My Love, My Kiss, My Heart

C H A P T E R  02
Valentines' Day

- R Y E O W O O K -

It's Tuesday, I thought it was another ordinary day. But when I looked into the calendar, it's February 14, Valentines' Day. This year's Valentines' is kinda boring and not that fun. I have no dates and I have to write some songs. When I uttered the word "date", someone came into my mind. Yesung. I started to wonder why I'm thinking about him. I'm starting to think about him, but I'm not feeling the love he's showing to me. I stared into the window for a few minutes - which I thought went on for an hour or so. Then Siwon hyung snapped me to reality.


"Wookie, are you all right?" he asked, thoughtfully. "Oh, I'm fine, Siwon-hyung," I shyly answered. I stood up from my seat, and marched to the balcony to find some inspiration. Siwon hyung called me when I stood up. "Wookie, why are you serious today? I remember every Valentines', you bake cookies and you annoy others to eat them, most especially you annoy the KyuMin couple," he curiosly said. "Oh, I'm not in the mood to do that. Maybe later," I truthfully said. Siwon hyung left, and I was standing all alone in front of the door of my room.  
I walked slowly, thinking about what to do for this Valentines' Day for the boys. While thinking, I didn't realize that I just passed Yesung hyung's room. I went back and listened behind the door. I heard Kim Jongwoon playing the CD again. I heard his murmurs and talks to himself. I felt his feelings behind the door, I was blushing outside. My heart is for him. I felt his feelings towards my voice, and he was quiet. He was not himself when he listens to my voice. He just sits there, and listen to the CD. He kept on repeating the songs just to listen my voice.


I was just listening when Heechul hyung came by, and startled me. "Hey Wookie! What are you doing outside Yesung's room?" he nearly shouted. "Shh! Don't shout, he might know I'm outside his room," I shushed him. "What are you doing here anyways? Are you going to bake those sweet cookies?" he asked, excitedly. "Yeah, yeah. Later, I'll do it," I answered. "Can't wait! Hey, have you seen Hannie? I'm looking for him, we have a date later this afternoon," he told me. "I think he's in his room, he's doing something, I guess," I said. "Well, thanks! Can't wait for those cookies," he said, and he skipped away from me. I walked away from Yesung-hyung's room, and I resumed thinking about what cookies should I bake for the boys.
- Y E S U N G -
I'm busy thinking about what gift should I buy for Wookie. I kept on deciding what to give to him, because he did so many things for us. I tried my best to focus, but I keep on losing it because of his face. I got so stressed that I decided to listen to our CD. When it's his turn, I turn the volume up and I was hypnotized by his voice. While listening, I decided to give him a stuffed toy with his name sewed in the heart. I know he will like it.
While listening to the CD, I heard Heechul hyung outside my room. He was talking to Wookie? Why is he outside my room? What is he doing there? Does the way he look at me right now, something more than a best friend already? I was listening to our CD closely. I was hypnotized with Kim Ryeowook's voice. I kept on repeating his lines on the radio, I was crazy for him. My love is for him. While thinking about the questions that I want to answer, it played the song "Be My Girl". It's awkward, but I don't know why. I love him. No other.


I went outside of my room, and went to his room. I left a note that says, 
I'll be going to the mall today. If you want to follow, just text me, okay? Take care, Wookie.
- Yesung.
I immediately left his room, when Leeteuk-hyung saw me. "What are you doing inside Wookie's room?" he asked. "I just left something for him, a note," I told him. I was shocked when I saw Leeteuk hyung. He's way scarier than I am. "Oh, okay. Just don't lock his room, you know he always forgets his keys in his room," he told me. He always forgets his keys in his room. That echoed in my mind, which is true. He would always forget it, and he'll call me if his room is locked. "Okay, Leeteuk-hyung," I said. "Oh, have you seen Kangin? We have to go to a restaurant for our date today," he asked me. "I guess he's with Shindong, I think," I told him. "Okay, thanks Yesung, good luck with Wookie," he told me, smiling. Leeteuk hyung has been the best brother I could ever had, that's why I love him as a brother.


While going down stairs, I smelled sweet cookies baking. Wookie's doing his famous Valentines' Day cookies again. I tiptoed behind him, not wanting him to be disturb making it. I went outside and go buy a stuffed toy for him.
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[MLMKMH] Editing!


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1639 streak #1
Chapter 15: A very cute Yewook story. A pity no one seems to read it anymore. The plot is very cute and the characters are adorable. The writing is nice and simple, smoothly to read. I really had fun reading it.
Thank you for writing and sharing this sweet Yewook. And also for keeping it after all these years. I feel a bit sorry for being late, but I'm glad you didn't took it down. Hope other people will read it, because everyone is complaining about the lack of Yewook stories, while we have some really nice ones here.
Thanks a lot ❤️❤️
Hey! Fighting for your story! Please do request again if you don't mind~ Left a comment and an up-vote for your story! :)
- ChibiAigoo (one of the designer and the owner of Falling in Love Shop)
Chapter 6: Omo did henwook see zhoumi and sungie (yemi?) kissing and decides they will kiss too? Aw noooooo zhoury and yewook is having troubles...
Chapter 5: Yewook cannot break up...
Chapter 5: Yewook cannot break up...
Chapter 3: Awwwwww this chapter is so cute and sweet! Wookie loves sungie now! Yay!
awwwwwww this story is so cute i loved it i cried when Henry and Zhou Mi left that was soo sad
Yes, yes. I'll be doing a KyuMin-YeWook love story. I'm writing it on my notebook, and I'm in Chapter 4 already. Maybe you would love that story. You're welcome, and I'm currently doing a new chapter. :) - @WookieCookie2221
awwww =:( so sad i cried