Wasn't Expecting That [SaTzu]


It was the day that Tzuyu had anticipated most. She was offered one of those highly scholarship in JYP University, and will be moving to Korea today. She got up early to double check everything, and since she will be on her own in Korea she was a little bit nervous. Her parents took her to the airport to bid their good byes.

TZUYU'S MOM : "Tzuyu-ah if you ever need something call us or even if you don't, call us."

TZUYU'S DAD : "We'll come visit you with your brother."

TY : "Thank you mom, dad. I'll call you... I'll miss you."

TM : "We'll miss you too Tzuyu, I'm glad that you had this opportunity. Don't forget what we told you okay?"

TY : "Arraso, I'm going now mom, dad. I'll update you every day."

TD : "Okay Tzuyu enjoy! And be sure to be respectful to others."

She spent the whole flight from Taiwan to Korea thinking if she made the right decision. She never left there house since she was little and accepting the scholarship was a big step to her independence. Being the youngest in there family, she tried to be obedient to the point that she doesn't do anything that her parents doesn't approved of.

After 3 hours of traveling she finally arrived at Korea and soon as she came out of the airport  she knew this will be a new world for her. The school service came to pick her up and drop her off the dorm.

Dorm Mother : "Hi! Are Chou Tzuyu-ssi?" The older lady greeted her at the door.

TY : "I am, it's a pleasure to meet you."

DM : "I'm the Dorm mother anything you'll need you can ask me :)" 

TY : "Thank you."

DM : "For the room assignment we usually go by the first scholar to arrived. Since you're the latest addition to the program and not to mention the youngest. You'll be sharing a room with Dahyun-ssi and Chaeyoung-ssi."

"The dorm has 3 bedrooms, the 1st one has two scholars on it. The second one which is the biggest has 4 of them and the last one will be your room. All of the bed rooms are in the 2nd floor. There's a dance studio, study room and a music room down the hall. This is practically a big house that made into a dorm."

TY : "Ahhh is anyone home right now?"

DM : "Most of them left for vacation and will be back tomorrow. They said they're going straight to school tomorrow. Don't worry my room is right across the kitchen. You can call me if you want to ask anything. Lets go I'll walk you to your room."

They walked upstairs, it was really big that Tzuyu couldn't believe it was a dorm. 

DM : "The room in the left side is the biggest room. This will be your room and the next one is Jeong's."

They went inside and saw a bunk bed and a single bed.

DM : "So Dahyun-ssi sleep's in the upper bunk, while Chaeyoung-ssi in the bottom. You'll have the single bed on your own, we already prepared your bed :) I'll leave you here for now, I need to prepare dinner."

TY : "Arraso, thank you so much."

The dorm mother left Tzuyu alone to fix her stuff, she started to look around the room. The beds was filled with stuffed toys. They have three different study table. 

After putting her things in the closet she laid down to feel how comfortable was her bed.  The softness of it put Tzuyu to sleep.


I woke up around 4 in the morning, I was tired from yesterday. That I didn't bother to stand up for dinner. I started to prepare since I need to get to school for my orientation. After taking a bath I went downstairs to grab something to eat, when I saw a packed sandwich in the table.

"Tzuyu-ssi I didn't wake you up last night, you look tired. Eat this, I made a extra one for you. Good luck on your first day and enjoy!" -DM

It's good to have the dorm mother with us, it feels more like home. I started to walk towards the school. The dorm is a 5 minute walk to school. Soon as I enter I was in awe of what I saw, it's not a simple school. It looks more of a corporate building.

GUARD : "Can I look at your ID?"

TY : "Here."

G : "Are you new here?"

TY : "Yes, I transferred here. I have a orientation."

G : "That's why, usually class starts at 8. What's you're section?"

TY : "Class A."

G : "Ohhh so you're one of them. You can go to the teachers lounge."

TY : "Thank you."

Since I came here they keep saying I'm one of them.. I don't know what exactly they were talking about.


TY : "Good morning sir, I'm Chou Tzuyu."

JYP : "Come in Ms. Chou, have a sit."

I sat down across him, wondering if I was the only student that needs to be oriented..

JYP : "I'm Park Jin-Young and I'm the owner of the university."

TY : "Nice to meet you sir."


JYP : "My pleasure, Ms. Chou can you tell me what do you know about this program?"

 TY : "Hmm the one who offered me the Scholarships said I can pick whatever major I want as they develop my skills."

JYP : "Arraso, you see Ms. Chou our university is one of the few university that has produce a number of top performing idols. We picked 8 persons to form a group and you're the latest addition to the group making it a 9 person group. It will be called TWICE. All of you will be living in one roof to enhance your teamwork. You'll get to chose your majors though you'll be spending most of the time with the girls. Your section was called A because it means your top of the top. The scholars are all chosen for something they excel at, we have 5 Koreans and 4 other nationality including you."

"The program focuses on the team, we want to introduce you as a Girl Group but we want you guys to fulfill your other dreams. This program will take 3 years, we'll see how soon we can introduce the group to the public. You'll be meeting the girls on your first class, any form of relationship will be okay as long as you balance everything. Ms. Chou do you have anymore questions?"

TY : "Ani.... Thank you PD-Nim."

JYP : "It's a little bit early, you can go to your classroom or see the campus if you like. I'll see you around Ms. Chou."

TY : "Thank you PD-Nim."

JYP : "Oh and Tzuyu-ah don't get scared of the girls they've been in the same class since high school. The japanese just got here a year before college so they're kind of used to each other now.  Some of them looks weird and some are intimidating. But believe me, they're all friendly. Gaja! Enjoy!"

I went outside, thinking about what he said. I guess all of them know each other by now.

I wanted to get a glimpse of the whole school since I didn't had a chance to tour before coming here. There where too many class room, but at the end of the hall was the field. I sat down at one of the benches. 

I felt sorry for lying to my parents. All they know is I got accepted for a business major in one of Korea's top university.  It was true but I didn't told them that I had a special curriculum, if I told them I know there going to oppose. I at least want to do something that I want before taking over the company.

"Annyeong chingu, how are you doing?" Said by the girl with a long blonde hair. 

I watched her as she tries to approach the birds. All of them flew away from her.

"Omo, did I scared you guys? I'm sorry, well have a nice day chingu!!!" The girl shouted as she looks at the birds flying.

I look at my watch and it was almost time for my first period. I better start walking to my room.


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Chapter 17: This was good! Thank you for the story author nim :))))
Chapter 6: Your lie in april is my favorite anime because it was the anime who made me cry buckets literally and now in 2yeon
Satzuchaelisajensoo #3
Chapter 17: Thank you sooooo much for this wonderful story authornim
bore_d1020 #4
Chapter 11: wwooooo.... Sana is jealous. but y is there repeated sentence for this chapter? or is it not loading properly?
Tipper #5
Chapter 8: Love the development. Can't wait for the next chapter!
bore_d1020 #6
Chapter 8: Sweet!
Chapter 6: awesome job!!!!
waiting for updates!!!