

Krystal felt satisfied. Amber has announced to the world that somebody has claimed her, and she belonged to Princess Krystal.

Later that night after Amber finished her concert, Amber stayed at Krystal’s hotel. They only have one night to be together as Amber must continue her concert and move to another town the next day, and Krystal needed to fly to Vermont to meet her sister as well to have holiday.

“I am so proud of you. You are amazing.”, Krystal said to Amber as they were cuddling in bed.

Amber kissed Krystal's crown. “The fact that you were there watching me closely surely give more energy and confident to me. Thank you, princess. I am really glad that you came.”

Krystal smiled and pulled Amber to kiss her. They started kissing passionately. Krystal really missed everything about Amber, including Amber’s touch. Seeing how charming Amber was on stage today making her hormones skyrocketed as she really could not wait to pounce on Amber. Krystal was on top of Amber, kissing her neck and started groping Amber. She was just dying to feel Amber’s body in her own hands. She was ready to open Amber’s shirt when suddenly Amber stopped her.  

Wae? You tired?”, Krystal frowned.

Amber grinned. “Uh… sorry. I am on my period.”

“God damn-it, Amber!! Why do you have your period now?!”, Krystal cursed in English. But before Krystal said anything further, Amber flipped her to make Krystal lying underneath Amber. She looked at Krystal’s eyes and found loads of lust there. She kissed Krystal’s lips and whispered in husky voice. “Don’t worry. I am not tired. Especially when it comes to pleasing my princess.”


Days has passed and Amber’s tour was already halfway. It was really surprising for Amber when Krystal's sister Jessica, came to her concert in New York. Amber was really happy that her relationship with Jessica has gotten really close nowadays. She remembered how Jessica used to give her cold shoulder, eventhough Amber knew Jessica never hated her. It was Jessica being Jessica, the ice queen who really protective to her little sister.

Amber asked Jessica to have a late night coffee with her in New York. She knew Jessica schedule was really packed and Amber also needed to go to Silver Spring for her next day concert. But she knew that she might not having another opportunity to talk to Jessica in private. She wanted to ask Jessica approval’s in person, something that she really wanted to do for a long time.

“I am really surprise that you came here, Unnie. Thank you!”, Amber said cheerfully while drinking her hot coffee.

Jessica smiled. “Soojung kept bragging to me about how great your concert was. And it’s true. You’re really amazing. And it was really fun.”

“Ah, that princess was exaggerating too much.”, Amber chuckled.

“I assume everything is going great between you two? Krystal said that your parents already know about you two and they approved.”, Jessica asked. She blew her hot coffee before she sip it.

Amber nodded. “Everything’s great between us. You know Jessica Unnie, actually I really want to ask you something, like formally.”

“Oh?”, Jessica lifted her eyebrows. “You need my help or what?”

“No. No. Its not that. I was just… ---“, Amber eyes stared at the ceiling, thinking. “Maybe you are aware that we’re planning to tell your parents also about us. But before that, since you already know about our relationship, and you being the closest person that Krystal trust so much, I just …-- I just want your blessing first, for our relationship. I just need to ask you since I never really got the chance to do it before.”

Jessica shot a stare at Amber. She admired Amber’s guts to talk to her privately like this. Even asked for her blessing. She leaned on her chair and crossed her arms.

Amber gulped. Although Jessica was very nice and everything, but in this kind situation she looked so scary and Amber remembered that she used to find Jessica scary.

“I am fine with you dating my sister, Amber. You know that. At first, I thought your relationship was like just a phase for Krystal. But apparently, you guys really love each other and fight for your relationship.”

Amber let out a relief sigh. “And…one more thing..”

“What’s that?”

“I am thinking… If --- if everything going smoothly with your parents, I .. --- uh.. I am thinking to buy a ring…”

Omo!!!! You want to propose??”, Jessica cut Amber's words, her eyes sparkled in excitement.

Amber scratched the back of her head nervously. “Well… maybe it was too soon to propose. I mean, we don’t need to get married as soon as possible anyways. I know we both still want to chase our dream and career, but… --- It’s just for.., a promise and a commitment from me to her as well as between the both of us.”

Amber understand that she and Krystal didn’t have to get married now. She really don't want to rush anything right now. Amber’s career in the US just started and Krystal also just expanding her work in Korean dramas. They currently live separately and did a long distance relationship. But she already sure that she wanted Krystal for her life and no-one else. The ring would represent Amber's confirmation that Krystal can take Amber's word seriously that she wanted to build their life together someday. Amber will not go anywhere, she will be wherever Krystal would be.

“That’s so sweet, Amber. Omg! My little sister is going to get married.”, Jessica squealed and put both of her hands on her cheek.

Amber’s chocked on her coffee. “Not married like now, Unnie. Still long way to get to the marriage thingy. But I already know what I want. I am sure that I only want Krystal to spend my life with. What do you think?”

Jessica smiled widely and held Amber’s hand. “I’d love to have you as my sister in law, Amber. But….”, Jessica now back to give Amber her deadly glare.

“If you hurt my sister, just be prepared. I will skin you alive.”, Jessica hissed, making Amber gulped again. Jessica can really change from being sweet to being scary in merely a second.

“I think I’ve hurt her enough in the past, Unnie. This is the time where I will make my remedy by making her happy for the rest of her life.”, Amber chuckled.

Jessica let out a hearty laugh. “Omg! Such a smooth talker. No wonder my sister falls for you.”

“Okay now. What if we make Krystal’s dying in jealousy?”, Jessica said again as she took out her phone to face-timing her sister.

“Unnieeee”, Krystal cried in frustration once she picked up the video call. Krystal was dying to know about Jessica’s meeting with her Amber.

“Hi Soojung-ah…Say hi to… Amber…”, Jessica teased and laughed, moving her phone so Amber can fit in on the screen.

“Aaahhh…”, Krystal screamed again. “What are you guys doing???”

“We are having our little date here in New York.”, Amber jumped in and laughed too. She put her hands on Jessica’s shoulder.

“Not fair!!! Go home quick!”, Krystal whined.

“Nuh-uh. The night is still young here.”, Jessica replied and put a piece of cake to .

“How’s Amber concert, Jess?”, Krystal asked, wanted to know her sister’s opinion.

“It was really fun. Amber was so great but looked stupid as usual.”, Jessica laughed and Krystal also joined her for a laugh. Krystal knew how Amber used to make fun of herself, showing in frozen costume and everything. But that dorky Amber was one thing that Krystal loves about her. 

“Yah! Why you two now gang-up on me?”, Amber protested. “I was really trying to entertain my fans!”

“Don’t worry, Amber.”, Jessica tapped Amber’s shoulder. “Krystal can laugh now. But did you know she was the one who kept telling me how good you are, how funny you are at your concert, how charming you are  blahblahblah.. She told me like, every single day! Gosh, she really is your die-hard fans.”, Jessica rolled her eyes.

“Unnie!!!! Stop! Don’t say that.”, Krystal yelled on the screen, out of embarrassment. She blushed so hard, making Amber now laughing at her.    

“Are you sad that you aren’t here with us, Soojungie??”, Jessica teased again and she wiggled her eyebrows.

“What you guys talking about? I want to join your date over the phone. Share with me!!”, Krystal commanded, but her request sounded like a whine.

“Nope. It’s a secret!”, Amber looked at Jessica and smirked together.

Krystal frowned and turned her gaze to meet with her sister face. “Unnie, I thought there is no secret between us.”

“Well, this time you have to find it by yourself. Ok gotta go. Bye Soojung-aaah…”, Jessica waved her hand, ready to click the red button to end the call.

“Yah! Yah!!! Unnie! Amber!!! Don’t you dare t----“, Krystal still calling them desperately but Jessica already ended the call.

Jessica just laughed at it. Not even a minute after that, Amber’s phone started ringing and it was as Amber expected, Krystal called her. Seeing her princess calling, Amber were ready to pick up the call when Jessica stopped her.

“Don’t.”, she giggled. “Don’t pick up. It is so fun teasing her.”

“But---but ----“, Amber stuttered. She knew she will face the wrath of her princess if she didn’t pick up the phone. When the call stopped and become missed call, a text immediately appeared.

Princess: “YAH!!! Stupid!! Answer the phone. Or I swear to God I will throw you under the bus when we meet.”

Then Krystal called again. Amber still tried to ignore the call and play along with Jessica.

Another text came.

Princess: “Yah!!! FINE. No for you when we meet!!!

No ? Oh !’, Amber mentally thought in her mind. She really need to pick up Krystal call now.

Amber looked at Jessica with her pleading look, trying to make Jessica understand that she has to pick Krystal’s call or otherwise she will be doomed.   

Jessica just sighed. “Aish, you are so whipped, Amber. I guess my sister made a right choice about dating you.”



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llamafire3 #1
Chapter 1: Are u Chinese?
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 29: 2020
yuliwu #3
Chapter 29: I miss kryber :(
23 streak #4
Chapter 29: Please update author
Chapter 29: You’re so great authorshii ,, all the things you wrote are so on point to the events happen to both of their life .
Appledots5 #6
Pls comeback authorniiim
marianee #7
Chapter 29: Please update? Hope you are doing well
ssgsperera #8
Chapter 29: Please update this story author
2078 streak #9
Chapter 2: Amber and Krystal really need to sort things out
2078 streak #10
Chapter 29: Welcome back author!