
Fated Person

Cho Kyuhyun didn't believe in love at first sight, but he believed in fate and destiny. So when a fortune-teller told him that he would meet his fated person today, he undoubtedly believed it.


"Today, you'll meet your fated person. Your relationship will start off with one of you being oblivious about your feeling and hostile, while the other being patient. As you get to know each other more, you and your fated person will fall in love. Once your relationship begins to progress, a love rival will appear. This love rival will be the one who makes you realize about your feeling. Eventually, you and your fated person will have a happily ever after."




"And you believe that?"

"You see that person there? A short man with brown hair?"

"...Yes, so what?"

"I ran into him after I got out of the fortune-telling tent this morning. No way this is only a coincidence, it must be fate! That man is my fated person!"

"...And what will you do?"

"Asking him out, obviously."

"What!? Hey! Kyuhyun!"


Kyuhyun ignored his friend Sungmin and walked to where his fated person was sitting. He sat down opposite of that man and beamed confidently.


"Hi! My name is Cho Kyuhyun. Can I ask what is your name?"

"It's Kim Ryeowook. By the way, who the hell are you?"

"Don't worry, we can slowly get to know each other while we're dating!"

"WHAT!? Are you crazy!?"


Kyuhyun didn't mind Ryeowook being hostile with him since this was exactly what the fortune-teller told him. He was about to ask Ryeowook to go on a date with him but stopped when another man approached them. He was a bit shorter than Kyuhyun but his slim figure made him looked much smaller than Kyuhyun. He had messy black hair that contrasted with his pale white skin. His dark brown eyes turned into a crescent moon shape as he smiled softly at Ryeowook. Kyuhyun frowned as he remembered this man. This morning when he got out of the fortune-telling tent, this man was also with Ryeowook. Kyuhyun had a feeling that this man might be the love rival mentioned by the fortune teller! Before Kyuhyun could ask who this black hair man was, Ryeowook cut him off.


"This is Kim Jongwoon, my boyfriend."

"Huh? What happens here?" The man named Jongwoon seemed utterly lost.

"Hyu- honey, this screw loosen man is Cho Kyuhyun and he wants to ask me out. Aren't you going to do something about it?" Ryeowook pointed at Kyuhyun.

"...Oh, I see. Hi, I'm Kim Jongwoon, Wookie's boyfriend."


Kim Jongwoon extended his hand out as he introduced himself. Kyuhyun scoffed as he held his love rival's hand and firmly shook it.



Kyuhyun refused to admit that this tiny hand was so cute in his opinion and he liked how it seemed to fit perfectly with his hand.




Knowing your enemy was the best way to win any war, even in a love war. Kyuhyun also agreed with this saying. That's why he was sitting here in the coffee shop that Kim Jongwoon owned, observing his love rival. He took note of all the information about Kim Jongwoon. What he liked or disliked. It had only been two weeks but he had learned many things about Kim Jongwoon. He was four years older than Kyuhyun and graduated from SM college where Kyuhyun was currently studying. He loved coffee and liked turtles. He had a bad habit of biting his nails when he was anxious or nervous. Kyuhyun was in the process of helping Kim Jongwoon stopping this habit. Not because he cared about this man, he just thought it's a shame to see those ridiculously cute baby hands with ruined nails.


"Can you stop looking at me like I kill your pet? You're going to scare my customers away!"

"You're my love rival so it's naturally that I'll be hostile toward you."

"Sigh... Alright, I don't mind you hanging here all day staring at my face. Still, couldn't you at least buy something?"

"But I hate coffee!"

"Well, how about a hot chocolate? Here, try this."

"...I'll at the very least admit that you're a good barista."



Kyuhyun refused to admit that he actually really liked Jongwoon's hot chocolate that he ordered it every time he visited the coffee shop.




"What in hell are you doing here, Cho Kyuhyun? And let go of my hyu- honey's hand!"

"Although you're my fated person, I can't do that. If I let go of his hand then he'll definitely bite his nails again. And I'm here because you're here, Ryeowook."


Kyuhyun smiled sweetly at Ryeowook. At the same time, he strengthened his and Jongwoon's holding hands. He couldn't help but smirked when he saw Jongwoon's cheeks reddened. It felt so good seeing his love rival flustered because of him. It made Kyuhyun felt like he was superior to Kim Jongwoon. (Most importantly, flustered Jongwoon was very cute, not that Kyuhyun would openly admit it.)


"Hey! Our drama club isn't something you can just waltz in if you feel like it!" Ryeowook complained.

"Then what does a barista like him doing here?"

"Yah! My Jongwoon hyu- honey is more than suitable to be here! He is our club ex-president!"

"Hmm? So you can sing then?"


Kyuhyun knew that Ryeowook still felt hostile toward him. He didn't want to rush things between them so he decided to pay attention to Jongwoon instead. Jongwoon smiled shyly as he nodded. Kyuhyun got curious so he decided to stay and observed their practice. He opened his mouth widely like a goldfish when he heard Jongwoon's singing voice. It was husky yet gentle and so full of emotions. He was in awe at that heavenly voice that he didn't notice his friend Sungmin came and accompanied Ryeowook home after the club ended. Kyuhyun only came back to the earth when Jongwoon gently shook him. Since it was already late in the night, Kyuhyun walked Jongwoon home as he was worried that his naive love rival would stupidly get lost or followed some stranger. While they were walking (hand in hand because Kyuhyun had to make sure that Jongwoon wouldn't bite his nails), Kyuhyun forcefully ordered Jongwoon to sing for him, to which the older man happily complied.



Kyuhyun refused to tell any soul that he secretly recorded Jongwoon's singing and listened to it every night before going to bed.




For some reason, Kyuhyun and his fated person Kim Ryeowook hadn't gotten any closer at all during the past three months. Instead, it was Kim Jongwoon the love rival that had gotten so close to him. They even went to a theater together every weekend after finding out in the first month that they had a similar taste in movies. Kyuhyun began to suspect that something must be wrong with him as he found himself truly enjoying Jongwoon's company to the point that he felt bored if he couldn't see Jongwoon. Still, he thought that it was all because he wanted to learn about his love rival. Today too, Kyuhyun dropped by Jongwoon's coffee shop to observe his love rival as usual. However, he wasn't the only one who came here today to 'observe' Kim Jongwoon.


"What does a horse doing here in a coffee shop?"

"Yah! Don't be rude to my friend! Siwonnie, just ignore him, alright?"


Kyuhyun made a bitter face as he watched Jongwoon smiled and laughed at the horse-like man named Siwon. He didn't know why but he really didn't like how Jongwoon's mesmerizing brown eyes shone so brightly as he chatted amicably with the horse-like man. Kyuhyun tried to clam down and logically searched for a reason why he was so upset. Then Jongwoon pinched Siwon's cheeks and smiled at him lovingly. Kyuhyun's anger flared up so blazingly it almost made him lose himself. Suddenly, a realization hit him.


Ah, that's it! He was upset because right now Kim Jongwoon is being chummy with a man who isn't his boyfriend! If his fated person Kim Ryeowook found out that his boyfriend cheated on him like this, surely he would be sad. And if his fated person is sad, of course Kyuhyun would be upset about it!


Another realization hit Kyuhyun. If he brought Ryeowook here and let him see how unfaithful his boyfriend was, wouldn't that make him breaking up with Jongwoon? Kyuhyun nodded satisfyingly as his genius plan. He was about to go out and look for Ryeowook but stopped midway when he saw Siwon pinching Jongwoon's cheek adoringly.


"My my, you're still as cute as ever!" Siwon said as he chuckled.



Kyuhyun quickly walked to their table and sat down between them.




"I'm truly sorry Kyu, but Siwonie will stay in Korea for only a month so I want to spend more time with him."


"You unfaithful, liar, stupidly naive Kim Jongwoon! How could you choose that horse over me! And how come Ryeowook isn't upset even a bit about it! Didn't he realize that that horse is trying to steal Jongwoon away from him! And Kim Jongwoon you bastard! You promised me that we'll go watch the Avengers together yet you ditch me for that horse! Unforgivable! Simply unforgi-"

"Shut the up or go ing somewhere else Cho Kyuhyun! I'm trying to focus on my paper here!"


Kyuhyun pouted but obediently shut up as he didn't want to be a sandbag for his friend Sungmin to try his new taekwondo technique on. He took out his phone and silently cursed when he saw that Jongwoon had yet to reply to any of his messages. Sungmin sighed tiredly as his friend childish attitude but decided to turn a blind eye to this matter. His paper was more important than this stupid friend of his anyway. As Sungmin worked on his paper and Kyuhyun fumed like a kid, their friends Donghae and Hyukjae came to their table.


"Kyuhyun, why the long face? Did you fight with your boyfriend?" Donghae asked.

"What boyfriend?" Kyuhyun asked back, looking genuinely confused.

"What? Stop acting clueless! Literally everyone in the college knows that you're dating Jongwoon hyung!" Donghae said as if it was the most obvious thing. However, it only made Kyuhyun looking more confused.

"You visit his coffee shop whenever you don't have a class. You walk him home every day after helping him close the shop. You go out together every weekend either to a theater or game center. Hell, you even glare deathly at everyone who approaches Jongwoon hyung! Like hell you guys didn't date each other!" Hyukjae said rather exasperated.


Even after Donghae and Hyukjae were gone, Kyuhyun still hadn't recovered from a shock. He and Jongwoon, dating? That was impossible! How could he date Kim Jongwoon a love rival? His fated person was Kim Ryeowook! Kyuhyun shook his head, feeling utterly confused. Sungmin who had been quiet all this time suddenly spoke up.


"Sometimes I really wonder how did you get those straight A when you're this stupid. Kyuhyun, had you ever considered that maybe your fated person is actually Jongwoon hyung, not Ryeowook-ah?"

"What!? But that's impossib-"


Kyuhyun's mouth hung open and formed a perfectly round 'O' shape.




"Today, you'll meet your fated person."

"Hi, I'm Kim Jongwoon. Wookie's boyfriend."


"Your relationship will start off with one of you being oblivious to your feeling and hostile, while the other being patient."

"You're my love rival so it's naturally that I'll be hostile toward you."

"Sigh... Alright, I don't mind you hanging here all day staring at my face. Still, couldn't you at least buy something?"

"But I hate coffee!"

"Well, how about a hot chocolate? Here, try this."


"As you get to know each other more, you and your fated person will fall in love."

"Kyu, I bought a Tteokbokki, wanna eat together?"


"Jongwoon, your dog food has already run out, right? Here, I bought some."


"It's almost a time for the final exam right? Kyu, fighting!"

"Ha, just you wait and see, I'll get a straight A for you!"


"Once your relationship begins to progress, a love rival will appear. This love rival will be the one who makes you realize about your feeling."

"Kyu, this is Choi Siwon. He is my best friend!"

"If you two are only friend then stop being chummy with each other!"

"I'm sorry Kyu but I have to cancel our movie plan this weekend."

"Is it because of that horse?"

"I'm truly sorry Kyu, but Siwonie will stay in Korea for only a month so I want to spend more time with him."



"I-I have to go to Jongwoon now!" Kyuhyun got up and ran off, while Sungmin waving his hand after him. Not long after that, Ryeowook sat down beside Sungmin. He frowned after realizing that Kyuhyun was nowhere to be found.


"Is that screw loosen Cho Kyuhyun finally realize his feeling?" Ryeowook asked.

"Yeah, took him long enough, right?" Sungmin shook his head.




"Siwonie, what is it that you want to tell me? It must be very important, right? Seeing as you come back here just for the sake of telling me about that?"

"Yes, it's very important. My whole life happiness and joy literally depend on your answer to this question."

"What is it then?"

"Kim Jongwoon, we've known each other for a very long time and you have always been my good friend. I can't find anyone like you no matter where I go. I know you're exactly the right person I have been looking for. Say, Jongwoon, won't you grant me the honor and be my b-"



Kyuhyun stomped into the coffee shop and shouted loudly. He found Kim Jongwoon, his fated person, within a second and quickly stood between the two men. He snarled at Choi Siwon, not even trying to hide his dislike toward the taller man. Siwon looked surprised for a second but it immediately changed into amusement in the next second. Siwon smirked and wiggled his eyebrow at Jongwoon. Kyuhyun was busy glaring dagger at Siwon so he didn't see that Jongwoon who hid behind him was so embarrassed that his whole face turned red.


"Your timing is really too bad, Mr. Cho. I was just asking Jongwoon some very important question, then you barged in and interrupted us!"

"What question? Didn't you hear what I said just now? Stay away from Jongwoon. He is already taken!"

"Kyu... Calm down..."

"Mr. Cho, I'm afraid that your relationship with Jongwoon has nothing to do with my question. So I'll just ask him again. Say, Jongwoon,"

"No! Are you illiterate or deaf or what! I told you Jongwoon is my boyfriend, my beloved fated person!"

"No, Kyu... You got it all wrong..."

"Say, Jongwoon, will you be my best man?"

"Jongwoon is mine so don't you dare even thinking abo- wait, what did you just say...?"

"Sigh, I told you that you were just misunderstanding Kyuhyun. Oh right, of course Siwon! It would be my honor to be your best man!"

"Thanks! Once we have a more detailed plan for our wedding we'll come to visit you again!"

"Then I'll eagerly await for that day then! Send my best wishes and regards to Sooyoung too!"

"I'll, I guess I'll go back for now then. Seems like your 'boyfriend' doesn't quite like my presence here."


Siwon smirked and playfully teased his friend. Jongwoon's chubby cheeks turned even impossibly redder. He pouted as he pushed Siwon who laughed heartily out of the door and quickly shut it behind. Fortunately, the coffee shop was closed today so there was no customer here to make Jongwoon even more embarrassed...




"Jongwoon? What's going on? What did that horse mean when he asked you to be his best man? I thought-I thought,"

"What? You though that Siwonie likes me? Urgh, why did I fall in love with someone as dense as you again?"


Jongwoon's words made Kyuhyun completely dumbstruck. He opened and closed his mouth repeatedly like a stupid goldfish, trying to find his voice. The older man rolled his eyes at Kyuhyun but the corner of his lips was pulled up into a fond smile. He smiled sweetly as he caressed Kyuhyun's face lovingly.


"Walking me home, going to a movie, holding my hand, you silly boy, did you think I'd let just anyone do all of that to me? No, Kyuhyun, you're the only one and that's because I love you, my fated person."

"Y-Your Fated person...? Me? Ah! That's right! Didn't you say that you're Ryeowook's boyfriend? Does this mean that Ryeowook is actually the love rival and I have to fight him!?"

"Sigh... and here I thought you finally grow some brain cells, guess I shouldn't overestimate you."

"Jongwoonie hyung, are you sure that you don't want to reconsider your decision?"



Two new voices chimed in causing both Jongwoon and Kyuhyun to turn their heads to where it came from. In front of the door stood Sungmin and Ryeowook, hand in hand. Kyuhyun stared dumbfounded at his friend and his ex-fated person's holding hands. Seeing what he was looking, Sungmin straightened their hands and spoke up.


"Right, I haven't told you yet that Ryeowook-ah is my boyfriend. So yeah, meet my boyfriend Kim Ryeowook."

"What!? You and Ryeowook!? Then what about Jongwoon...?"

"If you didn't lose some screws in your head, you should have noticed decades ago that Jongwoonie is actually my hyung, not my boyfriend. I was just lying because I don't want Minnie to fight with his friend. Who knows I'll lose my hyung instead."


Now Kyuhyun literally looked like an idiot. He just stared at the three men in front of him. Sungmin was greeting Jongwoon politely. Ryeowook beamed and hugged his hyung tightly. Jongwoon smiled and gently ruffled both Ryeowook and Sungmin hair, which made the couple giggled happily. Looking at their interaction made Kyuhyun realizing something.


"Wait, does this mean that you guys know each other?"

"Of course, and if you didn't glue yourself to your beloved games, you should have known them too when I wanted to introduce them ages ago."


Sungmin sighed at his friend's stupidity. Feeling a headache was slowly incoming, Sungmin excused himself and dragged Ryoewook out of the shop, leaving Kyuhyun for Jongwoon to deal with.




"It's only four in the evening now. Wanna go to a theater?" Jongwoon asked.

"Wait, wait, so we're dating now right? But how is this any different from what we have been doing in the past three months?" Kyuhyun still looked confused.

"Oh, so you finally realize now that we have been dating for three months already? Congratulations."


Jongwoon said sarcastically. When he saw just how lost Kyuhyun looked, he couldn't help but chuckle fondly. Jongwoon tiptoed and leaned in to kiss his boyfriend's cheek. After he pulled away and saw Kyuhyun's mouth hung open so wide it almost touched the floor, Jongwoon laughed so hard that tears began to form in his eyes, which only made Kyuhyun sulking more.


"I warn you Jongwoon, stop laughing."

"Hahaha! Sulking, are we? And what if I won't stop? Hahahahah-"


Jongwoon's unique laughing was cut off by Kyuhyun's lips. Although the kiss lasted only a minute or two, it was shocking enough to make Jongwoon shutting up. His whole face slowly turned red and completely became a shade of crimson when he saw Kyuhyun's evil smirk.


"Say one more word and I'll sweep you off your feet." Kyuhyun said in an almost purring manner.

"Wh-Wha!?" Jongwoon cutely stammered.

"Don't say that I didn't warn you."


Kyuhyun kissed Jongwoon again out of the blue. His eyes glinted mischievously and his smirk almost reached his ears when he saw how red his boyfriend was. Although he really liked how cute flustered Jongwoon looked, he decided to stop teasing the older man for now, before he fainted from all the embarrassment. Kyuhyun smiled softly as he held Jongwoon's baby hand.


"Let's go to our officially first date, shall we?"


"Tsk, if you're this nervous just from a kiss, will you survive tonight?"


"Kidding, kidding! Aww, you're so cute Jongwoon!"

"Yah! You brat! I'm older than you! Where's your manner!"


Kyuhyun laughed as he easily dodged Jongwoon's tiny fist and ran out of the coffee shop to avoid his boyfriend's wrath. Jongwoon quickly chased after Kyuhyun with his fists rising but a small smile was on his lips.




Cho Kyuhyun didn't believe in love at first sight, but he believed in fate and destiny. So when a fortune-teller told him that he would meet his fated person on that day, he undoubtedly believed it. Although his stupidity made him mistook Ryeowook as his fated person, somehow he still ended up falling in love with Jongwoon, his true fated person. Now that they had finally found each other, they would work hard together to achieve their happily ever after.











"But, seriously Jongwoon, won't you outright faint if I do 'that' to you?"


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Chapter 1: yesung's godly patience still amazes me 😂
Chapter 1: Cuties~ It’s so fun when Kyuhyun is the one that’s dense. We love a patient Yesung.
Chapter 1: so cute omg
i want a chapter where kyuhyun does what he said at the end xD
It's amazing how Kyuhyun didn't realize, for four months, that his supposed fated one was dating his friend.
Chapter 1: This story is adorable. Please write a sequel.
405 streak #6
Chapter 1: Reread this again because of LUCKY ITEM hihihihi
405 streak #7
Chapter 1: LMAO, the end thou XDDD it's really funny~ Nice story beib~ Upvote~
Chapter 1: Cute story~
charismavi #9
Chapter 1: Really screw loosen guy Cho Kyuhyun XD
Chapter 1: This is too cute!!! Omg!!!! I love it so much!!! Cute flustered yeye and stupid kyu XD