Drowning in The Dawn



Before you guys proceed, I would like to let you guys know something important; 

- This fanfic will be my own OCs (Original Characters)

This is will be MOSTLY based on my own story/comic that I draw on webtoon canvas comic (if you wanna read it, you can click on the link below) 

- This is going to be a draft, so my ideas will not run away to draw something I would like to draw

- This will be a major spoiler to my own webtoon canvas comic

Ok, the true description is; 

​​​​​Join the adventure of Kaguya, Daichi and Mirai in a supposed-weird looking world and they are trying their best to retrieve the world's peace but it is nowhere in progression since the world starts to crumble with lots of ignorant and selfish people "enjoying" their lives to the fullest... but, what could they achieve in the end? 



Oh, in case if you wanna read the comic, sure, go click this link below; 

Drowning in The Dawn



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