New Years Kissed

New Years Kiss, Maybe?
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A/N: Hi all, and because I simply did not have enough time to write a Chaennie christmas fic, I did try and make up for it for new years, with a oneshot, I never ever wrote a new years oneshot ever, so this is a first for me. Basically, it’s a cute idea of Jennie really wanting to be kissed before the clock hits midnight by Chaeng, but will she?


Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, 112714, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, Ody1204, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Moonstunt, SleepyRu, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, pokjl-123, Shouto818, PandaExpress69, j33200, shinneay, dmac20, Chan_94, Tashphobic, NoJamDubu, kiyomamoo, justsomeanimelover, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, Sapphicblink, CheezeeMyoui,  aya_ah98, bangton, blazeaf, Supergirl, Lorna123, Revelsone, madam_mac, aya_ah98, Nyssa21, Icantstandtofly, Lelouch99, Kasey_1432, tay_84, Mooncrush22, tinybean, sawyer09, and taeyang729 Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^


Kim Jennie finds herself in a bit of a predicament. She has found herself to be dating someone so incredibly wonderful, sweet, and kind. Who happens to come wrapped up in a slightly taller, blonde and beautiful Australian package, it’s one thing to find someone who is an absolute sweetheart. It’s a completely different thing to find said sweetheart who is stunning on the outside to match that inner beauty too, at least that’s how Kim Jennie felt when she first met Park Chaeyoung a few months here in Australia. Jennie herself was on an extended vacation when she met Chaeyoung, and Jennie truly couldn’t believe her luck when she had met the slightly younger woman that day. She certainly didn’t think she would be meeting her future girlfriend, that’s for sure.




Jennie was lost, she hated to think it, but she was truly lost. She’s only been in Seoul a few days of her vacation and already she is lost, this is not the way the brunette would like to be spending her day, yet here she is. She hopes she’ll at least be able to find her way back to the rented house she’s staying in, that shouldn’t be too difficult, right? Hopefully. For now, all Jennie wants to do is find a good place to eat because she is absolutely starving and something delicious to hit all the right cravings would be perfect.


“Okay, if I can remember the phone directions…” she thinks and is moments away from pulling out her phone again when she almost collides with a slightly taller woman. Jennie takes a look at the pretty blonde-haired woman, with the cute cheeks, and pretty brown eyes. The woman offers an apologetic smile and Jennie almost gets lost right there in the adorable smile of the woman.


“Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” She asks in such a polite tone of voice, her Australian accent coming through that it makes Jennie almost blush right then. But then, she also feels relieved too, because now she knows this woman is Native, and she probably knows what’s around here, which is perfect for Jennie in this case.


“No, no.” Jennie shakes her head. “No, I’m not hurt. I wasn’t exactly paying attention either. You weren’t hurt, right?”


The woman shook her head and assures her that there’s no harm done. “Hey, New Zealander, right?” She smiles warmly again. “I hope I’m not intruding or anything, but you wouldn’t be visiting here, would you? I’m sorry but it’s always obvious when someone’s a tourist.”


Jennie is absolutely visiting, and it certainly wouldn’t hurt to know someone who is a native, even if she just met this woman. She is very clearly a gorgeous and so far friendly stranger, what’s the worst that can happen?


“I am,” Jennie nods. “I’m actually on my way to find a restaurant, you wouldn’t happen to know of any…”


“Oh, trust me if you’re with me, you never need to worry about finding a place with good food, why don’t we go hang out, my name’s Chaeyoung by the way. Park Chaeyoung, and you are?”


“Jennie, I’m Kim Jennie, and it’s nice to meet you, Chaeyoung.”




That happened a few months ago, and Jennie at the time didn’t think she would have ended up dating someone truly so perfect for her. At most, she figured Park Chaeyoung would have been a nice friend to sightsee with while she was staying in Sydney, yet she landed herself a girlfriend. The kind of girlfriend who called the see how she was feeling. The girlfriend who held open doors and chairs at tables for her wherever they want, and these are of course sweet things, but it also brings Jennie to her predicament. Because Chaeyoung is polite, sweet, and well-mannered they haven’t done anything more than hold hands this entire time they’ve been dating, and truthfully as nice as it is to be respected by one’s partner, Jennie is really hoping to be kissed and soon. She hopes so more than ever because New Year’s eve is fast approaching, and with New Year’s Eve will come that ever important kiss before the clock strikes twelve, and Jennie remains hopeful. She can’t help that she remains hopeful, even if she hasn’t even been kissed yet regularly, despite the fact that they have been dating a few months now.


“No, don’t give up yet.” Jennie tells herself while looking through clothes. She’s meeting Chaeyoung for lunch in a little while, and she’s always excited about the thoughts of meeting her girlfriend. They can talk on the phone for hours, meet during the day or evenings for dates, and still she’s never not excited to see Chaeyoung. They’ve both discussed what will happen once their vacations are over, and even at one point Jennie wondered if this would be one of those temporary flings, while she was on vacation, however Park Chaeyoung was too much of a keeper for their relationship to be temporary, and they both talked about the fact they’ll just do their best to maintain a long distance relationship.


“It’s not that far, Australia and New Zealand.” Chaeyoung had said to her once. “I know I’ll make sure to see you as often as I can.” Jennie can still hear her sweet tone and equally sweet smile in her head. Jennie knew she would make sure they’d keep their relationship strong after Jennie’s vacation was over too, since someone like Chaeyoung doesn’t come along often. The brunette is in the middle of trying to figure out an outfit to wear when her phone rings, and she looks to see the image of her girlfriend on her phone. Jennie smiles and quickly goes to answer it.


“Hi, Chaeng.” She answers. “We’re still meeting for lunch, right?” Jennie asks to make sure that plans haven’t changed or if it needs to be dinner instead, which either way it’s fine with her, as long as she gets to see her girlfriend.


“Yes, we’re still on for today. I just wanted to hear your voice.”


“Ah, sweet talker.” Jennie whispers softly into the phone. “Maybe, I wanted to hear your voice too.”


Chaeyoung is really the sweetest. She’ll call simply just to talk to her, ask her how she’s feeling, and that always makes Jennie feel like the luckiest girlfriend, even if she does want her to not worry about her manners too much, and kiss her soon. Jennie can still remember one of the earlier dates when she thought for sure Chaeyoung was going to kiss her.




She and Chaeyoung have been on four dates now, four dates, and Chaeyoung is much too respectful to do anything with her. Not that Jennie is completely against that or anything. She likes that Chaeyoung is well-mannered, she does. It means that further down the line when she introduces her girlfriend to her parents they will be pleased to know Chaeyoung is a complete gentlewoman, one who hasn’t even tried to kiss her yet.


“Look,” Chaeyoung points as they’re walking back from their dinner date. Chaeyoung is showing her how pretty the stars in the night sky, and it’s certainly pretty. Jennie thinks that Chaeyoung is prettier, though. But then Jennie also notices how the blonde is leaning in closer, and has her arm wrapped around her waist. The brunette smiles and wonders could this be it. Is this the moment where her girlfriend is gearing up to kiss her, finally? Jennie supposes Chaeyoung could have just been shy and that’s why she hasn’t yet kissed her. The slightly shorter of the two leans forward, since she thinks Chaeyoung is going to kiss her.


“Finally, I’m going to kiss her. I’ll know what her lips feel like.” 


At least, that’s what Jennie thought, and she was ready to kiss those pretty looking pink lips too, until Chaeyoung was gently leading the way elsewhere and all hopes of getting that kiss was dashed.


“What, she wasn’t about to kiss me!” The shorter woman’s mind rages, so she’s not getting kissed after all, really? But the way Chaeyoung’s arm feel around her waist in that protective, but gentle hold is almost enough to make her forget about it. Almost, that is, because surely she’ll be kissed at some point, no?




That was their fourth date, and the two of them have been on plenty of dates since then. Still, Jennie hasn’t been kissed. But hopefully all that will change come New Years Eve, as it’s only fair she be kissed on that evening. 


“Okay, Chaeng, I’ll see you in a little bit.” She soon ends the call and goes back to deciding on what to wear. Jennie knows it has to be on Chaeyoung’s mind too, right? Her girlfriend must be thinking about New Year’s Eve, and what could possibly happen? They haven’t really discussed plans for a date yet, but perhaps today they’ll talk about it, and Jennie can get somewhat of an idea about where her girlfriend’s head is.


“Well, either way it’ll be New Years Eve soon, and I would really like

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Chapter 1: oh hello hehe is so good come back here and find such a good, sweet and well written content ♥ i'm gonna take a look on the others ff soon~
Chapter 1: Such wholesome content
Chapter 1: yes I love for soft chaenie moments
18 streak #4
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1427102/1'>New Years Kissed</a></span>
They’re soo cute it hurts :)
Chapter 1: Chaeng and her Australian manners.
Well consent is y, so now that she has Jennie’s consent, i think Jennie will be getting plenty of kisses.
Chaennie the ever adorable pair
aglaonema #6
Chapter 1: Chaennie
Taitai84 1230 streak #7
Chapter 1: Happy new year to you!
Chapter 1: oof omg the cutest of all the chaennie books you've wrote and im damn soft n really really look forward to be doing the same thing to my gf too. </3
Chapter 1: Happy new year!!
18 streak #10
My chaennie heart is ready lol