Part 1

Happy Valentine

Happy Valentine day




You take a look at the clock on the wall. It’s 5pm already, you sighed. It’s Valentine day and also , the first day at your job , to gain more experience from life. Tired is what you only felt on today, but you still feel happy when in early morning , MyungSoo send you a message

“ I’m sorry babe. I couldn’t be there due to my schedule . Happy Valentine day <3”


You sent him a reply and tell him it was ok.

Yes, and you thought you will be ok , but you are wrong.

You feel jealous when all the girl from the office have chocolate and flower from their boyfriend and keep telling that they were so happy. You thought about that too. You will be happy if he were here, by your side, even just one hour.

But you know that can’t be true since he was flying to Japan in this morning. You were get used to it when you always by yourself. Sometime you get exhausted because of this. You are his girlfriend, but you can’t tell your friend that the famous guy L of INFINITE is your boyfriend. But it was fine with you. Even you can’t go out or just having a simple dinner with him, you are fine too. …But it keep on happening.




MyungSoo feel the same too.


He felt his girlfriend was hiding something from him , he already know what is it…But he can’t do anything about it . The only thing he can do is saying sorry, and he knew that his girl will say it was ok and give him a warm smile and a hug. He love the girl, from the moment they met by accident .The girl with short brown hair was caught his attention .She was nice , trustful person, even she was not so pretty, but at this girl, MyungSoo feel something special…That’s why he decide to take a first step in their relationsip.

He remembered her face when he appear in front of her class and give her a flower .


He asked while look at the floor

“ Will you go out with me?”



You plug in your ipod and play “ Lately” from INFINITE …Yeah, the song is perfect for you right now. It bring you a little happiness when you remember MyungSoo smile on that video.It was warm and beautiful smile which made you can stop giggle when you watch the video. He would pout at you and ask why are you gigling so much .But this time , you can’t see his pout.

While on the way back to your home, you saw a several couple hold their arms together , share smile and happiness. Again ,you feel jealous…


You come in the house , it was black . But you hope when you turn on the light, you will see MyungSoo were there waiting for you. Your heart skip a beat when you reach for the light. It’s turn on ….but the room was empty. You sighed, how could he be here? Such a silly girl.

Dropped the bag on the couch, and walking straight to the kitchen.You open the refrigerator, it’s not much food, but it’s enough just for you. But you didn’t have any appetite, so you just take the milk , which is MyungSoo favorite. You are just miss him so much and can’t help it from crying. You cover your face with your hands , lean on the knee….You are keep crying and you didn’t even know when you were fall asleep

In the drea, you feel a hands was caress your cheek , kiss your forehead.Normally , you would push that person away , but you didn’t. You feel something warm and familiar in that touch, so you let that person keep doing it, while mumble

“ MyungSoo…”





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didn't expect the ending would be like that :)))))))))
-natsukim #2
it's so cute!
but careful with your grammar mistakeS..
The ending... ><
Oooooh O_O
I didd not expext the ending! :0 but its sooooo CUTE!
Myungsoo! <333
Great story! :)
Infinite4ever #8
Awe this story is so cute and realistic. Update your doing great