Undeniable feelings

Flaring Affection (FA)
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The room was dark, only the ray from the silver moon created a dim light in the room. Melodious music played calmly while Baekhyun stared into a blank space.


He was sleep deprived as a result of his troubled thoughts. Ever since they got back from the forest, Rex's words have been ringing in his head over and over again.


He knew that her reason for taking such a drastic move was to keep him out of danger, yet he was still mad at her. He recalled making himself clear to her. He had told her that he would protect her and not the other way around, but she was just too stubborn to listen to him.


He had always known Rex to be someone with a mind of her own. He knew that she had responsibilities, but not to the extent of putting her life in danger again.


"Dammit!" He ruffled his hair and sat up. He was upset yet worried about her. He glanced at the clock in his room, it was past midnight. He picked up his phone and called Rex, luckily she picked up.


"Baekhyun." Her voice was low and weak.


"Are you alright?" Baekhyun asked. He was getting more worried.


"I'm in pain." 


Baekhyun didn't wait to hear another word. He ended the call, got off the bed, and left the room after getting his first aid kit. He rushed over to her room and gently knocked on the door.


"It's me, open up." He said and Rex opened up. She wore lemon-colored pajamas and she looked weak.


"What happened?" Baekhyun asked after shutting the door from behind.


"My injury hurts. I don't know what happened, but it suddenly began to bleed."  She lay on the bed and Baekhyun rolled her shirt up and he frowned. The wound had reopened and it wasn't good.


"Since when?" His voice was calm, but he was angry.


"This evening. Around 7 pm."


"And you didn't call to inform me? What is wrong with you?" Baekhyun couldn't contain his anger any longer.


"My father was around, I couldn't do that, he would suspect that you already know that I'm a girl."


"So? What if he finds out?" Baekhyun was already treating her and she kept on staring at him with longing eyes.


"He will kill you. I know my father, he would do just anything to make sure my secret is kept hidden till I take my last breath." She bit her lower lip to suppress the pain.


"That's crazy."


"And I can't let you get killed because of me." 


Baekhyun looked at her and frowned. He bandaged the injury and he sighed. He was pretty much upset, and he wanted to let her know what was on his mind.


"This morning you acted recklessly and used mean words on me just so I wouldn't stop you from leaving the forest and I played along. I acknowledge that you're my boss, but I can't ignore the fact that you're putting yourself in danger just to keep me safe. I hate it so damn much. Don't push me away, Rex. I'm human and I don't want to regret it." He stood up, picked up the first aid kit, and was about to walk away when Rex held his hand.


"I'm sorry Baekhyun. I'm sorry for using those mean words on you. You've been hurt countless times because of me and I hated myself for that. I'm so sorry." She pleaded, and in her eyes was sincerity.


The rider sighed. He was angry, but hearing her say those words and seeing those beautiful eyes, he just couldn't stay angry with her forever. 

He leaned closer to her and caressed her hair gently.


"It's okay. Go to bed, you need to rest." He smiled at her, and that was all she wanted to see. She smiled and watched him walk away. She got up, locked the door, and went back to bed.




(Three Weeks Later)


Rex walked down the staircase with her eyes fixed on the man she had grown to love more than anything in the world. She smiled when he shot her his dazzling smile.


It was a big day for her and the world. She was already announced dead, and today was the day she planned on taking everyone by surprise.


Baekhyun walked to her and stood beside her. "Can I say you look handsomely beautiful?" He teased while chuckling and Rex laughed before hitting his shoulder.


"Whatever." She looked around, it was just the both of them in the living room. "I'm so excited."


"Yeah, I can tell," Baekhyun said and smiled.


"Let's join the rest outside." She walked away and Baekhyun followed her behind. He opened the car door for her, and he drove off as well as the other cars.




There was a grand event in Seoul. It was the opening ceremony of the new giant university built by the current Governor of Seoul, Jung Yunho, and Park Rex. The purpose of the university was to grant free education to the poor and orphans in South Korea.


Jung Yunho had always been a fan of Rex due to his different attitude and view toward humanity. Rex was different from every other mafia leader, although she was feared by all and nicknamed ruthless and heartless, it was only to the evil people.


She was kind and supportive of the less privileged. She wasn't the type to look down on the poor for any reason. She created many job opportunities for them and made their lives easier.


The Governor stood at the podium. It was a big day for him, but his facial expression was that of sadness.


"I hereby welcome you to the opening of the long-awaited free university of the people. This great project was made possible and successful with the help of our dear Park Rex, but sadly he's not here today to witness the birth of this beautiful beginning." He lowered his head and sighed deeply as he tried to suppress his sadness.


"Mr. Rex?" His wife standing next to him muttered in surprise, and on hearing the name, Yunho lifted his head, and there he saw Rex waving at him with a beautiful smile gracing her face.


Everyone was shocked, including the Lee family and Fuji. People began to talk amongst themselves as they found Rex's sudden appearance to be very mysterious.


"Mr. Park Rex?" Yunho rushed down from the podium straight to Rex, and he embraced him.


"Oh, my God! I can't believe you're alive and well?" He pulled away to look at Rex properly, and she smiled.


"You're truly a nice man. I almost died, but my bodyguard here saved me." She pointed to Baekhyun, and Yunho looked at Baekhyun and smiled.


"Thank you for saving my dear friend." He shared a handshake with Baekhyun and the rider smiled.


"I was only doing my job," Baekhyun said and Yunho smiled.


"Please come with me to the podium, we have to complete what we started." The Governor was extremely excited while some people were having a hard time processing what happened.


The event ended in peace, happiness, and celebration. Yunho and his wife, Dara were having a nice time with Rex while Baekhyun and the other bodyguards were enjoying their meal.


"Have you guys noticed that ever since our boss came back, he has been very close to Baekhyun?" Sehun asked and Jongin nodded.


"Yeah, we've all noticed it. It's a good thing that they're both on good sides now." Jongin added and Baekhyun chuckled.


"I'm right here you know," Baekhyun said before turning his attention back to Rex who was having a meal with Yunho and his wife.


"Our boss also seems very happy ever since the accident. He now laughs a lot and he spends time with us and he doesn't stay locked up in his room like before." Jin smiled as he thought about it and Sehun nodded.


"You're right. He has changed a lot. I just hope his happiness remains forever." Sehun sighed and Baekhyun looked at him, he could tell that Sehun was sad.


"Your sad look means something. What's wrong?" Baekhyun was suddenly concerned about their conversation and he wanted to know what was wrong with Rex.


"I know I shouldn't be telling you this, but Mr. Min always makes Rex's life hard and miserable. With his father around, he can never be himself, and he demands so much from him. I do feel bad for our boss a lot, he deserves to be happy and even has a girlfriend. At least he deserves that much." Sehun said while looking at Rex and Baekhyun almost chuckled at his last words.


He looked at Rex for a while before getting up. "I will be back shortly." He was about to meet Rex when Wendy suddenly blocked his view before hugging him.


"I missed you." She said while smiling, and the rider smiled and embraced her. He was excited to see her as well.


"I missed you, Wendy. How are you doing?" He asked after pulling away and she punched him playfully on the chest.


"I'm not fine. You promised to call me, but up till now, you haven't called. I only got to know just now that you're that heartless Mr. Rex's bodyguard. I was extremely shocked." She looked at Rex who seemed to be looking in their direction and she quickly looked away.


"I'm sorry for not calling, I've been busy throughout." Baekhyun apologized. They both sat down and began to chat about everything that had happened in their life.



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Chapter 13 of 'Flaring Affection' is out, please check it out and let me know what you think.


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34 streak #1
I would love to read more about them..hope authornim continues this amazing story ❤️ 😍
Chapter 20: Yes sure sis ☺️
Nlnz2016 #3
Chapter 20: Hi. Yes, I’ll read it for sure! Thanks
halforblack #4
Chapter 20: Yes I will definitely read this
34 streak #5
Chapter 20: Yup.. interested 😍🤩🤗
739 streak #6
Chapter 20: Yes, I would!
739 streak #7
Chapter 18: I am loving what I have read so far! I am looking forward to see what happens next!
739 streak #8
Chapter 16: Baekhyun is a true hero! <3
739 streak #9
Chapter 14: That was a harsh truth. :(
739 streak #10
Chapter 13: An interesting and hot chapter! ;)