All Yours

I'll Always Have You
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Yena went to Sakura's PC Bang excitedly. Sakura teased Yena for coming earlier than the time she agreed to meet Minju. After a while, Minju arrived. She's with someone. Sakura and Yena approached them.

"Hi!", Yena greeted.

Minju waved her hand. Sakura just smiled.

"This is my friend, Yuri", Minju introduced.

"Sakura is the owner of this PC Bang and Yena is the one I was talking about", she said to Yuri.

Sakura and Yena looked at each other after hearing what Minju said. They both wanted to ask what's going on but Minju invited them to play already.

"So Yuri, you play games too?", Sakura asked.

"Yes, but I'm not that good", Yuri answered.

"She's good, okay. Don't worry about it', Minju said.

"Let's play two against two", Yena suggested.

It's Sakura and Yuri, Minju and Yena respectively. Yena was so happy she's paired with Minju. They enjoyed playing games not realizing they've been playing for three hours straight. They decided to rest for a bit. Yena excused herself to go to the washroom. Yuri took her phone then made a call. Sakura and Minju talked to each other.

"Why did you bring her?" Sakura asked while pointing at Yuri.

"You're quick-witted", Minju answered.

"It's so obvious."

"I'll introduce her to Yena."

Sakura laughed.


"Yeah. I don't want to give her false hopes whatsoever."

"She just wanted to be friends with you."

"I know that she likes me."

"You're quick-witted too."

"They'll get along for sure."

"Here she comes", Sakura pointed to Yena coming towards them.

Sakura excused herself as she went inside her office while Yuri is still on the phone. Minju talked to Yena.

"You're good at games", Minju commented.

"You too", Yena answered.

They smiled at each other.

"I hope we can play more often", Yena said.

Minju didn't respond.

"Let's play again", Yena invited.

"I have something to tell you", Minju said.

Yena stepped back and looked at Minju. She saw a serious expression.

"I don't know if you know already know it but friendship is the only thing  I can give you", Minju said.

"I can see that you're a good person, a happy virus. I've  heard a lot of good things about you from Sakura. You're a friend anyone would love to have. I'm lucky that you wanted to be friends with me", she added.

Yena stayed silent. Minju glanced at her, she smirked. She tapped Yena's shoulder.

"Hey! I'm not used to seeing you like this", Minju commented.

"We haven't been friends for a long time yet I'm being rejected right away", Yena said.

Minju paused for a bit.

"I just don't want a misunderstanding. I don't want to fool you. You don't deserve to be treated that way. I chose to be honest from the get-go because I want to be friends with you for a long time."

Yena smiled.

"Minju, you're so cool. Do you know that?"

Minju laughed.

Minju reached out her hand to Yena.

Yena gladly shook Minju's hand.

"You know what real friends do for each other?", Minju asked.


"They help each other no matter what."

"Of course."

Minju placed her arm on Yena's shoulder as she point at Yuri. Yena didn't get what she's trying to say. When Yuri looked at them, Minju smiled and waved her hand. Yena is still confused.

"I tagged her along for you", Minju said.

Yena glared at Minju.

"You, what?", she asked.

"I wanted to introduce Yuri to you."

Yena blurted a short laugh.

"Why do you have to be this cool, Minju?"

Minju just smiled.

"What are you waiting for? Go to her."

Yena excitedly walked towards Yuri.





Sakura has been calling Chaeyeon a number of times but she's not picking up. It's a rare occasion. She called at the tattoo shop but her staff said that she's not there. She just went back to what she's doing. That afternoon, Chaeyeon called her.

"Sorry, love. I was in a meeting with a client."

"It's okay. I was just checking on you."

"What ist it?", Chaeyeon asked.

"You really know me", Sakura replied.

"Of course, you're my girlfriend."

"I've been thinking..."


"...about getting inked again..."


"I don't know. It's been crossing my mind lately."

"It's up to you. Whenever you're ready. I'm just right here."<

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xenlicayan #1
Chapter 18: I I I I - 😭😭🤧🤧
Noob1e #2
Chapter 26: The sweet life
1851 streak #3
Chapter 26: love it!!! married life oh so sweet!!!!!
Chapter 26: kkuchaen in married life as they should
Chapter 26: Uwu. 😍🥰☺️ Thanks for the update authornim. ☺️
Chapter 26: Uwu. 😍🥰☺️ Thanks for the update authornim. ☺️
Chapter 25: Update authornim please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Noob1e #8
Chapter 25: Listening to Beware while reading this uwu
1851 streak #9
Chapter 25: uwu uwu uwu!!!!!!
Chapter 25: Woah. Sooooo sweet. 😍🥰 Thankyou for the update. 😊❤️