Ice Cream and Cookies

Cookies and Ice Cream with Romance

You were crying your heart out.
How could he cheat on you like that?
How could he cheat on you like that with your best friend?
How could your best friend let him cheat on you like that?
How could your best friend be part of his cheat?

Once again, a flood of tears came out of your eyes. Salty tears splattered on the otherwise sweet ice cream you brought for yourself as a pick-me up after this horrendous day. You looked down, took the silver spoon and tasted the ice cream. Another flood of tears took over you because the ice cream no longer tasted that sweet. You teaster bitterness and a hint of saltiness. Like your life.

You pushed away the nearly untouched ice cream and put your head on the table. You didn't care if many people were looking at you with the "WTF" look. You cared more about your life and salty ice cream.

"Crying won't solve anything..." A voice said from across from you.

You momentarilly stopped crying to look up at the guy. He was very cute and handsome that it made you blush. Which made you bury your head back into your arms.

"Are you going to cry again?" the voice said, alarmed.

You looked up when your cheeks were no longer tinted with red. And shook your head. You wouldn't cry infront of a stranger; no matter how handsome and hot he was.

"My name is Onew, how about yours?" Onew said, holding out his hand for a shake.

You shook Onew's hand, grabbing only to the fingers since you still weren't comfortable with him.

"My name is Lee ~~~~~," you introduced.

"May I know why you're crying?" Onew asked, with pure concern in his eyes.

You looked up at him with teary eyes, then your nose started to sniffle. OMG, you were about to cry again! You looked away so he couldn't see the tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Opps! Sorry! I shouldn't have asked you! Shhh, stop crying now," Onew said.

You sniffled and tried to stop the tears from flowing. You looked at Onew with such a sad expression that he felt pain for you. You raised his hand and brushed some strand of hair back, then he grabbed a tissue and started to clean your tears away.

You chuckled at the sweet gesture. Thank God your nose was red, or else he would notice the reddish tint on your cheek.
"Thank you, Onew..." you looked away, embarassed.

Onew chuckled and his chuckle was like heaven. Better than ice cream, promise. You looked at Onew with a raised eyebrown.

"You know what helps me when I'm sad and I don't have chicked to help me out?" Onew asked, holding one of my hand with two of his.

You were confused about the chicken part but shrugged it off. "No, I don't know..." You said, shaking your head slightly.

Onew chuckled before looking at you straight in the eyes.

"I eat a cookie..." Onew said, grabbing a cookie out of a pretty box beside him and showed it to me.

"What? Why a cookie?" eating ice cream made better sense to you.

"Because, when I'm mad at somebody or at something, I would imagine that this cookie is that person or that thing and when I eat it, I imagine it like I'm eating them..." Onew explained innocently with an equally innocent smile.

"Okay, as disturbing as that may sound, it does sound helpful" you said inspite of the wave of hiccups attacking you.

"Try one," Onew said handing you the cookie.

You stared at the cookie so hard, you think your eyes would have crossed forever. Then slowly, you visualized the cookie turned into your ex-boyfriends head. With an evil grin, you shoved the whole cookie into your mouth. You munched and crunched at it. With every crunch the cookie made you felt your anger slowly ebb away.

You reached out your hand to ask for another cookie and Onew gladly handed you one, enjoying the look on your face everytime you munched on a cookie. It was so cute. You looked so happy for yourself that Onew didn't dare stop you.

After about 5 ex-boyfriend cookies and about 6 ex-best friend cookies, you finally realized that you weren't mad at them anymore.... But that doesn't mean your going to forgive them, okay! You are still holding a grudge against them. Yeah, your a grudge holder.

Onew looked at the box and a shadow fell across his face. He was having so much fun watching you eat all his cookies that he forgot to save some for himself. Now he only had a pretty box with nothing but cookie crumbs in them.

"Omo! Did I eat all of your cookies?! I am soooo sorry!" you said in a panicy voice. You ran to his side and took the box from him. You headed your way out of the store.

"Hey! Where are you going with my box?" Onew shouted after you. You turned around and signaled him to follow her. She also did the 'hurry up' signal. Onew trailed after you as you zoomed down the street.

You opened a shop glass door and walked inside with Onew following your lead. You ducked under the counter to the otherside. Onew stared, open mouth, at the different types of cookies being sold.

"Sorry, we don't have chicken, we only sell cookies!" you smiled.

Onew didn't answer you because he was busy staring at the different cookies. You watch him stare at one of the newest cookies in your menu. It was the banana-nut cream cookie. You smiled at him and took out 12 pieces of that cookie and putting them into the pretty cookie box.

"Hey! What are you doing? I can't pay for that!" Onew said, panic making his voice an octave higher.

"Don't worry! My family owns the place, I'll pay for it. Don't worry," you said, handing the box to Onew.

Onew opened the box and stared at it's delicious content. He counted all the cookies:


"Uhm, ~~~~, you might have miscalculated. I only had 11 cookies, why did you give me one extra?" Onew placed the box unto the counter. You pushed it back to him, shaking your head.

"The 12th cookie is my thank you to you. For helping me today...." You smiled.

An awkward silence lapped between the two of you.

"I have to go now," Onew hurriedly said, waving good bye, Onew was about to open the door when....

"ONEW!" You called out.

Onew turned around to face you, you ducked under the counter and skipped to him. When you were infront of him, you stood on your toes and planted a kiss on his lips. Before running back behind the counter. Onew touched his lips while looking at you. You giggled before waving good bye.

"See you around!" You shouted before walking to the back part of the shop.

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kimkaixwife #1
cant wait to start reading xx
Aw cute(: Are you an MVP? I love Onew as well<3 I write bunches of stories about him, so if you're ever looking for one, you know where to look:D
awww, cute :D
Ashyunchick20 #4
Hello hello ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you can please check out my fanfic 'bout Shinee :D
Thanks ^_^