22 - One Christmas Without You

Endless Journey

It’s Christmas day. But Krystal was not entirely happy and the reason was simply because Amber was unable to be there spending Christmas together with her. She couldn’t blame Amber though, as Amber has work to do, including preparation of her tour for next year. It would not make sense if Amber had to fly 12 hours from LA to Seoul just for today then come back to LA the next day. It was not as cold as usual winter in Seoul and the snow has not yet to come and Krystal partly relieve as she would feel even more gloomy if she had to spend snowy Christmas without Amber. 

She just finished taking a shower when she heard a ring on her door. She took a peek from her room as she still drying up her hair and saw Jessica collected a package.

“Another gift from what brand now?”, Krystal went outside and asked Jessica. They have been receiving endless gift from luxuries brands where each of them became their ambassadors for such brand.

Jessica smirked and handed the package box to Krystal. “It’s for you. From someone special.”

Krystal took it and narrowed her eyes. As she unwrapped the package, she found a Cartier box accompanied with Christmas card. It’s from Amber. Krystal smiled immediately and opened the box with more enthusiasm. She found a wristwatch inside the box. It was a simple design, a round shape watch with black leather strap, just as Krystal liked it. Most of her watch has almost a similar design but Krystal couldn’t complain in getting another one. She took the card and read it.

Merry Christmas, princess-nim. Please wear this watch to remind you that time always moving forward and will never stop, just as our relationship would be. Every second ticking on this watch describes my heartbeat only for you…… okay now I am just being cheesy.. kekeke.. anyway, Have a joyful Christmas!

Your Ilama.’

Krystal couldn’t help herself but to smile widely when she read the card. It was romantic but cheesy at the same time, just like Amber. But no matter how cheesy it was, Amber’s words never failed to make Krystal’s heart flustered. Because Krystal knew Amber meant it, as always.

“Why are you smiling like an idiot?”, Jessica’s voice suddenly startled her and before Krystal can think of an answer, Jessica already snatched the card from her hand.

“hey!”, Krystal protested, but Jessica just ignored her.

“Omg!”, Jessica burst into laugh when she read the card.

“What?”, Krystal frowned when she saw Jessica’s reaction.

“As expecting from Amber.. hahaha.. But it’s cute! Really cute!”, Jessica’s laugh has subsided and now she gave the card back to Krystal. “The watch suits your taste, I see?”

Krystal nodded as she tried to put the watch on her wrist and admired it. “She knows me very well.”

Krystal’s phone rang not long after both Jessica and Krystal take turn to try the watch. Krystal quickly took her phone and answer Amber’s face –time as she already waited Amber to call her.

“Hi stupiiiddd!!”, Krystal squealed when she saw Amber’s face popped out on her phone screen.

“Hello, my princess. Got the present already?”, Amber grinned when she saw how happy Krystal was.

But just when Krystal opened , Jessica suddenly appeared out of nowhere and blocked Krystal face with her face. “Hi Amber!!”, she waved her hand and giggled. “Nice gift! You must spent a lot for that!”

“Hi Unnie!”, Amber waved back and laughed. “Noo…it was nothing. You know I’ll buy anything for your little sis.”


“Yah! Unnie, go away!”,   Krystal reappeared and her hands flew to block Jessica's face. Amber just laughed at the behavior of the two sisters.

“So the watch described your heartbeat, huh?”, Jessica struggled to bring her head back to the front of the phone screen. But she managed to  tease Amber in English and giggled.

Amber’s face turned as red as tomato soon after hearing that. “Uh… --- what? No…---“

Jessica laughed again seeing Amber was flushed and stuttering. She shifted her gaze at Krystal and amused when she found that Krystal’s face also turned red. “Krystal loves it by the way. She kept smiling like a retard person when she read it.”

“Eh?”, with her face still red, Amber can’t help but smile hearing what Jessica said about Kyrstal’s reaction when reading her card.

“Yah!! Unnie, stop it! Shoo.. shoo.. go away!”, Krystal pushed Jessica away, leaving Jessica still laughing out loud, eventhough she finally moved away from the phone.

“Ah, finally!”, Krystal sighed in relief when she saw Jessica entered into her room.

“Why did she read the card?”, Amber quickly asked, holding her embarrassment.

“She took the card from my hand. But anyway, I looooveeee the present. Thank you, Am!”, Krystal beamed, smiling widely at Amber.

“Anytime, princess. But by the way, where’s mine??”, Amber pouted, hoping that Krystal also send one for her.

“Eerr…”, Krystal looked panic a little bit. She already bought a present for Amber of course, but she was planning to give it to Amber when they will meet on New Year. “You should take it by yourself when you get here. You’ll be here for New Year, right?”

Amber’s face tighten when she heard Krystal’s question. “Eeerr… about that….”

“What? Don’t tell me you cannot come on New Years?”, Krystal glared at her, sensing that Amber will cancel the plan of meeting her and spending new year together.

“Uh…--- I .. –“, Amber scratched her head, a bit hesitate to continue. “Something came up all of the sudden, Soojungie.”, she tried to explained slowly.     

“Whaatttt????”, Krystal shrieked out loud. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

“But… but… --- I will come, I will..”, Amber quickly tried to calm her down. “But maybe a little after New Year……?”, Amber asked in a low voice as she winced, scared to face the wrath of her girlfriend.

“Amber!”, Krystal barked. “You promised me!”

“I know, I know.. But please understand, princess. I will come I promise. Maybe on the 2nd or 3rd Jan?”, Amber offered in panic.

Krysta scoffed in annoyance. “Whatever. You know what? This is so annoying! I dont want to talk to you right now.”, she pouted and turned her face away from the screen.

“Krystal…, pleaseee…I am so sorry.. But there is something that I have to do.”, Amber tried to plea.

“Whatever. Bye.”, without saying anything anymore, Krystal abruptly ended the face-time call.

In LA, Amber was still stunned when Krystal suddenly ended the call. She knew that Krystal would react like this. Amber pressed her phone again, trying to call back. But her effort was ignored by Krystal. Amber then tried another method, she texted Krystal and explained the reasons why she unable to come on New Years.

An hour has past, and still no reply from Krystal. Amber let out a long sigh. This is one of the thing she hate about having a long distance relationship. When they fight, it was not easy to reach Krystal to give some explaination, moreoever to make-up with each other, especially when Krystal did was just ignoring her calls and text. Amber couldn’t just go over to Krystal’s house to lure her. Now it’s Christmas day and Amber clearly did want to fight on this particular special day.

Amber: ‘Soojungie…. Please talk to me..

Amber tried to text again, now begging desperately. Her eyes widened when she saw Krystal is typing, but then it stop and her reply never came. Amber sighed again. She knew she has promised Krystal that she would come for New Years, but what she can do when suddenly an urgent work came up and she had to finish it before her tour starts? She knew it’s annoying when someone broke their promise, but Krystal should understand that this is something that she needs to do.

Sensing that apologies and explanation would not work on Krystal, Amber changed her tactics and opted to being cheesy this time.

Amber: ‘You wanna know the continuation of my cheesy line on the Christmas card? Okay here we go..  Every second ticking on this watch describes my heartbeat only for you, every minute passed without you seems like a year for me, but every hour spent with you feels like a second until I wish the time would stop. But one thing for sure, as long as we still have time, there is no way I would spend it with anybody else, other than you.’

 When Krystal saw and read the text message, a chuckle escaped from her lips unintentionally. It was hard to ignore Amber when she was being cheesy and romantic like this. She would cringe seeing these kind of words, but it send a warm feeling to her heart in a strange way. She sighed and then call Amber back, finally ending Amber’s misery after she ignored lots of Amber’s calls and texts.

“So you really like the cheesy words, princess?”, Amber grinned when she picked up the face-time call.

Krystal however still make grumpy face and pout. She didn’t want to give it up easily.

“Please forgive me, okaayy..It’s not that work is important than you, but you know this is just something that I have to do.”, Amber begged again. “I promise I will come to Seoul.”


“Don’t pout like that, princess. I couldn’t be there to give kisses…”, now it’s Amber turned to pout.

“…….”, Krystal just gave Amber a glance but still not talking.

“If you keep doing that, I just want to … ---“

“Alright, alright!!”, finally Krystal gave in and talked, making Amber smiled. “I am sorry too.. I just.. – you know I just miss you so much. And I just want do the New Year’s count down with you, you know.. to start the very second of 1st Jan with you.”

“I know, Krys.. I know. I understand why you upset. I will come after, okay..? And take you out to have the most romantic dinner ever.”

“Okaaayy…”, Krystal exhaled her breath. “I guess I will stuck with Jess on New Year’s then.”

“Yeah, don’t worry, Amber. I will accompany your lovely princess on New Year’s eve.”, again, suddenly Jessica came and appeared next to Krystal, waving her hands to Amber and smiling widely.

“Oh my God, Unnie! What are you…. Go away.”, Krystal tried to shoo her again by pushing her shoulder, but no avail.

“Ah, see.. Jessica unnie will be there with you.”   

“I don’t want to be with Jess. I want to be with youuu..”, Krystal pouted again, making Amber chuckled.

“Yah!!!”, Jessica glared and knocked Krystal’s head with her knuckle. “I am not a bad company, you know! Oh, and Amber, you owe me one. I demand a present for me too to accompany this little brat on New Year’s eve.”

“Noted, Boss Jung!”, Amber fixed her stand-up position and made a salute to Jessica like a soldier.

“Okay, Amber. Love youuuu…”, Jessica made a kiss gesture and walked away, still giggling.

“Love you too Unnie..”, Amber shouted to reply her.

“What??”, Krystal glared at Amber.

Amber let out a hearty laugh. “Not that kind of love, babe. But of course I love her too, she’s my future sister in-laws.”

Krystal blushed when she heard that Amber referred Jessica as her sister-in law. Although she knew that Amber said it in a joking manner, but still she felt embarrassed. They never had this kind of conversation before, about how they will want to do with their relationship in the future, the possibility of living together and settle down in one place, or maybe, marriage. Was it too soon to talk about it? But Krystal was sure that she wanted Amber for her life, only Amber and no-one else.

Noticing the change on Krystal's face, Amber was confuse. “Why are you… is everything okay?”, she asked, afraid she accidentally said something wrong.

“No.. It’s… -- sister in laws? I mean… --- eh just forget it.”, Krystal stumbled in her words and covering her face with one of her hand.

Amber quickly understand what just happened. She was actually didn’t think much when that words was coming out from . But she can said it casually because knew that was something that she always wanted with Krystal. They didn’t need to rush it as they are still enjoying their work now, but it would be nice to imagine it sometimes.

“Soojungie..”, Amber laughed lightly. “I don’t mean to set everything or anything for our relationship. But, sometimes I can’t help but to picture what would happen in the future. It's not much, really.. And one of them is the image of you and I, inviting Jess and my sister Jackie to our house and have dinner together. It’s simple, but nice…, right?”

“You…-- think about those stuff?”, Krystal asked Amber, still feeling shy and now she covered with her hair.

“Well… --- I know that thing, that image of me you and Jess that I just told you, is something that I want for my life.  But, I don’t care when it will happen because.. – uh.. we will be always together anyway, right.. It’s not like I am planning to leave.”, Amber described it further to Krystal, carefully so she didn’t let out the wrong choice of words.

This explanation apparently enlighten Krystal so much more. She found it so sweet that Amber has actually have that kind of thoughts about their future, until it made an increase of her heartbeat in the most wonderful ways.

“Where do you think we’re going to live?”, Krystal braced herself to ask further, wanting to explore what other things that Amber had thought.

Amber let out a chuckle. “I don’t know. Let it be in Seoul, in New York, LA or in Mars..  I don’t care. Wherever, as long as there is you.”

“Aaw.. Okay. Then you better work your off to get a lot of money because I want a big house.”, Krystal wiggled her eyebrows and laughed.

“Okay then I take it back. Just live in Seoul and stay at your place right now.”, Amber rolled her eyes and retorted back playfully.

“What?? No, you must …--- “, before Krystal can finished, she startled when she felt a pair of arms suddenly wrapped her from behind.

“No, Soojung-aah. Don’t go anywhere, please Amber don’t take her away.”, Jessica said, pouting and teased Krystal with a cute voice.

“Yah!! Unnie!! Why do you keep coming back here?!”

Jessica let go her back-hugged on Krystal while giggling. “Arasso.. arasso. It so fun teasing you guys.”

When Krystal turned her face back to the screen and saw Amber, she felt something different, good different. There is a new security feelings that was given by Amber, a belief that she has always been a part of Amber's past, now being Amber’s present and will be Amber’s future. She felt her life is complete.

“I love you, Am.”, Krystal said, smiling. Her eyes sparked with love and Amber could see it clearly.

“I love you too, princess.”, Amber replied, her words meant a thousand. Love, sincerity, adoration and warmth.

“And Merry Christmas.”, Krystal said, full of hope that they will spend another 1000 more Christmas in the future.

Not long after they ended the call, Amber smiled again when she saw that Krystal has posted their pictures when they did the face-time call on her Instagram. Not to mention that Krystal bluntly said the ‘three words eight letters’ to Amber on the pictures. Amber felt that they were truly in love and so that they were no longer afraid to reveal it to the world because they have each other. She then opened her own Instagram account, posting the same pictures and didn’t forget to add the words ‘love you too’ and tagged her princess.     

Amber let out a small sigh, still smiling. She was daydreaming as she can’t wait to fly to Seoul, to go back to Krystal, her home.

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llamafire3 #1
Chapter 1: Are u Chinese?
Appledots5 #2
Chapter 29: 2020
yuliwu #3
Chapter 29: I miss kryber :(
17 streak #4
Chapter 29: Please update author
Chapter 29: You’re so great authorshii ,, all the things you wrote are so on point to the events happen to both of their life .
Appledots5 #6
Pls comeback authorniiim
marianee #7
Chapter 29: Please update? Hope you are doing well
ssgsperera #8
Chapter 29: Please update this story author
2075 streak #9
Chapter 2: Amber and Krystal really need to sort things out
2075 streak #10
Chapter 29: Welcome back author!