
I loved you

Clearly upset Chan began cleaning up he mess that was the night before and found a tub of ice cream. He thought nothing of the tub of ice cream until he realised they only ate the dessert when at least one of them was feeling worthless.  He reminisced about the time they spent hours in Chan's bedroom eating hundreds of tubs that time Woojin's dog ran away and again when Woojin got a B in his maths test. He continued cleaning the rest of the rubbish while wondering what they could of been depressed about. Woojin on the other hand was circling the neighbourhood, avoiding the return of going home because he knew they would question his whereabouts. As he was in his own little world, Woojin glanced up at Chan's apartment block.
"I would always protect you, Jinnie." He remembered a part of the night before of he two on the sofa eating whilst Chan gave those reassuring words. What was the reason Woojin slept with Chan? Woojin was certain he was straight and he had a list of female exes to support it but Chan... his list was non existent besides the short haired girl Woojin caught kissing Chan. The girl apparently went to the school as she wore their uniform and was in their school but none of the girls matched with her body ... Chan wasn't fazed by watching the two's tape...the schools nerdy boy's  body and hair matched Chan's ex... could Chan be gay? Woojin's eyes widened as the thought came across his mind;  coming back to the real world, Woojin decided to go home to his family to rest and process plus his backside hurt when walking, it was hard to not see his limp. 

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