Chapter : End

Eyes Locked Hands Locked
Breath. Focus. 
Don't let anything else get in your head other than the arrow and the target. 
You have to win.

      Opening her eyes slowly, Kim chaewon start focusing all of her concentration on the target board in front of her. She knew that she only had to get 7 to win this match. This is their first time participating on ISAC, and so far it goes so well. Their vocalist sakura and their guitarist yena already complete the round before and they were ahead some point from their opponent in this semi final. To be honest, chaewon didn’t really care about winning this useless match anyway, but she and her member were making a bet that whoever losers that make them lose have to buy the band some food. and by some, its mean a whole restaurant. Chaewon can’t stand the idea that she have to empty her wallet just because of it.
   Ignoring the fans' shout for her, she began to lift her arrow and close her eyes to aim at her target. She could feel that her members were looking at the side of the field and were preparing to celebrate their victory for finally getting chaewon to bought them food. Chh.. as if chaewon gonna lose that easyly. She could also feel her opponent who was now looking at her anxiously, making chaewon unconsciously shows her arrogant smile because, in her mind, there was no way she would get a score below 7.
     Come on, eventho this is her first time playing an archery, everyone already know hows her hands ability is. She can spit out her drum stick in a lightning speed. What’s so difference about this thing called an arrow anyway? Smirking, chaewon prepare to release her arrow when she suddenly heard a soft voice spinning in her head. ‘Please make her fail’. And that success in making chaewon lose her concentration for a bit and everyone now can she that her arrows sticks out of the target.
Wait. What?
     Chaewon automatically blinking her eyes when she saw 0 being displayed on her score board, making Eyes Locked automatically lose to her opponent. Turning her head, chaewon can see her members who was now laughing and smirking at her. Here goes her salary for one month . Still in disbelief, chaewon now can hear the MC’s shouting something so that the entire stadium can comes back to their senses and claps over their opponent's victory.
‘I already told you guys that we will win’ hearing that soft voice again in her head, chaewon automatically turn hear head to her opposite direction and all she could see was Kim Minju who was smiling happily at her members who were cheering crazyly behind them. Looking at the girl closely, chaewon began to think hard about how in the world she could hear the girl's thoughts in her head. Did she get cursed? or is this a karma for her? but for what? Chaewon might be have a crazy jerk persona on the stage.. but that just it. She can’t even hurt a fly. So why is this  happening to her all of a sudden? All the crazy theories keep occupying her mind until a few minutes later, chaewon was getting dumbfound because she just realized the only reason that can cause this . She is my soulmate?


"She is your soulmate?"
     Chaewon sigh tiredly while looking at her members who now see her with their mouth opening. They are currently in their living room, eating the food that chaewon bought for the band half heartedly. She could careless about her wallet now, because hell, chaewon herself still can’t believe the thing that is happening with her now. Coupled with minju’s voice that keep spinning in her head, about how the girl seemed to be celebrating their victory with a pizza party in her dorm because chaewon now can clearly hear minju’s thought about whether she would choose a beef or chicken at this time. Chaewon can only sulking silently in her heart. Your soulmate is broke now because of  you minju, and you still have the heart to eat. How dare.
"With her voice that keeps spinning in my head? of course" chaewon was getting surprised by yujin who suddenly jumped out of her seat and laughing satisfiedly towards nako while holding out her hand
"HA! I already told you right? now give me your credit card unnie”
     Glaring at yujin, nako doesn’t have an option and end up giving her credit card half-heartedly. She could only hope that a day with yujin would not make her 4-year salary disappear instantly. Pouting annoyedly, nako shouted to chaewon with rage  "I hate you chaewon unnie"
Did not accept what nako has said, chaewon then defend herself hard "What did I do"
"Your soulmate is from Starlite! it should have been from Moonlight!" Hearing that, chaewon could only blink her eyes at nako who was still whining and obviously annoyed at the fact that she, once again, losing the bet with yujin.
"I already told you that we will all end up with Starlite members. you just don't believe me "
     How can nako believe her? Chaewon looks more close to Moonlight members compared to Starlite members. Hell, she even thought that somehow chaewon would end up with Na Goeun because their drummer had indeed had a special relationship with the girl before.
"You made my soulmate as a bet? you little " The irritated chaewon immediately hit the heads of the two maknaes hard. Already regreting as for why she must have an evil maknae like them.
     Ignoring the maknae who was rubbing their heads which had been hit by chaewon, yena then ask chaewon curiously “Did she know that you are her soulmate tho?"
    Chaewon was just about to answer when sakura beat her to it "I don't think so. Usually there was a gap. Even me and eunbi are one year apart when we know that we are soulmates”
    Yena laugh sarcastically to sakura’s answer "Yeah right, I remember that you are the only person who already knows about who your soulmate is but choose to still playing with many other girls behind her"
"Hey at that time she didn't know yet. I am just using  my time left before I focus on her entirely, like what I’m doing now" Chaewon choose not to care about their conversation because she knew that right now sakura must be in contact with eunbi in her mind. She doesn’t even want to guess what they were talking about just by looking at the dumbly smile shown by sakura.
Yena can't resist to insult her friend "whipped"
"Please yena you're more whipped at yuri than I am at my eunbi” Sakura easily reverse her words because she knew that yena was way more whipped for her soulmate than she was. God, yena was more like yuri’s sugar daddy who always gives her baby whatever she wants, even if it cost her one-moth sallary.
    Pinching the base of her nose irritably seeing her members who can never be a normal person even for once, chaewon try to analyze everything that had happened to her. Thruthfully, she had ever thought about what if her soulmate also came from Starlite before. Because whether it's accidental or not, all the members do have soulmates from that famous girlgroup.
     To their surprise, the first member who knew about her soulmate was yujin. At that time they were at a year-end event, and when they were performing one of their song called love is the way, yujin suddenly heard someone's thought entering her mind saying ‘oh  I played this song too much and now I really feel dizzy listening to it’ and that success in making yujin mess up her bass stream slightly. Fortunately, she could control herself and after that show, she promise herself that she would never perform love is the way in front of wonyoung again.
    Sakura is an example of a jerk who hid the fact that she already knew that eunbi was her soulmate since one year ago at that time. Indeed before that, sakura was a casanova who had a lot of fling out there and when she finally found out that eunbi was her soulmate, she took advantage of the time when eunbi didn't know about it yet and start to play with more girls behind her. And it resulted in one night, chaewon was getting very surprised when she open the door of her dorm and found a full of bruised sakura showing her nervous laughter to her while saying something about eunbi who finally knew that she was her soulmate and the fact that sakura hid it from her for a year. Please remind chaewon to avoid having been on the bad side of eunbi from that moment on.
    Chaewon was together with yena at the time when yuri suddenly came towards them and then hugging that duck tightly like her entire life depend on it. Making chaewon only able to open  widely considering that they were at the backstage of music bank and everyone now can see the scene. Not minding the way yena still freezing about it, yuri start blabbering about how she might have save the world in her previous life because she can get a soulmate in the form of a prince like the almighty guitaris choi yena. Chaewon must be willing to get a few words from their manager after that.
    All the members didn't expect it when nako is next. They could only look at each other silently when she return from god know where and shout something as I told you unnies! hitomi is my soulmate! and then process to start blabbering about how she had imagine that the two of them gonna held a wedding in japan, with Tokyo drift as a theme. Yujin doesn’t have the heart to tell nako that she doesn’t even watch fast and furious.
    And because all the members have soulmates from the same girlgroup, it makes chaewon not so surprised if her soulmate also comes from Starlite. But, chaewon guess if it was true then at least it would be hyewon and not minju. because for god sake chaewon swear it was really awkward when she was breathing the same air as the goddess of korea land kim minju. Or, chaewon just won’t to admit that she was always gay panicking whenever she’s in the same room with minju.
"What are you going to do unnie?" yujin narrowed her eyes at chaewon who now shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly "Nothing" and it makes yujin throw another question at her. "You don't want to tell her?"
    Humming slightly, chaewon now hear minju's thoughts that say something about 'oh my god, why is it always me that has to be the last one to take care of their mess’ makes chaewon understand for sure they are having a drinking party now and require minju to remain conscious and take care of them later.
"She is younger than me. I don’t want to be called a e" and right after chaewon says that, she was getting a hit in the head from yena who was now ready to spit on chaewon stupidness “what e are you talking about? she’s just one year younger than you idiot!”
    Still rubbing hear head, chaewon actually had thought about this earlier. Honestly, she didn't mind having minju as her soul mate. Who in her right mind doesn't want a girl as perfect as kim minju to be her soulmate? That person must be have no brain then. But chaewon also have to consider whether minju will be happy or not to be bond with her for eternity. Thinking about that again made chaewon feel dizzy. She had been long waiting for who would be her seoulmate. She even already has a plan for all the things that she will do to make her partner happy later. But with minju, can she do that?
"Unnie.. don’t take too long to make a move! Don’t you know that minju is one of the most desirable girls in this idol world? Are you willing to see her with someone else hm?" Hearing that came out from nako’s mouth, chaewon unconsciously widen her eyes, especially when yujin add it later "That's right. I've seen the video on youtube about man who make a move on minju. And I told you unnie.. it was so many. And in a disgusting way on top of it that makes me really wanna puke just by watching it in the first minutes"
"Why would you watching that?" Yujin shrug her shoulders to answer chaewon "I initially just want to see anyone who dare to approach my wonyoung. But the minju’s video was on the recommendation panel and I just kind of watch it because I was really bored at that time. All the members of Starlite also have that kind of video. Even we have! Like what the hell people? Can’t they see us totally being gay?"
    Getting curious about the video, chaewon then grab her phone quickly and type the keyword kim minju and man and when she input it, chaewon’s eyes were made widely open because now she can see how many videos present about her soulmate and all the guys who tried to approach her. Chaewon was made even more wide-eyed when she read all the comments in the video
"WHAT THE HELL" Chaewon was really getting angry when she saw the contents of the video. seeing so much man tried to make eye contact and smile disgustingly at her soulmates make chaewon's blood boil and unconsciously slams her phone onto the couch that she is sitting in. "WHAT ARE THAT SCUMBAG TRYING TO DO TO MY MINJU HUH? DON’T THEY KNOW THAT SHE IS MY SOULMATE? SHE’S MINE"
    Clearing  softly, sakura answer chaewon's question slowly "sorry to interrupt your burst chaewonnie, but even minju herself doesn't know that you are her soulmate. How can you think that those man know?"
    Snapping her fingers, yena supports what sakura said "I agree with her. Now, what people know is that minju doesn't have a soulmate yet. and it's free to make her the target of anyone who want to approaches her”
    Checking her emotions, chaewon then look at her members seriously "Then, what should I do?" and her words successfully made yujin smile broadly towards her "Make her yours of course"
"How? She never even look at me when we met. How can I make her mine?" eventhough chaewon already have experience with several girls before this, she knows that she can't approach minju in the same way as the other girls.
         After seeing how frustrated chaewon at this time. nako then showing her smugly smile and said to chaewon confidently "You don't need to worry unnie. You have members who have a big  energy like us. Of course we will help you" nako then start to laughing evilly when now it was yujin’s turn to made eye contact with her for a moment and then look at chaewon grinning "I have an idea"


"Will this work?" Chaewon bit her lips doubtfully thinking about the plans from nako and yujin. Yujin then glanced at Starlite members that were sit on the table in the corner of the room for a moment and return to look at chaewon confidently "Of course, people say that the woman's heart is in her stomach's"
Nako agreed joyfully, "You just have to wait until she contacts you unnie"
    Actually, chaewon really doubt this idea. How nako and yujin suddenly introduce her to the inkigayo sandwich which they said was very well known methods in the world of idols to approach someone that we like. We just need to slip a message on the sandwich and then boom, we just have to wait whether the person is interested or not.
    Chaewon just looking horrorly at yena when she volunteer to write a message in behave of chaewon to minju. Because for God’s sake chaewon really can't stand anything that yena’s doing if it's related to something like this. Because romantic for yena is a tragedy for people who see it. Chaewon still feel confused as to why yuri can stand with that  till now.
    And finally it was chaewon herself that made the message. She remembers that her fans always say that she is similar to a baby tiger and coincidentally there was some zoo film that playing in the cinema at this time. So she give minju a messsage that says


Hi min. I know this is probably absurd. But please bear with me for a second.
So the zoo film was just starting right now. Wanna watch it with me? If your answer is yes, then message me. You already have my number right? I'll wait for your answer :))
-Kim Chaewon-

    Chaewon wants to bang her head hard because she just realized that the message was probably too long to be included in a sandwich.
"Look at her, she has received it" Chaewon then look at Starlite quickly. She could see a teenage boy who gave the sandwich to minju nervously. He’s lucky that he is still a kid, otherwise chaewon will chop him because he was too close to minju for her liking. "Who is he?"
"Just a rookie. I don't even know his name" Yujin focusing her eyes on Startlite with great enthusiasm. "This will be very interesting"
    Trying to focus on seeing minju’s reaction, chaewon could hear her thoughts that wonder about who might give it to her and how the sender could find out what sandwiches she usually ordered if she was in this place. Making chaewon unconsciously showing her wide smile. Of course I know babe, I even stayed up late to find out everything about you like a stalker I am.
"Wonyoung just ask me about what are we doing here"  Yujin told all of her unnies who seem to be too noticeable in carrying out this plan. "Tomi too. but just ignore them yujin-ah. If minju didn't realize it, we will be fine"  Sakura doubt about the fine part that nako was talking about because in her head now there was eunbi who already shouting at her for not answering her question about what they were doing here. Eyes Locked hasn't even made a comeback and they are on inkigayo. What a brilliant plan.
    Ignoring the members, chaewon let out a whipped smile when she saw how the way minju eat, how she smile so beautifully while chatting with her members, and how she wipe  gracefully when her sandwich was finished. God, chaewon really has become whipped for minju. She could even see her joining her members and make a whipped club together.
    And when she awoke from minju's charm, chaewon was getting silent for a moment when she realize something. Minju had wiped . that means she's finish eating right? So why hasn't chaewon seen minju reading any paper there?
"Is she finish already? where is the damn paper?" turning to the members, chaewon could see that they were equally as confuse as her. "Did she throw the paper together with the wrapper?" sakura ask confusedly
"Ey no way, Me and nako unnie have thought about that unnies That’s why we don't put the paper in the wrapper" Yujin's answer made yena look at her curiously "then where do you put the paper?"
"We put it under the meat. that way, she won't throw it away" chaewon look at nako with shocked "where did you put it again?" and when she look at how the way chaewon look at her, nako answer chaewon's question nervously "U-under the meat in her sandwich. she won't eat it right?"
"You son of a ! why in the world do you have to put the paper in there? How would she know that there was a piece of paper in that damn sandwich?" Staring at the drummer who now had released her demonic aura, yujin try to give her the reason "How can she eat that big piece of paper unnie? She must have realize it"
    And that answer made chaewon fuming even more "Even though she realize it, she also wouldn't be able to read the paper because it has been smudge by the sauce! oh my god how can I trust you guys”
    Chaewon just want to cry at that time. Cursing herself as to why she choose to believe her maknaes plan even though chaewon could just give the paper to minju directly. It will save her from this disaster.
‘Why did my stomach suddenly sick?' Chaewon immediately woke up from all her rage when she heard the thought in her mind. Turning her gaze towards minju, chaewon could see the girl who was now biting her lower lip nervously while holding her stomach. Is she getting poisoned because she eat the damn paper? oh no my baby.
    Panicking, chaewon took a box of milk in the table opposite of her and ran towards minju. She even ignore the murderous gaze of the owner of the milk that she suddenly grabbed before. Not giving a , chaewon now directing her attention only for minju who still complains of her stomachache. Making chaewon getting attacked by a great sense of worry and it makes her foolishly step up without making a plan about what is she going to say to minju.
    And when she was in front of her soulmate, she finally realized about the stupidity that she had done. Looking quickly towards her back, chaewon can see the member who gives her a look of what the hell are you doing. Making chaewon automatically curses herself who can't even back down now because she's already in front of minju who is now looking back at her in shock.
"What are you doing here unnie?" Chaewon doesn't even know again who said that to her. In her world now, there is only minju and her beautiful eyes that keep blinking confusedly towards her. Suddenly all of chaewon’s body stop functioning. Chaewon tried opening , but there were not a single words coming from there.
    She’s coming back to her sense when she felt her head being thrown by something. Looking back, she could see yena who threw her with a sandwich wrapping paper and made a move as don't embarrassed your self in front of her idiot. Took a deep breath, chaewon then look back at the front and give the milk to minju.
Why did she suddenly gave me this?’ The idiot chaewon can’t help but foolishly answer the question quickly “I hear milk can help neutralize if your stomach is in trouble. I don't know whether it's true or not. I've actually try it when I accidentally ate an expired mint choco ice cream before and I ... okay sorry I talk too much. just try it "
‘Eh? how did she know that I have a stomachache? I haven't even told my members'  Chaewon can feel that all of Starlite members now looking at her with a curious gaze and maybe some of them have already asked their soulmate who were actually the reason of this disaster. Stupid, you're making her even more confuse.
    Rubbing her face frustatedly, chaewon only smile awkwardly and say to minju slowly "just drink it, sorry if it's not strawberry. I hope it helps" and then chaewon left the place quickly while ignoring the voice that was heard in her head again ‘she knows that I like strawberry milk?'


"I have an idea"
    Sakura who had just entered chaewon's room immediately getting surprised to see chaewon who look very tired at the moment. She even has the biggest eye bags sakura has ever seen "what happen to you?"
Yawning, chaewon force her eyes to open "I've been unable to sleep for several days"
"Why? we don't even have any schedule" looking for something, sakura smile happily when she found the item she was looking for between chaewon's desk and bed.
    Seeing sakura who is now taking her guitar and bringing it towards her, chaewon can only answer tiredly "her voice continues to spin on my head"
    Dumping herself beside chaewon, sakura start to open the guitar case that apparently chaewon never touch again "Didn't you say that you like to hear her voice? You even said that it made you feel like she was beside you and always accompany you. See who's more whipped now"
"Yeah at the beginning. But this day.. every night she’s always reading some psychology books that I didn't understand. I mean, doesn't she need to sleep? because I need" laughing, sakura just shrug it off "She doesn't know that you are her soul mate yet. it's natural if you can't understand each other yet about when to open your mind and when you have to stop "
    Clicking her tongue, chaewon was just about to grab her phone when sakura grab it first "I said I had an idea right?" that made chaewon reply too quickly "do you think I will still believe in your idea?"
"You have to believe mine chae. Even if this fails, it won't embarrass you again like yesterday. you don't even need to leave this place" squinting her eyes suspiciously, chaewon then ask doubtfully "what is it?"
"Okay so, apparently I just remember that eunbi once told me about how minju actually loving a charming soulmate for her type. And do you know what can make you charming in her eyes tho? this" Seeing sakura who hand her the guitar, chaewon could only guess what was spinning in the girl's head now "I’m a drummer. Not a guitarist”
    Chuckling, sakura aswer chaewon easily "I know. But we can’t risking a neighbour banging our door again if you play your drum in this hours right? And it’s not that special if you just doing what you usually do. Not many person know that in the beginning of this band originally you are a guitaris and a vocalist too.. I believe minju would think that you would be so cool when doing that" Playing with chaewon's phone in the air, sakura then explain her idea with great confidence "You have to sing a romantic song for her through the ig live chae. believe me she will definitely get a heart shot right away"
    Chaewon rolling her eyes when sakura holding her chest, acting as if she were shot by something "You told me to play guitar on ig live? Are you crazy? everyone will know that I can play guitar. And it will be troublesome later when many media will ask me about that”
    Sakura stood up from her seat and start setting up chaewon's phone in front of them "that’s why you have to do it on your own account. she followed you right?" Thinking hard, chaewon felt that actually no one would be harm by this. If this things work she could successfully getting attention from minju. Thinking about how her soulmate would look at her with adoration just made chaewon getting tempted. But still somehow chaewon doubts whether this plan will really help her or not "what about my eyes? I don't want her to see me in this condition”
    Satisfied with her work, sakura then turn and look at chaewon calmly "just use your glasses chae. All of our fans say that you look more charming with that. And also you still remember the song we once practice right? just sing it"
    Chaewon hates herself when she somehow believes that sakura's plan seems to be working. A few moments later, chaewon grab her guitar and prepare to start this plan when sakura said to her slowly "but, I think there will be a risk tho”
    Chaewon didn't even have time to ask what sakura meant by that when she was now connected with all of her followers

chaewonkim started a live video. watch it before it ends!

    Chaewon can read the notification that her friends one by one began to join. In her 21 years of life, this is the first time she has done this on her personal ig alone. Waiting for a few minutes, chaewon can only smile awkwardly and glance at sakura who is mouthing to her to wait until minju joins


na_goeun joined

joyull joined

chaefeather joined

wendyson_ joined

    Wow, chaewon doesn't know that many people will be willing to sacrifice their time to watch her who just sits awkwardly like this


ryujintzy  it doesn’t start yet but my body already feels hot

juripunch the specs nooooo :(

clean_0828 The guitar and the specs.. you want to steal my fandom that bad huh chae?

somsomi0309 your fandom literally smaller than her sejeong unnie.. why would she steal yours?


minguri joined


    Gotcha! Seeing sakura nodding happily at her, chaewon exhaling her breath quickly and began to greet everyone who had joined her
"So hello, sorry if this is a little awkward. I never did this alone before" Chaewon scratch her head and smile nervously. Moreover she didn't hear anything from minju now, making her not knowing what her soulmate felt about this.


wendyson_  My child is not a shy baby tiger anymore *sobbing in the sea of happiness*

hi_sseulgi  Since when did chaewon your child? She is my child with joohyunnie you idiot!

parkjihyo_  Don’t we already have an agreement that nako is our child tho wannie?

wendyson_  B-but ji :(  I want a badass child T.T nako can never be a badass with her height T.T

nakonakonakooo  EXCUSE ME


"Uhm, so before I play I just want to talk a little. actually I can play guitar since I was in high school. but I did not show it for several reasons. and a few months ago, me and sakura unnie learn a song and I just kinda want to play it now" Chaewon fix her specs and prepares to play her guitar



eunbicelebs   you never ever play a song for me before

eunbicelebs  whom do you playing this song for huh?

matsuijurina Unnie you wanna know who is she playing this for? DM ME

sakuramiyawakii  Jurina you son of a !!

sakuramiyawakii NOOO babe don’t trust her T.T


    Chaewon who didn't see all the chaos that happen in the comments section then add "actually, this song is a song that I want to sing for my soulmate. who knows that maybe one of you will be my soulmate right? hehe"


jennyrubiejane I want to be your soulmate chaewonnie!!


sooyaaa__ Jennie baby.. when are you gonna unblock me from your mind? :(

jennyrubiejane When you already die with all of your es

sooyaaa__  Fine.. but can you at least let me meet yujin :(

jennyrubiejane  no

lalalalisa_ are you guys seriously fighting for yujin’s custody? that child is not even that good

yujinjin  WHAT


    Clearing  softly, chaewon start playing her guitar and look at the camera with her gentle smile. Hoping that minju can figure out that chaewon is willing to do this shameful thing just to impress her. isn't that a very romantic thing?

I met you in the dark, you lit me up
You made me feel as though I was enough





kimdahyuun what is wrong with you gen-4 people? why are you always have to type in caps

kimdahyuun but I have to say something too


chaeyoungster  Dahyun.. you can’t even play guitar..

We danced the night away, we drank too much
I held your hair back when
You were throwing up


jeongyeonz  Chaewon, are you drunk?

nayeonbunny You are the one who drunk right now. don’t you think I didn’t know?

nayeonbunny come home before I throw your PS

jeongyeonz why am I always getting caught dammit


Then you smiled over your shoulder
For a minute, I was stone-cold sober
I pulled you closer to my chest

    Chaewon still can't hear anything from minju. making her a little confused whether the girl still watch the live or not. But it could be that minju was too mesmerized by her that she couldn't think of anything right? Thinking about that, chaewon continue singing by staring at the camera with her more charming smile

And you asked me to stay over
I said, I already told ya
I think that you should get some rest



yenaduckie  BABE :(


yenaduckie  I’M HURT :(




I knew I loved you then
But you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go


shiromamiru I remember sakura-chan used to playing this for me before :(

eunbicelebs  Sakura you’re sleeping on the outside tonight


chaefeather you and sakura are sleeping in different dorm

chaefeather how can you tell her to sleep outside?

eunbicelebs  we are sleeping in the same mind. I’m gonna block her on my mind tonight



I know I needed you
But I never showed
But I wanna
stay with you until we're grey and old


hii_chan Nako never do this for me :(


wonywonyoung I miss my yujin :(

yujinjin babe this is chaewon unnie ig live

yujinjin But I miss my baby wonyo too :(

yujinjin wait for me babe I’m on my way to your dorm to cuddle you


minarii momoring, you literally used to think about buying me a plane

minarii  just so we can have a dinner in paris whenever I feel like craving a baguette



Just say you won't let go
Just say you won't let go


na_goeun why are you never play me this song when we’re still together before?

hyewonkang I literally just drop my food what the hell

off_the_record  chaewon and goeun used to be a thing before? why didn’t someone tell me



    Chaewon actually plans to sing until the second verse, but she is getting disturb when she hears a voice on her head that says ‘huh? why is my phone here? and what is this? Whose live is this? '  Chaewon immediately stop the song. Isn't minju been joining the live since the start? why does she act like she doesn't know about that?
‘what the.. how dare wonyoung open this live with my phone and leave it here just like that” wonyoung was the one who opens this live with minju’s phone? that means minju didn't listen to the song? chaewon starts feeling dizzy right now


minguri wonyoung you little ! why are you leaving my phone like this

wonywonyoung OMG UNNIE I’m sorry my stomach can’t take it anymore :(

wonywonyoung so I have to leave your phone to go to toilet :(

yujinjin how many times do I have to keep saying that this is chaewon unnie ig live


    Chaewon still mum when she hears minju thinking about ‘Chaewon unnie was playing guitar before? so that’s why it’s so crowded in here’ and when minju add with ‘huh? so chaewon unnie used to have a thing with na goeun before? Hmm interesting’ chaewon just want to bury herself deep in her frustation. why is this  always happening to me?




"I have an idea"
"Don't talk to me or I will kick you from this dorm right now" Yena understand how frustrate chaewon was, and because of that she really wants to help her friend out  "I promise that this will succeed won. You have done the suggestions from kkura unnie, nako and yujin. At least listen to mine first”
    A week has passed since the previous incident, and chaewon almost in the verge of gave up to approach her soulmate. "What is it this time?" At least chaewon had to listen first about yena’s idea right? she didn’t have to do it if it was ridiculous.
"You can try the guitar thing again won. Even though I hate to admit this, but kkura unnie’s idea is really brilliant"  Chaewon just laughs at that "Brilliant? Unnie, that brilliant idea was making minju know that I used to have a thing with goeun before! You do know how minju and goeun is actually such a rival because they are the visual of this generation right? And to think that minju’s soulmates use to have a things with her rival… God I hate myself so much”
     Yena then respond quickly "you don’t even know that minju is your soulmate at that time tho. It’s not your fault won” Chaewon slowly answer back "Still.. I feel so bad about that unnie"  chaewon’s hair, yena then try to speak what was on her mind “If you feel bad, you can start giving your everything to minju from now on. What you have with goeun is the past.. your present and future is with minju. That’s why you have to fight for it won!”
“And how am I supposed to do it again?”  Yena have been waiting for that question so she just smile when answer it "This saturday, Gayo Dajeun. Let us rotate our position. Nako can have the bass, yujin have the guitar. I can have your drum, and sakura unnie can have the keyboard. Lastly, you have the guitar and vocal position. You can charm kim minju with your persona on the front stage. How about that?”

    And this is where chaewon is. 5 minutes before her and Eyes Locked will show their special stage with their new song ‘Eyes Locked Hands Locked’ that were being performed for the first time on national TV. The song its self were being composed by chaewon one month ago.. with minju being her muse of course. See what miracle that some love can pull.
    She was very nervous this time. Not because she was nervous about her performance, but she was nervous because she could hear minju who was currently thinking that she had been very bored since this event started 2 hours ago. How would chaewon attract her attention if the girl was already bored at the first time?
    Glancing at yena who nod confidently at her, chaewon try to calm herself. Thinking that if minju ends up ignoring it, at least she will make her fans happy with this stage act.

Nun Majchugo Son Majdaego

    Chaewon moves swiftly to the front stage. She can hear how their fans shouting their lungs because of their unexpected position rotation. Glancing at her members who seems to enjoying this performance, chaewon start to show her charisma that never ever being outed before. She didn't have time to look for minju's presence at the beginning because she had to adjust her position. But when it has been going on for a while, chaewon can now see minju who sit in the guest chair and seem like talking to ... oh my god isn't he the man that chaewon saw in the youtube video thing? the man who tried to approach her soulmate?
    Feeling her body being burn with anger, chaewon keeps looking at minju who obviously looks uncomfortable because the man keeps trying to talk to her. Making chaewon really want to beat him up because of the thing that he foolishly did to her soulmate. Chaewon also knows if later minju will have the hated that doesn't make sense from that man fans because she has tried to "approach" their oppa. and chaewon swear she will fight everyone and even the world if they dare to touch her soulmate even for just a second.
    Chaewon still glaring at them when minju now turns her head and causes their gaze to meet for a few seconds. Making chaewon instantly unable to feel anything other than the existence of the girl. and that made her not realize that she is now standing very close to the edge of the stage. Minju who saw it could only widen her eyes and shout loudly in her mind ‘watch out unnie’
    Chaewon felt her head buzzing with the shouts from minju, and it made her late in stopping her steps so she just surrender when one of her leg no longer step on the stage and it made her instantly fall down from the stage

everyone's freezing
minju doesn't even breathe anymore

    Minju can see yena who jump out of her drum seat, yujin and nako who threw her bass and guitar, sakura who don’t even hesitate to jump off the stage and some of the crew who, in panic, run towards chaewon to check on her condition. Unfortunately, minju couldn't see anything because chaewon fell to the side of the stage. And it made her even more worry because the side of the stage was higher than the front of the stage where minju was currently at.
    For a moment the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense. Her members didn't even move. Eunbi, hitomi, yuri, and wonyoung try to contact their respective soulmates to check about chaewon. And the fact that they haven't received any answers makes minju even more unable to breathe, is she fine?
'No I’m not fine oh my god my leg feel like is being chopped off!’. Hearing a voice in her head that appear suddenly, minju’s worry turned into confusion instantly. Why did she suddenly hear a voice in her head? and whose voice is that? why did minju felt that the voice was the voice of ‘chaewomn unnie?’ and when it was answered with ‘huh? minju is that you? what the hell why can I talk to you in my mind’ and it instantly made minju realize the fact that chaewon was her soulmate that she had been waiting for so long.


    When she’s been asked about how she wants to meet her soulmate before, minju will definitely say that she wants them to accidentally meet in a road or a public vehicle and end up with her soulmate who will walk her to her house together. Or when she was in a cafe and her soulmate accidentally run into her and spill her drink and it would end with an awkward but romantic introduction between them. At least, it was an image that always seem to be minju’s concern, especially when her members had first found their respective soulmates. Blame her for always wanting to live like a Korean drama where the girl will always be protected by their soulmate. minju also wants a soulmate who can protect her and spoil her like a prince charming out there.
    She never imagine in her mind that she would find her soulmate when her soulmate fell off from the stage, made her have to be rush to the hospital, and end up with a gips because it turn out that her soulmate had broken her own leg. Minju can't even complain about the situation before this where a big chaos happened because the Eyes Locked members keep panicking about the condition of their drummer and the Starlite members who also panick when they had to calm their soulmates.
    Minju groaning frustatedly at how absurd the thing that had happening to her tonight.   "Sorry" one sentence from chaewon manage to make minju turn her gaze towards her soulmate who was staring at her guilty " I already made you worry the first time you knew that I was your soulmate"
    Their position that are sitting next to each other at the hospital bed makes minju can clearly see chaewon features. "Since when did you know that I am your soulmate?" Hearing that question, chaewon only laughing softly "Since ISAC. your voice suddenly entering my head and make me lost a bet with my members. Do you know that it made me broke for one month?"
   Finally, all of minju's questions have been answered. How chaewon suddenly get a score of 0 when battling with her. How chaewon know that she was having a stomachache at that time, and why minju always found chaewon always looking at her every time they met since then "Why didn't you tell me?"
    Chaewon grimace hearing that question. She can't tell all of her failures to the girl right? Minju might be ashame to have a soulmate like her. Okay, just gave her a pick up line chae "I'm waiting for you min. You have the right to be free before you and I will be bond for eternity"
"This is the first time we have spoken as a soulmate and you already this cheesy? wah daebak" Chuckling, chaewon grab minju's free hand and held it tightly "You don't know how grateful I am because you already know about this now. Even if I have to broke my leg, I’m not regretting it. I can start working hard to make you the happiest girl in the world starting from this time"
    Minju can feel her heart beating faster when chaewon  her hair slowly while staring at her lovingly. It seems like her dream to have a charming soulmate has been fulfilled "I will try to be a charming soulmate like what you want me to be, minmin" and chaewon can only chuckle loudly when she hear minju sneer at her "whipped"
    Their members have left them since a while ago, and minju has never felt so grateful to her members like this because they give her and chaewon time to speak. Staring at chaewon's eyes closely, minju only smile when she saw chawon now grab the nape of her neck and land her lips softly on her's. They do it in a slow pace, try to exploring each other gently, because they know that they still have plenty of time to build this relationship.
    Ending the kiss with a peck, chaewon grinning when she can see minju's cheek which now looks very red because of her actions. And because she can't stand to see that cute scene, chaewon immediately brings minju into her arms. Minju start to nuzzle her face to chaewon’s neck, feeling how her body was so perfect being embraced by the girl
    Everything seem to fall in the right place now. how minju is happy that her soulmate is someone who can protect her like chaewon, and how chaewon feels happy because minju doesn't reject her as her soulmate. Maybe all of the failures that chaewon’s got before were not so bad if she finally could feel how it felt to become one with her soulmate right?


"Bu the way min, I don’t want to ruin this romantic moment but I really have to ask you something" without releasing her hug, minju answer the question from chaewon "hmm what is it?" Silence for a while until chaewon let go of their hug and laugh nervously while throwing her questions slowly “do you really doesn’t realized that you have been eating a big piece of paper in your inkigayo sandwich? Because my member accidentally put my message for you under your meat at that time" And minju can only blinking her eyes "what?"

Chapter End.
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All credit goes to Red Velvet The Reve Festival Day 2 aka the best album on history


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kkurashew #1
Chapter 1: this story is so cute~ eunsaku and yulyen moments are so cute~ they're all crackheads ?
yurigetic #2
Chapter 1: The ig live lord the problems of multi stans omg

This is so cute omg but also so funny I loved the pacing of this and the events that happened were hilarious omg
Chapter 1: SDJFLKSDJFDJ what a comedy show right there at chaewon's ig live oh lorddd

and ohmygadnis chaewon, i got ur second hand embarrassment :'>>
but the problem is i badly want chaewon to sing ELHL for real nOW WHO IS GONNA B RESPONSIBLE FOR DIS
Chapter 1: Its a good one. Really love this. Hope to see more stories from you :)
1754 streak #5
Chapter 1: this goes to show that chaewon is whipped for minju!!!
Chapter 1: Nice story, i can't help but smile at the end ?
Chapter 1: this is hilarious and cute at the same time HAHAHHA