Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Yujin adjusted the white cap on her head as she stood in front of the aquarium. It’s 9:45 am and she was waiting for Minju to arrive. She took out her phone to browse through the latest news and fashion trends as she waited.


After a few minutes of browsing, she looked up and stopped in her tracks. Minju was walking towards her wearing a black sweater, tight blue jeans and sneakers. With her hair fluttering in the wind as she walked, she looked stunning to Yujin.


Minju stopped in front of Yujin and bowed slightly. “Morning Yujin. Have you been waiting long?”


Yujin shook her head. “I arrived just a short while ago.”


Yujin took out the tickets from her pocket and gestured towards the entrance. “Let’s go in?”


Minju nodded and followed Yujin towards the entrance gates. Yujin presented the tickets to the attendant and the two of them walked into the aquarium.


After they were inside, Yujin turned to Minju. “What do you want to see first?”


“I don’t know actually.” Minju said as she shook her head. “I have never been to the aquarium before.”


“You have never been here before?” Yujin asked in surprise.


“I grew up in an orphanage, so no one has ever taken me to places like this before.”


“Oh… Um, I see.” After an awkward silence, Yujin decided to lighten the mood. “Well, there’s a first time for everything! Let me show you the wonders of the aquarium!”


Minju looked at Yujin and nodded. “Okay.”


“Let’s go!”


The two of them walked around the different tanks looking at the various marine animals. Yujin could tell that Minju was fascinated. With a smile adorning her face, Minju’s eyes followed the animals around.


While Minju was captivated by the sea lions and penguins, Yujin was actually watching the older girl. Yujin had never seen Minju smiled as freely as she was doing now and Yujin was glad to see

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Hindiakosiabbie #1
Chapter 3: Update??
Ujung_06 #2
Chapter 3: Who's the one in pain? Wonyoung or Minjoo? I'm confused. Pls update soon I really want to know ≥﹏≤
Chapter 3: Update soon pls T.T
Chapter 3: Nooooooooooo poor Minjoo ????

Prince Ahn Yujin...please save your Princess
Yuwreee #5
Chapter 3: Ohmygosh who's the one in pain ㅠㅠ
Chapter 2: Idk where this is going but is this going to hurt a lot? Either way we are in for a lot of drama and hopefully fluffy moments as well.
Yuwreee #7

But now I'm confused, cuz minju and wonyoung both didn't have a parents :( hmm
Yuwreee #8
Chapter 1: Oh nooooo :(
Chapter 1: Oooh looking forward!!
Chapter 1: I'm excited for the next chapter!! This story seems to be a good one!!