Not an update.. ;(

Reflection In The Mirror non editing
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I has prepared a longest chapters I ever write because I'm not gonna active this weak cause of my brother wedding. πŸ™Β 

I'm sorry and thank you.


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I change some scene in chapter 2 to add more tragedy later. Hehe.


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Fireflies123 #1
Chapter 28: It’s okay. I’m excited to see what’s in store for the Shin sisters in arc 2. I’m hoping that Yeonshin starts to flourish a bit more and achieves her goals of getting into a good school and getting a good job. I also hope that she starts to bridge the gap closer to Cheonsa and the guys stop being hostile towards her. Thank you for an amazing fic.
Chapter 28: Ahhh so there will be arc 2..can't wait to read it!!!!! Thank you for updating!!
Chapter 26: I love this story a lot.. I love the plot and I really loved the personality of Yeonshin.. I would love to read more.. I hope this story is not abandon.. And also hope that author is fine..
Chapter 26: Amazing story.. TT
Yuki-Nyx #5
Chapter 26: ❀️
choihwamin #6
Chapter 26: Finally my favorite story from my favorite author updated!!!! XD

Sooo sehun had past life like yeonshin too!?? Was he really suffering before? And cheonsa came to help sehun,so that's why he really protect cheonsa??? So many questions in my head.
And I will wait to see baek,xiumin apologize to yeonshin. And who will know about yeonshin's past life again after this....

I hope you'll stay healthy. And I hope this corona will die soon
Fireflies123 #7
Chapter 26: I hope the boys actually do apologize to Yeonshin. I’m surprised that Sehun is wavering a bit and becoming a Yeonshin supporter. The girls that are planning something, even though she acts cold to her sister, I hope they know Yeonshin won’t let them succeed. I happy that Yeonshin is slowly and I mean very slowly allowing her heart open to her sister and that she decided she doesn’t want to continue to live in the misery of her past. I truly wish the best for the Shin twins. Also Yeonshin kind of strikes me as someone who is probably good at sports, it would be cool to see her play a sport and even if she doesn’t want Cheonsa to come watch her games, Cheonsa still does anyways because she wants to support her sister. Thank you for updating. Stay safe.
Fireflies123 #8
Chapter 24: I’m happy Yeonshin is finally letting go of Rowon. Hopefully she can open her heart more now but knowing her she’ll be a tough wall to break. I wonder if Lay and Chanyeol will confront her about their awareness of her past. Thank you for updating. Stay safe
choihwamin #9
Chapter 24: This misunderstanding must be solve.. how many times yeonshin will get hurt again.. someone just please help yeonshin.. my heart hurt so much T.T

Thanks for the updated... I'm really really anticipate this story.. every Wednesday and Thursday I always check,and hope you'll update this story.. thanks again ;)