Chapter Five

Can I Stay?

Hyukjae wiped his forehead which was full of sweat. He keeps looking to the stage which showing eight members of the girlgroup he is handling. He cursed silently when he saw two of the members standing in the wrong position for God knows how many times that day.

Seriously, their concert will be held on next Saturday which is not more than a week left but they’re still lacking to perform and Hyukjae even has repeated his instructions for more than he must be.

Who is going to have concert, actually?!

He grabbed the mic harshly from a staff beside him –who startled and gulped when he saw how Hyukjae clenched his jaw and looked like he is ready to swallow every single human who fights him –then spoke louder than he needed. “Hyejin-ssi, you’re supposed to stand on the left side and Nami-ssi, you’re in the middle. Everyone, please pay attention and focus!” The girls startled when Hyukjae’s voice keep raising. His face straight with no expression, even their manager feels scared and hopes it will end faster.

Hyukjae looked at his watch. 11 PM and he just realised he hasn’t eaten anything since the lunch he had. He is too busy to direct them until he forgot about his dinner and he feels super tired.

Gradually, the girls finally got it and Hyukjae just dismissed them since he also feels the need to reach his apartment. He quickly went to his car, avoiding other staffs –mostly girls– who are chasing him to ask for his attention which not related to their work. Oh, Hyukjae really needs his food and bed right now.

He stopped at the mini market to buy a few packets of instant noodle and cola and drove to his apartment after that.

Hyukjae scrunched his nose when he saw what date is now on the calendar. He has a lot of schedules nowadays and sometimes he feels 24 hours in a day is too short. Not to mention how lack of sleeping he is since he mostly got home at midnight or even later than that and has to wake up early.

He still has to direct 4 more groups and offers from other companies already comes, waiting for him to accept them. Hyukjae had read half of the proposal but needs to consider some more things.

He dragged his feet to his kitchen, cooked his instant noodle while getting his papers and pen ready. In the midst of waiting for his noodle, he looked at his window which showing beautiful lights from the cars passing the street and some buildings have colorful lights. It looked amazing and making Seoul more lively.

He shook his head when a thought comes about lights.

Donghae loves these kind of view.

It’s been three weeks since he met Donghae during their mediation. He has too many schedules afterwards that he has to postpone their next session.

Definitely he wants to end his marriage as soon as possible but unfortunately, his schedules are not allowing him to do that. Hyukjae closed his eyes for a while when he thought about Donghae again. Something is weird from Donghae’s appearance last time, Hyukjae could feel something is wrong with him.

It’s like… he is hiding something?

But… what to do about that? He wants them to divorce so he has no right to ask him, okay?

A rang from his phone making him startled. No wonder, his apartment is too silent that small noises will lead him startled if he is daydreaming. He fished out his phone from his pocket and see it was Henry. A smile immediately tugged in his lips as he picked it up.

“Hi!” He greets.

“Hi!” He saw Henry’s face decorated with a big smile as he always did. “What are you doing now? Busy?”

“Waiting for my instant noodle. And you? Can’t sleep?”

“Instant noodle, again? Wow Lee Hyukjae, you seriously noodle maniac!”

He laughed when Henry shook his head and began to stir his noodle. He poured it slowly to his bowl before taking it to his living room. One hand holding his phone and the other hand holding his bowl.

“You know I can’t cook as well as you, Henry.” He started to eat using his chopsticks and a question out of his thought suddenly asked by Henry.

“Where’s your ring?”

Hyukjae cleared his throat and frowned. He stopped chewing his noodle, unconciously his bottom lip because he is surprised. Pretending he didn’t know what Henry means by adding an awkward chuckled. “Huh? What ring?”

“The ring you usually wear in your ring finger, Hyukjae. Where is it?”

“Why are you suddenly looking for it?”

Henry shrugged his shoulders and said, “Because you never took it off… as I remember when you’re here and the last time we met, I saw the ring was still there. It’s the only accessories you never changed though,” Henry sighing. “I think it must be important for you.” And laughed without noticing how Hyukjae’s face has changed. “Is it from someone? Or… is it engagement ring?”

No Henry, it was my wedding ring.


Indeed, it was the most important accessories for him. Wedding ring is more than accessories for him and it has a lot of meaning rather than a simple ring you give to the person you love. That was why he always careful to not losing it. His wedding ring. The ring that has Donghae’s name and their wedding date engraved inside. The ring that he designed himself and willing to pay more for the sake of Lee Donghae. The ring that stated who he belonged to and vice versa to Donghae.

The ring that made Donghae smiled and full of tears in the same time when the first time Hyukjae explained about the details during their wedding party. The ring that made them officially and belonged to each other. The ring that Hyukjae never took it off but he started to let it off from his finger since last week. The beautiful white gold ring.

“It’s nothing. I took it off because I’m boring with that ring.” He said coldly which is opposite from what his heart desires.

Is it really because of that?



Hyukjae stared at his ceiling when the clock ticking on four. He finally finished his stage designed for the other three groups and ready to present it to their companies. It was tiringful day for him and the fact he has to wake up at ten later, making him sighed.

These weeks, his mind not only occupied by works but also his marriage. He tries to keep it away but he barely success. All of his family always asked him to think again and remembering how they met for the first time and their feelings for each other during those beautiful time.

Heechul had called him, saying something which he can’t understand even until now and he feels frustrated because Heechul asked him to figure out by himself.

“You can’t asked for one more chance when it’s end. Think again before you’re left behind with regrets.”

And in the midst of his work, he has to face a bunch of medias just to clarify a hoax. Someone or maybe some spies apparently following him when he was going out to meeting with the girlgroup he will direct. He knows one of their members is liking him and tried to always stick to him.

But he never showed any interest towards her.

Then at that night after their meeting, the girl gave him something and murmured that it was ramen made by her. And the spies caught the photographs of them and made it to the headline the following day. The news spreading faster than he thought. Now –it has been four days since the news released– he pressed his forehead because his name is in the top trending on almost all social media.

Lee Hyukjae & Cathy.

Somehow, he felt lucky because he never confirmed he has married to someone. Oh, Hyukjae is not an artist or celebrity, his family is very simple and not one of the most well-known in Korea. He is also not the most well-known person, only entertainment agencies knew him for his quality but now, it has broken. He becomes popular because that issue.

But Hyukjae does his best to calm down and giving a short clarification. He doesn’t need to be chased by medias or journalists to just answering those unimportant questions and he doesn’t want any of them starting to stalk him. With a hard denial, the medias slowly steps back and leave him.

Hyukjae closed his eyes, starting to feel his eyes becomes heavy. But before he drowned to his dream, he thought of Donghae vaguely.



It was in the afternoon on another week when finally, he can arrange his schedule for their next session. The mediation. He quickly called Heechul to inform him.

“Hyung, I have free time for this Tuesday and Saturday. Can we arrange it for the second session?”

Heechul sighed heavily and Hyukjae could imagine perfectly he must be frowned or rolling his eyes or worst, cursing under his breath.

“Seriously, Hyukjae? Now? All of sudden? I thought you have changed your mind.” He hissed.

Hyukjae clenched his fist. He rarely met Heechul before but now… he started to feel annoyed. Kim Heechul really boiled his blood.

“I don’t want to change my mind. You know it clearly.”

Lee Hyukjae can be sweet, kind, care, funny, and romantic whenever he wants. Including being a brat and stubborn . Heechul knows it because his best friend –Lee Sora– who is no other than Hyukjae’s sister, had said about this. But never imagined this Lee Hyukjae would be handful and as hard as rock. Most imporant, giving a pain in his .

But Heechul is not afraid of him. Hyukjae’s family trusted him and keeps support him so he wants to pay them with the marriage stands strong. He wants this divorce to be called off and Lee Hyukjae back to love Donghae as much as before.

Heechul can’t let the marriage ends. Not after he knew the big secret Donghae hides.

“Okay. Next session will be on this Saturday.”






Donghae sits on the chair, watching his soup being cooked. He is alone, since Ryeowook is going out with Jongwoon. It is Saturday and Donghae asking Ryeowook to have a date with Jongwoon since he knows his best friend’s boyfriend is free from schedules now and it’s been a long time since they going out last time. He knew there is a movie Ryeowook wants to watch but he is too worry about his condition. But Lee Donghae also doesn’t want his best friend overstress about him and neglecting Jongwoon.

Both of them are really kind. In some nights, Jongwoon even came and brought food for them and chatting casually after he finished his schedules.  

Before they went out, Ryeowook asked him to join them but Donghae declined it. Eventhough Jongwoon is very nice, he realised that he will just interrupt their date. Ryeowook was disagreed at first but because Donghae kept convincing him to go and it’ll be fine leaving him alone for a while, he gave up.

And so here he is, alone and cooking dinner by himself.

Donghae doesn’t want to cook so much. Just soup filled with carrots, broccoli, and potato and chicken roasted. He caressing his tummy. Three months and seventeen days. The twin are still tiny but Donghae can feel he started to feel easily tired and eat more than he usually does.

The sickness still coming to him but at least he is willing to live healthily for his babies now. His tummy is not flat anymore. He could feel it started to change but he didn’t mind. As long as his babies growing up healthily, it’s okay for him including consume vitamins, sports, and gained weights.

Donghae takes his pot which filled with half of the soup and sitting on his chair in the dining room with a plate of rice. He looked around and smiled bitterly. After a long time of having someone to eat together, he feels weird now as he is eating alone. He turns his head to the chair beside him.

Lee Hyukjae…

He will drown of the thought about Hyukjae if not for his phone buzzing and distract him. A call from Heechul, which makes him feel uncomfortable because he knows what they’re going to discuss. But he has to pick it up.

“Hello, hyung?”

“Hi Donghae. How are you?”

“I’m okay hyung. What about you?”

“I’m fine.” Without Donghae knows, Heechul bites his lower lip and with his hesitant voice, he said, “Hyukjae has decided that the second session will be on this Saturday.”

Donghae stopped his hand which was stirring his soup. He knows he has predicted this would happen sooner or later. Hyukjae never changed his mind. But why… why is it still hurt no matter how hard he has prepared his heart? Why it has to be hurt everytime he remembered how their days were and now they will end it?

His breath hitched with the thought of not having Hyukjae on his bed and not greeting by Hyukjae’s face in the morning. His head feels like spinning just to imagine Hyukjae would love another person, that girl or that man –he has seen the news– meanwhile here he is, suffering because he is still madly in love with him. With the father of his babies. With the man who successfully made him felt like in cloud and now also succeed to throw him like a trash.

The thought of not having Hyukjae around making him sad and fear. Within a minute, his eyes started to teary and every single breath he takes become hard.  

Why I have to suffer this kind of thing?

“Donghae? You are still there?

Heechul’s voice makes him realised he has been wandering around in his mind. With his small and raspy voice, he replied, “Yes. See you on Saturday, hyung.”

“… Donghae?”


“If you have something to be said, please say it out. Don’t give up to protect your marriage.”

Donghae wants to laugh and crying in the same time. He touched the red icon without said anything in return. These few days, he was quite normal. He succeed to prevent himself from crying and he could sleep normally.

He felt relieve everytime Hyukjae didn’t say anything about when the second session will be held. He prays every morning and night to God, begging to make Hyukjae changes his mind. But everything seems like fallen into million pieces now.


Hyukjae doesn’t know how much Donghae misses him. Hyukjae doesn’t know how much pressure he handles. Hyukjae doesn’t know how many times he has to spray Hyukjae’s perfume to his bolster and pillow and even to his own shirts just to make him feels like he is hugging him and always be with him.

His Hyukjae.

Hyukjae doesn’t know how many times he had replayed their wedding DVD and everytime he heard the song, he will cry. Hyukjae doesn’t know how hard it is when everytime Donghae throw-up and feels nothing but wants to see Hyukjae and feels his touch. Hyukjae doesn’t know how many times Donghae imagined Hyukjae would come and hug him, like they used to do.

And now, looking through his soup… Donghae wondering did Hyukjae even miss the food made by him. Did Hyukjae ever think about him? Did Hyukjae ever miss him like he is?

He sobs harder and leaving his untouched food.

Hyukjae doesn’t know how many times he has cried just for him.






The next morning, his mother-in-law comes with many food and paperbags on her hands. She didn’t let Donghae to help her carry many things and Donghae sighed due of it but smiles everytime she excitedly rubbing and talking to the babies inside his tummy.

“Thanks for taking care of Donghae, Ryeowook. You are truly his best friend.” said Hyukjae’s mom when Donghae is preparing the food for them.

Yeah, all of Hyukjae’s and Donghae’s family have known that Ryeowook is currently stays with him. Ryeowook doesn’t stay with him because he is pregnant but because he wants to cheer his best friend and make sure Donghae is far from bad things. At least, he wants Donghae to know that he is not alone.

Ryeowook smiled while shaking his head. “It’s nothing, aunty. We are best friend, so no need to thank me.” He gives the woman a cup of tea which the woman accepted gladly.

“Mom, this is too much. I can gain weight again.” Donghae pouted and both of them –Hyukjae’s mom and Ryeowook– laughed when they saw how Donghae lifted a slice of chocolate avocado cake.

Hyukjae’s mom approached her son-in-law who she really loves. Donghae might be chubbier than before but he doesn’t look very happy. She knows her son-in-law just trying to make everyone less worry with the way following all the doctor advices and hiding all his sadness by being playful to them. But it didn’t work at all since she knows what happened for real.

She touched Donghae’s bump and chuckled. It is still three months and eighteen days but because Donghae will have twin, the bump could easily be seen especially when he is wearing fit body t-shirt like now.

“I will buy loose shirt for you next time. My grandchilds are growing so fast.”

Donghae can’t say anything except smiled and be thankful for having such a nice and caring mother-in-law. But seeing the woman’s happy expression made him realise he hasn’t told his mom since the woman is still busy to take care of his aunt. Hyukjae’s family just let him to do that, they didn’t want to give a lot of stress to their son-in-law but Donghae knows what his mom will do exactly if she found out this news.

First, his mom will shout in joy and crying because she is too happy. Second, she will tell his brother and will drag him to shop for the babies. He bites his bottom lip to avoid any chuckle out due of those thought.

Hyukjae’s mom went to kitchen to show him something. The muffin and pineapple cookie he has been craving and made by her. She can’t hold herself from his head while looking at him with sad stares when Donghae sitting and eat the cookies.

She shares the sad stares with Ryeowook who nods in understand manner. Facing the pregnancy alone without his husband must be hard but she has decided to not let Donghae easily divorced. Not when she witnessed how deep Donghae loves for his son and he is carrying her grandchilds.



Hi everyone!^^ I decided to post this chapter earlier since started from next Monday (2nd March) I'll be back to college life T_T so, the schedule for uploading fic also will be changed, maybe I'll post it mostly in weekend like this ^^ Hope you guys don't get sick of this fic, sorry if this fic is having super slow pace (I try to express Donghae's feeling as detail as I can) and many mistakes on using grammar. Last but not least, thank you for everyone who reads, subcribing, commenting, upvoting, and loving this fic!^^ Anyway, I have finished You and Me Part 18 actually. But still needed to edit some parts, sorry for the long waiting hehehe^^ Okay, I'll end it here. Have a nice day everyone!^^

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1641 streak #1
Chapter 20: Awww I'm so happy seeing this update. I was a bit afraid you might not continue this story. This would be a pity when the end feels so close.

I love this chapter. It was so fluffy and cute because of the two little sunshines messing up Eunhae's daily life XD And Hae and Hyuk seems so close even they aren't officially a couple again? I was surprised when Hyuk booked a separate room for himself and somehow I thought to read a tiny little disappointment in Donghae... Just my feeling. I'm just waiting for Hae open up about his inner feelings to Hyukjae.

And yes, I'm very excited for the big event that is coming for Yewook ❤️ Ryeowook is gold when he's moody and only Jongwoon knows how to clam him. Can't wait to read more about my favorites ❤️❤️

Thank you for writing and coming back to this. Send hugs to you, darling ❤️ Hope to read you soon ❤️❤️
Hunnyann #2
Chapter 20: You’re here!! Happy new year❤️

Can’t wait for next chapter
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: You came baaaack! Yay. Thank you 💙
Had to reread the last few chapters here. Hyuk seemed to change and is really serious in building his fam. Hae is seeing these. Hope things will fall in their proper places soon.
Happy New Year!! 🥳
Chapter 20: Asdfghjdhsvgssjsk so cutee.. Berasa kek Eunhae pdkt lagi 🥺
Hopefully after Yewook's proposal, Donghae will give Hyukjae an answer
965 streak #5
Chapter 20: Merry Christmas!
It's good you are back again. I hope you find the time to update more often.
I think Donghae has to talk to Hyukjae about his doubts. Donghae suffered so much feeling he wasn't loved anymore and being pregnant at the same time. That was so heartbreaking I didn't want Hyukjae back anymore.
Perhaps it was fatherhood that brougth him to his senses. I just hope, he will be a good husband this time.
Achichi #6
Chapter 20: Thank you for coming back 🥺
Chapter 20: Woah so happy you're back. I hope the proposal will be successful ☺️ and Hae will give Hyuk the answer soon. Thanks again for coming back ❤️
Idaharith #8
Chapter 20: I'm glad u are back . Tq so much . I hope they will get happy ending too
Chapter 19: You don't want to continue this ff thor?
Bolak balik kesini berharap ada lanjutan mereka bakal cerai apa balikan :((
Hunnyann #10
Chapter 19: Take all the time you need hae I know it’s hurt huuu.. nice story authornim.. I hope you are still around here and will continue the fic later❤️