My Love, My Kiss, My Heart

C H A P T E R  12

- R Y E O W O O K -


I woke up with a teary eyed. It's time for them to go, I thought. I tried to stand up, but I was wobbly. Maybe I've been crying for the whole night, I thought again. I saw Zhou Mi and Henry waking up, and my Yesung-hyung in the bathroom. "Morning guys," I greeted them sleepily as I look at the time, 5:00pm. It's almost time, their flight is on 9:00am. We have to go there at the airport to wave and say goodbye.


When my Yesung-hyung's done, I went in next. It took arounD minutes for me to take a shower because I was so sad, and I usually take long showers if I'm sad or depressed. When I'm done, Henry's next so I have to prepare fast, Yesung-hyung's already done. After this, we have to get their things from my room, and get them down. The others will help us out also. I'll cry so hard when they'll leave.


When Henry's done, he gave a quick kiss to Zhou Mi, and he went inside. I could tell that Henry's sad because of his expression. "You don't need to be sad, Henry-ah," I told him. "I know Wookie hyung, but I'll really miss you guys. Guess I'll be lonely again when we reach China," Henry answered. I hugged Henry tight, and I cried so hard. I wouldn't let him go, and if there's a chance, Yesung hyung and I will live with them. But I can't, we have Super Junior by our side.


When Zhou Mi's done, all of us get ready. I looked at Zhou Mi's painful expression, saying that he can't leave because of us. I hugged Yesung hyung tight because I can't hold my tears in. But he held my hand, and kissed me right on my lips. I feel sad, but I can't cry hard enough. The other members are already downstairs, eating breakfast. "We're going to miss you, Henry and Zhou Mi," Leeteuk hyung said. Henry hugged Leeteuk hyung tightly as if he doesn't want to let go. "We're going to miss you so much," the Super Junior - M members said. We all made a group hug, then we ate our breakfast afterwards. After eating, we all headed to the van, with all of Zhou Mi's and Henry's stuff.


"I can't believe we're leaving, Mimi gege," Henry said in a sad manner. "I know, but we have to leave, Mochi," Zhou Mi assured him. "Guys, don't make us cry. I'll really miss you guys more," I said as I hugged them. "Just promise me you'll be back next month or on May," I added. We all laughed. We all went inside the car, silent and quiet. I leaned against Yesung-hyung, while Henry leaned against Zhou Mi, holding his hand. I could also see the others: HanChul asleep, cuddled to each other; SiBum holding their hands; KyuMin hugging each other, hiding their tears; KangTeuk preparing Zhou Mi's and Henry's plane tickets and passports; and EunHae quietly crying. I felt all of their pain.




- Y E S U N G -


I quietly cried when I saw my Wookie leaning against me in the car. I looked out at the window, wishing that time would suddenly stop. I closed my eyes, and tears started to fall. My best friends will leave me.


When I opened my eyes again, I saw the airport in the horizon. I wiped away my tears, and looked at my Wookie, who's already sleeping. "Wookie, wake up," I told him, quietly. "We're here already?" he pouted. "Yes, you can cry later," I said, wiping his tears. We got out of the car, and get their baggages outside. We went inside the airport, and find the lane for China. "So, I guess this is goodbye," I told Zhou Mi and Henry. I cried so hard, not stopping myself. I hugged Zhou Mi tight because he has been the best, best friend I ever had. I also heard him crying, then the rest starts to cry. "You don't need to cry, Yesung-hyung. We'll be back, I promise," Zhou Mi said. "Goodbye!" we all shouted, and made a group hug. We saw Zhou Mi and Henry walking away from us, with tears flowing and forming on their eyes. They're walking hand in hand, and that's what Wookie and I want to see.


"Let's go guys," Leeteuk hyung said. "Hae, can we go back to sleep when we go back?" Eunhyuk asked, sleepily. "Sure, we will sleep again," Donghae answered. "Hannie, we should also sleep again," Heechul hyung said. "I know, Hee. I'm also sleepy," Hankyung hyung said. The KyuMin couple are not talking to each other, maybe that's the effects of waking up early. "Yesung hyung, let's sleep again. I don't want to cry all day remembering them," Wookie said. "We'll go to the mall later, Wookie. So we could have some time later," I told him. He was happy, and he smiled for the first time this day.


When we went back to the dorm, everyone practically went back to their rooms and sleep. I laughed quietly, and I saw Wookie making sandwiches. "For whom?" I asked. "It's for us. Besides, everyone will be sleeping again, and will wake up later this lunch," he assured me. "We should go back to the park, Wookie," I said while munching on his sandwiches. "Why?" he asked. "Today's our first monthsary, remember?" I told him. "Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me, Yesung-hyung," he told me and he kissed me on my lips. It was passionate, intense, but we were gentle. I pulled him closer, and he just let me do it. Everything is so quiet, and I really love to be alone with my Wookie. It lasted for 20 minutes, and we continued eating the sandwiches.


It's quiet without my best friends, but I wish that they'll be safe in flying back to China. At least we have my own time together with my Wookie.

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[MLMKMH] Editing!


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1640 streak #1
Chapter 15: A very cute Yewook story. A pity no one seems to read it anymore. The plot is very cute and the characters are adorable. The writing is nice and simple, smoothly to read. I really had fun reading it.
Thank you for writing and sharing this sweet Yewook. And also for keeping it after all these years. I feel a bit sorry for being late, but I'm glad you didn't took it down. Hope other people will read it, because everyone is complaining about the lack of Yewook stories, while we have some really nice ones here.
Thanks a lot ❤️❤️
Hey! Fighting for your story! Please do request again if you don't mind~ Left a comment and an up-vote for your story! :)
- ChibiAigoo (one of the designer and the owner of Falling in Love Shop)
Chapter 6: Omo did henwook see zhoumi and sungie (yemi?) kissing and decides they will kiss too? Aw noooooo zhoury and yewook is having troubles...
Chapter 5: Yewook cannot break up...
Chapter 5: Yewook cannot break up...
Chapter 3: Awwwwww this chapter is so cute and sweet! Wookie loves sungie now! Yay!
awwwwwww this story is so cute i loved it i cried when Henry and Zhou Mi left that was soo sad
Yes, yes. I'll be doing a KyuMin-YeWook love story. I'm writing it on my notebook, and I'm in Chapter 4 already. Maybe you would love that story. You're welcome, and I'm currently doing a new chapter. :) - @WookieCookie2221
awwww =:( so sad i cried