Chapter 2**About him: Jungkook Jeon

Destiny, Hate and Love Montage

Mr. Anderson placed the Japanese food on the young CEO’s table. He placed all the food that she always orders in the same restaurant. Its yakitori and tempura with a little bit mix of makizushi and sashimi. He saw how delighted her reaction is. He definitely knows that the young lady loves food so much for a very long time it is one of things that made the young lady smile maybe not one of the things probably the only thing that makes the young ceo always joyful to face the food. He finds it really cute when Tzuyu eats .That’s the only time he saw that this Lady is still very young and can still be as innocent as those of her age.

Tzuyu grabs the chopstick and started to eat. Her eyes are big and delighted with the taste. She really loves eating. She then looked at Mr. Anderson with the huge brighten eye.

Tzuyu : Have you taken your lunch?

Mr. Anderson smiled. The kid maybe a bit intimidating and overwhelming but people did not know this side of this young lady in which he discovered through time spending with her.

Mr. Anderson: I have already done miss.

Tzuyu : Then do you mind discussing? (while taking a bite)

Mr. Anderson: Is this about the marriage?

Tzuyu: Neh. What do you think?

Mr. Anderson picked up one of the red folders that had piled up and opened it. He places a photo on the table where Tzuyu is eating.

Mr. Anderson: Actually he is a very good candidate. A very suitable one actually

Finally, Tzuyu just took a glimpse on the photo

Image result for jungkook id

Tzuyu : (he looks oddly familiar) she thought

But she brushed it off and picked one of the sushi and put the whole thing in .

Mr. Anderson: He also has an above average feature. His name is Jungkook Jeon 23 you both have the same year at Royal Academy and he is very good with a lot of sports specially basketball and soccer. He is also been awarded as the star player MVP in soccer for several consecutive years. He s taking up music

Mr. Anderson place one picture then the other to her table but she is too focused with eating that’s why she just gives a glimpse of it. Just bunch of random photos some are stolen even.


Mr. Anderson: He is the 2nd son and the 3rd eldest of the owner of Big hit Company. He has 1 older sister, 1 older brother and one younger sister. He works part time as well... He is also independent and living on his own…and He

Suddenly Tzuyu clapped her hand. Interrupted Mr. Anderson looked at her and surprised to see that she has already done eating. Then Mr. Anderson gave her a questioned look as if asking if what is on her mind or is there any question that she like to shoot.

Tzuyu : oh nothing! enough already… I want milktea..

Mr. Anderson:(food again!! he thought) Miss.. you don’t seem to be interested with the report. Were you not listening to me?

Tzuyu : Anniyo!I heard it popular guy, 2nd son, schoolmate.. okay! let us buy milktea? You order… I want Okinawa pearls and add pudding..arraseo?

Mr. Anderson just sigh and arranged back all the files from the folder

Mr. Anderson: Okay miss… I will order now,,,

-------------------------AT THE CAMPUS of ROYAL ACADEMY ---------------------------------------------

Achhhuuuuuuu….. Jungkook sneeze.

Namjoon : Are you okay dude?

JK : Nah im good…

What is this odd feeling?? He said in his thought…He brushed it off and keep on playing soccer with his team mates.. A lot of people were cheering and yelling even though it is only a practice game. Most were girls

Girl Student 1: Oh my god isn’t JK the coolest?

Girl student 2: he is .. oh my god.. he is just so perfect. Actually, our soccer team is perfect.

(Girls Scream and cheering)

Jungkook “JK” Jeon is one of the popular guys in the academy. Amazing voice, a good dancer an overall athlete( like all of the sports I mean). He is good in whatever he does that is the reason why he is one of the popular boys in the academy not to mention that he is part of the soccer team with great achievements in academics and extra-curricular. Handsome and cool person a lot of people both girls and boys admire him despite his cold personality towards others. It’s not like he doesn’t smile, he smile alright and laugh and help out other people but he doesn’t like the attention he is getting from all of the girls that is the reason why he tried to distance himself as much as possible plus he has a lot of things to deal with in his very own life. He has part time job from here and there. He is a part timer in a café and to a 24 hours convenient store.

It was after he graduated in middle school that he figured out that his father will never let him do what he wants so easily. He left home just when he started college since he took up major in music in which his father is very opposed to saying that music is for someone who is not good at anything and no future, no ambition. But he pursued his dream and work from here and there just to have enough income to support himself rent a small apartment and all. However, it was never easy of course his father will not let him go oh so easily.

He have work as a delivery boy in several restaurants, he have also work as a janitor in a big firm, and so on and so forth but it didn’t last that long because his father always makes a move making him jobless all the time He can’t even count the jobs that he have tried and applied for. Luckily Haru haru One day café is owned by his friend’s father so so far, he has been working in the café for several years. As for the convenient store it was luck when he just helps out an old lady who apparently the owner of the 24 hours convenient store so she immediately hired him.

So far it has already been several years since he has been living alone and he is already in his senior year. He tried his best to stay as the top player of the academy’s soccer team he has to work hard to stay as their varsity to keep his scholarship but he must not lack on his academics because it might be an opportunity to lose his scholarship. All of those years are tough years but all worth it. There is nothing more important than his dream.


Jungkook suddenly received a message coming from his father Patrick. He looked at his phone


HITLER 911: James do not forget and do not back out the marriage meeting.

He rolled his eyes “Marriage meeting my ” then he replied to his father

JK: I know I know

HITLER 911: 4pm in the M hotel’s restaurant name THE TERRACE Don’t be late.

JK: Ok

He rolled his eyes and locked his phone……..

<<<<<<< To be continued>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Tzukook_Shipper #1
Chapter 13: Please Update!! I want to know what happens after.
Chapter 13: I really thought thi is a SaTzu fanfic just seeing the sapphire in the tittle but it is not
lee_nazuki #3
Chapter 13: please update new chapters??are you sad or dissapointed with the views?your fanfic really interesting and make me ship them more soooo im begging you please update asap ?i really want to know what happens to themmmmm and also the ending too...