I Love You

Your Final I Love You





   Based from personal experience and true to life stories of some close friends, Sicheng is well aware that the phrase ‘I love you’ for couples is short lived. True that every relationship blossoms with the sweet set of those three words. Sounding so euphonious coming for the 1 year long couples. But as months and years passed by, it is no surprise couples tend to utter the loving phrase lesser and lesser.

   Sicheng is not a hopeless romantic. But he’s also not your typical salty person with a bitter point of view when it comes to love.

   Dong Sicheng is somewhere in between. He’s not scared of the idea of love. But he’s also the guy who wouldn’t expect much for a relationship either.

   Unfortunately for him, all of his restraints came crumbling down when he started loving a certain Japanese guy named Nakamoto Yuta.





   “Happy 1st anniversary, Winwin-ah!”

   Sicheng couldn’t help the tears building up his eyes once he saw his boyfriend standing inside his dorm, holding balloons and a banner that says “Happy Anniversary, Winko!” in bold, huge fonts. Yuta cooed at his boyfriend’s cuteness. With his attempt to hug the younger, Sicheng only punch his chest lightly with a small sniff.

   “Hey, what was that for?!”

   “That’s for not sending me a single message the whole day! I missed you, you idiot. And I thought you forgot.”

   Yuta laughed at his boyfriend’s cuteness before hugging the weeping Sicheng finally. Patting his back gently, Yuta whispered, “I missed you too. And you know I will never forget this special date for the both of us. But Winwin-ah?”


   “I love you.”

   Sicheng smiled. A bitter thought passing by his mind for a while, only for a while, because Yuta’s hug feels so warm Sicheng just wanna stay in that position forever.

   I love you too. Happy anniversary.”

   ‘How many more months and years would pass before I hear your last I love you, hyung?’





   “Hyung, get off me you’re heavy,” Sicheng groaned one morning after waking up and realizing he was cooped up in Yuta’s arms. A light blush tinted his cheeks and it took him at least 5 minutes adoring Yuta’s sleeping face before he could finally gain the strength to say those words and push him off (but of course, he wouldn’t admit that). If only it was Saturday and they don’t have classes, he would spend a few more minutes adoring that ethereal face. God, he hates Mondays.

   Yuta also groaned, though his hold on Sicheng’s waist only tightened as if he never wants to let go.

   “Hyung, seriously let go. We’re going to be late for our class.”

   Opening his one eye, Yuta took a glimpse at the pouting Sicheng. “Winwin-ah.”


   “I love you,” the Japanese said before stealing a kiss on Sicheng’s cheek.

   Sicheng was caught off guard. He felt another wave of heat creep on him. Burying his face on Yuta’s chest, he uttered, “I love you too.”

   Sicheng thinks he could get through any day if it were to start with a sight of Yuta’s bright smile as the older whisper those three words to him.





   “And then my ing group mate just had to ruin everything! I clearly told her to read and study the whole report and we all know how annoying  and perfectionist Mr. Lee is! He hates it when students couldn’t answer his questions properly and I specifically point out to Re-”

   Sicheng’s blabbering came to an end when he felt a soft pair of lips pressed against his own. His eyes stayed wide open, even after Yuta finally pulled away from the minute-long kiss. “There, much better. Look, I know you’re stressed and you’re very mad but I want you to calm down okay? Take a deep breath and eat your food. What’s done is done and I am so proud of you for tolerating it all.”

   “I was just...” Sicheng sighed. “Sorry. I probably rant too much. I’m just worried. If Mr. Lee gave me a failing grade in his subject, I’ll be done. I might stay again for another semester at SOPA instead of graduating with my friends next month.”

   A warm hand clasp on Sicheng’s. Yuta’s thumb gently caressing the back of the younger’s hand. As usual, it made Sicheng feel the wave of comfort only Yuta could give. “Winwin-ah.”


   “I love you.”

   “I love you too.”

   Yuta’s smile made him think of the positive. Immediately brushing away the worries inside Sicheng’s heart.





   “Congratulations, Winwin-ah!”

   It is Sicheng’s graduation and Yuta took a day off on his work just to attend his boyfriend’s special day. He was there the whole time. Smiling and looking so proud because of Sicheng.

   Sicheng hugged him. He missed the older’s scent and he’s very glad to have caught up the faint smell of citrus coming from his boyfriend. Yuta gave him a boquet of sunflowers and even joined him and his friends for a celebration dinner.

   That night, the pale moonlight shone the brightest outside Yuta’s window as they make love. Just as Sicheng was about to drift off to sleep after a tiring yet special night, limbs tangled with Yuta’s, he heard the older called his name softly.


   “Hmm?” Sicheng uttered in a hoarse voice.

   “I love you.”

   “I love you too.”

   ‘Forever and always.’





   A couple of years passed. The two became busy busy achieving their dreams and goals in life. They were at the peak of their careers. Yuta working at a publishing company, while Sicheng is the best dance instructor in town. Sicheng would have thought this might be it. The time where relationships would start falling apart. With busy schedules, they barely had time to kiss each other. Or eat together.

   Has the final I love you already been said? Sicheng thought.





   Sicheng was sleeping soundly, alone in the bed. It has become their daily routine since Yuta has been promoted in his work. The older would always went home late, sometimes Sicheng wouldn’t even see him at all as he’d arrive by midnight and go out before dawn. But not before cooking a simple breakfast for Sicheng that is somehow enough to warm the latter’s lonely heart.

   This time though, Sicheng stirred awake as he felt the familiar warm hands wrapped around his frail body, pulling him into another all-too familiar citrus scented chest. Sicheng succumbed to the comfort without second thoughts.

   “Winwin-ah?” Sicheng heard a tired voice coming from his lover. He tried to open his eyes and was greeted by the same old smile Yuta always reserved just for Sicheng.


   “I love you.” Yuta kissed Sicheng’s forehead. “And I miss you.” Before hugging him so tight as if he don’t want to let go.

   Who does Sicheng’s fooling anyway? Yuta’s hugs always feels like he never wants to let go.

   “I love you too.”





   Ironically enough, it was the kind of opposite for Sicheng and Yuta’s relationship, Sicheng thought. Because as time passed by, the more Yuta proclaims his love for Sicheng. Even in the most random moments. Not that Sicheng was ever complaining.





   “So, what should we watch? What do you like hyung? And please, no animes. I know it will only end up with you and your weird kink about me reciting the lines of those female characters imitating their nasally irritating voice!”

   It was Sunday and both Yuta and Sicheng doesn’t have to go to work. Yuta took a day off to spend the day with Sicheng while Sicheng, well, dance classes are only for weekdays.

   Sicheng never got a response so he tried to look at his lover. Only to meet Yuta’s loving eyes and heart-melting smile. Sicheng looked away. He don’t think he could afford staring at that handsome lovestruck face for long with his heart pounding wildly in his chest.

   “Hyung, why are you staring like that?!” he tried to sound annoyed when in reality, his cheeks flushed in red.


   “What what?!”

   “I love you.”

 And the next thing he knew, he was tackled on the couch by Yuta. He tried to push him away. Because damnithisheartispoundingsofastYutamightfeelitiftheirchestwereveertotouch. Only to give up in the middle, replying in a small voice, “I love you too.”





   “I love their burgers! Hyung, you should try them!” Sicheng smiles widely as he scan the menu book at the newly opened restaurant downtown.


   “Oh?” Sicheng looked up.

   “I love you.” Yuta said with a grin while making a finger heart directed at Sicheng..

   Sicheng’s face again redden in embarrassment. He immediately covered his face with the menu book, pretending to read (and trying to hide his flushed face to his lover of course). But who could he fool? Yuta knew Sicheng like the back of his hand. He already knew the latter is flushing red in embarrassment because of him. It explains why Yuta’s laughing his heart out at the moment.

   “Yah hyung, be serious! I’m trying to order our food here,” Sicheng groaned.

   “What? I am serious! I am simply stating what’s on my mind.

   “I love you.”

   Sicheng wanted to bury his face on the menu book. But in the end still manage to respond by saying, “I love you too.”





   “What the- hyung!” Sicheng was surprised to have his back against Yuta’s chest as the older hugged him from behind while he was doing the laundry.

   “Hyung get off,” Sicheng pouted. Not because he doesn’t want to be hugged by his hyung. But it’s more of the fact that he’s sweaty and probably smell of fabric powder and dirty clothes. Not a good combination.

   But Yuta only stare at him, arms still wrapped around his waist. “W-What?” Sicheng asked.

   Yuta grin. Then shakes his head. “Winwin-ah.”

   “What is it?!”

   “I love you.”

   Yuta kissed Sicheng’s cheek then runs away. Sicheng for a moment contemplated what he should do to his childish yet very adorable lover. But in the end opt for what his heart truly wants.

   “I love you too! Don't just bother me like that!” he shouted, hoping Yuta heard it. Especially the first sentence.





   “You know, sometimes I wonder...”

   Sicheng hummed in response. Both he and Yuta were under the blankets. Body sweaty and hair sticking to their forehead. It was one of their typical nights where they’d do something more special. Where they would be one and Sicheng would feel like they were the perfect fit for each other. Numerous times they have done it over the past years but the feelings, Sicheng realized, will never get old. The feeling of belonging. That’s what he felt whenever he’s with Yuta. It’s as if they were both a puzzle piece that match each other. Fit together.

   Sicheng had Yuta’s arms as his pillow while he clung on the older’s waist. The older just letting him be while his fingers traced lines on Sicheng’s shoulder.

   “I just wonder... with all the times, random times, I’ve said my I love yous, you never once failed to say them back.” Yuta smiled a little while staring at the ceiling. Sicheng looks up at him, eyes filled with adoration that only he had for the older.

   He was caught off guard and he swore Yuta can still make his breath hitch every time their eyes meet. “At times, I thought of the possibility that you might stop responding to them one day. What would I do?”

   “What would you do?”

   Yuta stayed silent for a minute. Before speaking again, eyes trained into Sicheng. And Sicheng swore Yuta’s eyes reflected him. Just as how his eyes reflected Yuta’s.


   Sicheng didn’t respond. But he maintain his gaze on Yuta’s. Somehow at the back of his mind, he knew the answer to the question. One look at Yuta and he knew exactly what the latter would say.

   “I love you.”

   “I love you too.”

   He’ll never get tired of saying those three words back. Even if it’s the last thing Sicheng would speak of in his final breath.





   “I love you so much, Dong Si Cheng.”

   “I love you so much too, Nakamoto Yuta.”





  Sicheng stopped doubting. He has long stopped over-thinking whether that I love you would be Yuta’s last or not. Instead, Yuta had him hoping. Hoping of the next time he would hear those three words leave the older’s lips.

   And besides, Sicheng is tired of waiting. Waiting for something that he knew will never come.





   Sicheng was fidgety that day. Palms sweaty as he held on to the box of chocolate he tried to hide behind him. He glance at the corner where his friends, Ten and Lucas, are hiding. Giving the nervous Chinese sophomore a thumbs up, mouthing the word ‘fighting!’. Which totally do not help as Sicheng still wanted to kill the two. Damn them for putting on a note to his crush’s locker, asking him to meet Sicheng at the school’s garden as soon as the classes end. But at the same time, Sicheng knew deep inside this is what he needed. To finally say the words he’s been trying so hard to keep inside. Not that he was expecting something. But at least, even if he don’t hear the same words back, the situation will provide closure and would prevent whatever what ifs and regrets he doesn’t want to have later on in his life.

   It doesn’t take too long before he heard footsteps. Lucas and Ten both vanished from their position earlier. He smell the familiar citrus scent as soon as the subject of his affection is now centimeters away from him.

   “Are you perhaps, Winwin?” said the familiar voice.

   Sicheng nods his head, though he still refuse to look at him 

   “Oh. Uh so... what do you wanna say to me?” Sicheng can hear the hint of confusion on the older’s tone.

   “I uh...” Sicheng gulped. ‘It’s now or never.’ Taking a deep breath, he wants to say it all at once. He look up, and met his close friend, Nakamoto Yuta’s, gaze. “Yuta hyung I like you! I know this is so sudden and we are friends but I bought this chocolates for you and I know we are not in high school to do these things anymore because we’re in college but I really adore you and I hope you accept them!”

   Sicheng’s eyes are now closed. He doesn’t want to meet Yuta’s gaze. Whatever expression it is he made. Probably disappointment. Disgust. Or worst, hate.

   He just couldn’t-

   “Finally. Took you long enough.”

   Sicheng’s eyes widen as he felt Yuta’s fingers on his chin, lifting his face gently, before he plants a soft kiss on his lips. ‘What the hell is going on?!’

   Before Sicheng’s mind could sink everything properly, Yuta already snatch the box of chocolate on his hands and chuckled. “Thanks for the chocolates, Winwin-ah. And by the way, I like you too. Since the first time you stuttered in front of the class with your broken Korean.”

   Sicheng didn’t have time to respond as Yuta already turned his back on him. But not without calling out his nickname again, “Winwin-ah!”

   “E-Eh? W-W-What?”

   Yuta grins. And Sicheng swore Yuta was the epitome of perfection. “I like you and I mean it! Let’s meet tomorrow and have a proper date, okay?!”

   It was Sicheng who first confess his love. But it was Yuta who kept that love alive until no end.






   “I love you too!” Sicheng glared at him. Yuta laughed at the cute glare his adorable boyfriend was giving him.

   “Aww, you beat me to it. I love you, Winwin-ah,” Yuta grinned and enveloped Sicheng into a warm hug.

   “Tch. Liar. If I hadn’t confessed to you that day you’re probably dating Lucas now,” Sicheng stated bitterly.

   “What? What do you mean?”

   “Heh, don’t play dumb with me hyung. I know you had a crush on Lucas before.”

   “No offense, but I’d rather die alone than date that friend of yours.”

   “Yeah. Say that to yourself when you flat out admitted back then while playing truth or dare that the most attractive person in the room is Lucas!”

   Yuta chuckled at the old memory. Instead of letting go, he tightened his hold onto Sicheng’s waist and peppered his cheek with kisses. “Is my baby jealous?”

   “Please. No.”

   This time, Yuta laughed loudly as Sicheng’s answer and expression contradict with each other.


   Even if Sicheng knew what Yuta is gonna say next, he still asked, “What?!”

   “I love you. And only you.”

   Sicheng scoff. But responds nonetheless. “I love you too. And only you.."





Author's Note:

So here it is. Your random 2K+ words of YuWin content. Because seriously who doesn't love these two? They're so cute together! Do subscribe, upvote and comment if you think this story deserves it. Thank you for reading!

- han_sungchan



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