14 - One Cute Conversation

Endless Journey

A/N: too many angst before.. so, a cute and fluff chapter would be good I guess :)


Amber was still busy at the studio, editing her newly made video clip for one of her songs, when her phone was ringing non-stop. At first, she ignored it. But as usual, when it was Krystal, she would not give up until Amber pick up her phone. And Amber knew, the longer she ignore the call, she has to deal with the wrath of her princess.

“Hallo..”, Amber finally answered, then she excused herself to get out from the room.

“What are you doing?? Why didn’t you reply my text??”, Krystal’s voice can be heard on the other line, she sounded annoyed.  

Amber just chuckled. “I told you I am editing my clip, right.”

“But still…. You’re always like that… forget about me when you are working.”, Krystal complained and Amber couldn’t hold her giggle, imagining Krystal must be pouted right now.

“Hey! Look who’s talking?! Sometimes I need to leave comments on Instagram, just to make you reply to me.”, Amber retorted.

It was true though. Krystal liked to complain whenever Amber didn’t reply her text, but actually she did the same, whenever she was occupied with work or with anything else. It took her a long time to reply and Amber sometimes has to commenting her Instagram asking her to reply. But Krystal is princess, and Amber is the servant. That’s how it is. Amber didn’t mind, never. Because Krystal is her princess.   

“Well, I can do that, but you.. cant.”, Krystal said again, sternly, but somehow still sound whiny and cute at the same time.

Amber let out a laugh. “Alright, alright. I am sorry, princess. But I have to finish the editing. I will call you later, okay..?”,

“When?”, Krystal asked again, demanding an exact time on when Amber can call her.

“Uuuh….I -- ”, Amber paused. She was actually cannot predict when she can finish her work. “I don’t know when I can finish this to be honest. But I will definitely call you, because I miss you so much.”, Amber purposely added the word ‘miss you’ to reduce the possibility of sulking Krystal after hearing her answer.


“I promise, princess. Talk to you later, okay. Love you.”, Amber finally ended up the call once Krystal has said ‘I love you’ back to her.

Amber shook her head, thinking how demanding Krystal could be sometimes. But a smile escaped from her lips, unknowingly, indicating that she was actually enjoying the attention that she got from Krystal. Everything is doing so well between her and Krystal now. Yes, they do have hardships as they are separated by thousand miles. But they were trying to communicate as much as possible to maintain the relationship. Each of them will fly alternately to meet each other on their free time. But they didn’t mind. For now long distance seems to work for them. They understand that they both were still young and there are still a lot of dreams that they both wanted to reach. If they had to do it in separate countries, they would not prevent each other to chase their career in life. As long as they have each other, they would not let the distance to be the barrier between them.

Several hours later, there was still no sign from Amber that she is going to call Krystal anytime soon. Krystal sighed and laying down her body to the couch in her living room after she received text from Amber, informing that she was still occupied with work.

“Problem?”, her sister asked seeing Krystal being agitated. Krystal was spending her time with Jessica as they just had dinner together.

“No. It’s just, Amber. I am waiting for her call for hours but she is still working.”, Krystal grumbled, which earned a laughed from Jessica.

“Geez, Soojung. Give her a break. She is working. Not like, hanging out and flirting around. Can you relax?”, Jessica tried to calm Krystal down. She knew the younger one can be impatient sometimes, because somehow, she did that too.

 Krystal just sneered. “Hey, you should be on my side. Not hers.”, she pouted to her sister and typed a reply to Amber.

“But, seriously though. How are things with her?”, Jessica turned into serious mode. After these years, finally Jessica can accept her sister’s relationship with Amber fully, with open arms. They both are more mature now and Jessica can actually see how strong their love to each other, how committed both of them to fight for this relationship. Something that Jessica really admire from both of them.

Krystal put her phone down on the table. “It’s going well between us, surprisingly.”, she smiled. “This long distance thing sometimes. But, we push ourselves to always communicate everyday, it’s the key to keep us close. The good thing is, the distance makes us miss each other even more.”

Jessica rolled her eyes. “Oh my God. You sound so cheesy!”

“Shut up! I really miss her.”, Krystal sighed again and tilted her head up, looking at ceiling, her mind wandering around and thinking about Amber.   

“Do you still have trust issues? She is like, so far away from you now. ”, Jessica asked again. Jessica could not deny that one thing that she was always worry about Amber when her sister dated Amber was Amber’s 'too friendly' behavior. Jessica afraid that regardless Amber realize it or not, those kind of acts will hurt her sister, and surely will trigger her sister jealousy.

Krystal turned her face to see Jessica, thinking on how she going to explain it to her big sister. She understand that Jessica always wanted to protect her, both she and Amber had come a long way to finally make Jessica getting closer to Amber. It was not easy to earn Jessica’s approval, but finally they can made Jessica sees that they both take this relationship seriously now. Krystal needed to ensure Jessica that her choice was right, that Amber was never a mistake.

“Uhm …-“, Krystal paused before continue. “There are still jealousy of course, sometimes. But jealousy is good, right? I mean, it means that I still care, that I feel that she belongs to me and no-one else. But she is more open now. She introduces me to her friends and let me see how they interact to each other, to make sure that there nothing to worry about. But at heart, I am sure that she will not cheat on me.”, Krystal said confidently.

Jessica nodded few times hearing Krystal’s explanation, seems to be satisfied. “That’s good to hear. She knows I will crushed her badly until she turns into a biscuit crumbs if she ever hurt you, right?”, Jessica added, she turned her gaze back to the paper of her schedule that she previously examined. Her voice soft, but sounds threatening.

Krystal laughed hearing her sister’s protective side suddenly comes out. “You know that she so scared of you, right?”

“She better be.”, Jessica replied without taking her eyes off the paper.    

Amber worked until really late, more likely until almost morning. She wanted to call Krystal as soon as she finished because she know it was getting really late in Seoul now. But she was too tired and sleepy so once she went home she fell asleep immediately at the moment she lay down in her bed.

She was awake when she heard someone is calling her. When she opened her eyes and saw Krystal’s picture on her phone screen, she jumped from the bed in panic and immediately answer Krystal’s face-time.

“Babe.. I am.. – I am sorry, I fell asleep..”, Amber quickly said in her hoarse voice when Krystal’s face showed up on her screen.

Krystal was about to protest, but seeing Amber’s tired face, she frowned and didn’t have a heart to be mad or complain.

“It’s okay. What time did you finish, Amber? You look so tired.”

Amber rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up completely. “I don’t know. Around.. 4am? What time is it now?”

Amber can see that a concern was drawn on Krystal’s face. “Here is around 1.30am. We do not have to talk that long, Am. You’re tired, you should have some sleep.”, Krystal said and smiled.

Amber chuckled. “It is okay, princess. I want to talk to you. I miss you and I miss seeing your beautiful face.”

Krystal blushed when Amber said that.  Even though she has known Amber for years, Krystal still feels shy at Amber’s compliments, there are still butterflies flung around her stomach when Amber hold her hand, and her heart still pounding fast everytime they kissed.

“Wait. I wash my face first.”, Amber said again then she went to the toilet to wash her face. After Amber came back and looked fresher, they talked again for a bit. Amber updated Krystal about the difficulty of her editing, and Krystal told Amber about her schedule for her upcoming movie. Her conversation suddenly got disturbed when Krystal bent her eyebrow and stop talking for a second.

“What’s going on?”, Amber asked.

“Wait a minute. Ki Yong-shi called me.”, Krystal replied.


“My co-star. Ki-Yong-shi.”, Krystal repeated.

Amber immediately frowned hearing that someone called her girlfriend in the middle of the night. She can’t help but to feel jealous.

“Why is he calling you at this hour?”, Krystal can sense a dislike in Amber’s voice.

“Wait, baby.”, Amber can view that Krystal looked like that she was observing something. “Ah, now he sent a text. He had something urgent so maybe his schedule for shooting will be changed.”

“Why he has to call you just to inform that? And why now? Can’t he do it tomorrow?”, Amber bombarded Krystal’s with questions. Seeing Amber irritated face, Krystal could smell jealousy from Amber.

She chuckled. “He’s afraid tomorrow is already too late to inform everyone…Wait…Are you jealous?”, Krystal then teased Amber.

Amber immediately went quiet. She felt sudden heat on her face, embarrassed as she got caught being jealous by Krystal. “No.”, she lied and put her poker face.

“You are so jealous, Am. Just admit it.”, Krystal let out a playful grin.

“I am not.”

“Yes you are.”

“No. I. Am. Not”, Amber spelled her words one by one, trying to convince Krystal.

“You are!!”

“I am going to check on Jackjack. I think he is hungry.”, Amber tried to change the topic so that Krystal will not be able to see her being embarrassed.

“Don’t you dare changing the topic, Amber!”, Krystal gave her ultimate glare to Amber.   

Amber immediately shriveled up and pouted. She let out a defeated sigh. “Fine. Yes, I am jealous. Happy?”, she turned her head away from her phone screen to avoid looking at Krystal.

Krystal giggled, feeling satisfied that Amber finally admitted that she was jealous. Krystal can’t help but feeling happy that Amber was jealous. It was rare seeing Amber like this because usually she was the one who always feel jealous.

“Well…”, Amber turned her face back to the screen to see Krystal. Her face looked flushed. “It’s just… you’re so far away from me. I can’t always be there with you. What if you feel bored and try to find comfort from someone else?”

Krystal laughed. Oh how she wanted to pinch Amber’s cheek right now. “Nothing’s going on between me and him, babe. I don’t like him that way. Our relationship is purely for business.”, she explained.

“Yeah, but… What if he likes you? He is like…, tall, handsome.. Oh God, I really don’t want to imagine it.”, Amber shook her head and wave her hand, as if she was really trying to get rid any image of this guy and Krystal in her head.

Krystal laughed harder this time. But then she put her thumb and her point finger on her chin, acting like she was thinking. “Hmm.., but what you said is true.. He is really handsome, you know..”

“What??”, Amber shrieked. Her face tighten. “No, princess! Don’t you dare ---“

Krystal still can’t hold her laugh when she cut Amber’s sentence. “You’re so cute, Amber. My cute Illama.”

Amber blushed when Krystal said that. “I don’t.. – well I… - Soojungiee..”, Amber felt she has lost her words and can only whined when she realized that Krystal was really enjoying her time teasing her.

“Eventhough he likes me, which he clearly does not, I don’t care. I only want and love my servant.”, Krystal further added.

Amber exhaled her breath, smiled hearing that words coming out from Krystal’s lips. “Cheesy.”, Amber teased back.

“Whatever. You’re jealous.”, Krystal shot another glare to Amber. Amber cracked a laugh when she saw Krystal’s glare. Her glare is one of Amber’s favorite thing,  it was indeed scary sometimes, but also cute at the same time.

Amber really loved this moment. Seeing Krystal, eventhough only through her phone screen, make her feel close to Krystal. She wished she can fly immediately to Seoul or transport herself to in front of Krystal, holding Krystal tightly now and shower her face with thousand kisses.

As it is already so late in Seoul and Amber also wanted to continue her sleep, they agreed to end the call. But before, Krystal was being a kid and asked Amber to do a V sign on face-time so she can snap a picture when they both doing it together at the same time.

“What? Why would I do that?”, Amber objected.

“Just do it, stupid!”, Krystal insisted.

“No.” Amber shook her head.

“I am sleepy! Hurry up do it now!”, Krystal whined.

“What’s in it for me if I do it?”, Amber winked, try to bargain with her girlfriend.

“You’ll get my heart.”, Krystal answered nonchalantly.

Amber scoffed. “I already have that.”

“You’ll get a slap on your face if you don’t do it!”, Krystal threaten and glared again to Amber.

“Oh, since when my princess getting ? I like.”, Amber wiggled her eyebrows and smiling mischievously.     

“YAH! You ert! We’re just talking non-sense now. Ambeeerrrr…”, Krystal pouted now, making Amber has to hold the urge not to kiss her phone screen.

“Alright, alright.”, Amber finally gave in and make a V sign. Krystal did it too and captured their pictures in satisfaction.

After that, the said goodnight to each other and exchanged ‘I love you’s before they hung-up the phone. Tonight or today, even though they are both separated by distance, but each of them will sleep with a smile on their lips. Because even if they are not physically together, they can feel their warm love for each other.



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llamafire3 #1
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Chapter 29: You’re so great authorshii ,, all the things you wrote are so on point to the events happen to both of their life .
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Pls comeback authorniiim
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Chapter 29: Please update? Hope you are doing well
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Chapter 2: Amber and Krystal really need to sort things out
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