
I'll Always Have You
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"Are you ready?", Yena asked as Chaeyeon gets ready to get inked.

"Of course. This is it", Chaeyeon responded.

Sakura stayed beside Chaeyeon holding her hand.

"It'll hurt, love. Just endure it, okay?", Sakura said.

Chaeyeon smiled at her. Sakura leaned forward to give Chaeyeon a peck on her lips. When the tattoo session was about to start, Sakura and Yena moved away a bit and watched Chaeyeon get her first tattoo.

"To be honest, I didn't expect this would happen. I mean, I already accepted the fact that my bestfriend won't get inked ever. She's very much content being a tattoo shop owner without any tattoos. But this day came. I think you are the reason for it", Yena said.

"Me? I didn't even try to convince her to have a tattoo", Sakura said.

"It's not that. Ever since you came into her life, I saw a drastic change on how she views life in general. You know what they say, 'Sometimes, it takes just one person to turn your life around'. I really think that's what you did to her."

"I guess that's true. She turned my life around too."

Yena gave a thumbs up to Chaeyeon as their eyes met. Sakura smiled at her girlfriend. After more than a couple of hours, Chaeyeon's tattoo is done. Her bestfriend and girlfriend quickly approached her. The bestftiends high-fived, Sakura kissed Chaeyeon's cheek. Yena stood beside Chaeyeon.

"Finally, the wings are complete. We can really fly now."

Sakura took pictures of Chaeyeon and Yena with their angel's wings tattoo. She suddenly remembered what Yena said earlier. She felt happy seeing her girlfriend like this.

"Love, come here! Let's take pictures too", Chaeyeon said.

"How was it?", Sakura asked.

"It hurts. But seeing how beautiful it is kind of eases the pain."

Sakura hugged Chaeyeon.



Yena, Chaeyeon and Sakura went out to celebrate Chaeyeon finally getting inked.


They enjoyed the night with drinks and lots of laughter. With the alcohol slowly kicking in, Yena started to get loud. She kept asking for Minju. She asked Sakura to call Minju and invite her to come over. At first, Sakura declined. Chaeyeon doesn't like the idea too. But when Yena calmed down, she started to talk seriously.

"You said I can be friends with her. I just want to be her friend. I'll be a good friend."

Sakura and Chaeyeon looked at each other. They decided to contact Minju.

"Get yourself together, she's coming", Chaeyeon said.

Yena smiled brightly. She stood up to hug Sakura. Chaeyeon immediately pulled Sakura away from Yena. The three enjoyed each other's company as they wait for Minju to arrive.

Sakura received a text from Minju saying she's already there. After looking around, Sakura stood up and waved at Minju. Yena stood up as well and waved both of her hands.

"Thank you for coming on a short notice", Chaeyeon said.

"It's okay. I heard it's your celebration for finally getting a tattoo", Minju responded.

"It's the symbol of our friendship", Yena interrupted.

"Really? Sakura, we should have one too", Minju said.

Minju, Chaeyeon and Yena looked at Sakura.

"Don't give me that look. I have no plans of getting inked again", Sakura said.

The three kept staring at Sakura.

"Hey! Why are you ganging up on me? I'm not the one who just got inked."

"Because you're the one without a tattoo amongst us now", Yena said.

"Ah, so I don't belong here?"

The three laughed at Sakura.

"It's not that, love. We're just kidding", Chaeyeon said.

"When you get ready to get inked again, we'll be there for you", Minju said.

"The next tattoo you'll have...make sure you won't remove it", Yena added.


They clinked their glasses then drank at the same time. Yena kept signalling to Sakura then pointing at Minju. Sakura blurted a short laugh.

"Minju, Yena wants to be friends with you", Sakura said.

Yena was surprised on what Sakura said she started to blush. Minju smiled then she transferred to sit beside Yena. Chaeyeon held her laughter. Yena didn't move, she wasn't able to speak too.

"You play games, right?", Minju asked.

"Ah...Ye...s...", Yena answered.

"Let's play together some time."


"Donkey Kong! Your face is really red right now."

"It's because I drank too much already."

"Whatever. Happy now?", Sakura teased.

"Yah! I'm always happy. I'm a happy person."

The three laughed at Yena.


As the night was getting deeper, the four of them decided to go home. Minju and Yena left together. Sakura took Chaeyeon home. She stayed a bit at Chaeyeon's place.

"Congratulations on finally getting inked love", Sakura uttered.

Chaeyeon smiled as she

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xenlicayan #1
Chapter 18: I I I I - 😭😭🤧🤧
Chapter 26: The sweet life
1753 streak #3
Chapter 26: love it!!! married life oh so sweet!!!!!
Chapter 26: kkuchaen in married life as they should
Chapter 26: Uwu. 😍🥰☺️ Thanks for the update authornim. ☺️
Chapter 26: Uwu. 😍🥰☺️ Thanks for the update authornim. ☺️
Chapter 25: Update authornim please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 25: Listening to Beware while reading this uwu
1753 streak #9
Chapter 25: uwu uwu uwu!!!!!!
Chapter 25: Woah. Sooooo sweet. 😍🥰 Thankyou for the update. 😊❤️