Chapter 14

Academy of the Lonely

A/N:   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Jennie awoke in the middle of the night due to a loud bang coming from downstairs.

She jolted awake with her heart beating fast, her hands sweating. It felt as if the sudden adrenaline paired with the before serenity of the sleep would lead to a heart attack due to the stark contrast. Sleep was still heavy on her and she felt disorientated.

The thought of a burglar roaming their house made the adrenaline pump even harder through her system, shaking her awake roughly.

With trembling hands she grabbed the nearest thing in the darkness and proceeded to tiptoe outside. She wanted to call out for her mother but she couldn’t utter a sound.

The music her parents had often heard in the past played downstairs and Jennie felt the atmosphere suffocating her. Her body immediately reacted, remembering all the instances, making her legs weak.

She let her provisory means of defense collide with the ground as she took uncertain steps down the stairs. Her steps turned frantic, however, when she’d seen from afar that her mother was the one who had caused the bang.

She laid unconsciously on the ground.

“Mom!” she shouted out alarmed and rushed to her mother who had been drinking too much again.

Jennie reached her and knelt beside her, starting to shake her violently.

“Mom wake up!” she was distraught and pure panic cursed through her veins. After shaking her more, she finally regained consciousness. She smelled horribly like alcohol and Jennie already felt acid rising in .

The brunette took her mother’s head in her arm in a soothing manner and tried to find a wound but there was fortunately none. Her mother was still confused and didn’t register her surroundings at first. The confusion quickly yielded to the overflowing anger she had felt all evening long. Jennie could see the exact moment in which her mother’s glassy and unfocused eyes turned smaller and more focused for the sole purpose of hurting her.

Hastily, she freed herself out of Jennie’s half-embrace and tried to lift herself up. Jennie, regardless of the fear she already experienced, saw how she struggled to get up and tried to help her get up, but her hands had been roughly slapped away.

“You!” she suddenly shouted at her daughter who had seen it coming from a mile already. It was the same old pattern. It didn’t hurt less though, no matter how often this scene replayed.

“You think I deserve this!” she accused and her shouts had turned into a scream, her face was completely red and there was nothing left to do for the brunette to shrink from her verbal attack and embrace herself with her arms.

“Mom, please,…” she pleaded with a strained voice and with tears b at the edge of her eyes.

Jennie’s mother was blind to the pure desperation which could be clearly seen on her face. All that mattered in this moment was the anger which was amplified by the alcohol and turned into hysteric rage.

 She unsteadily came closer to her and unlike her slow movements, her hand had been fast and strong. She slapped across her right cheek with so much force that the tears instantly started to fall while the hit place started to throb continuously.

Jennie’s hand held the wounded skin in an effort to soothe the pain. Horrified she watched as her mother’s gaze grew unfocused again and watched as she could barely hold herself up anymore and almost tripped over just while standing. Jennie retreated from her place and supported her mother.

She, however, wanted to push Jennie away but the alcohol was inhibiting her too much, she was barely present anymore after she’d projected all of her anger on her daughter.

Jennie eventually led her upstairs as she was simultaneously trying her best to hold in the sobs and trying to drown out all the accusations her mother continued to haul into her direction while Jennie had to make sure to not let her trip and fall downstairs.

She couldn’t, however, suppress the tears which flowed freely. Her heart was empty.

This wasn’t her mother right beside her and with that the last piece of her family had been lost.

Her tears started to soak her night top when she arrived at her mother’s bedroom and put her to bed, praying for her to not suffocate from her own vomit while sleeping. The brunette often had watched over her, but today her mother was especially cruel. Her state didn’t allow Jennie to stay a second longer in her proximity.

She was too shaken, too hurt and too lonely.

With lifeless steps she went back to her dark bedroom and slumped down on her bed. She quickly rolled herself together and allowed those sobs to break free, shaking her body violently for another hour until she would fall asleep due to exhaustion.




Last night had been a true nightmare coming alive again and again. But Jennie had done her best to conceal the consequences she still felt.

All throughout the school day she’d acted horribly normal and it drained her of all of her energy.

She was so glad that Friday was a short day and nobody had seemed to notice that anything was off, that her smile never reached her eyes and that her voice lacked her usual enthusiasm.

She was even more glad that her mother was away on another business trip today. It offered her the opportunity to take a breather – albeit a short-lived one.

She opened herself a bottle of wine and poured herself a glass and drank serenely out of it.

A slight tremor was still present within her hands since last night wasn’t leaving her alone, but Jennie didn’t want to cry anymore. Her eyes were still hurting.

Jennie didn’t want to be alone either.

Jisoo had unfortunately shot her off already for her boyfriend and she knew that she couldn’t face Rosie like this. She needed someone else.

Jennie ruffled through her long, dark strands – a habit she’d acquired whenever she was stressed. She scrolled through her contacts and through all the messages of her flings which she’d left unanswered.

She scrolled further, she didn’t want to be close to any of them right now.

Her thoughts wandered to someone else and that someone didn’t appear once in school today. They didn’t have any joint classes on Friday, but they always had seen each other at their smoking spot.

Jennie opened their chat on the messenger and reread her own last message. Lisa hadn’t answered her and hadn’t written her once. It didn’t surprise the brunette, after all she’d ignored the soldier again all week long.

Jennie absentmindedly sipped at the wine while staring at the blinking bar of the chat. She wasn’t sure what to write, if Lisa would even answer.

After five minutes of ogling the chat she couldn’t take the silence anymore and tipped a message into her phone.





Lisa was in the middle of a meeting to talk about the changes in their schedules and how had worked out when her phone started to vibrate.

She couldn’t take a look right away, so she wondered about who it was. She seldomly got messages and mostly only when something was planned.

After the meeting was finally done, Lisa exited the building with her brother and some comrades. They smoked a cigarette together and discussed their schedules and didn’t hold back when they saw their supervisors leaving their sight. It was true that a soldier needed to be resilient but this couldn’t be upheld for a longer time. Some soldiers already felt burnt out and it’s been just a week. Lisa was one of those who secretly felt weaker and weaker but didn’t let this weakness come to the surface.

Her tirade about those incompetent city council members had been interrupted by the vibration of her phone. She then remembered and didn’t even listen anymore as another comrade continued her rant with his own words.

Lisa opened the screen and accidentally let her cigarette slide through her finger because of the shock.

Jennie (16:09): “Come over as soon as you can, please,”

Jennie (16:42): “Forget it,”

The soldier’s heart was pumping harder at her messages, her hands started to sweat. She hadn’t anticipated such strong bodily reaction just because of some texts by her.

“Hey sister,” Jimin started in his teasing manner, “you look all shocked, who wrote you?” her nudged her with his elbow.

At his question she immediately restored her normal facial expression.

“Nobody,” she dismissed him coolly while typing a quick answer.

“I had a meeting until now, I’ll come over,” she replied back, ignoring Jennie’s last message, and told Jimin that he had to get home some other way.

She sped down the streets and thought about Jennie’s message. Did something happen? And why did she write out of all people her after ignoring her again?

Lisa didn’t harbor the desire to just give into her in a snap after crumbling for such a long time now. But the truth was that she just could not not care about her.

Lisa had arrived not long after and rung the bell after she straightened her appearance and retightened her tie.

“Hey,” Jennie opened the door and all the anger Lisa had felt in between thousand of other emotions left her system.

“Come in,” the soldier didn’t know what it was about the brunette, but something seemed off and she couldn’t help but feel her heart sinking a little bit lower.

Lisa stepped in with firm steps and held back the concern. Jennie closed the door behind her timidly.

“You’re still in your uniform?” Jennie said and didn’t even try to smile as she watched Lisa shrugging off her coat and combat boots. She hadn’t actually thought that Lisa would come.

“I had a meeting at the Academy right after school. Are you okay?” Lisa asked concerned, regardless of her resolution, but remained at her position. Her expression was rigid, veiling all of her frantic thoughts and feelings.

“I’m alright, thanks for coming,” Jennie’s response only troubled the soldier more but she was unable to do anything against it. Jennie didn’t meet Lisa’s stony gaze and went into the kitchen where her glass of wine waited.

Lisa followed her wordlessly and watched as the brunette opened a cold beer for her without asking first.

“Since when do you have beer?” She asked after taking a sip and feeling the cold liquid soothe her slightly.

“It was on sale and I wanted to try it, but it’s too bitter,” Jennie lied and grimaced a little at which Lisa’s expression softened.

The soldier took another sip and observed the brunette as she was fiddling with her hands.

Considering the incident on Monday, this whole situation was more than strange. Jennie had ignored her and had canceled all their remaining tutor lessons with a weak excuse. And still at the end of the week, they were together and alone at her place.

When Lisa had opened again to ask her again if everything was alright, Jennie was faster and diverted her question successfully, “Are you hungry? After all you must’ve been out for a long time,”

The soldier hadn’t even noticed it herself until she mentioned it, but she was actually starving.

“I actually am,” Lisa admitted and Jennie gave her for the first time a more sincere smile.

“Alright then, what do you like?”

At that Lisa had to smile, “You can cook?”

“It’s not haute cuisine,” she emphasized the words, making Lisa snicker, and continued, “but it’s good,”

“I have to trust you then,” Lisa’s smile faded and was replaced by an ambiguous expression with an arched brow.

Jennie refrained from commenting on Lisa’s statement and both decided on stir fried rice.

Strangely enough, the ensuing silence of cutting the ingredients was comfortable, even more so after Jennie had turned up the volume of the radio.

When Lisa rolled up her sleeves, Jennie couldn’t help but steal a glance at the view.

Occasionally, whenever Jennie had to pass Lisa to put something in the pan, she delicately touched Lisa at the waist. They were only little touches on her sides but it was nevertheless accelerating her heartbeat immensely.

After everything had been cut, Jennie stood in front of the stove and continuously stirred it while quietly singing the song which was playing on the radio.

Lisa had sat down at the table and watched her attentively and felt butterflies in her stomach. She’d never before experienced anything like that despite it just being the simple task of cooking food together. It felt so domestic and serenely. All of her worries had been blown away, all of her anger and desperation, her resentment and irritation. Jennie could make her feel all of that just by existing and acknowledging her.

A warmth spread throughout her body, one Lisa couldn’t assign the cause of.

Her gaze continued to linger on the brunette and Lisa’s butterflies only intensified as she studied her appearance for the first time today.

She wore a white blouse which was a little bit oversized and tucked into her tight black jeans at the front. Her dark hair cascaded down her shoulders in small waves and her lips were a fiery red.

Lisa stealthily stood up and startled the brunette with her being so close to her suddenly, “Is it soon done?”

Jennie continued to watch the sizzling food as she answered with a smile, “It is, are you so hungry?”

“Yeah,” Lisa leaned her head even further towards the rising steam of the food and almost laid with her head on Jennie’s shoulder with her chin. Her hand by now had reached out and held Jennie’s back softly and she said as she deeply looked at her, “it smells so delicious,”

Jennie could see, however, that Lisa was hinting at something else which didn’t have anything in common with what was in the pan. Her smile grew involuntarily wider, but with the back of her hand she pressed against Lisa’s chest to create some distance, “Sit down, it’s done,”

The soldier only slowly obeyed and not long after they dug in. Lisa’s appetite amused the brunette since she was now eating her second portion while Jennie was already done after her first and smaller portion.

“Soldiers need all the energy they can get,” Lisa argued as Jennie shot her another playful, incredulous expression when she eventually emptied the whole pan. The brunette only nodded, not really convinced, and took a sip from her wine.

She noticed that the look within Lisa had changed and right now there was a flicker in them that shone so bright.

Jennie’s stare didn’t go unnoticed and Lisa reciprocated it with a smile that faded after some moments. Time and time again Jennie stunned her with her beauty. She looked so elegant and yet so relaxed. Lisa couldn’t believe just how much she craved her and right now she was so attainable.

Jennie abruptly cleared and stood up to do the dishes, not being able to endure the intensity of Lisa’s look. It was quickly done and afterwards she filled her glass up while Lisa took a new bottle herself.

“Come,” Jennie said with a low voice and Lisa followed her intrigued, feeling her insides prickle uncontrollably without any given reason.

Since Lisa’s visit was spontaneous, she reckoned that they would maybe just watch some tv but they didn’t head to the living room. Instead they were now upstairs and Jennie opened the door to her clean bedroom and a big light on the ceiling.

The soldier felt instantly intoxicated by the overload of Jennie’s scent, it lingered in every corner of her room. She tried to distract herself with taking a look at her room. Lisa had no time to properly see it since she had been hunting down a potential burglar.

Jennie’s room was neat and the interior modern. The ground was covered by dark laminate, her walls were grey and complimented by the white furniture.

“Do you wanna watch a movie?” Jennie asked as she was tidying up her desk superficially.

Lisa agreed while still taking in the room. After she was done though, she didn’t know how to behave since only Jennie’s queen sized bed offered the opportunity to sit down.

As the film started to roll on the screen, Jennie passed her and turned off the lights.

“Will you stand there the whole time?” She asked with amusement found in her voice as she sat down on the bed.

“No, I,..” Lisa grew unsure and she gripped her beer bottle harder in an effort to release some tension. Nervousness suddenly crawled down her neck and held her tight.

With an inaudible gulp she placed herself next to Jennie with enough space between them.

There was just no way Lisa could act as if the kiss on Monday didn’t crash her whole world and as if laying in the quasi dark next to the object of her desire didn’t faze her.

Jennie on the other hand was more relaxed and giggled inwardly when she saw out of the corner of her eyes how stiffly Lisa leaned against the pillows and the cardboard of the bed.

The soldier started to feel suffocated by this situation. She loosened her tie and ed the last button to give her neck for space.

Lisa then tried to concentrate on the film instead of the girl next to her. It seemed to be a romantic comedy and didn’t really grab her interest. But she reckoned that nothing would be strong enough to divert her senses from Jennie’s scent and her proximity.

Her eyes occasionally dared to glance over. The first time she’d done so, she saw how Jennie shuffled beside her a little bit to fix her hair. And this time she saw how Jennie’s eyes were on the screen and she absentmindedly bit on her lower lip. This sight was unintentionally seductive, but Lisa’s body was reacting accordingly anyway. She started to feel hot all over but especially in the lower part of her body.

Lisa tried to ignore these feelings despite the throbbing getting stronger. It turned impossible, however, when the thought penetrated her mind to just take Jennie. Lisa tried to physically shake it out of her head, but it remained insisting. Just now the extent of how much she had missed Jennie became clear, even more so after Jennie had kissed her like this.

“I really like your room,” Lisa then said after deciding that she couldn’t endure it anymore and needed at least a conversation with her. She didn’t care about the topic.

“Thank you, I did it all by myself,” Jennie replied and let her eyes proudly wander through the room, “but I don’t like where my bed is though,”

Jennie turned more into Lisa’s direction when she repositioned herself. She was now partly laying down, cuddling into the pillow.


“It’s the first thing you see when you open the door and if my mother would barge in there would be no hiding,” she said in an ambiguous tone and the soldier was frantically thinking to herself if she was just imagining things.

But maybe Jennie was really hinting at something.

Lisa took one last sip of her already warm beer and put it on the night table to her right.

“God forbid she would catch us in this promiscuous position!” Lisa teased in an exasperated manner and let herself relax a little.

Jennie had to laugh at that and shoved Lisa in a playful way. Lisa had used the chance to sit closer to Jennie.

“Just what are you thinking, Lisa?” Jennie asked half-seriously in between her giggles as she resumed her position.

“That the trouble would have to be worth it,” a smug smile appeared and Jennie didn’t notice at first that Lisa had gotten really close to her. Her elbow was above her head on the pillow now and supported her head while her hand laid motionless on the blanket.

Jennie had to look up to see the expression of Lisa and only shook her head in a faked upset way. The brunette had actually covered up her surprise over the soldier’s sudden change in demeanor.

Their conversation died down and Jennie tried to concentrate on the film, but she was too distracted by Lisa’s hand which idly drew circles on the blanket next to hers. Lisa didn’t even try to pay attention to the screen anymore, her gaze was solely fixed on the brunette who fortunately couldn’t see it from her lower position.

The soldier thought that it was a good sign that Jennie wasn’t repulsed by her close proximity and thus grew more daring.

The hand that was idly drawing on the blanket slid slowly over to where Jennie’s hands were lying. She acted as if nothing was happening right now and let her hand carefully rest closely to Jennie’s while her index finger reached out to touch her hand. The adrenaline was already abundant in her blood.

The brunette was startled and lifted her head and turned it to meet the gaze of Lisa. There was no smug smile, no teasing, just her dark eyes staring seriously and daringly at her.

She let her head sink down into the pillows and focused her gaze on the hand that was touching hers. Not reciprocating the action, she concentrated her focus on Lisa’s knuckles which threw big shadows. They were darker than usual and Jennie didn’t suppress the want to caress them.

She put her left hand on top of Lisa’s and consequently elicited waves of excitement within the soldier due to her warm and soft touch.

Jennie started to carefully caress her knuckles with her fingertips but not long after her caresses grew broader and eventually led to her moving her hand up and down Lisa’s arm, feeling her long scar in the process.

The soldier relished her touch and felt as if she’d been close to die of thirst and was now fed well with the most delicious beverage.

Lisa let herself then slide down more on the bed that she was now lying on the pillow without her hand keeping her head up, on one line with Jennie’s sharp eyes which had already targeted her.

The soldier didn’t avert her direct stare just as Jennie did expressionlessly although her beautiful eyes were tracing her own movement of her hand after a moment. The sight in front of her was aesthetically pleasing. Jennie’s hair was sprawled over the pillow behind her and bared her delicate neck.

Even though the soldier seemed calm on the outside she was barely hanging on in the inside.
Slowly, she lifted the arm that was blessed with Jennie’s attention and brought her hand to her cheek which caused the brunette to find her eyes again.

Her lips were parted slightly and Jennie could see how Lisa’s gaze flickered from her eyes to her lips until she came infinitely closer.

The brunette hadn’t anticipated such reaction and didn’t move one centimeter in shock. She could already feel the hot breath of her on the tip of her lips.

“You make me crazy, Jennie,” Lisa uttered as her brows were furrowed. It was the last thing Lisa said before she closed the gap and finally claimed these kissable lips.

It didn’t take long for Jennie to answer the kiss with the same fervor as Lisa did. Her hands immediately cradled Lisa’s neck.

The soldier devoured these lips and kissed Jennie as if she would die any minute. Their lips moved against each other slowly at first but the pressure increased simultaneously with Lisa’s growing arousal.

Lisa tilted her head a bit more to deepen the kiss which Jennie eagerly received. The hand which had laid on the blanket was now on Jennie’s waist and started to roam her sides while she pressed Jennie’s upper body against her own.

The sounds of their kisses and their accelerating breaths competed against the insignificant sounds the tv made.

Jennie’s hand went up and down her neck in an attempt to feel more until one hand s itself around Lisa’s dangling tie and jerked her even closer.

When Lisa had been pulled closer, Jennie brushed for the first time teasingly over Lisa’s lower lip with her tongue. At that sensation Lisa couldn’t contain herself and grunted in approval as she gripped Jennie’s side harder.

At the next kiss, Jennie’s brush turned into a longer until she finally entered Lisa’s willing mouth and met with her tongue.

The soldier hadn’t thought that kissing Jennie could get any better until she tasted her thoroughly. She wasn’t sure if it was her lipstick or her perfume, but her kisses tasted like vanilla and strawberries and she was addicted already.

The air was getting tight and both were in need for some oxygen. Lisa distanced herself abruptly and surprised the dazed brunette.

The soldier loosened her tie more, pulled it over her head and threw it somewhere into the room.

Jennie then also sat up and came closer to her with dark, dilated eyes. She brought her hands to Lisa’s blouse and began to it and helped pulling it off afterwards, revealing her in a white t-shirt.

The brunette didn’t miss a beat and climbed unto Lisa’s lap and straddled her as she continued to kiss her passionately.

Lisa couldn’t believe this was all happening right now. She swam in the sea of Jennie’s touch and didn’t register anything except for her lips, her tongue, her hotness. She wouldn’t mind drowning in it.

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Chapter 17: Would it be a next chapter?? I’m so into it
sanatops #2
Chapter 17: why do i want to smack both of them 😭 PLEASE GET SOME SENSE YOU TWO
Chapter 17: hey author? don't drop this story please....ok?
Chapter 13: YESSSSS they kissed
Chapter 17: Yes, Jennie! Open up! You can do it!
keren_hmlm #6
Chapter 17: awww jennie you'll lose lisa if you continue to push and pull.

thanks for the update! #jenlisaday
Chapter 16: HYLT is SUCH a banger! And Jennie is a MAJOR bomb!!

And so many whiplashes in this chapter, I loved it lol.
Emonih #8
Chapter 16: Damn jennie is bold as
From all the jenlisa stories I had read I must tell you that your is by far the most awesomely written, your writing style is captivating, with the righ amount of feelings involved, always letting the reader expected to what will happen next, stunning job, really, I admired it.
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update!