Chapter 2

The Past Is Always Present
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Sunrise. The watchman looked from the tower to the north. Nothing. Had the information been wrong? The source was usually a reliable source and had gotten many previous attacks correct; it meant that the court was prepared.

“How are we looking this morning?” Jamiria asked the watchman as she joined him.

“Nothing so far Dame Jamiria," he replied before turning back to look along the forest clearings once again.

“Maybe it was a false alarm.” Jamiria was cautious when saying this. She knew all threats had to be taken seriously, even if the slightest information was wrong. “But keep look out, I'll check back later.” She turned to head back into the court.

“Yes, of course Dame Jam--” There was a thud against the wall. Jamiria stepped back out to see the watchman that not ten seconds earlier she had been speaking to with an arrow through his chest.

“, where did that come from?” Jamiria looked out to the north and there was still nothing in sight, but when she turned to the east, her view was filled with an army waiting to put the court under siege emerging from the forest. It may have only been about a hundred men, but it was still enough to outnumber the knights at the court. Jamiria reached for the watchman’s trumpet and blew into the mouthpiece to issue a warning for the rest of the court. “A hundred men! East side! Forest clearing!” she shouted down to those who had gathered in the courtyard.

“How bad is it, my dear?” Sally asked Jamiria as she came down from the tower.

“They have taken out our watchman on the tower with an archer, but I believe that with God on our side, we will have enough to withstand the attack.” Jamiria smiled at the princess, before leaving on Neptune out of the courts front gates.

Jamiria rode down the path leading away from court to visit the sisters that she had visited many times previously. She dismounted from Neptune and walked over to the cart at the side of the path. Seeing the door slightly ajar, she took the opportunity to knock on the door and call out the sisters names. “Bree? Clover? Are you there? I could do with some help.”

“Who is asking for our services?” a voice called back.

“It’s me, Jamiria. We are about to b

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ChouTzu14 #1
Chapter 8: Mitzu end game?