Chapter 11

Everything I needed, yet nothing I wanted

Chapter 11

(continue in the morning of the following day)

I woke up feeling excited and light headed. I put aside all the questions that were tormenting me. Today I'm gonna be free of all the burdens and enjoy my date. Surprisingly enough, I was very excited for it. I remember being this excited only when Wendy and I had our first sleepover in high school. I did my morning routine and went to have breakfast. And there I only saw Sooyoung and just two seats served with food.

- Good morning, Joohyun. - Sooyoung turned around with two cups of tea in her hands. She walked towards the table and put them down. - Seulgi won't be joining us today. She's busy.

- I see. - suddenly my excitement died down.

- Don't get upset! You look ugly. - Sooyoung said and I was taken aback. I was ready to go full on rage, but she retorted. - Just kidding. I know that she's an idiot for leaving her date without a together breakfast, but she's really busy. Oh, congrats on getting a date by the way! How'd she asked you out? Was it bluntly or she did something special? It had to be bluntly, Seulgi is so bad at being romantic. Yet women swoon over her like bees on honey! I totally don't understand them. Aren't I better? I'm tall and charming and y and super rich! And I'm not an emotionless nontalkative ice statue! What is it that I lack? - Sooyoung looked at me expectantly. I said nothing. - Ugh! Nevermind.

Today I was seeing an entirely different Sooyoung. Now she really sounded and looked like the person Seulgi described last night. All that seriousness that Sooyoung had when we first talked was gone. And a bubbly, cheerful person stood in front of me now.

- What's she busy with? - I asked as we both sat down the opposite of each other.

- Let's say she went to see an old acquaintance of hers. And it had to be done today.

An old acquaintance of hers... Who might that be? And how is that person so important to be met exactly today? I thought Seulgi didn't have friends. Or is that person not a friend? Seulgi got weird relations...

- Why are you here?

- Well, someone's gotta take care of you, right? So I'm your babysitter for now. - Sooyoung put on a huge grin and dove into her food.

I must say that it was delicious. Sooyoung is an amazing cook! After having breakfast nothing exceptional happened. I spent some time alone enjoying the beautiful garden under the warm sun. Then came lunch and Sooyoung magically appeared in the kitchen out of nowhere. We had dumplings. After the lunch, Sooyoung decided to spend some quality time with me. We played video games. It was super intense. Our competitive spirits were on fire. In the end we agreed on a draw.

- Say, Joohyun. - Sooyoung got my attention. We were sitting on a sofa, Sooyoung doing nothing and me reading a book that she gave me. - Do you think it's easy to love someone?

- Love someone? - I don't get it. Why are Sooyoung questions always so heartbreaking? First about loosing memories and now about love? And her tone of voice is always sad during these particular times.

- Yes. I mean not falling in love, but loving someone. Do you think it's easy? - Sooyoung kept her gaze on the TV screen.

- No. It's not.

- That's what I think too. Sadly... - then Sooyoung turned her head to me and stared into my soul. - Do you know what is that one thing that's fundamental in any kind of relationship?

- Trust? - I tried to guess. It seemed like the most logical thing.

- No, Joohyun. Trust comes next. But to start a relationship, be that friendship or lovers or family, the two parties have to respect each other. If you don't respect the other person, what kind of relationship can we talk about? Without respect there's nothing. You might know each other, but you can't even be considered acquaintances! You can't be friends if there's no respect. And to love someone, you gotta first become their friend. And to become their friend, you have to be respectful. It's a huge problem. People don't respect each other at all.

Sooyoung turned her head back to the TV. And I kept my gaze on her. Then she continued.

- What about friendship? Can you define it?

- It's when you're willing to give away something really precious for the sake of your friend. - this I've learned the tough way. I had many friends when I was a kid and only two real friends. All the others were just simple talk. They threw their words around and never kept their promises. And if there was a case where I would need their help, they would just ignore me. And only those two actually proved their friendship through actions. they could give up their time and money and toys and whatever things they had to still be my friend. And I was ready to do the same for them.

- That's right, Joohyun. - Sooyoung nodded in approval. - Now, the following question. I know that you've sacrificed your past to stay with Seulgi, but was it because of your desire to escape or was it because you were willing to give up something that big for the sake of befriending Seulgi?

- Both. - my eyes turned fierce. If Sooyoung is trying to break me, I won't let her.

- Seulgi would love your answer. It's completely honest. She likes honest people. Whereas I don't. Sometimes I'd prefer the person to lie. And I can't quite be honest myself so I dare not request it from others. Seulgi on the other hand is purely honest. So her requesting the same in return is fair, don't you think?

A silent pause filled the room and only the TV sounds could be heard. The two of us seemed to have gone deep in thought that we didn't notice someone walking in and turning off the TV. I was the first one to notice the intruder. It was a teenage girl. She wasn't tall and had short blond hair. She was observing me with those cat like eyes. I tapped Sooyoung's shoulder.

- Yerim... - Sooyoung said a few seconds after I brought her back. - Why are you here?

- That's not of importance. - the intruder said arrogantly. But there was also that seriousness that both Seulgi and Sooyoung possess. - What's more interesting is... Who's this woman?

The intruder lady locked eyes with me. And I looked away immediately. There was no welcoming. Nor were those eyes indifferent. There was despision and suspiciousness and interest. But it felt so unsettling that I had to avoid the eye contact. Damn it! Why do these people have such expressive eyes?!

- This, my dear Yerimie, is Bae Joohyun. She's the one Seulgi chose for herself. - Sooyoung said with an unexplainable smirk on her face.

Yerim was flustered but quickly changed that expression. Then she thought for a while. And in the end she stared at me. And there was nothing but anger. Why does she hate me? She doesn't even know me! Her glares were throwing knifes at me. Well, that's no way to treat a stranger who did nothing wrong! So I fought back. I can withstand eye contact when I want to!

- Stop it, kid! - Sooyoung stood up from the sofa and walked towards the intruder girl. - Don't you think she's very pretty? No, that's wrong. She's ethereally beautiful. Isn't she?

Sooyoung showed a sad smile, tapped the shorter girl's shoulders and walked away. Yerim was standing there for a few moments with an unreadable face.

What is happening here? This girl was the one who helped us escape the chase. She's honestly not what I expected. What worries me the most is why did she have such a rejecting reaction to me. 

While I was lost in my thoughts Yerim disappeared as silently as she came. The place was so quiet, I had chills. Not wanting to be alone I stood up and walked to the garden. I find it the most relaxing place in the estate. And just as I opened the door, a cold soothing voice startled me.

- Joohyun. - said the oh so familiar voice. That calming breeze hitting my face added the esthetics. I stood there before the door, clenching the doorknob with my back facing my kidnaper. - I'm sorry for the long wait. Do you still want to go on a date with me?

The question made me feel funny. What a stupid question. So considerate yet so not trusting... Why would I ever change my mind? I don't get it. Do you doubt me that much? If you do, I'd better change that. Seulgi has the respect, but she doesn't trust. I suppose getting her to trust me will be the next `mission` for me to fulfill.

- Yes, - I said as I let the doorknob go and swirled around on my heel. - I still want to go on that date.

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Oh, I'm definitely in the best shape ever!
A third chapter in one day!
I might update tomorrow if my brain is still as fired up then.
But I think I'm done for today, though.
I've got house chores to do ;)
Enjoy ^_^


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Kindulie #1
Chapter 31: Wow, I’m a lil speechless. This is one of the best stories I’ve ever read so far in here. You’re crazy talented and I’m sad that this story is left unfinished, but also glad that I decided to take a chance in reading it. I love how Irene’s self talk/pov sometimes is really funny and made me giggle. I hope you’re doing great, author-nim
akrr1997 #2
Chapter 31: Oooh more action! Thank you for updating!
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 30: Joohyun finally gets to see a little bit of Seulgi’s life. I wonder how she will adapt.
akrr1997 #4
Chapter 29: So many great comebacks!! It’s funny, we have similar taste in music. Ah I didn’t know that you’re an insomnia too!
Chapter 31: Whatttttt! Another update already?! Christmas came early this year. Wow...

Idk if I’m more blown away by Seulgi being so straightforward will now, or by badass Yeri. This is getting even better! :O

Can’t wait for the update and find out who those men are O_o
Chapter 29: Whatttt! This is getting more interesting. Makes me feel like Taeyeon and Seulgi are Demi gods or something. Can’t wait to see what’s going to come!

About your author note: I feel the same about the scandal. Also, we like the same groups and idols! Taemin is my fav male idol too. I love him so much haha
bpblink #7
Chapter 1: Hellaaa interesting first chapter! Gonna keep reading 👀
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 28: Every chapter gets more interesting and intriguing! And just like Joohyun, I end up with more questions. I’m looking forward to finding the answers. Thank you for sharing your work!
Fahaza #9
Chapter 28: I honestly don't have any idea about this universe.. who seulgi, taeyeon, and tiffany is. But i do enjoy this story even i don't get it at some parts. Makes me wanna knows more.

Also about that last part.. seulgi really showing up her emotions ^^ kissing part is more heated than the last one *cough* also seulgi said "it felt good" that means she's start feeling something again right???

About the voting.. i did vote :p and whatever the result is I'll still support you and looking forward to next part which "is not over" xD
Chapter 28: No need to be shy, author-nim! This should a new aspect of Seulgi’s personality we haven’t seen before, so it’s a nice change in dynamic!

Also, I guess Joohyun is finally starting to ask “the right questions.” Haha. This was interesting, as always. Thank you for the update (: