ch. 2


The next day

Kirishima POV

‘Humm….I guess Iida isn’t here yet, wonder what’s keeping him. He’s usually the first one here.’ I thought while making my way towards my seat in the classroom. I sling my bookbag off my shoulder and onto my chair and sat down. When I sat down, I got out my phone and checked my text messages.

“Am I late?” I heard a small voice say.

I looked up to see (Y/N)-San standing at the door looking lost.

“Nope, early actually, anyways…sorry about Bakugou yesterday though…he just wasn’t in the best mood.”

“It’s fine.” She started walking over to her seat which was in the back by a window.

“(Y/N)-San why don’t you come over here so we can hang-out a bit before class starts.

“Umm….okay….” She slowly made the way towards me.

I pulled a chair by my desk for her to sit in. I patted a hand on the seat to signal her to sit down. When she did, I asked “Hey, since the sports festival is coming up, I was wondering if you’d like to train with me?”

“M-me?” She asked as if was hard to believe that I wanted to train wither.

I nodded my head and smiled a bit showing some of my sharp teeth.

“That smile…where have I seen it before, this is seriously going to bother me so much.” She muttered quietly

I looked at her confused….”What do you mean

She covered quickly then muttered “Uhh…never mind….”

“So, what do you say?” I asked her still wondering what her answer was.

“ Sure, Plus, it would force me to talk…” she replied answering to my question.

“Yes! Then I can show you my mad skills” I said excited about training with her ‘She does seem familiar for some reason though… I wonder why?’

“Gurr I could hurt you if I wanted to….”

“But you wouldn’t do that would you….anyway can you hand me your phone for a sec?”

“Phone?” she questioned a-bit confused as if she had no concept of what I was talking about even for one second.

I nodded his head then brought my phone out of my pocket. “Don’t you have one.”

she quickly shook her head and told me gently “I never had one…”

I put my hand on her shoulder causing me to flinch. When I saw her reaction, I immediately retracted my hand and panicked “I’m sorry!! That was the wrong thing to do!! We hardly even know.

each other!!”

“No, it’s fine…it’s my own stupid fault for reacting that way…” she mumbled quietly.

‘What?? No that’s not right if anything it’s my fault for doing that….she isn’t stupid no one is, not even Mineta and that’s saying something.’ “Look don’t even say that about yourself, yes you had a rough past and I’ll take a while to get over, but you are NOT stupid.” I stated firmly.

She looked away then mumbled “Doesn’t feel like it….”

“It may not feel like it, but it will get better…” I told her trying to help her feel a bit better about herself.

She immediately jumped on her feet and yelled “YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHATS GOING ON!!” I saw tears on the corner of her eyes about ready to fall.

“(Y/N)… it’s okay….” I whispered to her trying to calm her down. ‘I didn’t mean for this to happen; I didn’t know she’d react like that. If I did, I wouldn’t have told her that in the first place.’ I thought silently praying I didn’t make the situation worse.

She then ran out of the door of the classroom past Bakugou who was just about to come in.

“WATCH WHERE THE YOUR GOING!” he yelled as she ran. He then walked up to me and asked, “what the hell is wrong with her?”

“I don’t exactly know…I’m going to find her…” I told Bakugou while getting up out of my seat and making my way towards the door. When I was outside the classroom, I looked both ways to see if she was on this hallway. “(Y/N)!!” I hollered for her while taking a going left. I was nearing the teachers’ lounge when I heard muffled sobs coming from the other side of the door. I softly knocked on the door and it cracked open only allowing me to see one of (Y/N)’s eyes except they were now red and puffy from crying. “(Y/N)…what’s wrong?” I gently asked her, tying my best not to upset her more then I already have by now.

“m-memories….flash-flashbacks….parents….g-gone…” she trembled, and she spoke. She then let go of the door completely and it opened up. She then collapsed crying into her hands.

I helped her up and told her soothingly, “okay we’re going back to class. We’ll help you a lot more there ok?” She nodded her head while looking down at the floor still crying though.

(Y/N)’s POV

‘You little piece of !! How many times do I have to tell you the more you disobey the more bones we’ll break!!!’ Voices repeating words over and over in my head. Words that hurt me….words that won’t stop coming. I want it to stop, I want to scream for it to stop but I can’t. I can’t stop shaking…I feel scared…I want my parents. Kirishima and me stepped into the classroom ‘No…No I can’t do this….I-I…’ My thoughts immediately stopped when Denki pulled into a much-needed hug.

“It’s okay…I’m here…they’re gone now…just focus on me now…match my breathing okay.” Denki told me comfortingly trying to calm me down.

I nodded my head and did as he instructed me to do. I slowly but surely got my breathing back to normal and eventually calmed down to where I didn’t need Denki’s help anymore.

“What the is wrong with that extra?!” commented the blonde jerk from behind Kirishima looking at what was going on and how I just reacted.

‘That’s it…I’ve had enough of people pushing me around.’ I thought angerly “shut up…” I told him quietly, but loud enough for him to hear what I told him.

“What?” questioned the blondie slightly confused and surprised by what I told him. Hasn’t anyone stood up to him at all he really needs to be told then.

“I said shut up…” I confidently told him looking him straight in the eyes not caring what he thought or not, I’m fed up with the word pushing me around like I’m a piece of garbage I haven’t even done smack to him, what does he have against me already.

“I don’t know who the f-“ the blondie growled angerly and clearly irritated by what I straight and directly to him with no hesitation at all for a single second.

I cut him off and yelled infuriated. “NO you don’t know what you’re talking about….I’ve gone my whole life with villains pushing me…people discouraging me…and everyone taking the people I love away from me, So if I were you I’d shut my ing mouth and listen because trust me I can make you endure hell and it’s not pretty!” I took a deep breath and realized what I just said. I intently covered my mouth and “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean…” I began walking away when I was pushed up against the wall by the blonde “Sto-

“This time you listen….I won’t let someone as weak and pitiful as you to tell me what I can or cannot do.” He yelled at me.

“Stop it…Stop it, stop it, stop it…get away” I went back further into the wall to separate us as much as possible.

Bakugou stop it…this is not manly of you.” commented Kirishima trying to persuade the blondie to let me go.

“Shut up ty hair!” He shouted angerly at Kirishima.

I began to hyperventilate; this is too much “Please let me go.” He still remained in front of me. I looked around to see a way out. ‘strength.’ I looked at his arms which were beside my sides. ‘if this works, I’ll be free, and he won’t be hurt.’ With one swift motion I grabbed his right arm roughly and swung it to the left, so he was backwards, and I was now free. The class continued to stand there with their mouths open.

“Bakugou, (L/N) stop fighting!” shouted Iida from on top of a table making hand chopping motions in mine and blondie jerk dude’s direction.

I ran to behind the first person I saw. My heart is pounding so fast…I feel like I can hardly breathe.

“Everyone to your seats…” Aizawa sensei instructed the class in an emotionless expression like he usually does.

The world around me became blurry and I was supper dizzy “Aizawa sensei….I don’t think I can-“ The next thing I think I saw was pick black darkness.

Denki’s POV

As soon as (Y/N) passed out I went to her side and glared daggers at Bakugou. ‘He’s so lucky my quirk is not that powerful yet…’

“take her to recovery girl….geze I’m too old for this…” Aizawa sensei stated.

I nodded my head and picked up my cousin and walked out of the classroom. When I got to the recovery girls office, I set her down on one of the beds and sat down in the seat next to her.

“What happened?” Asked recovery girl next to me.

“She fainted…” I stated plainly to recovery girl not knowing what else to say. I was honestly still in shock and slightly angry I couldn’t say anything else.

“I can see that, but what happened?” She asked while checking her pulse. “Her pulse is really fast…did someone scare her or something?” She questioned while keeping her eyes on (Y/N).

“Yeah…Bakugou-“ I started but was cut off.

“I’m not surprised….based off of her background she can easily get triggered….why does she want to be a hero again?”

“You’ll have to ask her about that one ma’am.” She never did tell me that. She only recently started coming out of her bedroom and communicating with us, so we didn’t talk too often when she came here from being rescued from the League of villains by a group of heroes.

She nodded her head then told me while still focusing on (Y/N), “Alright you can go back to class…she’ll be just fine, rest will do her some good in this state.”

I nodded my head and made my way towards the door when she spoke up.

“…and young Denki…I expect you to also focus on your studies….don’t want to fall, behind do you?”

“yes ma’am…I’ll do my best.” I then continued on my, to homeroom.”

Time skip

“Kaminari, is (L/N)-San okay?” asked Uraraka concerned.

I nodded my head then mumbled a-bit agitated “She’ll be fine as long as Bakugou leaves her alone…”

She nodded her head, “I’ll be going to check on her after class with Kirishima, as long as it’s alright with you of course.” She informed me.

“Ya, as long as Bakugou doesn’t intervein…” I muttered while starting to walk to my desk.

“Alright class, we’ll be going on a break for a week….because of the sports festival so train….class dismissed I guess.” Uttered Aizawa sensei groggily.

‘Was even the point of coming then if I was just going to head home anyway?’ I thought to myself annoyed at everything that happened today. ‘I’ll just get (Y/N)’s stuff and head home. I’ll tell mom what happened…but what if something happens to her whi- stop it Denki I need to train (Y/N)’ll be fine…I hope.’ I got up and grabbed mine and (Y/N)’s stuff and headed home.


(Y/N)’s POV

‘Ugg….my head hurts.’ I slowly opened my eyes and saw I was in the recovery girl’s office. I looked besides me and saw Kirishima asleep in a chair.

“He’s been here all afternoon….refused to leave even when his friend left…” stated recovery girl from her desk. “Just drink hydrate plenty and eat a full dinner tonight. You’ll be just fine tomorrow.”

I nodded my head and turned towards Kirishima. ‘I don’t understand…why did he stay?” I lightly nudged his shoulder, but he didn’t even budge. “Kirishima…” I whispered, when he didn’t move, I silently pouted then pulled on his arm lightly. “Kirishima…common”, I whinnied a bit getting impatient.

I saw his eyes flutter open and gave me that smile “Train?” he asked happily.

I nodded my head and got up off of the bed.

By the time I was up Kirishima was at the door waiting for me.

I walked up to him and we began out of the school together. “Soo where are we going to train.”

“Well I was thinking of a field of some sort or a park….we do need to work on your physical strength instead of your quirk’s strength though so I was thinking when we get there, we could start on some hand to hand combat.”

I nodded my head in understandment of what he told me then we continued to wherever we were going.

time skip

“Can you get in a fighting stance?” asked Kirishima to me politely.

I nodded my head and put my hands in fists and put them in front of me I then put my right leg in front of my left.

Kirishima came up to me and grabbed my left arm which really scared me.

I tensed up a-lot and accidently vines wrapped around both of my arms.

As soon as that happened, he back away really fast. “ (Y/N)…what happened?” he asked confused.

I-I got a bit scared….” I quietly replied answering his question.

“It’s alright….but why did that happen?” He questioned me.

“my quirk sometimes spazzes out whenever I think I’m in danger or if I’m scared….”

“It’s okay….can you retract them; I won’t hurt you…I promise.” He requested after nodding his head.

“alright…” I reluctantly spoke; I then deactivated my quirk and saw the vines drop to the ground.

“Don’t freak out I’m just helping okay?” He came up to me and moved one my arms down. “bend your knees slightly”

I did he instructed. “Like this?”

He nodded his head “ Can you use this stance for fighting…It helps a-lot with having the advantage in a hand to hand combat….at least for me.” He told me muttering the last part almost to the point where I couldn’t understand what he was saying.

I stood straight, “Can we do hand to hand combat now?” I requested since we were just standing there talking and not training.

Kirishima nodded his head then got into a fighting stance and I did the same.

“Remember no quirk usage.” He reminded me calmly.

I nodded my head and we started training.

Time skip

“Oof!” I cried while I landed on my back for what seemed like the hundredth time. I sat up and whined annoyed “How are you this good!?” I exclaimed amazed at his skills.

“Practice I guess…” he muttered while coming up to me. “Want to take a quick break?” he asked while sitting beside me.”

I nodded my head since practically my whole body was aching.

“here…” I heard Kirishima say besides me.

I turned my head towards Kirishima who was handing me a bottle of water.

I slowly took it not sure what was going to happen.

“It’s just water, it won’t explode.” He me while laughing at my reaction.

I looked at the bottle which was now sitting in my lap “Are you sure?”

“Positive.” Kirishima confirmed as he took a drink out of his own water bottle.

I looked at him then at the water that was still in my lap, I then nodded my head and undid the cap and took a quick sip, it felt nice and cold…something I really needed after practicing hand to hand combat. I turned my head towards Kirishima then asked curiously “Hey….is your friends name Kacchan?” I questioned after I set the water bottle down on the grass besides me.

Kirishima’s eyes widened then started laughing “No he hates being called that….his name is Bakugou.” He stated looked at me.

I nodded my head then asked while fiddling with blades of grass “Did you ever wonder why the villains hate us so much?”

“Sometimes…but I just remember how their people too…maybe someone hurt them so much where they thought that doing something like hurting people will help their pain go away…” He mumbled.

‘But why did they have to do all those horrible things to me…torturing me, and me begging for them to stop.’ I felt some tears roll down my face. I quickly wiped them away before he would notice “anyway I think we should get back to training.” I then handed him the water bottle and got up to go back to training for the sports festival.

Time skip

Kirishima’s POV

I picked up my bag off the ground, once I put all of my training equipment and water into it, and slug it over my shoulder. Once I did so I walked over to (Y/N), who was just waiting for me to finish, and asked “Hey, since it’s not that late and we’re done training for today you want to hang out at my house for a while?”

“Umm….sure, I have nothing else to do today.” She told me with a shrug.

“Awesome! My mom’s been bugging me about not having that many friends and how she thinks I should introduce some of my friends to her.” I said while making my way to my house with (Y/N) following besides me.

“Heh… yea, must be great to know she cares hu? I miss my mom…” She commented while looking to her right.

‘Oh, shoot I forgot about that, Denki told me that her parents got murdered when she was kidnapped by the league of villains.’ I thought while silently panicking. “Gosh I’m sorry, I forgot about that, and here I am whining my mom just caring about my social life when you don’t even get to see them when you go home…” I told her apologizing for what I said before.

She shook her head “You don’t have to be sorry, sometimes parents can be a huge pain, I know that from experience that’s for sure, I just wish I didn’t take it for granted. I always stayed in my room and almost never spent some quality time with them unless I had a bad day or we we’re doing something as a family… I really regret being so careless. I remember there was this kid I was friends with when I was little, we promised we were going to be friends forever, my family of course moved. We kept in contact for a while, but I think he changed his number or something because one day I called him and he never answered again, went straight to voicemail. I was so upset when that happened for the first time I started crying right away, my mom was a panicking mess running all over the place to try to calm me down while my dad was telling me these corny jokes to make me laugh. I eventually stopped crying and fell asleep laying down on my dad.” Told me recalling a memory she remembered from childhood.

“It sounds like they were really awesome parents….” I commented.

She chuckled and looked at me “Yah, the best. I never really did get back in contact with my friend. I don’t exactly remember his name and he’d probably look a-lot different by now so at least I have the memories.”

I nodded my head in understandment. ‘I do remember having a friend when I was little to, around five or six, we used to have little play dates at each other houses, it did help that her dad and my dad we’re pretty close. Don’t remember to much about her though other than that.’ I recalled smiling at the old memory. “We’re almost there, my house is just around the corner.” I informed her when I noticed how close we were.

She in turn just nodded my head and continued walking along side me while occasionally glancing at the surroundings around us.

A few seconds later we turned around the corner and my house came into view. I saw my neighbors’ kids in the front of the yard shooting from the basketball hoop I had in the front of my house. I’m guessing my mom invited them over knowing her.

“cute…” I heard (Y/N) comment softly looking at the kids at my house.

I then turned to my driveway and waved to the children as I passed them. “When you come in the mat should be to the right of the door and just settle in. I’ll be back in a second I just want to introduce you to my mom.”

She nodded her head and came inside the house.

I held the door open for her and came it myself closing the door behind me and taking my shoes off and putting them on the mat in the process.


(Y/N)’s POV


When I took off my shoes onto the mat, I stepped into their living room and took a seat on one of the couches to wait until Kirishima finished talking to his mom.

“(Y/N), change of plans….my mom sort of wants to meet you.” Kirishima hollered from his kitchen.

Before I knew it, I saw Kirishima and a woman with long black hair, red eyes, and fair skin walk from out of the doorway to the kitchen.

“Oh, my goodness, (Y/N) how’ve you been I haven’t seen you around in a while.” The woman said to me with wide eyes.

I looked at her confused, ‘Umm…I think you have me confused with someone else ma’am.” I stated to her as politely as possible.

“really…. Is Iuzekia (L/N) your father?” She questioned me casually.

I nodded my head and asked, “Was he famous or something?” I asked her. ‘If he wasn’t then how in the world did, she know my dad….’

She shook her head and said, “No dear, me and Eijiro’s dad are really great friends of your parents.” She simply told me.

‘What?! I don’t believe that.’

“In fact, you and Kirishima were really close when you were little. I have a photo alum of you guys when you were kids.” She told me while walking to a closet and pulling out a binder. “Here it is…just where I left it.” She walked over to a couch and patted the seat next to her signing me to sit down besides her.

I went up to the chair and sat down beside he and looked at the binder she had opened. It was full of pictures of…me…and KIRISHIMA!! “W-what??” I look up at Kirishima and back down at the pictures. I immediately stood up and went to their backyard for some fresh air. ‘Okay….that just happened.’



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This story took like a long time to come up with the ideas. I Hope you like it. <3


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