
Loveless on Valentine's Day?

February 14, 2012, 3PM
Valentine's Day. A day that I never look forward to. Why? Because I've always been loveless on Valentine's Day.
It whenever I have to go out during Valentine's Day because I see all these lovey-dovey couples walking hand in hand or eating each others' faces. Ugh.
This year, I'll probably just stay home. Our school doesn't usually have school on Valentine's Day because our teachers are”busy” celebrating.
Nobody is home except for my oppa, Woohyun and I. My parents, as always, are on their Valentine's trip. This year they went to Macau. Woohyun usally have work on Valentine’s Day but Woolim’s CEO gave them a day off.
Aish. Am I boring you with my sad lifestory now?

My phone rings. A call from Myungsoo.
'Happy Valentine's Sunyung! Loveless again are we?'
'YAH! Don't get me started Mr. Kim Myungsoo!!'
'Chill my dear best friend. Anyways, I just called to ask if you mind helping me out with a favor?'
'Hmmmmm.. Fine, you know I can never say no to you. What's your favor?'
'Well... Can you help me out with my Valentine's dinner tonight? I just need someone to help me decorate the house.'
'Great! Come by my house at 6.30pm. Oh and wear something nice, you're eating with us too.'
'Why do I have to? I'll be a third wheel!'
'No you won't I promise.'
'Ugh. Arasso.'
'Annyeong, don't be late!'
'Ok. Annyeong.'

I picked out a pink dress and my favourite Christian Louboutin heels.
'Oh wow, Sunyung, going on a date are we?' Woohyun oppa said when he saw me.
'Ani, oppa. Myungsoo asked me to stay with him on his date. Well more like a chaperone.' I sighed.
'Arasso, be home by 10PM will you?' Woohyun said as he kissed my forehead.
'Aish my little sister is growing up!' We both giggled.
'Annyeong oppa! I'll take care.'

I made my to Myungsoo's house. I pressed the doorbell and Myungsoo opened the door within seconds.
'Oh, you're here.' Myungsoo pulled me into a hug.
'Ehrr.. Are you not gonna invite me inside your house?'
'Sorry, come in, you don't have to ask.'
'Well sorry!!' I stuck out my tongue at him.

We finished decorating the house with cheesy Valentine decorations. Where did Myungsoo get these stuffs? He’s never done this to any girl. This girl must be really special. She better take care of Myungsoo or else bad things will happen to her.
Nah. I’m just kidding. I’m not a . Even though I love Myungsoo, I want him to be happy even if I can’t.
I was so tired so I sat down in the living room and switched the TV on. Oooohhh, Star King is on. I can see SHINee! Gosh! I love SHINee! I love Jonghyun. Don’t tell Myungsoo that. He hates it whenever I talk about SHINee around him. He says I’m betraying Infinite. Hehehe. ^^ I can’t help it. SHINee’s one of the best Hallyu stars at the moment. Myungsoo came into the living room with a glass of juice.
‘What are you watching?’ Myungsoo asked.
‘Star King.’ I replied.
‘Oh ok. I brought over a glass of apple juice for you. I know you’re tired. Thanks for helping with the decorations. I’m sure my date will love it.’
Yeah… Your date. Aish Myungsoo why can’t you see that your best friend loves you?

'Myungsoo, when is your date coming?!? I'm starving.'
'She's already here.'
'Beside me.'
What is he talking about?!?!
'Sunyung, will you be my Valentine? We've been best friends since we were kids. I love you ever since. I've only had the guts to tell you this now because I wasn't sure if you feel the same way. So will you be my Valentine?' He handed me flowers and a box of chocolates.
'Myunsoo... Yes, I'll be your Valentine. I've never told anyone about this but I feel the same way too. I fell in love with you because you're always there for me. Saranghae.'

He hugged me tightly.
'I have another thing to give you Sunyung.'
He took out a small box out of his pocket. He opened it to reveal a heart locket. He put it around my neck. The locket contained a picture of us.
'Wow. This is really pretty Myungsoo. Gomawo.'
'When you're feeling sad, just look at this locket and remember that I'm always here for you.'

'Oh and one more thing.' Myungsoo said.
He kissed me on the lips.
'There, Happy Valentine's Day. Now let's go eat'
He smiled, held my hands and lead me to the table.

A/N: I hope this wasn't too cheesy, crap or short. It's my first story on AFF and I'm not really good with narrative stories. Thanks for reading anyways. :) I hope you enjoy/enjoyed your Valentine's Day!

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cutiee_pie18 #1
haha this is good keep it up!! :))
The story was fine:) But you copied and pasted it twice:X Just to inform you.X: