The follow up

How to care for your vampire spouse: A guide by Kang Seulgi
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A/N: Hi, all so as promised this is the companion piece to the other one shot with vampire Joohyun writing about how to take care of her werewolf spouse, but instead it’s Seulgi writing about how to take care of her vampire wife. If you haven’t read that one I suggest reading it first and thank you :)


Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Mmm2392, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, iamforeverlame, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, RedAce, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Seulgalaxy, Moonstunt, SleepyRu,  victoriatrrsx, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, pokjl-123, Shouto818, Revelsone, PandaExpress69, argonots, j33200, and Normallyotp. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^^


Joohyun’s book was a huge success. Neither the vampire or werewolf were fully prepared for just how successful it was, but when it made the bestseller list and has sold millions of copies, it made Joohyun realize they could have a series on their hands. She was really trying to just provide an informative and interesting content on what it was like being married to her wonderful werewolf. But, the fact that it sold so well and made them a lot of money didn’t hurt either. The truth was that Joohyun wasn’t the only person thinking they could have a series on their hands. Because, Seulgi from the time she read the book before it was published thought that at least they could have a follow up. 


Joohyun maybe married to a werewolf, but she isn’t the only one in this marriage married to someone who is different from her. Seulgi is married to a vampire, and that was something she had to also get used to. Joohyun hadn’t been the only person who needed to take their time getting to know someone. Seulgi had no experience with vampires until meeting and falling in love with Joohyun. Surely, she was aware of how it was mostly unheard of for vampires and werewolves to associate, let alone become romantically involved. But Seulgi was the type to make her own judgements on someone, and it was truly too easy to fall in love with the incredible Bae Joohyun. The woman was not only gorgeous on the outside with the most perfect face Seulgi has ever seen in her life.


Seulgi remembers seeing the pale-skinned beauty with soft features, and the beautiful lavender eyes. They were the sort of eyes that put made the werewolf feel like she were under a trance, and in some ways, still Seulgi feels entranced by her amazing wife. It hadn’t been very easy for them in the beginning, as they faced the typical oppositions of why they shouldn’t be together. Neither of them listened, and only listened to themselves and how they were feeling. Loving Joohyun aside, Seulgi had to learn what it meant to have a vampire as a wife, and perhaps there are others who could use some information. Seulgi decides to bring it up to her wife one evening.


“Hi, Hyun, can we talk?”


The dark-haired woman looks up from the novel she was reading with a warm smile. 


“Of course, baby. What’s on your mind?”


Seulgi sits down and proceeds to tell Joohyun that there should be a companion piece to Joohyun’s book. Seulgi would like to write her own book, detailing what it’s like to care for her vampire spouse. Surely, there are others who could use the information and might find it interesting material, just like how Joohyun’s book took off.


“What do you think?”


The purple-eyed vampire thinks it’s a brilliant idea. Seulgi should write her own version, since she is a werewolf married to a vampire. Seulgi has her own side of their marriage that can be explored.


“I think it’s a brilliant idea, honey. Of course, I’ll have input too.” The shorter woman says with a smile. 


“Of course, Hyunnie. It’ll be vampire approved just like I approved your book.” The brunette feels excited about now getting to write her own version. It’s been quite an experience being married to a vampire, just like Joohyun has an experience being married to her. Seulgi shows her an orange colored notepad for notes.


“What are you going to be writing about, hm?” The vampire wonders and wraps her arms around her wife.


“Oh, just a few things.” Seulgi smiles with eyes forming crescents. “I’m going to talk about your bat transformation.” The werewolf teases and Joohyun frowns.


“I do not have a bat transformation, and you know that I don’t.”


Seulgi laughs. “I know, I know, I’ll be sure to write about how not all vampires have the ability to transform into a bat, but I will talk about how there are differences between pure bloods and made vampires.”


Joohyun nods in approval and leans back to wrap her arms around her wife. She personally doesn’t have a bat transformation, but it’s not unheard of for a vampire to be able to transform into one.


“Are you going to talk about how beautiful you thought I was?” Joohyun teases. “What did you call me when we met?”


“Vampire Queen?”


“Yes,” Joohyun smiles. She knows it’s that but just wanted to hear Seulgi say it. Seulgi always calls her a queen and treats her very much like she is, even though Joohyun assured her that she isn’t royalty in anyway.


“You’re my queen.” Seulgi turns to her and kisses her lips fully. “But, I’ll specify that you’re not royalty, but do you remember when you explained to me that you were a pureblooded vampire.”


“I do,” The purple-eyed woman nods. “You were cute since you never met a vampire before.”




The werewolf had asked the vampire if she would like to accompany her on a night stroll around the beach. Joohyun had agreed since she likes how the beach is at night, and it was a good excuse to spend time with the gorgeous werewolf she enjoyed getting to know. The vampire waited for Seulgi to show up and ly when she caught her scent. Joohyun was always told by fellow vampires that werewolf smelled of wet dog, some worse than others. But, Seulgi doesn’t smell like wet dog at all. She smells quite pleasant actually with a citrusy scent that accompanies her.


“Hi,” Seulgi smiles with a bow.


“What are you doing?” Joohyun smiles and laughs.


“You are a Queen, no?”


The vampire smiles at the adorable monolid woman and shakes her head. “I am not a royal. I’m just Bae Joohyun, and I’m on a date with the most precious woman alive, I think.”


Seulgi chuckles and sits down beside her. “You are so beautiful and look like royalty, are you sure that you’re not a vampire queen.”


“I’m quite sure, Seulgi. I am a pure-blood vampire, though. I wasn’t turned by another vampire and made. I was human once, a long time ago, but made a choice to give up that life to become what I am now.”


Seulgi listens intently as Joohyun explains to her about an ancient ritual that made her a vampire. Joohyun expected Seulgi might run off or be disgusted by what she’s hearing, at the same time the vampire knew she needed to be honest about her origins with Seulgi. Especially if they continue seeing one another. She does grow worried when Seulgi doesn’t say anything for a while.

“Should I go?” Joohyun wonders. “That probably was a bit too much for you to handle.”


“No,” Seulgi gently grabs her arm when she notices Joohyun trying to leave. “Don’t go, I’m not scared of you, Joohyun. I want to keep getting to know you better, so please don’t go.”


It’s a huge relief for Joohyun when Seulgi says that she wants to keep knowing her. The vampire wants to keep on knowing her too and it’s why she moves to hug the taller woman.


“I want to know you better, Kang Seulgi.”




“I still think we should trace your family tree, Hyunnie. I bet you’re a queen and you don’t know it.” 


Joohyun laughs and pecks the side of her cheek. “You’re very cute, baby.”


“No, you’re cute.” Seulgi declares with kisses to her lips. The couple make out for a long while with Joohyun pushing her taller spouse down into the bed, so that she can hotly attack her face, lips, and neck with kisses. Seulgi pays attention to how Joohyun keeps kissing at the junction of where neck starts to meet shoulder, and how the vampire is specifically leaving kisses against her veins. Joohyun once told her before how she could hear her wife’s blood calling to her, and sometimes it was difficult for Joohyun to resist wanting to sink her fangs into her skin. Seulgi can’t relate to her wife in the sense that she can hear the blood call to her, but she always told Joohyun to not be afraid of wanting or needing to feed off of her. There are indeed times where Joohyun will feed from Seulgi, as the werewolf already told her she was alright with it, and under no circumstances would she ever want her wife to starve. Seulgi does also know Joohyun enjoys the times she does feed from her, but her wife doesn’t make it a constant habit, Seulgi remembers her words exactly.


“Yours is probably without a doubt the sweetest taste, Seul, but I wouldn’t ever want to hurt you, baby.”


With that, Joohyun will usually resort to blood packs. Even though, Seulgi will still let her know it’s okay, the werewolf appreciates how much her vampire always cares about potentially causing her harm.


“Hyunnie…” Seulgi breathes and touches her cheeks. The soft touch of her wife makes Joohyun look into her honey-colored eyes.


“I’m sorry, was I doing too much?”


“No, you’re fine, Hyun. I do think it would be a good idea to talk about feeding habits, though. As long as it’s alright with you?”


Joohyun understands why Seulgi is leaving it up to her. Seulgi as a werewolf still eats more like a human, for the most part. She may tend to prefer her food on the rare to raw side of things. But that doesn’t mean she can’t blend in like a regular human can and have meals right along with them. In, Joohyun’s case she can’t do that. She has to get her food source in entirely different manners. Joohyun used to be worried about having Seulgi see her feed. The vampire never wanted to frighten the woman she loved if she ever witnessed such acts. Seulgi was never afraid of her, only loving, supportive, and understanding. Joohyun felt incredibly lucky to have someone as wonderful as Kang Seulgi.


“I’m fine with it, Seul. I wrote about your feeding habits, so it’s only fair you write about mine.”


“Okay, Hyun. I just wanted to make sure it was alright with you.”


“It is.” 


Joohyun moves off of Seulgi to give her wife a moment to write some quick notes. Seulgi writes only about how some vampires will feed off humans, some won’t, and then some have other unique methods of feeding.


“Depending on your vampire’s habits, they may prefer feeding off of someone, or in some cases animals, but then are the times your vampire may keep a steady supply of blood packs.”


The werewolf will sometimes restock Joohyun’s blood pack supply for her. For the most part, Joohyun will make sure that she does have blood packs. But there are the few occasions that Seulgi will do so for her. One time, Seulgi didn’t have enough A+ blood packs and Joohyun nearly lost her mind about it.




Seulgi came home with a small cooler that did not hold the typical things like sodas, water, or even food. No, her cooler contained other things that were more necessary to a vampire. Joohyun was sitting on the couch waiting for her, and the raven looked up the moment she saw her wife.


“You’re back!” Joohyun was on her feet in an instant. She’s been waiting for Seulgi to come back with her items for hours.


“Yeah, well it wasn’t easy explaining why I needed all these blood packs, you know.” The werewolf says softly but does hand over the cooler. It’s just lucky Seulgi has a friend who works in a hospital who is able to get her the blood packs, so far with no real consequences. Joohyun simply starts looking through the cooler and sees a lot of blood packs, even some rare O packs, which is great. Only, she doesn’t see her most favorite A type and looks at her wife like she could hit her.


“Where is the A type?”


“Um, what

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StudioMoon_Hikaru #1
Chapter 1: Could somebody give me the link to the first part where joohyun is the writer?
okay54321 #2
Chapter 1: this was quite a fun read indeed!! thank you
cutey111 147 streak #3
Chapter 1: Too bad I can't present the vampire queen with my poor type O blood ...
Chapter 1: I like to specify the part where she was jealous. I just found it cute like she was already "cold" then add the cold treatment she was giving to Seul, must be freezing at that moment.
Chapter 1: That was such a cute and light-hearted follow up.
Chapter 1: I'm A positive and felt attacked when Hyun started raving about blood A pack xD jk, I don't mind if it's her lolol anyway, thank you for the cute shot! I really admire seulrene relationship here, they have great communication with each other. Couple goals!
Baechu29 #7
Chapter 1: Scardy-wolf and hangry vampy. Hope you could also write a story about them having a baby wolf and a baby vampy ❤️
Chapter 1: Hyunnie was hangry :D
Chapter 1: Such a fun light hearted read.
Grumpy vampy was only hungry vampy.
rish08 #10
Chapter 1: Yey for the book! Are we going to see it in cinemas soon? Thank you for this story!