Chapter Four

Can I Stay?


Ryeowook closed the door behind him slowly and approached Kim Heechul –who is still sitting at the chair in front of Donghae’s room with phone in his hand. They are still in hospital and Donghae is resting now. Ryeowook sits beside Heechul, who turns his head and put his phone back in his pocket.

An hour ago, Ryeowook received a call from Donghae which turned out it was Heechul who used Donghae’s phone because his best friend was fainted. Ryeowook was cooking for their dinner at that time and making some cookies but after he received that call, he quickly switched-off the stove and ran to his car.

They didn’t introduce themselves properly since Ryeowook was too busy and worried for Donghae’s condition and Heechul was talked to the nurse about the administration. Ryeowook was always by Donghae side, leaving Heechul alone outside. But he knows who is Heechul and remembered what Donghae had done that morning, he can catch all the puzzles fast.

“I am Kim Ryeowook. Donghae’s best friend. Sorry I just introduce myself now.” Ryeowook smiled shyly and scratched his head in an awkward manner.

Heechul chuckled lightly. “It’s okay. I am Kim Heechul.” He took out a bottle of water he just bought and gives to Ryeowook.


Ryeowook was running through the hospital like a madman when he heard Donghae was fainting. Heechul was trying to calm him and when the doctor allowed them to enter Donghae’s room, Ryeowook was going in without caring if Heechul join or not. Heechul decided not to since he feels something is off yet he didn’t want to disturb them. He just waiting outside with his phone in his hand since he also has work needed to be done and trying to kill the time.

“So… you’re the mediator?” Ryeowook asked with a bit hesitant in his voice after gulping half of the water.

“Yes, I am.” Heechul smiled.

Ryeowook glances through the white walls accrosed them. After a deep sighed, he muttered quietly, “Please do your best to fix their relationship again, Heechul-ssi. Don’t let them apart.” Ryeowook leaned his back fully to the chair without caring if his sitting position would be weird. “I do upset with Hyukjae decision but I don’t want Donghae to suffer.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Ryeowook smiled bitterly but not long after that, a nurse called his name and asked him to go to the doctor’s office. Heechul keeps sitting there while waiting for Ryeowook.

“Kim Ryeowook-ssi?” The man called him which he answered with a nod. The doctor shakes his hand politely while muttering, “I really hope I can meet Mister Lee husband. Mister Lee condition is not really good which is something shouldn’t happened to the pregnant person. His stress will effect to the babies. He really needs to rest and out from his stress.”

Ryeowook really wants to ask how… how to make his best friend calm and out of stress when he will divorce? He really tries many ways as asking Donghae to shopping together, cooked his favorite food, played his favorite movie, but it was not work at all. Donghae would smile but after that, he will return to his gloomy side.

Donghae is still working and when he is working, he shows his best to not let others to notice his sadness. Maybe others can’t sense, but not for him. Kim Ryeowook is his best friend. They have known each other for more than a decade and how he really wants to give a punch to Hyukjae to make his best friend feels sad.

“Please pay attention to him, Ryeowook-ssi. Pregnant with twin has a high risk and don’t underestimate the condition. It’s not easy because pregnant with twin will drain more of your energy, that is why I asked him to eat healthy food, sport, take vitamins and don’t overtired.” The doctor wrote the new vitamins Donghae has to take and a few ideas of food so Ryeowook can cook it when they’re at home. Last, the doctor suggested him to take Donghae for a vacation to relax his mind which Ryeowook could only gave a simply nod.

“What did the doctor say?” Heechul asked when he finally sits beside him again.

Ryeowook looked at him and diving through his gaze. Deep in his heart, Ryeowook wants to blabbers to Heechul about Donghae’s pregnancy. He knows it will make their divorce progress harder and the opportunity of not divorce is high. But he also doesn’t have any courage since Donghae asked him to keep it as a secret from anyone.

“He is overtired and stress.” Ryeowook sighs. “The doctor said he needs to rest and—“

Both of them startled when they heard a whine from Donghae’s room. Seems like he has waken up, he has slept for more than half an hour.

“Heechul-ssi, could you please wait for a while? The nurse will come to pass the medicine he has to take but I have to feed him the food before that. He doesn’t like medicine so it’s best as soon as he finished the food, I give the medicine immediately or else, he will whine.”

“That’s okay for me.”

“Please call me if the nurse comes. Thank you.”


Ryeowook quickly entered the room. He was too innocent to think Heechul believe all his words. The lawyer is not the type that will accept all the information immediately. Heechul has a very great talent to sense if someone is lying or hiding something or not, so when the nurse comes and gave the medicine and a few vitamins, he asked the nurse to talk in a corridor which quite far from Donghae’s room.  

And in a mere ten minutes, he gained a shocking information.

“Donghae-ssi is pregnant. Twin babies. He is going to enter ninth weeks tomorrow.”

Heechul was shocked that he didn’t realise the nurse has gone. He has to sit himself to calm down from the shocking information. This information is out of his prediction. He bets both of their families still don’t know about this important news.

Heechul decided to back to wait in front of Donghae’s room. Ryeowook is waiting for him and muttered a thanks to help his best friend and him without noticing something is wrong with Heechul’s expression. He just giving a nod and asked if he could go since he has other things to do. Ryeowook lets him and with that, Heechul drove to his house to proceed all of this information and to find more about his client problems.






Donghae whined again when he heard Hyukjae’s family is going to visit him. He feels worried and cold sweat is painting his forehead. Hyukjae’s mom was calling him and asked why he is not at home which apparently Hyukjae’s family wanted to discuss something with him. This is the most unfortunate moment –in his opinion– since he accidentally just said he is in hospital and Hyukjae’s mom panicked.

“Ryeowook, please always stay by my side and don’t talk about my pregnancy.”

Ryeowook hates it everytime Donghae wants to hide his pregnancy to all people. Once again, his best friend is just too kind to make the divorce going easier eventhough Donghae always denied by saying he just doesn’t want to be their burden.

Lee Hyukjae is absolutely a jerk.

Ryeowook was about to answer when suddenly the door being opened and both of them can see Hyukjae’s parents and his sister are coming with a basket of fruits and paperbags with Donghae’s favorite restaurant name written on it.

Hyukjae’s mom runs to him and place the food on the bedside table. A worry can be seen on her face as she puts her hand on his shoulder and checking on his temperature by placing her palm on his forehead.

“What happened, baby? How come you just let me know when I was calling?” She asked with her soft voice and Donghae feels his chest being stabbed. Hyukjae’s family always being so kind to him and now he feels even more guilt. He knows this divorce is not only caused a stress for him but also their families.

But what can I do?

“I’m okay, mom. Just need to rest a bit.” He tries to give his big smile to re-assure them that his condition is not that bad when it actually worst.

Lee Sora –Hyukjae’s sister– takes the apple and cut it for him while saying, “You must be stressed because of Hyukjae. That kid is seriously got something wrong in his brain.”

The situation becomes awkward after that. Mrs Lee kept staring at him while his shoulder while he is trying hard to not crying in front of them.

“How was the mediation?” asked Mr Lee.

They haven’t asked their son about how the mediation going on but seeing from Donghae’s stares and his condition, all of the family knew the answer. They had heard from their son’s mouth the reason why he wants to divorce. All of them had tried to change Hyukjae’s mind but their son is too stubborn to hear.

Everytime all of them consoled him about how good Donghae is, Hyukjae would snap and said that he has no desire to continue their marriage. It’s sad because for them, Donghae is a good person and they have treated him like their own son. Loving him no matter what and even after four years of knowing Donghae, all of them still think that he has a pure heart.

“We just… just talked a bit.” Donghae was about to adding something to his sentence before a knock could be heard.

“Is this Mister Lee Donghae’s room?” A nurse peeking. Ryeowook gives him a nod to come in. “I’m coming to check on your condition and giving you this.” She shows them the yellow folder.

“What is that?” Mr Lee asked with a curious tone.


Donghae widened his eyes when he recognized what folder is that. He tried to speak but it was too late. The nurse speaks faster.

“This is the result of the ultrasound Mr Lee Donghae had done.” The nurse gives the folder to Donghae but accepted by Mr Lee. He opened it and frowning in bewilderment.

“Could you… explain to me about this?”

Donghae tries to give the nurse a gesture to decline the request but the nurse was not paying attention to him. Ryeowook could only his back but silently praying.

“Mister Lee Donghae had done the ultrasonography to check the babies condition. This is needed for the parents and doctor because all of us has to know if the babies growing well or something bad happened. We also need to check their weights, heartbeat, brain developing.”

Mrs Lee hold on the table tightly. “D-do y-you mean h-he is p-pregnant?”

The nurse confused but smile. Maybe Mister Lee Donghae wants to surprise his family.

“Yes. Congratulation, both of you will have twin grandchild soon.”

All of them gasped and widened their eyes meanwhile Donghae’s hands was shaking and Ryeowook closed his eyes.

This is it.

The nurse asked permission to going out which got no reply. The room becomes tense and silence. Hyukjae’s family still staring at the ultrasonography picture with unreadable gaze.  Donghae lowered his head when Mrs Lee turning her head to him and feel shameful.

He didn’t think he deserves to talk with them anymore. He imagined they would mad at him and saying bad words. He predicted they would snapped and said that he was immature, like Hyukjae did. He afraid all of them would staring him and said he is weird since he is a man but he is pregnant or said he is disgusting. He thought they would asked him to divorce from Hyukjae but all of that worries disappeared when Mrs Lee hugged him and let him crying on her shoulder as she also crying.

“Why didn’t you tell me, baby? Why didn’t you tell us about this?” She asked with her soft voice which made him cries harder. Slowly, she puts her hand on Donghae’s tummy and smile with teary eyes but happiness can be seen through her eyes.

Mr Lee standing on his left side and two of them hugged him tightly. Said that they’re not shame with this news and even happy. This is a blessing for them since Donghae will make them grandparents and adding members to their family. Moreover, they will have twin.

Donghae hiccuped a few times before stuttered, “I-I’m sorry. I d-don’t want to make a-all o-of y-you f-feel bur-burdened w-with this.” Donghae cries again when Mr Lee pats his shoulder.

“But Hyukjae has to know this, Donghae. He can’t leave you alone with this condition.” Sora said.

Donghae shook his head frantically. “No… Please don’t.”


“I-I will do it when I feel ready. But please, not now.” He whispered and all of them felt weak to against him.

Mrs Lee gives him a kiss on top of his head while asking him to be patient and strong and let him know that he has all of them. Donghae couldn’t say anything beside nodded and hugging all of them, feeling relieved with the love he receives.

“How old are them?” Sora asked while caressed the picture.

“Almost nine weeks.”

In the corner of the room, Ryeowook sighed when he saw how pathetic Donghae is. He knows how his best friend wants to tell Hyukjae about his pregnancy but he just can’t do like he wants. To be honest, Donghae also has that fear of the thought raising his kids alone. Too many questions rolling in his mind and just thinking about it makes him fear.

What if I can’t raise them alone?

What if I failed to becomes  a good parent?

What if I just bring a shame to my kids?

What ifs…

Ninth weeks.

He cried again when he looked at the ultrasonography picture. How his babies grew from two tiny babies to bigger babies. He layed his index finger to the picture of where two babies were showed. Doctor said it is baby boy and baby girl. What a complete surprise not only for him but for all of them.

He didn’t know how his babies would looked like. Are they going to look like Hyukjae? Or him? Are they going to love avocado as much as him? Or hate it and love strawberry instead? Will they love to watching concerts… or drawing sketch? But he is more curious how Hyukjae would react if he knows this. If he knows he will be a daddy soon.

During their marriage, it was just a couple of times where they had a conversation about having children. Hyukjae thought it would be better if they spare five years more before adopting since he wanted to enjoy more time with Donghae. He never against Hyukjae’s opinion about it since it’s quite reasonable.

But now…

Hyukjae’s family has gone home but they promised they’ll visit him in his house.

“Ryeowook,” Donghae whispered while his blanket which covered his tummy. He didn’t glare at Ryeowook. His eyes staring blankly to the bathroom door when Ryeowook hummed. “I never imagined how to take care a baby. But now, God gives me two.” He giggled in an awkward way. “Do you think I can handle them? Do you think their future will be good if I’m their only parent?”

Ryeowook grabbed his hand and nods. He smiled sweetly to Donghae and there is no doubt. “You will be a good parent. You will teach your kids good manners and I’m sure you will read story book for them before they sleep.” Both of them chuckled because that was how Jongwoon actually do everytime Ryeowook called him if he can’t sleep. Weird indeed but Donghae finds it cute.

“But Donghae, you have to tell Hyukjae too. He has to know because he is also the father of your babies.” Ryeowook placing his hand and rubbed it lightly, feeling how Donghae’s body is different from previously “Despite all your prediction, please just tell him. I’ll be your side if you want when you’re telling him.”

Donghae kept thinking about Ryeowook’s suggestion that night. He agreed that Hyukjae deserves to know, but what if Hyukjae saying bad things again? He couldn’t bring himself for listen to Hyukjae’s hurtful words one more time. It is so sting and he doesn’t want to force Hyukjae to stay by his side after knowing he is pregnant.

Because when that person doesn’t love you anymore, it will be hard to make them fall with you again. And it doesn’t feel the same anymore.

Hope all of you are not boring with this story ^^  Thanks for reading, subscribing, upvoting, and commenting! ❤❤❤ It means a lot for me^^ And sorry if there are many mistakes in grammar or typos. Have a nice day everyone! ^^

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1649 streak #1
Chapter 20: Awww I'm so happy seeing this update. I was a bit afraid you might not continue this story. This would be a pity when the end feels so close.

I love this chapter. It was so fluffy and cute because of the two little sunshines messing up Eunhae's daily life XD And Hae and Hyuk seems so close even they aren't officially a couple again? I was surprised when Hyuk booked a separate room for himself and somehow I thought to read a tiny little disappointment in Donghae... Just my feeling. I'm just waiting for Hae open up about his inner feelings to Hyukjae.

And yes, I'm very excited for the big event that is coming for Yewook ❤️ Ryeowook is gold when he's moody and only Jongwoon knows how to clam him. Can't wait to read more about my favorites ❤️❤️

Thank you for writing and coming back to this. Send hugs to you, darling ❤️ Hope to read you soon ❤️❤️
Hunnyann #2
Chapter 20: You’re here!! Happy new year❤️

Can’t wait for next chapter
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: You came baaaack! Yay. Thank you 💙
Had to reread the last few chapters here. Hyuk seemed to change and is really serious in building his fam. Hae is seeing these. Hope things will fall in their proper places soon.
Happy New Year!! 🥳
Chapter 20: Asdfghjdhsvgssjsk so cutee.. Berasa kek Eunhae pdkt lagi 🥺
Hopefully after Yewook's proposal, Donghae will give Hyukjae an answer
970 streak #5
Chapter 20: Merry Christmas!
It's good you are back again. I hope you find the time to update more often.
I think Donghae has to talk to Hyukjae about his doubts. Donghae suffered so much feeling he wasn't loved anymore and being pregnant at the same time. That was so heartbreaking I didn't want Hyukjae back anymore.
Perhaps it was fatherhood that brougth him to his senses. I just hope, he will be a good husband this time.
Achichi #6
Chapter 20: Thank you for coming back 🥺
Chapter 20: Woah so happy you're back. I hope the proposal will be successful ☺️ and Hae will give Hyuk the answer soon. Thanks again for coming back ❤️
Idaharith #8
Chapter 20: I'm glad u are back . Tq so much . I hope they will get happy ending too
Chapter 19: You don't want to continue this ff thor?
Bolak balik kesini berharap ada lanjutan mereka bakal cerai apa balikan :((
Hunnyann #10
Chapter 19: Take all the time you need hae I know it’s hurt huuu.. nice story authornim.. I hope you are still around here and will continue the fic later❤️