Meeting the family, and blast from the past.

Lightning Rod

Ryeowook’s POV

This is one of the best mornings of my life. First I wake up with the man I love hugging me, then I see my brothers again, next I have a great breakfast made by Key, Finally I find all my wounds are healed (except a few big scars on my back).

Right now, I am reading a book, and Kyuhyun is playing StarCraft, cutting through enemies like they are nothing to him. We are both relaxing in our room, just waiting to meet the other members. Since they aren’t all here at the same time.

Just as I was finishing up the current chapter that I was reading, there was a knock at the door. I looked up and watched Kyuhyun’s reaction, considering the way he acted yesterday when Heechul umma came into the room, all he did was pause his game before shouting. “the doors open.”

Then the door opened to reveal a man with blonde hair, blue eyes, a pure white outfit, and a man with black hair, brown eyes, and a casual outfit.

They both walked in and closed the door before introducing themselves.

“I’m Kangin, the leader of the clan. Its very nice to finally meet you Ryeowook.” Kangin said bowing.

I raised an eyebrow.

How does he know my name?

“Oh and I’m Leeteuk, we have heard a lot about you from Kyuhyun.” Leeteuk said before he bowed.

I returned there bows.

“nice to meet you to hyungs.” I said smiling. I swear I saw Kyuhyun smile from the corner of my eye.

We all started talking about many things like the clan, our families, how we met our lovers, and stuff like that. But then Leeteuk looked at his watch before saying.

“Kangin we have to go or we’ll be late.” He said standing up.

“Oh right, bye Ryeowook, if anything happens have Hangeng tell us kay.” He said before they left.

I looked at Kyuhyun who went right back to playing his game.

I smiled before I remembered, that I haven’t met the rest of the clan yet.

“Kyu, when am I going to meet the rest of the clan.”

“As they get home from their activities. By the way I already checked with my dad about when we can partner with each other.”

“yeah and?”

“we can do it tonight, I just hope your ready Yeobo.” He said getting up and giving me a peck on the lips.

I blushed. Not just from the kiss, but I am excited to finally be joined with Kyuhyun forever.

Then the door opened again to reveal 2 other boys. I recognize one of them. Jaejoong, he was a singer back at school who just disappeared one day. I actually Idolized him, cause I loved to sing but because of my family I wasn’t allowed to do any of those activities.

The other man was tall, and had brown hair.

“Hey Kyu. Is that Ryeowook, the human that you have been obsessed over for the past 7 years now?” the tall man asked.

“Yah Yunho, it wasn’t an obsession, I was just worried about him kay.” Kyu said angrily at Yunho.

I smiled at that statement. He was worried about me for 7 years. I would have thought that he would have forgotten at some point only to remember me when we met again.

“whatever Kyu.” He mumbled before turning to me. “well I am yunho Ryeowook and this.” He pointed to Jaejoong. Who was looking everywhere but me or Kyuhyun.

“is Jaejoong, my lover and partner. And excuse him if he doesn’t talk to you at first but he was raised in an abusive family.” Yunho said.

I widened my eyes.

What but he was always so happy at school was that just a mask.

“I can Relate to that.” I said surprising the Yunho and Jaejoong who widened his eyes when he looked at me.

Kyuhyun pulled me into a hug, comforting me.

“I-I didn’t know that. Sorry we won’t bring it out again kay.” Yunho said. Jaejoong just stared at me wide eyed.

I raised an eyebrow at this. Why is he staring at me like that?

“Boo is something wrong?” Yunho asked Jaejoong as soon as he noticed what was wrong.

Jaejoong just shook his head, bringing him back to reality.

“no, it’s just that. Well that wasn’t what I expected of you Ryeowook.” He said smiling sheepishly.

“it’s okay.” I said then the door opened again to reveal two more people.

One a tall black haired Chinese man and the other a short, puffy cheeked boy. 

“Oh Zhoumi, Henry, Hey.” Kyuhyun said.

“hey so this is Ryeowook?” the tall man asked.

“yep.” I answered smiling.

Kyuhyun really told everyone about me huh.

“nice to meet you I’m Henry.” The short boy said.

“I’m Zhoumi.” The taller one said.

I bowed. Then we all sat down and started talking about ourselves to get to know each other.

But they all apparently didn’t need to know about me cause of kyuhyun.

We talked for hours. Before they all had to leave.

Me and Kyuhyun were getting ready for bed when we heard someone speaking, outside the door.

Eli’s POV

“Come on Eli. I want to meet Kyuhyun’s boyfriend.” Kevin whined as he dragged me to Kyuhyun’s room.

I scoffed.

Really you think I want to meet some human brat that Kyuhyun fell in love with. I mean I hate humans, especially that one kid that caused my families death.I swear the next time I see him I am going to kill him.

“why are you so excited about this anyways?” I asked as we walked up to the door of Kyuhyun’s room before stopping.

He smiled.

“cause, from what Kyuhyun has told everybody he seems to be a pretty nice kid. So give him a chance please.” He pleaded giving me his puppy dog eyes and pouting.

I gave in almost immediately.

“fine.” I said.

Then as we opened the door. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“E-Eli” that bastard stuttered before he collapsed into Kyuhyun’s arms.

Both Kyuhyun and Kevin raised their eyebrows at me. And I instantly knew what they wanted to ask me.

I took a deep breath before telling them why he is scared of me.

*FlashBack 11 years ago*

“hey Eli hyung.” Ryeowook exclaimed running up to me and hugging me.

“Hey Ryeo.” I said softly hugging him back.

“Eli can I ask you something?” he asked me pulling back.


“whats you family like?” he asked.

I was taken aback by the sudden question about my family.

“Why do you want to know?” I hesitantly asked.

“wel-“ a sound of a gun shot rang through the air. When we turned around I saw my sister falling over with blood on her back. there was a woman behind her, with a silver pistol.

“Ryeowook get over here now.’ She said pointing the gun at me.

He followed without hesitation. He didn’t even turn around.

“Ryeowook you ing set me up. Didn’t you.” I yelled.

“yes he did now bye bye.” Then I dodged a bullet and ran.


“after that I never saw or heard from him again. I later found out that, that woman is his step mom, and that she killed my family. I have never forgiven him for that.” I finished with that. I looked over toward my old best friend and glared at him. I quickly walked over to him, but before I could touch him, a blue eyed Kyuhyun had stopped me.

“Don’t you ing touch him.”

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FictionLoverA #1
i can't wait for the continuation
MujaELFClouds #2
I love this and can't wait for the sequels =]
AriChan #3
LOOOL just found that you already postet something looool *happy desu*
AriChan #4
Okay I just found your fic 2 days ago and read it now and GOSH I love it. I really liked it a lot and now I am waiting for the sequel to read more about them <3<3<3

Really a great, great story!!!! Please update something of the sequel soon please!!
superELF96 #5
Faster n update
Faster k!!!!!!
Can't wait!!!
kyulovewook #7
This is really good, great writing I must say!
There's no other pairing for me you already had my pair up --->
Go KyuWook! Go KyuWook! LOL!
I'll be waiting once again for your sequel! :D
this is rly good :) can't wait to continue reading ^^
It's a nice story :) The plot is interesting!
MujaELFClouds #10
I love it xD
update soon, ok? I like Kui Xian Hahahahaha