New Beginnings

Trivia Love

A/N: I really wanted to upload the chapter in which Namjoon is introduced by his birthday but things didn't pan out the way I wanted them to T^T I still really wanted to give you guys an update though, so here's more Jin adjusting to the new world.

Please note that one of my regular beta's was swamped and thus didn't have time to get through reviewing the chapter, but once they do I will re-upload. I did have someone beta read and I overlooked this twice, but as always if I failed to catch any mistakes please let me know and I will fix them.

Enjoy!! And hope you have a great rest of Namjoonie Day and a Happy Chuseok to those who celebrate it!!

"What about Hyosook noona and Minji noona, and Hyunwoo?"

Jiyong's smile dimmed, tinted with a touch of sadness, "We lost Hyosook noona to the Hunters six decades after your sleep. She and I were travelling through Gwangju following up on a tip that there was information on something I was researching at the time. They attacked us in plain daylight, right in the middle of a trade market. We thought they were inexperienced and that we would have no trouble at all. But the opposite was true, they used the panicked crowd to their advantage and managed to wound us both... Hyosook's was fatal, mine was not."

Seokjin closed his eyes, staving off the tears that had started to blur his vision. Taehyung folded Jin into his side, burying his face against his neck and gently caressing his back while whispering soothing reassurances to his older brother. Seokjin bit back the tears though, not willing to cry in front of an array of strangers despite their title of 'family'.

The others gave Seokjin time, saying nothing other than a few words of condolences towards those who had known Hyosook.

Jiyong carded a hand though Jin's hair. "She didn't suffer long, Jinnie. And the Hunters that took her from us are long gone I promise you. As for the other two, Minji left Korea a few centuries back. Last we heard she was enjoying life in the West—Spain I believe. And Hyunwoo started his own Coven here in Seoul so it shouldn't be long before you meet them."

Seokjin rubbed at his eyes, the gathered snot in his sinuses causing him to sniffle. It eased his worries to know that the other two who weren't present had not met the same fate as Hyosook. But that didn't mean he didn't miss them terribly.

"Hyunwoo has a Coven now?"

Seunghyun grinned from beside Jiyong, "The kid said he was ready to be on his own, so he went and got himself a couple of Coven members. After that he took in a kid and Sired a few more Descendants. He actually welcomed a recent addition a few years ago, around the same time we welcomed Yoongi."

Seokjin smiled and swiped at his nose one last time. "I don't know why I'm so surprised, it makes sense that he's made a family of his own."

Jiyong patted Jin's head one last time before leaning back onto Seunghyun. "I always thought he would be a great parental figure. He isn't very vocal but his small actions show he cares. We'll take you over one of these days, I'm sure he would love to catch up with you."

"Jiyong also really wants to meet his youngest grandkid." Seunghyun chimed in, earning an elbow to the rib and a hush.

"Anywho!" Jiyong clapped his hands together to cut off any further discussion on the subject and to get everyone's attention. "Why don't you take Jinnie on a tour, Tae? Seunghyun and I have a routine check up with the other Coven leaders in a few minutes we can't reschedule because of the Hunter crisis so I'm afraid we have to go."

"Please listen to your brother for a little while longer, Jin-ah. I'll stop by to check on you later on." Jiyong smiled and before Seokjin could respond to the man, he found himself in a bone crushing hug.

"It's so good to have you back with us kiddo, we'll talk more later I promise. For now, have fun with your brother and get to know your new world, and remember that we love you." the Coven leader whispered in Seokjin's ear.

Seokjin couldn't help but nuzzle into the warmth of Jiyong's hug. It was just as he remembered it being—warm, comforting, and familiar. Jin basked in the presence that was Jiyong and his embrace, his scent had changed from the one that he remembered, but it was still inherently and undoubtedly the one Jin remembered from his youth.

Eventually, Jiyong had to pull away and the pair of vampires headed off to their pressing matter. Leaving the rest of the household to mill around the room or disperse. Youngbae and Hyorin were the next to go, patting Seokjin's shoulder as they passed by. And soon after them the girls told Taehyung they were heading to the city for some hours.

It was strange for Seokjin to see how the girls treated Taehyung. Though they appeared to be only a few years younger than Taehyung, it was clear that they regarded him as someone with authority. And weirder still, was Taehyung returning the exchange and actually granting them permission to leave, he even went as far as to give them a set time of when to return.

While Seokjin had been watching the exchange Daesung had taken his leave without notice, leaving the vampire quite stumped on when that happened.


Seokjin startled momentarily and looked to his brother, away from the deserted room. "As ready as I can be I suppose."

"Oh, can I come too?" Jimin suddenly reappeared behind Taehyung, raising his hand in the air and waving it excitedly.

Taehyung laughed and swung an arm around Jimin's shoulders, "Of course you can Jiminie, wanna come too Yoongi hyung?"

", I guess. I'm having trouble getting a beat to play nice with me and glaring at it is getting me nowhere. A distraction's good right now." Yoongi answered after a second of consideration.

Seokjin's eyes widened towards Yoongi, stunned at the casual demeanor he displayed after he had cursed. When he felt his cheeks burning in embarrassment, Seokjin shifted his eyes away and shuffled closer to Taehyung.

His brother, observant as he was, sent Jin a questioning look.

"Is… he upset?" Seokjin whispered worriedly. "He knows he doesn't have to say yes right?"

Taehyung pursed his lips for a moment, no doubt replaying the words Yoongi had said a few minutes ago before understandment flashed across his eyes. "Oh, no! No hyung, don't worry. Yoongi knows he doesn't have to tag along with us. He's fine, I promise! Yoongi's vocabulary is just…"

"Colorful?" Jimin added helpfully.

"Exactly!" Taehyung grinned at the younger vampire. "I'm not going to say that swearing is no longer frowned upon. But it's become more universally accepted to say words like , crap, bastard, and so long as it's said in moderation. This is especially true with the new generation of humans, the tolerance of curse words that were considered vulgar back when we were young is extremely high. But of course they're still not used in a formal or professional situation, or around the older generation that still hold traditionalist views, it only takes one bad word for them to pull out the soap. But all in all, they've more or less become a part of people's everyday vocabulary."

Seokjin was having trouble believing what his brother was saying. It was mind boggling really.

How could people just accept all of those those crass and vulgar words in their everyday lives? Were they not the slightest bit embarrassed or remorseful of doing so? What did they possibly have to gain in cursing? There was no real merit to the word other than to provide insults and demoralize others. But if they're not aimed at anyone, does that still hold true?

"Tae, I think you broke 'em." Seokjin heard Yoongi murmur near them.

"I was kind of afraid of that." Taehyung sighed and Seokjin felt himself being steered in a seemingly random direction. "Don't worry, he'll feel better with some blood and food in him."

The next thing Seokjin knew, he was seated at a table on a high backed chair. Jimin and Yoongi were sitting opposite of him. But, Jin wasn't focused on the pair of young vampires, instead he was watching as Taehyung walked away towards a large open space filled with glass and silver machines.

Taehyung took hold of a handle of a large rectangular object and Seokjin watched in rapt fascination as the thing gave way with barely any sound. The younger Kim then reached in and pulled more of the blood filled sacks Seokjin had seen upon his awakening.

"Those are the things from before." he noted, entranced by the blood within the clear pouches.

"They are, and they are our current source of food." Taehyung smiled and joined them at the table, passing a bag to Jimin and Yoongi each and the other three to Seokjin.

Seokjin eyed the bags skeptically. He had been too wrapped up in his own hunger and sleep muddled mind to really question them before, but now that he was thinking with more clarity Seokjin wasn't so quick to trust them.

"What's a matter, hyung? Don't like A positive?" Jimin asked looking over his blood packet as well and offering it over, "I can trade you for O negative."

Seokjin's confusion over Jimin's suggestion manifested in a small frown creasing the space between his eyebrows. "Huh?"

Taehyung took one of the bags on the table and pointed to a label where foreign symbols were inked on a piece of paper. "See this? This symbol tells you what type of blood is in the bag. There's essentially 8 different types, but four main ones. Some people claim that different types taste differently because of that, but I think that's more of the newer generation being picky, right Yoongi?"

The mentioned vampire frowed around a corner of the bag he was about to bite into. "If you're implying that I'm a picky eater, I'm not."

"We all see you sneaking AB positive when you think no one's looking." Jimin pointed out teasingly.

"It just happens to be the one I get." Yoongi shrugged and bit into his bag.

The scent of blood was faint,barely there in fact, but to Seokjin it was strong enough to send him reeling. Immediately, Jin's hunger responded to the call with unrelenting ferocity, increasing Jin's hunger to one he hadn't felt since his earlier days as a vampire. Seokjin—unassuming as he had been—had no presence of mind to fight back against the destructive attack of his need for blood. His eyes narrowed and locked onto the blood bag in Yoongi's hands and everything else ceased to matter, turning into nothing more than disregarded background details.

Before any of them could react Jin leapt onto the table and snatched the pouch from Yoongi's hands. Blood drenched Yoongi's shirt and smattered Jimin's side along with the surface of the table. But Seokjin didn't pay any attention to that as he pulled the bag towards him and drank greedily. Though, by that point it wasn't much. Seokjin got a mouthful or so before all he was in was air.

Dissatisfied, Jin tossed the useless bag aside and searched for his next source of sustenance. It took less than a second for Jin to find a new target, the scent of blood drew him to the individual in front of him. Seokjin couldn't see any facial features—his brain refusing to register them in its ravenous state—but he could tell that the other was alive, there was a pulse emanating from the person, even if it wasn't a regular human heartbeat.

"Yoongi move!"

Seokjin's recognized the distressed call of someone around him and his instincts kicked in. He had to get his meal before it ran away.

A growl rose out of Jin's chest, deep and menacing as he lunged at his next victim. Jin was ready to claim his blood, his arms were outstretched, fingers hooking into claws and his fangs were out, dripping beads of red from his previous meal.

But before Seokjin could get his hands on his next meal someone pulled his prey out of Jin's reach and an opposing force knocked into his side with so much force that Jin was sent sprawling back several meters. Seokjin hissed at the predator who dared come between him and his blood source. But instead of backing down the other vampire stood his ground, preventing Jin from getting near the other two vampires behind him.

Deal with the threat, drain the opposing vampire. Those thoughts swirled around Seokjin's mind in a never ending loop. The one standing between him and his blood was alive too, was also filled with drinkable blood. And once they were dealt with and out of the way, Jin could obtain even more blood.

Taehyung advanced just as Seokjin got to his feet. Tae didn't give him enough time to get a proper footing before Jin was on his back again, the ceiling an unfamiliar sight even in his deranged state.

A warning growl resounded from Jin as he struck at his assailant, trying in vain to get the upper hand and free himself to attack. But his captor didn't give him any openings and no matter how hard Jin fought, the force around him increased to counter his struggles.

"Calm down, Seokjin.The words momentarily pierced through the red haze of his hunger. And in that brief moment of Seokjin's pause another one of those bags was shoved into his mouth.


Seokjin obeyed and blood filled his mouth once more. There was mouthful after mouthful after that. Seokjin guzzled down as much as he could, disregarding his need to breathe in favor of taking in more even when his lungs burned in protest. He was given bag after bag until his vision cleared and the hunger ebbed away to a tolerable state.

Jin blinked.

The iron taste of blood burned his throat and coated his tongue. Jin reached up and pressed his fingertips to his lips. Sticky.

His racing heart stopped for a heavy moment before speeding up again as dread began to form as a weight within his stomach. Seokjin raised his hand to eye level and what he saw made his heart sink into the abyss that was his stomach. What he saw was unmistakable, and as such it was undeniable. The blood on his hands and the loss of time was enough for Seokjin to realize that he had gone feral.

The scent of blood was strong, and though it tugged at Seokjin to seek more of it out, he knew that he had to resist it's call. He couldn't give in to it or else he wouldn't be able to stop himself, he would go feral and do things he didn't mean to, again.

Knowing that he had already fallen to his instincts begged the question. What did he do.

Jin was afraid to know.

Not only was he terrified that he had repeated his last crime, but to have done it with a member of his family… to Taehyung.

"Jinnie." Jin was afraid to turn to the voice. He didn't want to face the possibility of what he did when he went mad with hunger. He remembered talking, and then there was blood, a shocked Jimin and a scared Yoongi.

Yoongi. Seokjin thought back to the young vampire, searching his memories for a clue as to what happened in the past few moments. Yoongi had been afraid of Jin… had Jin?

The sensation of a cool cloth against his neck startled Seokjin and Taehyung shushed him softly, "Shh Jinnie hyung, it's okay."

The reassurance didn't soothe Seokjin though, he needed to know if he had done something to Yoongi. At least then he would be prepared for the sleep Seunghyun would inflict upon him.

Seokjin opened his mouth to ask, but whatever he tried to say was lost in a series of thick bubbles gurgling in the back of his throat. The blood in Jin's mouth was thick and oppressed his words until he managed to swallow it down. Even then his question was hard to articulate but Jin managed, "What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything, Jinnie. You lapsed into a fit when you scented blood. We should have accounted for this," Seunghyun answered for Tae, stepping into Seokjin's line of vision his eyes downcast and unwilling to meet Jin's. "We underestimated how much blood you would need upon your return… what do you remember?"

It was Seokjin's turn to lower his gaze. His memories were always hazy after he regained sensibility. The only time Seokjin was able to revisit them was in his dreams when he chose to sleep, in his dream state they returned to him vividly and unwanted only to be gone and eluding when he woke again.

"Blood mostly. Being hungry…" Jin answered honestly, ashamed.

He swallowed past the forming lump in his throat and forced his eyes to look up, past Taehyung's obvious worry and Seunghyun's concerned gaze. The room was empty save for them. Jimin and Yoongi were gone and Seokjin's guilt tripled in size.

"They're fine Jinnie hyung," Taehyung promised as if reading Seokjin's thoughts. "A little spooked, sure, but they're unharmed."

The tight coil around Seokjin's heart eased some, but it refused to leave him entirely. Still, he gave his brother a miniscule nod. "I'm sorry."

"No! No, hyungie it's okay!" Taehyung was quick to hush Seokjin with his reassurances. "The important thing is that everyone is okay and you are too. We should have seen this coming, four hundred years of not drinking was bound to make you sensitive to the smell of blood again."

Jin didn't respond to Tae's assurances, instead he slid his eyes over to Seunghyun. "How long will I be away this time?"

Seunghyun visibly flinched, no doubt startled by the question, though Seokjin couldn't understand why. It was the next step, was it not? Seokjin was placed under for this exact same reason all those years ago, so it stood to reason that he was to be punished again. He could only hope that Seunghyun had some mercy on him and didn't condemn him to over four centuries of sleep once more.

Seunghyun's face fell after the surprise wore off, "Jin-ah, no. No, this isn't like that… I'm not placing you under again. I—we didn't have the resources to help you out back then but we have them now. We have access to blood, more than we ever had in the Joseon Dynasty and we have measures in place to help prevent any more accidents. We didn't want to put you to sleep before, but it was inevitable… I know it wasn't the best option but it was all we had at the time. You understand that right?"

Truth be told, Seokjin didn't understand, not entirely at least. But he nodded anyway, if only to ease the worry from both Taehyung and Seunghyun's features.

Seunghyun took Seokjin's half hearted acknowledgement and relaxed further with relief. "This will get easier Jin-ah, just you wait. All we ask is that you follow the feeding schedule for now, alright? Feed yourself three bags every two hours, if the hunger ever starts to become unbearable let one of us know and we'll give you more."

When Seokjin nodded again, Seunghyun smiled softly and offered him a hand. "Thank you Jinnie, I promise everything will get easier in time, now let's get you out of those clothes and into something clean."

Another bath and a change of clothes later saw Seokjin back in his room huddled underneath the sheets of his bed, Taehyung cuddled into his side.

"While you were asleep," Taehyung started softly keeping his promise of filling Seokjin in on what happened after he was placed under, "and after Jiyong hyung knew that it was safe, he began to research your condition. He actually left us for a long time too, Seunghyun hyung had to step in as leader it was an interesting time to say the least." Taehyung chuckled. 

"Hyung started to travel outside of Korea, he got to see a lot of the West before we ever knew what lay beyond the colonized lands. He was searching for any information he could on gluttons. But as you can guess many of them are usually," Taehyung mimed a vague impression of being killed off by running a slim finger across his neck. "But because Jiyong hyung loves you very much, he kept looking for a cure or something similar to it. Anything that could help you out and bring you back to us. Unfortunately, he came up empty. No one keeps potential threats to their Covens alive, and the rogue gluttons are like Hunter beacons. But!" Taehyung smiled so wide his cheeks puffed up like they used to when they were children.

"That was centuries ago, I'm talking early-mid 1700's. After Jiyong hyung's return he and Seunghyun agreed that they would have to wait for the world to change a little more. And in the time that followed the technology and advancements made by both human and vampire was extraordinary, wait till you see it hyung!" Seokjin watched in equal parts curiosity and amusement as Tae had to physically force himself to calm down.

"So in the following years after his return, Jiyong invested in so many up and coming companies. He funded some that proposed outlandish ideas like sending people to the moon, and others that promised they could successfully transplant a functioning organ from one human into another. Sure, he lost some money here and there, but he managed to make the empire you see today. Jiyong and Seunghyun may have lost thousands of mun but they gained it back tenfold. Everything in this house and more belongs to them because of their investments, and get this, he's mostly anonymous to the humans! Ninety-seven percent of the people who work for him don't know they do. Gossipers think that he's just a big company or something, and with Jiyong not being directly in the public eye, it keeps us safe.

"I really have to commend Jiyong for his efforts," Taehyung's voice softened again. "Even when it seemed that he was heading in a different direction and no longer searching for a way to bring you back, that was exactly what he was doing. He was biding his time and collecting resources and allies alike. I think it took longer than any of us wanted, but he did it. He brought you back."

Seokjin closed his eyes. It was too much information, and something told him that it was just the tip of it all, he was getting the abridged version. There were probably hundreds of details that weren't being said in that moment, and that was fine. In time he knew that he would get a complete picture of everything that had happened while he slept.

"Is it really safe for me to be back?" Seokjin didn't want to know the answer to his question but he needed to hear it. But in the few hours since his return, he really saw no improvement to his condition—on the contrary, he thought he was worse off.

"Of course it is!" Tae didn't hesitate in responding.

"I know it got a little rocky, but we're sure that now is the best time. Seunghyun is on the verge of improving a method that will keep your hunger away. And in the meantime we have loads of blood to keep you fed. What happened earlier was just a small bump in the road." Taehyung assured Seokjin and the older of the two sighed. Seokjin didn't think that he was worth the risk of keeping around, not when his hunger continued to rule his actions, but he wasn't about to start an argument that he knew he would lose. He would trust Seunghyun and Jiyong's decision and hope for everyone's sake that they were correct in releasing him from his sleep.

"You know, one of the companies Jiyong hyung funds is a hospital—that's what big medical centers and healing institutions are called now—and those places have people who donate blood. So all of the supply we have in the kitchen, that's where it comes from. When humans donate their blood to these centers they store them in those little pouches you saw earlier. And we collect 10-15% of the blood donated every three days so we always have a stock. But, that doesn't mean our supply is infinite, so there's no gorging, okay Seokjinnie hyung? I'm sorry that the explanations are long and the rules are strict, but Jiyong hyung wanted me to be as clear as possible when I told you about this. We're stocked but we do have a limit."

Seokjin couldn't help but wonder just how many of those pouches were stored within the household, but he figured that he wouldn't be allowed near them any time soon, considering his control on his feeding habits was, all in all, terrible. If he was given access to all the blood bags as Taehyung had called them, Jin knew he would devour them in one sitting. "No gorging, I understand."

Taehyung flashed Seokjin his sunny smile and snuggled closer into his side, entertaining himself with twirling Jin's hair between his fingers.

Just as the two brothers had lapsed into a comfortable silence, a knock on Seokjin's door caught their attention. Jin—not used to having any visitors other than Tae—looked to his younger brother. The other vampire shrugged and called out an invitation to the room.

Jimin was the first to peek his head in, and after that Yoongi did as well.

A pang of guilt struck Seokjin when he noticed that Yoongi lingered at the door for a few moments.

"We had a feeling you'd be here." Jimin chirped happily and bounced into the room, taking a seat on the floor, adjacent to Seokjin's bed. "How are you doing, hyung?"

"Fine." Seokjin really was, aside from the hunger and fatigue from everything he really was fine.

"That's good." Yoongi mumbled from his spot, sitting against a wall and the farthest possible place away from Seokjin while still being in the room.

Seokjin tried not to let the hurt reflect on his features, and instead decided to keep the conversation going. "You're new to this, aren't you?"

"He's barely five." Jimin answered when Yoongi didn't, making the latter scowl in his direction.

"Still older than you." Yoongi muttured under his breath, though he might as well have said it in a room full of vampires.

"So he likes to say, just cuz he was turned at an older age than I was." Jimin waved away at Yoongi's words. "I'll be turning a century old in four more years."

Seokjin smiled thinly. They really were children, in the eyes of vampirism at least. They were still in transition, though one farther along than the other. Seokjin's stomach knotted when he realized that he had nearly ended a life that barely begun.

"So then, you're as old as TaeTae, right?" Jimin asked unable to help his curiosity.

Seokjin nodded, "In human years we're three years apart. But in vampire years we're the same age, we were only turned a few weeks apart, twenty-seven days exactly."

Jimin whistled lowly, Seokjin guessed that that was a sign that he was impressed if the look on his face was anything to go by.

By the door, a yawn pulled Seokjin's attention to see Yoongi struggling to stay awake, his heavy lidded eyes on Jin.

"The sun must finally be up if he's acting like this." Jimin stated happily, seemingly oblivious to the tension Seokjin was sensing. "Yoongi has a really bad relationship with the sun. He's like the old vampire stories, the moment the sun starts to make its way up he gets sleepy. He's had that habit way before Jiyong hyung Sired him."

"'m heading to bed." Yoongi announced suddenly and stood up, legs shaking slightly with exertion. "'night."

Jimin saw him leave with a saddened expression, but instead of heading after him, he heaved a small sigh. "I'm sorry hyung, he's still a little freaked out by what happened, but he'll come around, just give him time okay?"

Seokjin really couldn't do anything else other than nod.

When the door closed, Jimin joined the two brothers on Jin's bed and snuggled into Tae's other side. The conversation died soon after that, Seokjin was tired and the other two were sympathetic of his situation.

Jin knew his brother was doing his best to make his accommodation easier—to make sure that Seokjin wasn't feeling too out of his depths—but truth of the matter was, he was overwhelmed. In what could be perceived as a blink of an eye Seokjin went from some archaic era into a future so bizarre he barely understood it.

After what seemed like an hour of silence, a nagging thought prompted Seokjin to ask, "Tae?"


"What are boxer shorts?" Jin asked recalling the thing Jiyong had mentioned during their meeting.

From beside Taehyung, Jimin gasped and peeled himself off of Taehyung to look at Seokjin with an excited expression. "TaeTae you have to let me tell him! I volunteer, please! If you have any love for me at all, Kim Taehyung, you will let me tell him!"

Taehyung didn't try to contain his laughter as he looked over to Seokjin and shrugged, "Would you be fine with Jiminie explaining."

Seokjin looked from his brother's amused smirk to Jimin's pleading eyes. Seokjin groaned internally, Taehyung's wide eyes were impossible to deny, and Jimin was proving to be within the same level of difficulty.


Jimin cheered and scrambled into a standing position, clearly trying to contain his excitement over the prospect of teaching Seokjin something new.

"Okay!" Jimin declared, his smiling features quickly becoming serious as he looked directly into Jin's eyes. "Are you ready to learn about the most important discovery of mankind Seokjin hyung?"

Seokjin actually paused, weighing his options on the matter, was he truly ready? Were boxer shorts that important and revolutionary of a discovery?

"Hyung?" Taehyung nudged him gently.

Seokjin nodded making his decision. If he was to learn something new that day then he would take the opportunity to finish it with the 'most important' thing from Jimin. "I am ready, Jimin-ah."

Jimin's delight returned in the form of a series of claps, "Wait right here." he said and ran out of the room.

Seokjin blinked, infinitely more confused now than he had been moments ago. "Why is he leaving? Can't he just tell me what the boxer is?"

Taehyung's lips trembled with barely contained laughter. "He'll be back, don't worry."

Almost as if on cue, Jimin returned grinning from ear to ear as he plopped down in front of Seokjin and proudly displayed a bundled up cloth.

Jin gingerly took the garment that was offered to him, eyeing it suspiciously and unfolding it when prompted.

Jimin chuckled, "Don't worry hyung, it's new. Never been worn before."

"You wear these… how?" Seokjin asked pulling at the cloth and becoming surprised when it stretched beyond what he thought it would.

Jin was peeking through one of the many holes it had when Taehyung smiled and gently took the boxers away, "No hyung, this is how you hold them, that part is for the leg."

Tae helped Seokjin hold them the correct way, "These replaced the sokgoui, hyung."

Seokjin made a noise of understanding, and Jimin scooted closer to Jin. "Right! These are the type of underclothes we wear under our pants to clothe our butts and stuff. It's really easy to use, you just put your legs through here and pull up! Simple right?"

Jin nodded along, pulling the underwear up and frowning. "You said these were new… why is there a hole in them? Can they be sewn?"

"No, no. There has to be a hole in them Seokjin hyung." Jimin chuckled, "the little hole you see there is called a fly hole, it's for when you go to the bathroom and pee."

"When I go to the bathroom?" Seokjin asked, brows furrowed and even more confused than before. "What would I need to…" and then it clicked for Seokjin when Jimin mimed opening the slot in the underwear and taking his out.

"Oh." Seokjin mumbled, turning red and dropping the boxers just as Taehyung and Jimin erupted with laughter.


*Mun is the old Korean monetary system, in case any one was curious.
I also can't find an image of how old Joseon underwear looks >< but I found the name!!

I'm sorry the updates are being slow, the first three chapters eneded up having to be rewritten since I wasn't happy with them, but it should go smoother from here on out if anyone's actually interested in the story? Hope to see you in the next update? Spoiler warning it will be a time skip centered chapter :3, one step closer to meeting our Joonie.

Oh and before I forget, I'll be joining this year's NamJin week in October so look forward to that ^^ as always, feel free to come yell at me on twitter ♥

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kulitlang08 #1
Chapter 8: this is really cute...yoonminseok official...yay!!! looking forward for namjin and taekook... :-)

as for the question...I think it's hard both ways...adjusting in a previous century and adjusting to the current or new or future...laws are different...way of life are really it's going to be hard both ways...
kulitlang08 #2
Chapter 7: am happy that the visit turned out ok and that namjin are really getting along well...taekook are cute...sope over there...but will it become yoonminseok...hehehe...

they are all cousins...cute... :)

looking forward for the next update... :)
kulitlang08 #3
Chapter 6: snack time for the vamps...but since they are tae's friend...I'm guessing this will be a surprise...can they all hold off??? and yoongi is particularly young...

looking forward for the next update...:)
kulitlang08 #4
I can almost see jin as a vampire... :)
Hayagi #5
Chapter 4: Yay, a new chapter!
I never knew that Mario was a plumber xD
Ah.. Seokjin's fashion sense still needs some work.. He probably saw enough examples of modern clothing by looking at what the other people in the mansion wear and through watching tv, but still.. Taehyung should have known that he would need some help haha
So what does his hair look like now? Is it in a ponytail?
Hayagi #6
Chapter 3: I feel bad for Seokjin.. his hunger is worse than I had imagined. Hopefully the method that Seunghyun and Jiyong are working on, works well. Seokjin was so sure that they'd send him away again...

Your beta reader is probably still going to read this, but anyway:
"Taehyung laughed and swung and [--> an] arm around Jimin's shoulders"
"Not only was [he] terrified that he had repeated his last crime,"
"..startled Seokjin and Taehyung shushed him softly, ''Shh Jinnie [hyung], it's okay.''"
"Seunghyun visibly flinched, no doubt start[l]ed by the question"
"Seunghy[u]n's face fell after the surprise wore off"
"Taehyung started softly keeping his promise of filling in Seokjin on what happened" --> "filling Seokjin in", right? At least, I've never heard that in a different order.
"Seunghyun hyung had to step in as leader it was an interesting time to say the least" --> maybe adding some sort of punctuation mark would make this sentence easier to read.
"he got to see alot of the West" --> a lot
And then there are quite a few times when Taehyung doesn't add 'hyung' while he talks about Jiyong and Seunghyun.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter~ hopefully more people will discover this!
Hayagi #7
I just looked at the poster again, and now I'm trying to imagine the Seokjin in this story dyeing his hair blonde xD I don't think he'd like that, but if he does do that eventually, I guess that'd mean that he's really gotten used to this period.
Hayagi #8
Chapter 2: Hey~ I've noticed two typos in this chapter, so I'm just letting you know:
"Seokjin was stunned to see that he had he had overlooked.." --> 2x he had
"And if [it] was possible to alter and change the color of one's hair.."
At first I thought I wouldn't continue reading - because as I said: vampires - but I just really like the way you write and I want to support you because nobody else has discovered this story yet, while it's obviously well written so far. Also, the bond between Taehyung and Seokjin seems cute.
Is a Coven like a group of vampires who stay together?
Also, good job for adding more tags. Now another tip is to click on those tags and see how many results there are. If there's only 1 result (your story) it might be better to choose another tag that has more results. People can use tags to look up stories, but if you're the only one that uses a certain tag, it's unlikely that anyone will find it that way.
Hayagi #9
Also, adding more tags can help to make it easier for people to find your story. For example, you can add a genre (supernatural.. maybe something else as well), names of the main characters, etc.