Chapter One

La Rouge
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Irene awoke to hurried knocks on her chamber doors. Taking in a long breath, she looks outside her windows, a habit she had developed ever since she was a kid. Her mother told her that there was nothing more calming than being able to watch nature and all it's wonderful creations. She immediately had her father, The King, build her a room besides the palace gardens after her mother passed. Everyday she woke up she would spend time appreciating the beauty of life itself, not forgetting her mother's words. She winces as her eyes were still adjusting to the golden light casting onto her. Closing her eyes, she takes some time to allow the warmth of the sun wrap around her. Irene had almost forgotten how she woke up until she hears the knocks continue once again. Letting out a soft sigh, she unwillingly pushes herself off the bed. What was so important that my beauty sleep should be interrupted so early in the morning? Opening the door, she meets the eyes of a beautiful young girl with a wicked smile forming on her face. Kim Yerim of the 2nd house. She was a powerful noble close to all of what was considered royalty, quite the social butterfly Irene thought. She even managed to befriend the princess which had been a miracle in itself. Irene had been keen on keeping a very tight circle of people she could trust and call friends but it seems that the persistent little turtle had managed to somehow bewitch her from a young age. Yeri was one of the very few people who would dare treat the princess like a regular person and for that she would be forever thankful. She was the one person who seemed to keep her sane in times of insanity. 


"There's a surprise for you in the palace dungeons." The squirtle-like girl says.


Irene tilts her head in confusion. Why would there be a surprise for her in the dungeon of all places?


"What do you mean?" she asks.


"The black guards say they've finally caught the assassin who's been terrorizing all the noble men. I thought you should know, it seems our land will finally be safe from that treacherous killer." Yeri says whilst holding in a laugh. 


Irene seems to realize Yeri's implications and sighs. She brings her hands up to her forehead and rubs her temples for this was an unforeseen problem she had to fix fast.


"Oh and the execution date is exactly a week from now at noon, I suggest whatever you have stirring up in your head you take action now." 


It was much too early for all of this, Irene thought. She had to pursue though, she won't let an innocent life get taken when she had control over the situation. She quickly puts on an appropriate outfit and heads down to the dungeons, oh how she hated it there. It was such a cold and dark place that was filled with a strong gloomy aura. Before being able to enter, a hand stops her from continuing on her way. Irene looks up and watches the fire from a torch dance around, illuminating a woman's silver hair. The fire flickers more and reveals the woman's cold familiar eyes to Irene. Moonbyul, the commander of the red army. Irene had known her since she was a young child. While she grew up learning how to rule over a land, Moonbyul grew up training to serve and protect. She had been the first female commander the Kings army ever had after she proved her worth with the countless amount of battles she had won in the King's name. The two were close but there was always a barrier Moonbyul made sure to keep up and Irene respected that for she knew it was just the principles the silver haired girl lived on and nothing more.


"Sorry my lady but this area is off limits for you, The King does not want you around the evil beings that lurk within the cells of these dungeons." 


"But I must go inside Moonbyul, I'm curious to see who the killer is that's been instilling so much fear into our nobles."


Moonbyul looks at her with softening eyes, it was hard to refuse the princess but orders were orders.


"I understand but I cannot go against the king's orders my lady, I apologize for not being able to fulfill your request."


Before Irene can speak further, another voice speaks behind her. 


"It should be fine as long as I accompany her yes?"


Irene turns around, already knowing who it was from her soft voice. Irene releases a sigh of relief, she didn't need to sneak into the dungeons if she had her own personal guard beside her to protect her. Though, she wouldn't need much protecting if there ever was a threat Irene thought to herself.


Moonbyul looked at the two of them, contemplating for a moment before giving in and opening the doors with a loud screeching noise. 


"Fine, but If I get into trouble It's on you, Joy. Make sure to keep the Princess safe or it's you that the end of my sword will be pointed at." 


Irene chuckles at how protective Moonbyul can be sometimes, she truly adored the princess and wanted nothing more than to keep her safe. Joy snickers and nods her head at the commander before escorting Irene through the door. 


"Of course commander, I'll be sure to take full responsibility." 


When the doors finally close, Irene looks at Joy.


"Thanks for saving me back there, I thought I'd have to sneak in again." 


"It's fine, after all what are friends for? You owe me one for this though so don't forget."


Of course. There was always a price to pay whenever Joy helped her. Similar to Yeri, Joy was a very close friend of Irene's. Though the girl would often , she cared deeply for the princess and helped her regardless of what the situation was. She was a friend Irene knew she could always rely on when times got tight and she needed another hand to help pick her up. Irene vowed to herself that she too would be Joys other set of hands whenever she needed her, though she would never admit that out loud to the younger girl.


"Alright I suppose but before we go, how did an innocent get framed as the assassin? You're in charge of all of this stuff."


Joy huffs out a sigh, clearly she had been annoyed by everything that was happening.


"My men caught wind of the next mission in plan for La Rouge and went to investigate. They forgot to tell me so I wasn't able to issue out orders and they ended up catching an innocent girl who was at the scene." 


"This is a mess, we need to work fast." Irene says.


The two make their way down the dungeon hallways, gathering sneers and whistles from the criminals residing in the cells. Ignoring them, they finally reach the last cell. Irene strains her eyes to see a small figure curled up in the corner, hidden within the shadows.


Poor soul is probably terrified of what's happening, I have to help her.


"Hey." Irene calls out.


Noticing that there was no movement, Irene decides to call out louder.




That seemed to do it as the dark figure began to move around. A few seconds pass before the figure finally comes out of the shadows to reveal herself. This really wasn't the time but Irene couldn't help but stare into the eyes of the girl standing before her. Her striking cat-like eyes, cute button nose, and raven black hair, to say Irene had her breath taken was an understatement. She was whiplashed by the beauty in front of her. Joy notices this and decides to nudge her little friend to bring her back from her endless daze. 


"Who are you?" The unnamed girl asks.


"I'm princess Irene, here to help you. What is your name?"


The girls ey

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Chapter 2 up! Leave some comments to tell me how you feel, writing a story for the first time is a little hard but I'm somehow managing. Comments will help motivate me more :)


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Chapter 2: Ahh I was wrong. It was actually Irene not Seulgi who is La Rouge.
Recca1 #2
Chapter 2: Love the story and premise. I knew one of the girls was La Rouge. Thought maybe Irene was the master planner And Joy was La Rouge being an assassin but glad to see it was Irene. Can’t wait for more
dinahsmaknae #3
Chapter 2: are wenjoy a thing or is joy just annoying
Chapter 2: Great twist there. For a moment I thought La Rouge was 4 people, since Wenjoy seemed to know about La Rouge's activities too
Chapter 2: I didn't expect it to be Irene! , Why didn't I know that?
Oh well... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chapter 2: I knew it! It all adds up.
Chapter 2: Uwu..irene is la rouge..
Chapter 1: Interesting...looking forward for the next
Chapter 1: Why do I have a feeling that Seulgi is actually La Rogue?
Sounds interesting!