
Him and I



I've been alone for so long; it feels so wrong, almost as if I need someone. Someone to talk to, share my feelings with. Just someone, anyone. As long as I can trust them, like the way I trust

Baekhyun. But, who?  ( Just saying, anyway, I don't mean just anyone) My last relationship, didn't go well; not the way I wanted it to, anyway. It was with Ximun, the other half of ChenXi; commonly known as Minnesok.


We just weren't right for each other, ( BTW: He´s   a lawyer, so heś busy; like all the time.)

I just wish it were that easy, you know; to fall in love. A lot of songs say that love is sometimes; right in front of them, but, I don't really believe in love at first sight. I am a musician, so I know these things; and I still  don't understand.


Oh well, I ĺl just write some song lyrics, and see if it helps; hopefully.



I wish there was a way for me to help Chanyeol, without ruining our friendship; and breaking our trust. He always seems distant, and far away, even if I try to ask; is everything o.k? His answer is always No, and he looks beyond the horizon, like itś more interesting; than talking to his best friend. 


When I first met Chanyeol, was at a party; when we were both new. He didn't want to get involved with anyone, so, I talked to him, had a little joke; and we ́ve been there for each other, ever since. We have been so close, for three years, I know him better; than anyone else, I have  always been there; just for him. I mean, what else could I do? I am his friend, after all.


Plus, he needs my help; But, how can I help him, when I'm in the same situation?

Xiumin( Min seok)


Life in China is far different from before, but; what I miss most of all, is spending time with Chanyeol. Work and business are more challenging than ever, at least I have Junmyeon But, it’s not quite the same; without Chanyeol.I miss him too much. Whenever I pass a couple, with smiles on their faces, regret hits me; at full speed. I shouldvé brought  him with me, to distract me; like he always does, or did.


I tried calling him, but it went straight to his voicemail; I tried calling Sehun, but, he was ALWAYS  busy. So, in the end; I tried calling Wu Yifan, and he told me to off; and he hung up.

Huh, so much for calling someone else he trusts; other than me.( At least thatś what I thought)

Then, I finally decided to call him again; and this time, he answered. The conversation went like this:

Chanyeol: What do you want?

Min seok: Chanyeol, Iḿ sorry, I..

Chanyeol: You what? You want me to live in China, with you?

Min seok: No, this is about something else; other than that.

Chanyeol: Oh, well… in that case, Iḿ coming to China.

Min seok: Wait, WHAT?

Chanyeol: Yeah, Iḿ coming in 3 weeks.

Min seok: But, what about your Mum? Won't she be worried?

Chanyeol: Well, in case you forgot she said I'm old enough to travel.

Min seok: Oh,right; so have you told anyone?

Chanyeol: Yeah, I told my Mum; she told me to follow my heart.

Min seok: Have you told Baekhyun, or Sehun?

Chanyeol: No, `cause they are busy.

Min seok: Can't you come sooner?

Chanyeol: How about… Next Tuesday.

Minseok: Sure, I can't wait!

Chanyeol: I have to go, Baekhyun says he'll kill me if I don ``t tell him; who I'm talking to.

Minnesok: Ok, Good Bye!

Chanyeol: Wait, Minnesok…  I love you.

Minnesok: I love you, too; Chanyeol.



I can't believe I lied, to Minnesok; what an idiot. Great going Chanyeol.  Now, I have to quickly book a flight, tell Baekhyun and Sehun, and tell my mum; where and why I want to go to see him. Not only that, I also have to contact the school reception, to say I will no longer; be attending, for the rest of the semester. So much to do, so little time; better get started.First stop: Baekhyun & Sehun. I hope they aren't busy, or else I'll just jump on the plane. 


( What I mean is, if I don't say the right things.)


Well, things went way better than expected; turns out Baekhyun was alright with me going, as long as I promised to visit, once or twice. I agreed, and bid goodbye; ready or not, Minnesok here I come. ( Oh, this was on Monday morning; @ 8am) I also went to see the rest of the band, Suho, Kris, Kai, D.O, Luhan, Lay, Chen and finally; Tao. They all wished me good luck, on my new life in china; with Xiumin.


It's great to know Chanyeol is not all distant, anymore; new problem: he is gone, to China. At least he has Minnesok, yet I know it was so wrong for me to do so; because the more I think about Chanyeol, the more worried I get. What if they have a big argument, what happens then?  Maybe itś for the best, this is what Sehun told me, ́ ́ Baek, he won't bother us again, heś with the one he loves. Plus, on the bright side you have me; I will never try to hurt you, because I love you!´´’


He made a good point, he is my best friend; Sehun is my boyfriend. Big difference, but he is right.Maybe itś for the best, I have him at least. But, I still feel something for Chanyeol; I know I shouldn't but, I love him.

Huh, I actually do.A lot.




I can't believe it, Chanyeol has finally made up his mind. That is his mind to move on, to run towards his problems; and not away from it, but something tells me that there’s something else going on. When Channie waved goodbye, I saw the way Baekhyun’s face dropped; he looked sad, no actually he looked kinda hurts. I tried asking him what was going on, but he continued to ignore me; I thought to myself:” Am I doing something wrong? Should I give him space? Will he feel better if I stop bothering him? “ But in reality, the only option I have left is to just do nothing.Yeah, that sounds like a plan, I know it’s pathetic of me but what other choice do I have?


I mean, seriously. Baekhyun and Chanyeol are friends. FRIENDS!  At least I that's what I think.

Part of me thinks that Baek hyung has feelings for Chanyeol, like his feelings are more than friendship; since I have never seen Baekhyun like that before.  Technically speaking, I ́m his boyfriend so it ́s rare to find him down; unless i refuse to buy him extra dessert. If only I can convince him that Chanyeol is fine, without seeming to harsh about it.

School( Kris P.O.V)

Monday Morning. Hooray, socializing with fake people.Honestly, what is the point in turning up to school everyday?Only to be met with fakes or fraud sillouhettes of human beings. Anyway, I decided to at least make an effort since Baekhyun decided not to turn up.Or maybe because Chanyeol decided to ditch me for the rest of semester, leaving me to actually make an effort in Bio. So, yeah in case you didn´t notice-I don´t really care about many people.Sehun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Xiumin are the only exceptions. I don´t have time for useless romance, I prefer myself to anyone else.

Skip to Lunch

Boring day, boring life.Boring,boring,boring. Poor Sehun had to leave with Baek because he wasn´t feeling well.Lucky me, I had Tao and Suho. Ahh, good times.At least they were until two girls swept by, almost sweeping me off my feet. Litterally. At first, I really wanted to tell them off for not looking were they were going but a familliar voice held me back.¨ Yah! You need to stop dating him, you deserve better unnie.¨ The voice said.

I my heels, towards the owner and froze. She was here, standing as beautiful as ever.My first love. Her name was on my lips, before I could stop myself.¨Angel.¨ 

A+ P.O.V

First day of school and she still wasn´t over him. Why couldn´t she see that he wasn´t good enough for her? The scars, bruises and cuts were enough evidence for me to be mad.But the fact that she was still seeing him;answering his messages and phone calls made me upset. Even after two painful years, she still longed for him. Why? As her friend, I knew she meant well.But she never deserved this type of love.¨Sakura, I called softly.¨ What´s wrong? Tell me what´s happening.Please.¨ She whispered, ¨It´s him. He wants to talk to me.¨ I couldn´t hide it any longer.¨ Yah! You need to stop dating him,you deserve better unnie.¨

¨Angel.¨ Said a voice, clear as a blue sky. Before I could process what was happening, I heard Sakura squeal with excitement.¨Yifan!¨ Lost for words, I followed her gaze. My heart stopped.The eyes I longed to see again, the voice I´d begged to hear once more.¨ Yifan,what are you doing here?You´re supposed to be in the U.S; why are you here?¨ I heard Sakura questioning him accusingly. He smirked and glanced at me whispering,¨She still bothering you around,yeah?¨ She nodded, poking out her tongue. Rolling my eyes at their childlish acts, I folded my arms and glanced at the two boys behind him. He glanced at my face, dropping his smirk saying he was only kidding.¨Yah, Angel! He said he was ki...¨ ¨Who are these guys behind you,Yi?¨

Clearly forgetting that they were behind him the whole time, they looked at him expectantly for an introduction. Sighing and reluctantly nodding to them,¨ Oh fine.The tall, choclate brown-haired giant is Suho.¨ ¨It´s joonmyun,actually.¨ said person replied gently. ¨Yeah, whatever...just call him giant or you know.¨ Kris responded clearly ignoring the said male.To make things more exciting, I pulled a smirk and sassed ¨ Nice to meet you... Joonmyun-oppa! I hope we can be good friends... better than Kris and I.¨ After hearing what I had said, Handsome giant blushed cutely.All while Kris and unintroduced friend were gasping, and my friends were giggling at their reactions. Quickly Kris introduced the still unidentified male,¨ So...this is Huang Zitao. And he´s really pleased to meet you,a-and we have to go now.Bye!¨

And Left, with smiling males.(probably confused out of their minds.)

Skip to China(Chanyeol´s P.O.V)

So...It turns out I ended up go to see Xiumin after all.With having convinced my mother and friends that I´d be ok, I felt at ease.I was going to see my other half, the one that made me happy with every little thing he did.





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독서를 즐기 라. Enjoy reading!


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pandlova #1
Chapter 1: Way ahead of you.
Sorry if it seems kinda rushed!
Can't wait for the first chapter ♡