This is where you say...

The Boys (Incomplete)

***Author's note***

First off, a heartfelt apology is long overdue. So, I'm sorry everyone for being such an awful person and going on such a long hiatus without warning :( Things have been overwhelming in school, and I haven't had much time or inspiration. However, I will try to add to this story as often as I can in the future, but this time I'm warning you guys... Uploads will be irregular :/



The trip up to the penthouse was a blur. All Da Eun remembered was the pain, the heavy haze of it that laid itself over every action she tried to make. It seemed like an eternity before they reached the guest room, where through that same haze she saw Junhyung's eyes, gentler than she had ever seen them before, as he laid her carefully down on her bed. Before Hyunseung finished silently drawing the covers over her, she was asleep.




In the early hours of the morning, Da Eun awoke with a cry as her side flared with pain where she had rolled over onto it.

There was the sound of some rustling before a figure approached the bed and eased Da Eun onto her back. He crouched down beside her and her hair, crooning something deep that she couldn't quite make out because she was already asleep.




“Da Eunie, wake up.” The gentle voice broke through Da Eun's deep sleep. She whimpered and rolled over before gasping with pain.

There was an intake of breath before she found herself being supported by Dongwoon, who sat down on the bed and cradled her.

"Omo, Woonie!" Da Eun looked at him, surprised and quite embarrassed.

"Gwenchana, noona?" Dongwoon looked into her eyes, his own worried under a furrowed brow.

"Gwenchana, Woonie. Gomawo," she smiled at him. "What time is it?"

"It's 8:30, noona."

Da Eun finally looked at Dongwoon. He was dressed and ready to go out. She wondered why until she remembered the phone call from the night before.

"Oh! You boys have a shoot, don't you? At nine?"

"Yes, noona, the others are getting ready, but we didn't want to wake you until later because we thought you needed more sleep," Dongwoon confirmed.

"Ah, gwenchana. I don't want to make you all late," Da Eun said as she stood up and swayed, wincing.

Dongwoon shot up and hovered around her concernedly, hands like he didn't know what to do with them.

"Yah, Woonie, Da Eun's a big girl, and she needs to dress, so come out here before you make a fool of yourself," Junhyung said, lounging in the doorway. "C'mon."

"Ah, araso, hyung. Be careful, okay, noona?" Dongwoon shot one last worried glance behind him as he walked out of the room unwillingly.

Da Eun smiled gratefully at Junhyung. It was almost as if she understood how embarrassed she was. He looked at her with an almost-smile on his face before winking and disappearing after his dongseng.

Da Eun blushed with nobody to see as she walked slowly and painfully to the bathroom for her daily routine, then to the closet. "Oh? I'm still in the clothes from yesterday that Bambi bought me," she realized in dismay, seeing her reflection in the door. "Oh no," she wailed quietly. "I can't embarrass the boys by showing up to a big thing like a photoshoot in my old clothes!" But before she could come up with an excuse for staying behind, her eyes lit upon a bag that had most certainly not been in the closet before.

It was obviously a shopping bag, white, with those tissue papers that cushion really nice clothes. It sat on the shelf, about eye-level, gleaming in comparison to her shabby black clothes. "Oh?" Da Eun pondered the bag before hesitantly peering into it. "Oh!..." She gasped in pleasure, lifting what was inside. It was a white, mid-sleeved sundress, plain, but made of what must have been the softest fabric she had ever felt before. It would allow her to simply pull it over her head, with minimal stress to her ribs, and allow her knee to remain unconfined.

Da Eun hesitated before dressing. Who had bought the dress for her? She perused the contents of the bag again. There was more! She pulled out a pair of white, lacy sandals and a card, which read simply: "This is where you say…" She stared, dumbstruck, then grinned and whispered: "Gomawo, oppa!" She dressed cautiously but quickly before leaving the room, shoes in hand, anxious not to keep the others waiting. The dress fit perfectly.




"We should leave soon," Yoseob said, looking at his phone. "It'll take us some time to get there."

"We won't be late," Junhyung said, not opening his eyes. He was perched on the armrest of the couch, jamming again.

"Mm." Hyunseung agreed, leaning against the wall.

Gikwang yawned. "Ohhhhh…. I'm tired," he mumbled, slumping against Yoseob.

"We all are," Doojoon stifled a yawn himself as he mixed himself a protein shake.

"But… Does Da Eun have anything to wear?" Dongwoon asked suddenly.

Junhyung smiled to himself. "Don't worry."

What's up with his cryptic smile? Aw, I bet Junnie is up to something, Doojoon thought.



"I hope I'm not making you late!" Da Eun said worriedly, a little short of breath. "I tried to be as fast as I could."

"Oh? That dress…" We didn't buy that dress yesterday, did we? Hyunseung thought.

Da Eun smiled blissfully. "It's wonderful, isn't it?" She twirled, then staggered slightly before straightening, still smiling, but forcedly. Five pairs of arms lowered after a second's pause; Gikwang was still dead to the world.

"Mm, it is," Junhyung had pulled off his headphones at Da Eun's entrance into the living room.

Da Eun beamed at him. "I'm so glad I won't embarrass you all when you're seen with me, like I would have in my old clothes," she admitted.

"No, now we're embarrassed," Doojoon laughed. "We're just dressed in our casuals, after all."

"Well, as long as you like it. Then shall we get going?" Junhyung asked, hopping off the armrest and- what? Offering Da Eun his arm?

On closer inspection, Junhyung was wearing a light gray ensemble that offset Da Eun's dress perfectly. Omo. He planned it, didn't he, that- Dongwoon fumed.

No way. Junhyung bought her that dress? And those shoes? I don't think Junnie has ever bought a girl anything before. What's up with him? …Does it really have to be Da Eun? Doojoon stared, speechless, then determinedly downed his protein shake. He recalled his earlier vow at the restaurant. Well, so long as he doesn't break her heart. Forcing a smile, he handed her a paper bag and cup. "Here, Da Eunie, I got you a hot chocolate and a croissant. I told noona to cut half the sugar, too."

"Oh, you remembered! Gomawo, oppa!" Da Eun beamed.

Junnie… Hyunseung felt an inexplicable sense of betrayal. He bought her that dress? Why? He's only going to break her heart. I- I'm jealous, he realized. What was even worse: he didn't know of whom. His spirits lifted, however, when he looked at Da Eun's immense happiness.

Yoseob gauged the tension, then hopped up brightly, jerking Gikwang along. "Let's go, then!"

Gikwang stumbled up in a stupor. "Huh? Yes, let's get going," he mumbled.

Thus the seven headed out the door, silently; but the dangerous atmosphere was broken.

"Oppa, now that I think about it, shouldn't you be wearing something fancier? It is a photoshoot after all," Da Eun asked curiously as they waited for the elevator.

"Well, the whole point is going there to model their clothes, after all. They're going to dress us and maybe-" Doojoon broke off and turned to Gikwang. "Yah, Kwangie, they put makeup on you?"

Gikwang grunted noncommittally and swayed, eyes closed.

"Ah, well, I guess they put makeup on us too," Doojoon finished without missing a beat.

"Ah," Da Eun trailed off. Make-up? How would the boys look in make up? For some reason, she was looking forward to it.

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B2utyShawol19 #1
Chapter 29: Aww its so sad that it has to end this way...
But its okaay! :)
Thank you for your hard work on this fanfic!
Author-nim, hwaiting! ^^
B2utyShawol19 #2
Chapter 26: Update soon! :")
B2utyShawol19 #3
Chapter 22: Update sooon! I'm in love with ur fanfic!! <3
I even saved it on my phone's bookmark hehe :p
Much love! <3
Omg!!! Spend a whole day reading his fanfic!!! It was SO worth it!!! Update soon... =D...
Update soon!
Good thing that DW and DJ is okay!!
SAVE THEM ohmygoodness stay safe Seobie ;u;
Doojoon to the rescue!
Update soon!
_uniquelynghi #9
D: No jumping...No jumping...I hope..
Update soon~<33