Chapter Fifty: What the heck!

Spoiled [EDITING]
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Facing back in forth in front of the emergency room is all Irene can do. With her is Wendy with Seulgi's big brother, Garam. As for Joy and Yeri who heard the news from Garam are also on their way to the hospital.

Irene can't help but blame herself for coming home late. If only she came earlier wouldn't have his chance to hurt Seulgi and out her life in danger.

"Irene please calm down and sit," Wendy told her friend. "You are making me dizzy."

"Wendy, what if something bad happens to Seulgi, I don't think I can live with that. I've been careless."

"Rene, don't say that.  You've been doing a great job taking care of Seulgi, it's just that, you can't always be there to save her." Wendy tried to console Irene.


"She will be fine."

Irene can't calm down, not until she sees Seulgi out of the emergency room and in her bed awake and smiling.

Every second that Seulgi was inside the room feels like an eternity for Irene. 





Meanwhile, in Heechul's playroom was Taemin handcuffed in the wall. Horrified at the sight he saw the moment he opened his eyes, the poor man almost peed in his pants.

In the wall, he can clearly see the knives and scissors hanging neatly. And on the floor, a chainsaw was lying. What kind of place he was taken to?  

Beads of sweats formed in his forehead when the door slowly open. A man in his bright yellow hoodie with a duck beak and tail attached in it came smiling.

Taemin sigh in relief as he saw the bubbly man smiling brightly at him. 

"Hey!" He called at him 

"Yes?" The man looked at him and smile brightly, grinning at him.

"Come here, "


"Do you think, you can free me?"

"Why would do I that?" 

"You don't want to be part of this right? Those people who took me here, they are bad."



Heechul grin does this man think he is a fool? He smiles at the man. 

"If I free you, will you be my playmat

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When your "taga edit" disappear. Might as well don't myself


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AnneTokki #1
Chapter 55: 🥰🥰🥰🥰 love it so much
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 55: reread over again ^^
2288 streak #3
Chapter 23: Di ko na mabilang kung ilang beses ko to nabasa hahahahaha
Chapter 48: Nakailang basa na ako pero inis pa din ako kay taemin
Chapter 55: Cute :)
Re-Reading this again cuz why the hell not!
ellaishu #8
Chapter 2: Sugar baby bear 🌻