16 - Flashback 2017

Endless Journey

Everything was alright for Amber now. After her massive break-down few months ago, finally things got better for her. SM contacted her and told her that they got something for her. They had a plan that they might pair her up with Luna again to release a new song under the SM station. It was still a long way to go and SM said that they were still on the early stage to develop the plan. It was still a raw plan, but at least something come up for Amber. Besides that, she also kept making her own music, drowning herself in her work in attempt to revive from her frustration. Amber was in a better state, no longer trapped in the pit of despair, Amber was fine.

Everything was alright for Krystal now. She was in the middle of working her drama after enjoying her holiday with her sister. As regards her personal life, it was finally over between her and Jongin. Krystal was sad, of course, she had to experience another failed relationship in her life. But Krystal thought this was just another phase of life that she needs to get through. Her relationship with Jongin was not perfect, but it was enough as they were happy when they were together. The end of it, maybe it was the right to do, she and Jongin were not meant to be. Krystal was fine with that.

It was at night in Seoul and the road was very quiet. All that could be heard was Amber and Krystal's footsteps that were walking side by side. Jackjack was walking in front of the two of them, with his leash held tightly in Krystal's hand. Jackjack wiggled his tail, walking happily and tried to find a spot to do his ‘business’.

“Jackjack… Please hurry up and do your business. I am tired here…”, Krystal whined to Jackjack as if the little dog would understand her.

 “Be patient, princess. It’s not nice to hurry him to do his business.” Amber chuckled. “Anyway, how are you, Krys? I mean.. are you okay, you know … - with the break-up and all?”, Amber said again when Jackjack finally stopped and found a spot near the bushes.

 Krystal shrugged her shoulders. “Yeah, I think I am okay.”, she just answered it shortly.

“Was it --- uhmm, was it a bad breakup?”, Amber asked again, curious of what happened between Krystal and Jongin.

F(x) members was actually surprised when Krystal informed them that she broke up with Jongin on their group chat. The members never heard a big problem between Krystal and Jongin and thought everything went smoothly in their relationship. It was true actually, they didn’t have any problem and their personality just matched alright. The only issue was just they grew apart, they didn’t feel the passion anymore, there was no longer fireworks in their world. Krystal thought, if she really loves the guy, distance should not be a problem and she would not lose the spark despite their frequent separation due to their schedule.

“No. It was mutual I guess.”, Krystal said. “I think we both know that it is not going to work. We grew apart. At some point, not having Jongin around because of our continuous separation becomes… a usual thing for me. I get used to it. So at the end we just… don’t feel it anymore.”

“That’s healthy.”,  Amber mumbled. Her mind wandering around to remember when was the last time she had such a mature break-up. She thought never, it was always because of a fight. Maybe when she was a kid, but that kind of relationship didn’t count anyway. The ones she had when she was a kid was just merely a teenage love and people tend to feel bored easily when they have a relationship at a very young age.

Krystal laughed lightly hearing Amber’s response. “What healthy? How come a break-up can be considered to be healthy?”

“No. I mean, the break-up. No drama, no nothing. It’s good.”, Amber answered , then she crouched down to lift Jackjack up to her arms. “Did you cry?”, she teased Krystal and presented a mischievous smile.

Krystal laughed again, a bit embarrassment this time. “I did.”, she said. “But not as much as when I broke up with you though.”, she teased Amber back.

“Aahh.. I must hurt you more than he hurt you then. I am so sorry, princess.”, Amber pretended to bow when she was apologizing to Krystal. But then she grinned. “But I think you just love me more than you love him.”

Hearing that, Krystal’s face turned red. She was embarrassed, but she couldn't help but admit that what Amber said just now was true. The spark was always there, whenever she was with Amber. Sometimes it was warm, sometimes it was on fire, sometimes it was calming, depending on what situation they were having. But Krystal always enjoy the feeling of it. Krystal sure it was love that she felt for Amber, but what kind of love now, she was not certain.  

“YAH! Don’t be so full on yourself, stupid. ”, she slapped Amber’s arms quickly, hiding her embarrassment.

Amber just laughing non-stop. But behind her laughter, deep inside her heart, there was a slight hope that what she said is really what Krystal feels. There's a bit of pride when she thought that Krystal was crying over her worse than when she broke up with her boyfriend. Krystal loves her better. The touch that Amber gave to her heart when they were dating turns out to be more meaningful than the others can offered.

They returned to walk in silence. Amber has put Jackjack back on his feet so he can walked by himself on the street. The atmosphere is calm, and they didn’t need words to enjoy each other company in this beautiful quiet night. Their fingers brushed to each other couple of times when they were walking. Then Krystal felt it again, the spark, in the blankets of calmness and silence.

The night was warm,  but it didn’t prevent their desire to walk closely together. It didn’t take long for Amber to hold Krystal’s hand, interlace their fingers together and held it firmly.  Amber wanted to feel Krystal’s hand comes back to belong to hers, and only hers. They looked at each other and smiled, feeling shy all of the sudden, realizing that their hands were intertwined but none of them wanted to let go. They walked in sync, with Jackjack still walked in front them, as if guided them to nowhere.

Jackjack lead them to a small playground in the little park where there was a swing hanging there. There was no-one else, only two of them (plus Jackack) now occupying the playground. Krystal took Jackjack to her arms and quickly sat on the swing, then swinging slowly by herself with Amber stood next to her. Krystal carried Jackjack and turned the little dog face to her own, then she giggled when Jackjack started to her face enthusiastically.

“You are so small and cute, did you know that?”, she said happily and rubbed her own nose to Jackjack’s head. The cihuahua, as if he understand that he was being praised, kept Krystal face and wiggled his tail happily.

A smile was formed on Amber’s lips. She was amazed on how she could be mesmerized by looking at simple things that Krystal did with her dog. Both her favorite creatures, showering each other with loves, regardless the difference they make in showing it. Amber’s hand moved itself to caress Krystal’s hair slowly.

“Jackjack really likes you.”

“Of course. I am her favorite pretty aunt.”, Krystal beamed, then held Jackjack in her arms. “Hey, could you help me and swing me here?”

“So...., SM have an upcoming project for you and Luna unnie?”, Krystal asked while Amber started push the swing slowly.

“Well, that’s what they said. But they also said that it is still early to discuss anything so don’t assume anything.”, Amber replied nonchalantly.

“But then what’s the point of telling you now?”, Krystal retorted. There was an annoyance in her voice.  

Amber shrugged, even when she knew Krystal couldn’t see her. “I don’t know. You know how much artist they are managed, right? So they are trying to scheduling their artist, manage their plan for the next 6 months or so.”

“Do you know what kind of project they will give you?”, Krystal asked again.

“They probably want me to release something like EDM genre song with Luna. But like I said, it is still very premature plan. They still can change it. ”

“I always like it when you have a duet with Luna unnie. You guys are great for collaboration.”, Krystal let out a giggle, enjoying herself on the swing.

“I wish I could have a duet with you someday.”, Amber said  honestly. She always wants to try a duet with Krystal. She knew her style of music and Krystal’s style was a bit different, but she always believed that Krystal got a great taste of music. That’s why Amber had always come to her whenever she wanted to release a music, Krystal’s opinion was matter to her.  

“And sing what? I am not going to sing a cheesy love song.”, Krystal responded with amusement, knowing that Amber had that kind of thought in her mind.

Amber let out a hearty laugh. “I know that. Judging from I don’t wanna love you. But that’s why, I think.. – I think if we can put your mind and my mind into a song, then it would create something… weird but somehow unique?”

Amber has stopped pushing Krystal and Krystal’s swing movement was getting slower.

“But you have to stand me bullying you all the time.”, Krystal chuckled. “You know how peculiar I am when it comes to produce something, especially music.”

 Krystal's swing has stopped completely. Amber was still standing behind Krystal and her body was pressed close to Krystal's back. One of her hand found their grip on the swing pole. 

“I know. And that’s one of the thing that I like about you.”, Amber replied in a whisper, she bent her body a little bit and turned her head towards the side of Krystal's face.

A soft warm breath tickled Krystal’s ear, instantly propelling the tension on Krystal’s body as she turned her face to meet Amber’s gaze. Krystal blushed furiously when she realized how close Amber’s face now until their nose was almost touched. Accompanied only with the silence of the night, they felt the time has stopped to give them a moment. Krystal wanted to pull away, but the view of Amber’s lips drew her like a magnet that cannot be avoided. On the other hand, Amber’s brain seemed to have screamed that this was a dangerous move, but her body would not listen to her. Krystal’s scent and eyes gaze seemed to her into a labyrinth where she just wanted to stay there and never come out.

Krystal slowly lean over, closer, finally shut her eyes and kissed Amber on the lips. Before she could think of anything else and realized what she just had done, Amber claimed her lips in return and deepened the kiss. It was sweet, without roughness, full of feelings that both of them could not understand. They did not want to stop even though their chest seemed to explode because of a throbbing heartbeat. In the middle of the night, they felt there was a bubble wrapped around them, where people couldn't enter and only existed for them to express their emotions.

When they reluctantly pulled away because they need air to catch their breath, Krystal flashed a shy smile and nervously giggled.

“Ah.. Jackjack, move your head away. You’re too young to see this thing.”, Amber said pointing out Jackjack who were still secure himself in Krystal’s arm, desperately trying to get rid the awkwardness between them.

The little dog just stare at them with his cute little face, then he was back on Krystal’s face again.

“Oh my God. Like mother like son. You guys just can’t resist to kiss me.”, Krystal said, still giggling at the thought of the kiss she had felt before.

“Let’s go home, princess. It’s late.”, Amber extended her arms to Krystal, which Krystal eagerly accepted and they back to walk hand in hand to where Krystal’s car was parked.

When Krystal’s car arrived in front of Amber’s apartment building, another awkward atmosphere surrounded them inside the car. They confused on how to say goodbye now. They just kissed, but what now? Should they kiss again or should they just wave goodbye. None of them made a move as they were waiting each other to do something first.

“Uh… thank you for accompany me and Jackjack tonight.”, Amber broke the silence and smiled. “Jackjack say thank you to Auntie Krystal and give her a kiss goodbye.”, Amber then spoke in English with her cute voice and held Jackjack towards Krystal.

Krystal laughed and patted Jackjack’s head. “Bye Jackjack. Be good at home and take care of your mom, okay.”, she talked to Jackjack in English as well and took him from Amber’s hand. She hugged him and let him gave her a one last time before hand it over back to Amber.

“Let me know when you reach home, okay?”, Amber held Krystal’s hand and gave it a light squeeze before opening the car door.

“Goodnight, stupid.”, Krystal didn’t let go and pulled Amber’s hand, then she gave a quick peck on Amber’s cheek, making Amber grinned nervously before make her way out from the car and walked to her apartment building.

Krystal sighed and leaned herself on the seat when Amber was gone from her sight. She couldn’t understand why she let herself trapped in this situation again. Just need one kiss, then she and Amber went back to have an undefined relationship, more than friends yet less than lovers. She wanted to get out from this circle, but her heart was so stubborn and won’t let her do it. She was confused, but happy at the same time. She was angry to herself, but the other side of her was screaming in joyfulness. She shook her head, then chose to drive away.  

Amber dropped herself to her bed. She stared at the ceiling blankly as the image of the kissing scene between her and Krystal was still fresh, kept rewinding in her mind. She couldn’t believe that it needed only one bold move that happened in one night, tonight to be exact, then Amber was again, complicates the already complicated relationship between her and Krystal. They kept repeating the same cycle, only to end up being imprisoned in between friends and lovers.

Amber remembered what Krystal said about Jongin, that Krystal felt she used to not having Jongin around due to the constant separation. Her mind started to cloud in fear, what if both she and Krystal unintentionally start to enjoy being in this kind of relationship, being best friends who occasionally fooling around sometimes, simply because they used to it by now? Amber was sure that the love is still there, but whether they were brave enough to choose, either move forward or cut this completely, it is questionable.

The sound from her phone snapped Amber back from her thoughts. Krystal texted her and informed her that she already reached home safely. Before Amber can reply, another incoming text was coming from Krystal.

Would you come by and visit me on my drama set?”

Reading this, Amber lips are automatically pulled to the side of and formed a smile. A fear that she had before unexpectedly replaced with a happy thoughts of seeing Krystal again tomorrow or in the next two days. Suddenly Amber didn’t want to think too much anymore. She just wanted to be close with Krystal, like she always had. Her fingers quickly typed to reply Krystal’s text.

Of course. Can’t wait to see my beautiful princess on her new drama.”

Amber thought, she can worry about what will happen between her and Krystal, later.


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llamafire3 #1
Chapter 1: Are u Chinese?
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Chapter 29: 2020
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Chapter 29: Please update author
Chapter 29: You’re so great authorshii ,, all the things you wrote are so on point to the events happen to both of their life .
Appledots5 #6
Pls comeback authorniiim
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Chapter 29: Please update? Hope you are doing well
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Chapter 29: Please update this story author
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Chapter 2: Amber and Krystal really need to sort things out
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Chapter 29: Welcome back author!