
One Blue Evening (And The More Colourful Ones To Come)
“I’ll be off now!”
“Ah, Yujin, wait!” She turns around to her co-worker handing her a bagged cookies. Wait, no, macaroons?
“What is this unnie?” The other girl sighs before saying something about trying to confess to someone the day before but ended up not doing so. Yujin nods slowly as she listens. This is already her 3rd failed try then. She steals a glance at the time on her phone.
6:17 a.m.
“But then she was-”
“Minjoo unnie.” Yujin cuts off. “I would really love to hear, but I have to go home now.” She reminds the older girl. “And you have to work.” As if right on cue, the glass door opens, a familiar dinging follows. A man in a business suit enters, and the two greets him with a bow.
Yeah, as much as she likes the other girl, she isn’t going to lose some precious sleep.
“Alright then, I’ll actually be off now.” She whispers. “Thanks for the macaroons.”
Yujin opens the packet on her way out. She frowns when the smell reaches her nose. Of all the things her friend could choose to give, why mint chocolate flavoured macaroons? She puts them back in.
When she opens the door, she’s hit by a sudden breeze. It’s cold, and the sun is barely out. Exhaling, she watches as her breath turns to small clouds in the air. She readjusts the jacket around her in hopes of lessening the early morning cold.
She has only taken one step away from the store when she sees it. Something, well someone, moving from the corner of her eyes. She doesn’t know why, but the next thing she knows, she’s looking over the figure. Her breaths catches.
It’s been a long time since she’s seen her. Long dark hair. Long coat. Long scarf around her neck.
Without thinking, her legs move, taking her to the opposite side from where she was going.
Her hand wraps around the other girl’s arm. The latter turns around with wide eyes.
“Jang Wonyoung!”
Growing up, Yujin had way too many friends, though only few actually knew her well enough. She was way too active, always running around and trying out for new part time jobs, barely keeping her grades up. As such, she never stays around anyone for too long, jumping from one person to the other.
But there was always one constant in her life besides her family and her home.
Jang Wonyoung.
“You idiot! How many times do I have to tell you this?” The younger girl huffed, taking Yujin's pink mechanical pencil and moving over to jot on the latter's book.
Yujin crossed her arms, an exaggerated pout accompanied her dramatic sigh. “We’ve already established that I’m an idiot before.” She nudged her tutor’s knees with her own. “Now can we move on and go out to eat instead?”
Wonyoung glared at her. “You’re gonna fail your test tomorrow. Are you sure about that?” Yujin was about to reply with the usual carefree attitude she carried, but the younger girl continued before she could do so. “Remember, you’re going to be banned from the track and field club for the rest of the year if you fail the test.”
Her eyes widened.
Wonyoung let out an easy smile, relaxing in her seat and spinning the pencil around her finger. “I mean, it’s not really my problem, so.” She shrugged, her tied up hair bouncing in a way that always managed to catch Yujin’s attention. This time though, that thought was not entertained. She remembered why she was asking for Wonyoung’s help in the first time. There’s no way she was going to suffer from that.
“You know what? Suddenly I’m not hungry.” She turned away from the girl, eyes glued to whatever Wonyoung jotted down earlier. “Now where were we?”
“Idiot.” She heard a soft chuckle from beside her. The corner of her lips raised slightly.
She met Wonyoung when the younger girl transferred to her school during their 5th grade. They weren’t even in the same class. Young Yujin didn’t know much of anything, but she knew that Wonyoung always wears the nicest clothes and have the nicest things. Somehow, one way or another (it may have involved a fight about how the new girl’s blue scarf was too long for her tiny body, and the overexcited girl had tripped on it while running to class, but they don’t talk about it), the two became stuck with each other.
So ever since she was just a kid, Wonyoung had been the one to look after her, including helping her with work and nagging her about school. Sometimes, even giving away answers for their tests. All in all, she was just always there by her side.
Even when she had to drop out of college, giving up her dream of being a full time athlete. Even when she had to find a full time job to support her mother to pay tuition for her brothers’ education. She wouldn’t receive Wonyoung’s offer to lend her money, but Wonyoung did help her at home, offering to help her brothers’ studies. Lightening the weight on her shoulders.
They were different in many ways. Wonyoung was raised in a huge mansion (to young Yujin, it was practically a castle), the only child of two successful businessman and businesswoman. She was gifted with both brain and beauty. Yujin was raised in a small downtown house, already helping her single mother to support her two younger brothers at a very young age. She wasn’t the best in academics, but she made it up with her athleticism.
Wonyoung was a proper and well mannered girl. Yujin was a rowdy and ill tempered girl. Wonyoung liked to stay indoors. Yujin preferred outdoor activities. Wonyoung liked romantic movies and amusement parks. Yujin liked horror games and haunted houses. Wonyoung liked to shop until she drops. Yujin did not.
At first, Wonyoung wasn’t the best person to get along with. As they get to know each other better, Yujin realised that the girl was actually a bright kid, raised in a family that lacked the warmth that Yujin always had. So she tried her best to share them to the other girl.
Somehow, they complemented each other.
Everything was fine. Until they weren’t.
Yujin had never thought of a life without Wonyoung beside her, until that night Wonyoung knocked on their door. The season was changing. It was already late fall. Wonyoung was outside her house, her long - most likely designer - coat almost touching the floor, ed. Her long scarf hanging lazily around her neck. Her eyes was glued to the ground. Before she could ask, Wonyoung beat her to it.
“I’m moving away.”
There had never been a sentence more frightening to Yujin than that single line ever since.
Wonyoung’s parents opened up a branch of their company in Japan. They were taking her with them. There wasn’t anything they could do about it. There wasn’t anything Yujin could do about it.
3 days. They had 3 days left. So they decided to go all out and do everything there was to do. They went to shop for Wonyoung’s travel necessities, watched a movie, and ate dinner. They went to an amusement park and went on every single ride, including the haunted house. They stayed a night at a camping ground on the next town over and spent the next morning just talking about everything.
On the last night, they went to a beach. There was some sort of festival going on. There was a large bonfire and everyone was dancing and singing. They even drank a little. Someone was selling those hand held fireworks. Naturally they bought a bunch of them. They ran around with the fireworks, almost burning each others’ hair off. They stayed until there was almost no one there left. They were panting heavily, side by side, by the time they ran out of fireworks.
Yujin turned her head to the side. Wonyoung was laughing, her eyes disappearing and opening wide, arms hugging her sides. She had never seen a sight more beautiful.
She smiled, yet suddenly the aching she had been feeling for the past few days grew rapidly. She laughed, but then she felt the tears running down her cheeks.
Arms engulfed her. She tightened her own arms around the taller girl.
“I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.”
It was quiet. It was dark. There wasn’t anyone nearby. The sky was a dark blue with no stars in sight. When they separated, there was only a few spaces between them. Her eyes met Wonyoung’s.
“Wonyoung I-”
Her breath hitched.
What was the point? She was leaving the next day.
She smiled. “Nothing.” She brought the girl back into an embrace, shaking her head slightly. She felt Wonyoung’s fluffy scarf touching her neck, the wool soft to the touch, the familiar scent overpowering the smell of the sea.
She would really miss her.
“I know.” She received as a respond, feeling the latter tightening her arms around her. "I know."
Yujin exhaled, watched as her breath evaporated before shutting her eyes tight. A stranggled sob left .
Next time, when they meet again, she will definitely say it. Next time.
She feels a hand closing around her arm. She turns around with widened eyes.
“Jang Wonyoung!”
She can’t believe her eyes. From surprise, her face then turns into glee, beaming in excitement. “Yujin!” She can’t believe it’s actually her.
She had seen her inside the convenience store earlier, but she wasn’t sure. The dimple gave it away, but she couldn’t found the courage to approach. They haven’t seen each other for so long.
“It’s been such a long t-”
Arms came around her, holding her in a tight embrace. There’s only the sound of their breaths.
“I miss you.”
She smiles, her hand reaching up to finally return the hug.
“I miss you too.”
They enjoy the embrace for a little longer before separating. There’s an awkward moment where they just look at each other with shy glances, neither knowing what to say. A man in a suit passes by with a convenience store bag, watching them with an annoyed glare. They're blocking the way. The girls shares a laugh as they move aside
“Oh!” Yujin suddenly yelps, taking something out of her bag. “I got it from someone earlier.”
Wonyoung squints her eyes at the transparent wrapped plastic bag. “Macaroons?”
“Mint chocolate flavour.” Yujin grins. “Your favourite.” An uncertain look takes over her face as Yujin glances at her uncertainly. "Well, if it even still is your favourite." She rubs the back of her neck, chuckling shakily. "It's been years."
Wonyoung let out a reassuring smile. "It still is. Thank you." She takes the bag from the older girl's hand. "Some things don't change, I guess." Yujin beams at the reply. “Did your friend knew we were gonna see each other again today?”
The smile didn’t leave her face. “I guess it’s fate.” Her eyes move down for a second. “You still wear that crappy long scarf huh?”
Wonyoung hums, the ends of the blue scarf. “It’s my favourite.”
“Oh really?” Yujin asks, eyes comically wide. “I totally did not notice that.”
"Idiot." Wonyoung laughs.
"Some things don't change, remember?" Yujin wiggles her eyebrows, a cheeky smile directed at her, throwing Wonyoung's own words back at her. The younger girl chuckles into the wool cloth around her neck.
“Let’s go eat that bag of nasty macaroon somewhere.” Yujin points at the bag in her hand. “We have a lot to catch up on.”
“Nasty? Mint chocolote is superior.” Wonyoung’s smile dims, looking over to the older girl sadly. “But yeah, we really do need to.”
Yujin offers her a hand. Wonyoung accepts it gladly.
"Don't you have somewhere else to go?" Wonyoung asks. "Like, I don't know, home?"
Yujin hums, her head tilting from side to side. "No where in particular, no." She turns her head to the younger. "At least not anymore."
They spend their day by a river. Wonyoung watches as Yujin forces one macaroon down with great pain, the former laughing at her.
This time, she’ll make up the for the lost time. And this time, maybe, she can finally say it.


With everything happening, I hope this can cheer us up, at least a little bit ^_^
Support our girls in however way we can! We'll get through this!
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it~
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Chapter 1: awww baby annyeongz
Chapter 1: omg it was sweet ending:')
1753 streak #3
Chapter 1: uwu ^^
Chapter 1: I told you before, but again: thank you so much for writing it! That little prompt became a full story and I’m so glad you added your own twist here. The macaroons, such a small detail that actually brought the whole story together in such a cute and unexpected way! It was really nice seeing things through your eyes, it’s perfect as it is, but I wouldn’t mind reading more about this universe.
You know I love you too, 444, thank you for this really <3
(btw if you all dk, she is also a great AU writer, so check her 2kim AU for some nice reading uwu)