We've Got Plans

The Boys (Incomplete)


Ji Hye smiled slightly as she saw the boys interact with Da Eun. The girl’s got an exciting life ahead of her, what with the attention of these six on her. “I’m closing soon, but you all just sit for a while I clean up, araso? Just rest for a moment more, and then I’ll bring your check.”

“Mm, araso-yo, noona,” Doojoon smiled fleetingly at her and nodded.

 “What’s with the atmosphere again, Woonie?” Da Eun nudged the maknae, looking around at the unsmiling faces of the boys.

Dongwoon looked at her and smiled. “Oh, nothing, noona.”

 “Gwenchana, we’re all just tired, that’s all,” Doojoon asserted firmly. “We just need sleep.”

“Huh.” Da Eun pursed her lips, not entirely convinced, but willing to accept it as a reasonable explanation. Lighting up, she changed the subject.

“I know Yoseob oppa works at the radio station, but what about the rest of you?”

The tension dissipated immediately as they all relaxed and turned towards her.

“I’m a personal workout trainer,” Doojoon volunteered.

“Well, that one’s obvious, oppa,” Da Eun replied, smiling. Grinning, Doojoon flexed.

“I DJ,” Junhyung announced.

“I kind of guessed that, what with your headphones being constantly in.”

“I’m a masseuse,” Hyunseung interjected shyly. “But not at a salon; I’m a private one, so I have most of my days off.”

“Omo, really?” Da Eun’s mouth formed an o. “I didn’t expect that, Bambi, I thought maybe you would be a model or something, with those eyes of yours.”

Hyunseung laughed. “Naw, Kwangie’s the model. Commercials and stuff.”

“That’s not entirely true. The old man left me tons of cash so I don’t have to work much. I just go out sometimes when I’m called up,” Gikwang said. “Only when I feel like it,” he clarified.

“Wow, do you do lipstick commercials, oppa?” Da Eun teased playfully, then turned to her left. “How about you, Woonie?”

“I don’t really work. Sometimes I go with Kwangie hyung though, when he’s called up,” Dongwoon said quietly.

“Speaking of which, that guy, um, I think his name was Chansung… He called me this morning,” Gikwang announced.

“And?” Doojoon prompted when he didn’t continue.

“Er… I was asleep and didn’t pick up,” Gikwang said abashedly.

Yoseob facepalmed. “Kwangie…”

“Well, you gonna call him back or what?” Junhyung asked coolly.

“Yeah, you need something to do,” Yoseob told him. “Lying around in your penthouse all day isn’t good.”

Dongwoon and Hyunseung nodded in silent agreement.

“Yah, quit nagging. I was going to call him back anyway,” Gikwang grumbled, pulling out his phone. Sighing, he hit call back, then speaker.

Confused, Da Eun leaned up to Dongwoon’s ear. “Woonie, what is he doing?”

“Oh, it’s one of the guys who sometimes calls Kwangie hyung to do commercials, noona,” Dongwoon explained. “Shh, he’s calling,” he hushed her. The table quieted to listen to the call.

“Yeobosayo? Hwang Chansung here.” A tinny, distorted voice issued from the iPhone speaker.

“Hyung! It’s Gikwang.”

“Oh, Gikwang, is it? Lee Gikwang?”

“Neh, hyung, you called me this morning?”

“Ah, yeah, I have a casting for you. Clothes this time, some big brand; I’m not too sure yet myself.”

“Just me?” Gikwang asked.

“Actually, they asked for a large group. It’d be great if you brought your friends along, like you suggested last time. I haven’t seen them, but if they’re all like you, it’d be perfect.”

“Well, they’re all fit, if that’s what you mean.”

“Yeah, how many of you are there? Five?”

“No, six.”

“Perfect! They’re all free tomorrow?”


“Yeah, Sunday.”

“Hyung, you called me the day before the shoot.”

“Yah, I know you’re always free.”

“Yeah but still.

“Whatever, so are they free?”

“Yeah, it’s a Sunday. Who isn’t free? Public holiday, remember?”

“Yah, Kwangie; how are they managing to have a shoot on a Sunday?” Doojoon whispered.

“Hyung, how are they even able to have a shoot on Sunday?” Gikwang relayed the question.

“Big brand, remember? Loads of cash to blow, loads to rake in. Yah, I have to go plan tomorrow’s schedule. Turn up, alright? We’ll use you for sure, but we’ll see about your friends.”

“Hyung, where? When?”

“Usual place. 9 am sharp. It’s a full day shoot.” With that, he hung up.

“But-pffft.” Gikwang sighed. “So early…” he moaned, flopping back.

“Cool, guess we’re all set for tomorrow, no need to make plans,” Doojoon stated. “And here’s Ji Hye noona now with the check. Let’s all go home and get some sleep, look good tomorrow.” Having said that, he pulled out his wallet and paid for the food.

“Good night, boys, and Da Eun. I’m looking forward to seeing you all next week!” Ji Hye said, smiling.

“Us too, noona, good night,” the boys chorused.

“Good night, Mistress Ji Hye,” Da Eun said shyly.

“Call me unnie, Da Eun. After all, you’re around the boys’ age, aren’t you?” Ji Hye said kindly before leaving with a smile.

“Arasoyo, Ji Hye unnie,” Da Eun called after her.

Meanwhile, the rest of the table was dissatisfied as they got back to the matter at hand.

“Kwangie…” Yoseob groaned and put his head in his hands.

“Yo, we just got dragged into getting casted for a commercial,” Junhyung stated.

“I know, Junnie,” Hyunseung nodded blankly.

Discontent, Dongwoon frowned. “What about Da Eun noona? We can’t just leave her at home,” he said, curling his arm around her shoulders naturally. Da Eun laid her head on his shoulder, eyes wide and unblinking as she waited for the verdict.

“Oh yeah…” Doojoon realized, putting his wallet back into his pocket. “Well.”

“No biggie, guys, we can just bring her along,” Gikwang suggested. “Chansung’s really cool, he’ll let her just chill on the side.” He stopped and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “That is, if you don’t mind, Da Eun…ie.”

What the-! Gikwang too? Hyunseung fumed internally.

“So, what do you say?” Doojoon asked Da Eun.

“Araso, oppa. I’ll watch you guys,” she smiled shyly. “It should be interesting,” she added with a hint of excitement.

Junhyung smirked. “Just be careful not to fall in love when you see us,” he winked.

 “Oppa!” She exclaimed, blushing furiously.

“Alright, kids, time to go,” Doojoon clapped his hands briskly. “We need our sleep, it’s an early day tomorrow. Go, go!” 

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B2utyShawol19 #1
Chapter 29: Aww its so sad that it has to end this way...
But its okaay! :)
Thank you for your hard work on this fanfic!
Author-nim, hwaiting! ^^
B2utyShawol19 #2
Chapter 26: Update soon! :")
B2utyShawol19 #3
Chapter 22: Update sooon! I'm in love with ur fanfic!! <3
I even saved it on my phone's bookmark hehe :p
Much love! <3
Omg!!! Spend a whole day reading his fanfic!!! It was SO worth it!!! Update soon... =D...
Update soon!
Good thing that DW and DJ is okay!!
SAVE THEM ohmygoodness stay safe Seobie ;u;
Doojoon to the rescue!
Update soon!
_uniquelynghi #9
D: No jumping...No jumping...I hope..
Update soon~<33