
Embarrassing .. - That's why I love you!

This is a story about me, Kim Jongwoon, meeting Cho Kyuhyun, my boyfriend, for the first time.


It was a monday morning as I went into the bathroom, stil half asleep. Thank God that I don't have to go to school, because I overslept. I wasn't wearing my glasses and didn't know which toothbrush was mine, so I just picked one and started brushing my teeth. After a few seconds, the cleaning lady from my parents came in. "Uh, sorry for disturbing you, but I am looking for my toothbrush to clean the floor, it has a blue handle." I looked at my brush - she had a blue handle. I spat and she laughed like crazy and left the bathroom. Aish, just great. The day started very good for me.

After I dressed myself, I decided to call my ex-boyfriend to get my cute turtle pajama back.

"Hey Siwon! I'd like to have my pajamas back." I said and tried to sound cool.

"Oh, I want to keep them.." He said, his voice was mocking.

"Why?" I asked, curious if he is still in love with me.

"If I ever want to dress like an idiot with a turtle pajamas!" Siwon said, and hangs up.

I looked at my phone before screaming in frustration.

"Jongwoon? Can you go to the supermarket for me?" My mother asked and I did, glady to think about something different.


As I reached the supermarket, I notice that I forgot to wear my glasses, great. Now I am blind. Well not really, but I am seeing really bad without them..

As I read through the letter, I couldn't read one wordl..L....Lemon! Ah okay. I smiled and looked for some lemons. I didn't notice the guy who was standing  in front of the shelves and looking for a lemon too. So I just grabbed a yellow thing and was surprised as the unknown boy screamed and pushed me away. "Yah ert! What was that for?" He asked and I looked at him, seeing where my hand just was and blushed. I just touched his...OMG! "Oh,.. I'm sorry. I wanted a lemon ..." I said, looking at the floor. It was silent as the boy started laughing and I looked at him confused. "Haha, I ...sorry, but usually, it is always me who does such embrassing thins." He said and kept laughing. I quickly grabbed two lemons and wanted to get away as he grabbed my wirst. "What is your name?" He asked. "J-jongwoon" I said and looked at his big brown eyes. He was really handsome, but no way that he'll like such a clumsy boy like me. "My name is Kyuhyun. What about going on a date?" He asked and I looked at him in surprise. "You..with me?" I asked and he smiled, giving me a piece of paper before he left. 'Cho Kyuhyun| 2394933022366' I smiled and put it into my pocket, going to pay for the lemons.


The next day:

"I'm glad you came!" Kyuhyun said as he saw me and waved to me. We went into a cafe near the market and talked about a lot of things. "So you want to study music?" I asked him and he nodded. "Me too" I went on and saw his eyes widen in surprise. "That is great, then we can go togheter to school.. if you don't mind" He said and looked away. "Sure ,that would be fun" I said and we paid for our dirnks, going into the park.

We walked thourgh it as Kyuhyun pushed me agains a tree. I screamed in surprise but Kyuhyun didn't let go. "Why?" I asked and he pointed at the hole in the ground. "Thank you" I said, not looking at him. "You are really cute, do you know that?" He asked suddenly and I blushed even more. "Aww, soo cute" He said again and he chuckled as he saw me getting reder. "Don't be that shy, I really love you so clumsy" He said. "L-love me?" "Yes" He smiled at me, lifting my chin and kissed me gentle on the lips.

The End ~



A/N: A little Kyusung story ^^ Hope you like it ~

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393 streak #1
Chapter 1: kyusung is always the best <3
Chapter 1: I know im a late reader but i just want to say that this made my day,,,thank you
KcuLL22 #3
Chapter 1: lemonkyu xD
Hahaha so funny and adorable xD
They're adorable and I love how Yesung just blushed when Kyu told him that he loves him!!!:D Cute!!!:D Thanks for the drabble and please continue with more of your great Kyusung story!!!:D
Oh it was so cute! I like your KyuSung here *o*
Thank you and I hope you can write more KyuSung in the future :)
Keep it up ;)
LOL Yesung is such an adorable fail xD
Awwww, they are just so cute >w<
altought its short but its sweet,