Blind date

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"You have a business meeting at 3:30 so leave your schedules open"

"Eomma, stop lying to me"

Sejeong's mother's  eyebrows flared "w-what, why would I lie to you!" she said without conviction 

Sejeong heaved a sigh "please stop telling me it's a business meeting, when it's a blind date" 

Mrs Kim (Sejeongs mother) then started laughing "okay fine, you caught me once again, but how else are you supposed to find a husband?"

"I don't know eomma, the right guy will come to me I guess"

Mrs Kim then folded her arms "baby, sometimes you have to search for the right person"

"okay, but I don't have time-"

"well then make time, like I said 3:30pm today, it's not that hard and plus this boy bearly has time too, since he's also an heir to a company just like you"

Sejeong was a bit impressed "for real? What company"

"I'm not telling you, but they're lead marketers in fashion"

Sejeongs curiosity was not having it "Choi fashion inc? Chanel? Dior? Burberry? O.S industries? Which one?"

"like I said, I'm not telling you. If you really want to know then go on the date"

"Hmph, I don't really care, I won't go-"

"also if you don't go your allowance will be given to your brother"

Sejeong's jaw dropped "WHAT! EOMMA!!"

"Sejeong, I just ask you for this one date and that's all" 

Sejeong calmed herself done, waiting a full 30 seconds before she responded with a weak "yes"

Mrs Kim applauded in happiness "yay! I bought you a dress especially for it, it's in your room so go get changed cause it's nearly 3!"

Sejeong heaved a sigh as she got up and walked upstairs to her room 'this lady will never leave me alone' she thought to herself as she couldn't help but laugh while thinking about how happy her mother must be

Sejeong approached her bed as she saw the dress that she was supposed to wear

She lifted it up with her jaws dropping "IM SUPPOSED TO WEAR THIS?"

"yes honey" her mother responded, now standing right at her door "I spent over $300 on that with no returns so don't think of not wearing it"

"Eomma! You should've at least paid $20 for a dress like this! The material doesn't even go past my knees!"

"yes, that's the style! It's a

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Y’all I just re-read this and there’s a lot of spelling mistakes 💀 my bad


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Chapter 2: NICE ONE
2449 streak #2
Chapter 6: Mama Kim, it's a blind date right? so why did you dress Sejeong as if you're feeding her to the wolves??? HAHAHAHAHA

how i wish for this to be continued... there aren't enough SeSe fics in the world
2449 streak #3
Chapter 3: "because players don't deserve diamonds"
Rayj98 #4
Chapter 6: Yes please continue!! I love this and there nearly isn’t enough sesecouple stories on the entire web😭💕💕
nadiakorolyova #5
Chapter 6: Please, l need more of this, continue))
Yehet43 #6
Need more of this. Keep up the good work.
ReaderM #7
Chapter 6: Finally! An update! ?❤️
Chapter 6: i miss this story ):
Ccxtieluum #9
Chapter 2: love this :)
Chapter 5: Ugh can't belive I've missed out onna few chapters, anyways glad to see you updating again!! I'm excited to know what's gonna happen to Sehun and Kai next ;)