Chan's birthday

I loved you

Days had passed and Chan saw no sign of Woojin. He frequently went to the park and went to all the places they had been together before. He wasn't there. It was as if he had vanished from existence, all until Thursday 3rd of October. Chan was getting ready to go to the store when he heard a faint knock at the door only to find Woojin on the other side with a bouquet of flowers.
"Happy birthday,  Channie." Chan held the door for the other to enter.
"It's been forever, how did you remember?"
"It was the third best day of the year." The two laughed remembering how they spent each others birthdays crashing on parties and sneaking their parents alcoholic drinks to the lake. They reminisced about those days for a good half an hour before Woojin had a good suggestion.
"Why don't we throw a party? One with just you and me. We're both adults now so we can buy our own beer."
"Sounds like a plan." The two put their shoes on and headed to the store and returned with 12 6-packs of Carling beer. A lot had happened that night. The night of October the 3rd would be a night to remember except...they didn't. They were too drunk and  they would definitely regret it. 

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