Chapter 1

Cosmic Railway

*Baekhyun's POV*

Why is this happening to me? Is this because I ate mom's cookie when I was 5 and I blame it on Baekbeom?! I swear I didn't mean that! I was actually going to say that I did it, but then Baekbeom passed by and then his name came to my mind and I said it. I swear it was on accident, I am a good person, and I promised my family not to lie anymore… where was I? Oh! Yes, why does life hates me so much? I did nothing for it to hate me I’m just 18 years old! What bad things do I look I would do?! I swear to fuc-

“Ya! Byun idiot Baekhyun! Stop being in your ‘depressed’ mode, you are really annoying. It is just a job interview, and either way you are just accompanying me! Stop your ing drama, you eyeliner brain” Ugh, how can Kyungsoo be this mean to me?! Like I am Byun Baekhyun! This kid is the annoying one here.

“But Kyunggie! It’s too early in the morning for me to be awake and how DARE you to force ME to come with you?! Don’t you understand that I need to sleep too?!” Like, what is wrong with him? It’s like 6:30 in the morning and this kid wants me to come with HIM to do a god dammit interview? God why do you do this to me?

“Well Baekhyun, if you didn’t remember YOU were the one begging me to come with me. I told you that you’ll need to wake up early, but you didn’t care, remember?” well no you small evil piece of shi- “Kyunggie let me come with you! Come on! Don’t be a bad friend and let me go with you!” is he trying to imitate me? My voice isn’t like that! My tone is NOT squeaky I am NOT a rat!

"Ugh, whatever. Let's just go" I heard him say a low 'fine... whinny ' for god sakes this kid is going to make me get green grey hair! But as the normal kid as I am, I deicded to ignore him. We were walking for the past 10 minutes 'till we git there, it wasn't a small cafe... but it wasn't too big too. It have 2 floors, maybe a basement too who knows. I think it isn't as small as a cafe is normally, but it's okay. I wonder who the owner is. I feel like I have heard the name of the cafe somehwere else...

"HEY! Pabo wake up!" I could heard Kyungsoo screaming at me

"YA! Don't yell that close to me! I think my ear is bleeding now! If I bleed to death I promise you, YOU would be the one that will pay MY funeral, hospitalization and everything!" I give him a death glare, he just roll his eyes and grabbed my ear to enter the cafe. 





The cafe is WAY more big than it seem form the outside! IT. IS. ENORMOUS. I swear I can be living here my whole life! It looks really big on the inside. Now I guess that we can't judge books by its cover... wait, what did I just say?! "Ew, I feel like I'm acting like Soo now" I said in a low whisper. I'm pretty sure that Kyungsoo heard it because he asked me what did I just said, obviously like the manly guy that I am I answer him with this "Oh, nothing Kyunggie~" well okay, I didn't sound as manly as I am there. But, I'm actually manly! I am just too scared from Kyungsoo to face him, I can face my mom, some of my friends, other people (if they annoy me), I can even face Satan if I want! But Soo is way more terrible than all of them combine. 

"Whatever, follow me. We are going to go inside" Oop- Wait no! I'm not ready yet! Ugh you know what?! I AM ready now!

"Okay Kyunggie~" lol I love annoying him with that nickname

"Anyways bacon, we need to get moving. Now" OMG! he is finally putting me nicknames! Even though I don't like that nickname, I am so happy that he is finally using the nicknames that I told him he could call me. I mean I preffer Baek, Baekkie~ (that one is my favorite), puppy, etc. but that's Kyungsoo, and if he uses a nickname it's a BIG impact. Wait a minute... does that means that, he cares about ME?!

"KYA! Kyungsoo you gave me a nickname! I knew you actually care about me! I knew that even though you told me that you'll kill me if I kept annoying you, you still care about me!" I know I'm the best I mean who wouldn't love me? "I know you know that I don't like that nickname, but because it is you the one that gives it to me I'm okay with it. But like you are the only one that can use it okay? I mean I know you love me, like who wouldn't love me? I'm Byun Baekhyu-" He kicked me right in my ! How dare him! My beautiful, cute, little ! "Kyungsoo!" I start to whine "That hurt like HELL! How dare you to kick me?! I'm your friend you shouldn't do that! Not to me at least! I know you since, since we were little kids! even longer!" I know that he doesn't like it when I'm whinning but It's funny to see how he is annoyed by that. I was about to keep complaying but he suddenly put his hand on my mouth shutting it.

"Keep talking and my foot would be inside your throat next" he looked at me with full anger inside of his eyes and I stay with my mouth closed, the good thing about this is that the streets are pretty lonely at this time in the morning. So no one, or at least not many people, would see us. 

Once we were inside we saw something, well someone, that we didn't expect. They were...

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